We Seem to Have a Huge Case of Right Wing Amnesia here at USMB

It is actually hard to blame Biden - Biden barely knows where he is most of the time.
Blame the Kenyan Muslim pulling the strings.
What Kenyan Muslim?
The thing is, Reagan did fuck up. His policies turned us from a creditor nation to a debtor nation. Set record deficits, paid Saddam Hussein, and what has eventually became Al Queada. So he is rightfully blamed. Hillary Clinton did not have anybody beleving squat. She was being villified by the right. And republican policies did cause the 2008 meltdown.
We've all heard this bullshit 1000 times.
Biden has had less than 10 months and has only proven what a disaster Trump really is. The Biden Economy started October 1st as the Trump Budget was in effect until September 30th. That's 34 days ago.

I don't think that even you could be that stupid.

Not that you wouldn't if you could.
I don't think that even you could be that stupid.

Not that you wouldn't if you could.

That's the only comeback you seem to have - to call me stupid, which of course, makes YOU look stupid. Why bother to call me names if you have nothing else? Oh yeah, because you're just that fucking dumb.

When you can't attack my posts, you attack me. Not one word on how Biden has only been President since January, and his first budget took effect October 1st.
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The thing is, Reagan did fuck up. His policies turned us from a creditor nation to a debtor nation. Set record deficits, paid Saddam Hussein, and what has eventually became Al Queada. So he is rightfully blamed. Hillary Clinton did not have anybody beleving squat. She was being villified by the right. And republican policies did cause the 2008 meltdown.
Hillary claimed it in the 90's and it was a big deal. Reagan didnt make us a debtor nation, we have been debtor nation since our inception. Coolidge was the last President to erase the debt and had us out of debt. Since then, every President has increased the countries debt. Also, the budget Reagan signed were all passed by Congress and the House was run by Democrats.

Thanks for showing us how you continue to blame the other guys, you proved my point.
Biden has had less than 10 months and has only proven what a disaster Trump really is. The Biden Economy started October 1st as the Trump Budget was in effect until September 30th. That's 34 days ago.
His proposed budget is a massive spending bill that wastes money. His border issues are a disaster that he still has no plan or solution. Afghanistan was a dismal failure. He has not United but further divided and believes his thoughts and authority should not be questioned. He needs a backbone.
No president miraculously turns around a bad situation in less than a month, and no president makes things great in 2-3 months. First off, the new president is dealing with the buget from the president before him. It took Obama 2-3 years to start seeing improvements. The Obama created economy was handed to trump and people who didn't want to give Obama credit for various reasons were quick to give trump credit for a miraculous turnaround he had nothing to do with.

In trumps last 2 years the economy was going down and we suffered from a manufacturing recession. This and the economic problems caused by COVID is what trump gave to Biden. Among other things.

‘A real mess’: Trump is leaving behind crises and undermining Biden before he takes office

When President-elect Joe Biden is sworn into office on Jan. 20, the list of crises he will face includes a massive cyber intrusion, a still-raging global pandemic, a slowing economic recovery and a lingering reckoning over the nation’s racial tensions.

President Trump is not making his job any easier and, in several ways, appears to be actively making it harder — going to extraordinary lengths to disrupt and undermine the traditional transition from one administration to another despite the nation’s many crises.

Trump has sought to play down or even deny the still-expanding cybersecurity breach that many experts blame on Russia, even as its impact has spread to a growing number of federal agencies. The delayed and turbulent transition process could complicate the Biden administration’s ability to address the challenge and shore up the nation’s cyberdefenses.

Remember those cyberattacks the trump faithful blamed on Biden? Remember when the cult members declared during their meeting how Putin ran Biden because he was "weak"? We haven't had a cyber attack for a while.

Trump left multiple messes for Biden to clean up

There are some who worship the ground Donald Trump walks on and support everything he has done, regardless of how ghastly. President Joe Biden, at the time of his inauguration, inherited a total mess.

When Trump took office on January 20, 2017, the national debt was $19.9 trillion, and when he left four years later, it was $27 trillion — and at the highest percentage of GDP since the end of World War II. And, Biden inherited the worst disease outbreak in over a century.

The Border Mess That Trump Left Behind

Reversing the previous administration's cruelties isn't the same as an unconditional welcome.

Trump left behind a sanctions minefield for Biden

Biden needs to clean up Trump's mess - opinion

The 46th president isn’t getting an inaugural parade of his own because his elephantine predecessor left such a giant muddle.

President Biden Cleans Up Vaccine Distribution Mess Trump Left Behind

Trump left behind a damaged government. Here’s what Biden faces as he rebuilds it.

Economic Mess Left Behind For Joe Biden

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The extraordinary economic mess Donald Trump is leaving behind for President-elect Joe Biden continues to grow as another 742,000 workers filed for unemployment last week. More than 6.3 million Americans remain without work as outgoing President Trump has effectively given up on containing the pandemic which has now claimed the lives of over 250,000 Americans. Yet Trump, his administration, and his Senate allies would rather deny reality and refuse aid to families in need. They are choosing to undermine national security and public health by withholding critical transition resources from the incoming Biden administration, and choosing to push economic recovery further off by holding up urgently needed relief for struggling workers, states, small businesses — the kind of real relief the U.S. House passed months ago.

You tell me were you in favor of these actions and statements from Obama that Biden re-instated after Trump reversed them?
For example Obama/Biden are all in favor of 34 million barrels of oil per month traveling in oil tankers on the open ocean versus
700 barrels traveling one mile in a pipeline on DRY land? You obviously don't know nor Obama/Biden the affect on Canada shipping plans to send this 34 million barrels a month to China via the oil tankers.
Or were you like Obama/Biden in favor of 1,400 companies going bankrupt, no longer paying $100 billion a year in taxes and putting 450,000 people out of work? Are you in favor of higher gas prices as Obama said and Biden is now forcing?
Are you like Obama/Biden against the USA being energy independent as it became under Trump for the first time in 62 years?
Oh and by the way were you aware that 94% of the jobs created under Obama were temporary jobs all due to Obamacare?
A new study by economists from Harvard and Princeton indicates that 94% of the 10 million new jobs created during the Obama era were temporary positions.
Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract By Investing.com
All FACTS...
Hillary claimed it in the 90's and it was a big deal. Reagan didnt make us a debtor nation, we have been debtor nation since our inception. Coolidge was the last President to erase the debt and had us out of debt. Since then, every President has increased the countries debt. Also, the budget Reagan signed were all passed by Congress and the House was run by Democrats.

Thanks for showing us how you continue to blame the other guys, you proved my point.
Reagan did make us a debtor nation and the right attacked Hillary Clinton for nearly a quarter century. We were a creditor nation when Reagan took over. On June 4, 1987 we became a debtor nation. Reagabs budget included reduced revenue due to his tax cuts. Stop blaming democrats because if a democrat hadc done whadt reagan did, you would not be making an excue about the congress. GW Bush had republcan majorities in both houses for 6 years and things crashed.
You tell me were you in favor of these actions and statements from Obama that Biden re-instated after Trump reversed them?
For example Obama/Biden are all in favor of 34 million barrels of oil per month traveling in oil tankers on the open ocean versus
700 barrels traveling one mile in a pipeline on DRY land? You obviously don't know nor Obama/Biden the affect on Canada shipping plans to send this 34 million barrels a month to China via the oil tankers.
Or were you like Obama/Biden in favor of 1,400 companies going bankrupt, no longer paying $100 billion a year in taxes and putting 450,000 people out of work? Are you in favor of higher gas prices as Obama said and Biden is now forcing?
Are you like Obama/Biden against the USA being energy independent as it became under Trump for the first time in 62 years?
Oh and by the way were you aware that 94% of the jobs created under Obama were temporary jobs all due to Obamacare?
A new study by economists from Harvard and Princeton indicates that 94% of the 10 million new jobs created during the Obama era were temporary positions.
Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract By Investing.com
All FACTS...
View attachment 560132
We had 10 years of consecutive job rowth and 95 percent of the jobs for 10 years were no part time. On top of that Obama handled 2 pandemics and the ecnomy did not stop. Most of what you say is untrue. We were energy independent during Obama and had one of the biggest oil booms of all time. So spare me the lies.
His proposed budget is a massive spending bill that wastes money. His border issues are a disaster that he still has no plan or solution. Afghanistan was a dismal failure. He has not United but further divided and believes his thoughts and authority should not be questioned. He needs a backbone.
Wrong on all counts. Biden inherited a huge mess from trump. Despite what you choose to believe, border crossings increased during trump and that's what Biden inherited. The man has only been president 9 months, let's talk when he starts his 3rd year.
Reagan did make us a debtor nation and the right attacked Hillary Clinton for nearly a quarter century. We were a creditor nation when Reagan took over. On June 4, 1987 we became a debtor nation. Reagabs budget included reduced revenue due to his tax cuts. Stop blaming democrats because if a democrat hadc done whadt reagan did, you would not be making an excue about the congress. GW Bush had republcan majorities in both houses for 6 years and things crashed.
I don’t blame just Democrats, the Republicans are equally responsible. As far as 08, there is enough blame for everyone, including every American.
Wrong on all counts. Biden inherited a huge mess from trump. Despite what you choose to believe, border crossings increased during trump and that's what Biden inherited. The man has only been president 9 months, let's talk when he starts his 3rd year.
Biden wanted the job, he knew the mess he was getting into. Border crossings peaked in 2018 and then started to ebb And I didn’t agree with Trump on the border crossing. They needed to take a select number an hour and they wait in Mexico until they are up.

I found it interesting that we closed the Canadian border but didn’t close the Mexican border. The issue is, their is a crisis at the border and Biden isn’t dealing with it, he avoids it and hope the American people accept it and it is no longer his problem.

During a crisis, Biden fades, that is not a good stance for a President. I hope he does better for the sake of our country but I hope the same Democrats will block the $3.5 trillion disaster.
No president miraculously turns around a bad situation in less than a month, and no president makes things great in 2-3 months. First off, the new president is dealing with the buget from the president before him. It took Obama 2-3 years to start seeing improvements. The Obama created economy was handed to trump and people who didn't want to give Obama credit for various reasons were quick to give trump credit for a miraculous turnaround he had nothing to do with.

In trumps last 2 years the economy was going down and we suffered from a manufacturing recession. This and the economic problems caused by COVID is what trump gave to Biden. Among other things.

‘A real mess’: Trump is leaving behind crises and undermining Biden before he takes office

When President-elect Joe Biden is sworn into office on Jan. 20, the list of crises he will face includes a massive cyber intrusion, a still-raging global pandemic, a slowing economic recovery and a lingering reckoning over the nation’s racial tensions.

President Trump is not making his job any easier and, in several ways, appears to be actively making it harder — going to extraordinary lengths to disrupt and undermine the traditional transition from one administration to another despite the nation’s many crises.

Trump has sought to play down or even deny the still-expanding cybersecurity breach that many experts blame on Russia, even as its impact has spread to a growing number of federal agencies. The delayed and turbulent transition process could complicate the Biden administration’s ability to address the challenge and shore up the nation’s cyberdefenses.

Remember those cyberattacks the trump faithful blamed on Biden? Remember when the cult members declared during their meeting how Putin ran Biden because he was "weak"? We haven't had a cyber attack for a while.

Trump left multiple messes for Biden to clean up

There are some who worship the ground Donald Trump walks on and support everything he has done, regardless of how ghastly. President Joe Biden, at the time of his inauguration, inherited a total mess.

When Trump took office on January 20, 2017, the national debt was $19.9 trillion, and when he left four years later, it was $27 trillion — and at the highest percentage of GDP since the end of World War II. And, Biden inherited the worst disease outbreak in over a century.

The Border Mess That Trump Left Behind

Reversing the previous administration's cruelties isn't the same as an unconditional welcome.

Trump left behind a sanctions minefield for Biden

Biden needs to clean up Trump's mess - opinion

The 46th president isn’t getting an inaugural parade of his own because his elephantine predecessor left such a giant muddle.

President Biden Cleans Up Vaccine Distribution Mess Trump Left Behind

Trump left behind a damaged government. Here’s what Biden faces as he rebuilds it.

Economic Mess Left Behind For Joe Biden

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The extraordinary economic mess Donald Trump is leaving behind for President-elect Joe Biden continues to grow as another 742,000 workers filed for unemployment last week. More than 6.3 million Americans remain without work as outgoing President Trump has effectively given up on containing the pandemic which has now claimed the lives of over 250,000 Americans. Yet Trump, his administration, and his Senate allies would rather deny reality and refuse aid to families in need. They are choosing to undermine national security and public health by withholding critical transition resources from the incoming Biden administration, and choosing to push economic recovery further off by holding up urgently needed relief for struggling workers, states, small businesses — the kind of real relief the U.S. House passed months ago.

The trump Nazis live in the same alternate reality today as they did when they were the simple-minded right-wing nuts before the arrival of their orange-tinted messiah. So the "history" they remember is the wild propaganda they hear repeatedly from FOX Noise and the others...

Facts and truth are foreign to the trump Nazis, and since 2015, have been pushed further and further from their fantasy world by the unending lies of their orange cult leader.

With the help of trumpublicans in red state legislatures and governors' mansions, coupled with the cooperation of Joe Manchin and the "moderate" congressional Democrats, the United States' democracy will soon fall to the trumpublicans' single party fascism.

And, while the 74 million trump Nazis are eager to see this transition, they fail to understand the true reality of what is to come. An example: those millions of trump Nazis' over sixty-five whose only income is provided by Social Security, they have failed to understand the federal "entitlement program" that keeps them fed and housed has long been on the GOP's list to be discontinued.

That burning hatred these millions-of-old-trump-Nazi-farts have for progressives will be all they have left, because there will no longer be anyone in Congress to fight to keep Social Security alive. The same goes for another trumpublican target... Medicare.

Enjoy being homeless elderly trump Nazis, it's the life you've chosen. And they won't be the only trump Nazis that have screwed themselves.

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