We Seem to Have a Huge Case of Right Wing Amnesia here at USMB

There was no such proven collusion. 2 Moderate democrats would not be a problem if 10 republicans voted yes. But republicans have been told to not vote for anything. Trump fucked up this countriy and that's the problem. This farce you raise about cities is a joke.

Evidence shows Barry was briefed by the FBI on Hillary's team's plants use Russian propaganda against Trump. After that tge Obama administration took over her plan - NSA, CIA, FBI - all of them participated in Barry's failedcoup attempt

Clapper was caught committing Perjury twice but protected against prosecution - time ran out

Brennan was caught illegally spying on Americans, media, CONGRESS, USSC, & Trump & his team.
- Feinstein exposed Brennan's cri.e of spying against Congresd - he had to admit it to Congress & promise not to do it again to avoid prison

Comey was exposed for leaking classified, he threw McCabe under the bus before Congress, testifying g McCabe leaked classified
- An FBI agent was arrested for making modifications TO FISA Court Documents to help start the coup off / help coup efforts

The FISA Court blew the FBI wide open, releasing its own investigation report probing the FBI has been DEFRAUDING THE FISA COURT & violating the Constitution and US laws by illegally spying on everyone - reporters, media, Congress, USSC, political candidates, and a newly elected President for over 20 YEARS.
- They showed this had gone on under FBI Direcyor Robert Mueller - Obama's Special Counsel in charge of his failed coup attempt, .ueller's protégé James Comey & was / is still going on under Wray.

FBI Agent Page, who is now helping and working with Durham, testified the FBI, under Comey's order, conducted its own investigation before Mueller was appointed Special Counsel, and that their internal investigation prove there was no Rusdoan Colusion and that Muellwef knew this from Day 1 after being appointed Special Counsel.

Barry and Coney used a Trump-hating foreign ex-spy who was working for and being paid by Hillary, Fusion GPS, Comey, and the Russians - he delivered the Russian Intel Service (RIS)-authored propaganda that Barry used as the entire foundation for his failed Coup attempt.

The FBI agent who altered the document was arrested/ went yo jail. Hillary's lawyer, Sussman, has been indicted. The word is McCabe will be indicted with more to follow.

Despite all the evidence that has come out, despite the Democrst crimes that have been exposed, you still cling to traitors' / false narrative-spreading Drmocrat & CNN / N Y Times debunked BS.

- FBI Agents Strzok and Page both flipped and are working for Durham.
We're coming out of a GLOBAL and national shut down.

Things ARE getting better...in spite of Republicans dragging their feet just like they did after the 2008 Recession
always the republicans, the demofks are pure gold. Can't make it up. you know what the republicans have no authority at this time, you can point and flail your fking finger around all you want, your demofks have all the power. All of it. But you keep giving them A+'s for the failures of the last 10 months. You're a gopher in a hole.
We are seeing the political cycle.

1) Republican gets voted out of office for fucking it up so bad.
2) Republicans complain Democrats aren't fixing what they fucked up fast enough.
3) When things turn around, Republicans start focusing on bullshit social issues to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests.
4) When all else fails, Cheat.

We are currently on Phase 2 of this cycle. But Republicans are already planning for phase 3, as they can't stop talking about the threat of Trannies (less than 1% of the population) and Critical Race Theory (Oh, the threat to our delicate feelings!)
We are seeing the political cycle.

1) Republican gets voted out of office for fucking it up so bad.
2) Republicans complain Democrats aren't fixing what they fucked up fast enough.
3) When things turn around, Republicans start focusing on bullshit social issues to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests.
4) When all else fails, Cheat.

We are currently on Phase 2 of this cycle. But Republicans are already planning for phase 3, as they can't stop talking about the threat of Trannies (less than 1% of the population) and Critical Race Theory (Oh, the threat to our delicate feelings!)
1. nope
2. nope
3. nope
4. nope

IM2 I see you have posted over 50,000 messages in over 6 years on the board. I wonder if you have ever posted a SINGLE POST that didn't have to do with your hatred of White people or Racism in general. :dunno:
I have no posts where I say I hate white people. And as long as racism affects blacks and other people of color, I will post about it. There are over 1 million threads in here by whites that are virulently anti black racism. You say nothing to whites here who consistently do that. So until you can stfu whining to me about posting anti white racism posts.
Amnesia? What do you call it when the crazy angry left forgets that Biden is president?
Just remember. If Biden hadn’t inherited such a mess he wouldn’t have so much to fix.
We are seeing the political cycle.

1) Republican gets voted out of office for fucking it up so bad.
2) Republicans complain Democrats aren't fixing what they fucked up fast enough.
3) When things turn around, Republicans start focusing on bullshit social issues to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests.
4) When all else fails, Cheat.

We are currently on Phase 2 of this cycle. But Republicans are already planning for phase 3, as they can't stop talking about the threat of Trannies (less than 1% of the population) and Critical Race Theory (Oh, the threat to our delicate feelings!)
Exactly. Bush f’d everything up and Obama fixed what he could. Trump f’d up more in 4 years than Bush did in 8 and now hopefully Biden cleans it up.
  • Thanks
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Amnesia? What do you call it when the crazy angry left forgets that Biden is president?
Since Biden has not been in office for a year and he inherited a huge mess from the last guy, I say that:
We Seem to Have a Huge Case of Right Wing Amnesia here at USMB
Just remember. If Biden hadn’t inherited such a mess he wouldn’t have so much to fix.
Yep. Like Obama before him.

But the Democrats are doing pretty much everything they can to shoot themselves in the foot now, too.

Back and forth, back and forth. I don't know how we haven't yet learned that the parties have to work together.
Yep. Like Obama before him.

But the Democrats are doing pretty much everything they can to shoot themselves in the foot now, too.

Back and forth, back and forth. I don't know how we haven't yet learned that the parties have to work together.
Ya isn't it funny that the ONLY time democrats claim they wanna work with republicans is when they want to pass shit offensive to republicans in general.
This time in 2008, just before Obama was elected, USA National Debt was $ 10.791 trillion and growing;
This time in 2016 just before Trump was elected, the National Debt was $ 20.041 trillion and growing;
By the time Trump took office in January 2021 Obummer has nearly doubled the Nation's Debt in just eight years and also left a bit of a mess.

Though to be honest, no POTUS is a dictator whom has control of everything in our society and economy so often are just trying to work with things they often have little influence upon or control over.

Now if, as you claim in your OP, the National Debt was at $27 trillion when Trump left and Biden stepped in, it is now at $28.906 trillion and growing;
...and as we see, "Quid-pro-Quo~Groper/Molester" Joe has managed to add nearly $2 trillion in Debt in his first nine months.

Guess by the standards of you wealth redistribution, need more bigger and powerful guv'mint, Leftists, than ole Jo is doing a bang up job ~ of bringing America down. Especially with his open borders letting in hordes of illegal aliens.
So Trump added $7 trillion in just 4 years and you whine about others debt?
From $20,244,900,016,053.50 to $27,052,190,118,519.27

The king of debt claimed.
Trump the Republican presidential front-runner said in a wide-ranging interview with The Washington Post that he’d be able to get rid of the more than $19 trillion debt “over a period of eight years.”

Reagan nearly tripled the debt.
From $997,855,000,000.00 to $2,857,430,960,187.32

George W. doubled the debt.
From $5,807,463,412,200.06 to $11,909,829,003,511.70

'By the time Trump took office in January 2021 Obummer has nearly doubled the Nation's Debt in just eight years and also left a bit of a mess'.

You're FOS.
Trump was handed a good economy.

Obama added just $2 trillion a year to the debt.
From $11,909,829,003,511.70 to $20,244,900,016,053.50
An easy prediction. The TRUMP! effect will last precisely as long as there are still economic problems. Miraculously, the day there is good economic news of any kind, it will become Quid Pro Joe's, according to the usual suspects. It's just how they roll.
trump was in office 4 years, Biden 9 months, so it is apparent that some of these problems are due to trump.
trump was in office 4 years, Biden 9 months, so it is apparent that some of these problems are due to trump.
I'm just wondering when we're supposed to call it Quid Pro's economy. It took years before we were allowed to call it Obama's economy, and normally it takes good economic news before we're allowed to say it belongs to a democrat.
That goes both ways. And that's the problem.

If you honestly looked at the republican agenda, it's not good. That's the problem with this both sides stuff. Giving mre money to the rich, reducing voter participation, workers rights, school lunch reductions, cutting meals on wheels, These are part of the republican agenda.
I'm just wondering when we're supposed to call it Quid Pro's economy. It took years before we were allowed to call it Obama's economy, and normally it takes good economic news before we're allowed to say it belongs to a democrat.
In a year. It takes about 2 yeasrs. The fiscal year just began. Until Oct 1, we were on the trump bydget. Secondly biden was handed a load of shit and people such as yourself are trying to blame him for not fixing this mess fast enough. Then you have on party refusing to govern and 2 members of your own party acting like idiots because they are prostitutes to special interests.

Obama was never given credit for what he did and trump was given credit for obamas work. The last 2 years when trumps policies sytarted takng effect, things began to falter. Before the pandemic the economy was beginning to falter and trumps mismanagement of the pandemic crippled the economy even more.

Not to mention that most executive department agencies were vastly understaffed by trump.

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