We Seem to Have a Huge Case of Right Wing Amnesia here at USMB

No president miraculously turns around a bad situation in less than a month, and no president makes things great in 2-3 months. First off, the new president is dealing with the buget from the president before him. It took Obama 2-3 years to start seeing improvements. The Obama created economy was handed to trump and people who didn't want to give Obama credit for various reasons were quick to give trump credit for a miraculous turnaround he had nothing to do with.

In trumps last 2 years the economy was going down and we suffered from a manufacturing recession. This and the economic problems caused by COVID is what trump gave to Biden. Among other things.

‘A real mess’: Trump is leaving behind crises and undermining Biden before he takes office

When President-elect Joe Biden is sworn into office on Jan. 20, the list of crises he will face includes a massive cyber intrusion, a still-raging global pandemic, a slowing economic recovery and a lingering reckoning over the nation’s racial tensions.

President Trump is not making his job any easier and, in several ways, appears to be actively making it harder — going to extraordinary lengths to disrupt and undermine the traditional transition from one administration to another despite the nation’s many crises.

Trump has sought to play down or even deny the still-expanding cybersecurity breach that many experts blame on Russia, even as its impact has spread to a growing number of federal agencies. The delayed and turbulent transition process could complicate the Biden administration’s ability to address the challenge and shore up the nation’s cyberdefenses.

Remember those cyberattacks the trump faithful blamed on Biden? Remember when the cult members declared during their meeting how Putin ran Biden because he was "weak"? We haven't had a cyber attack for a while.

Trump left multiple messes for Biden to clean up

There are some who worship the ground Donald Trump walks on and support everything he has done, regardless of how ghastly. President Joe Biden, at the time of his inauguration, inherited a total mess.

When Trump took office on January 20, 2017, the national debt was $19.9 trillion, and when he left four years later, it was $27 trillion — and at the highest percentage of GDP since the end of World War II. And, Biden inherited the worst disease outbreak in over a century.

The Border Mess That Trump Left Behind

Reversing the previous administration's cruelties isn't the same as an unconditional welcome.

Trump left behind a sanctions minefield for Biden

Biden needs to clean up Trump's mess - opinion

The 46th president isn’t getting an inaugural parade of his own because his elephantine predecessor left such a giant muddle.

President Biden Cleans Up Vaccine Distribution Mess Trump Left Behind

Trump left behind a damaged government. Here’s what Biden faces as he rebuilds it.

Economic Mess Left Behind For Joe Biden

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The extraordinary economic mess Donald Trump is leaving behind for President-elect Joe Biden continues to grow as another 742,000 workers filed for unemployment last week. More than 6.3 million Americans remain without work as outgoing President Trump has effectively given up on containing the pandemic which has now claimed the lives of over 250,000 Americans. Yet Trump, his administration, and his Senate allies would rather deny reality and refuse aid to families in need. They are choosing to undermine national security and public health by withholding critical transition resources from the incoming Biden administration, and choosing to push economic recovery further off by holding up urgently needed relief for struggling workers, states, small businesses — the kind of real relief the U.S. House passed months ago.

Let's go Brandon

Country need more Rand Paul's, and patriots

She's whacky but she ain't wrong

More of these ....yes
Why not ?look at what voting for establishment retards have gotten yas..

And Americans forget we're not supposed to have leaders only representatives
LMAO a Biden excuse thread by Dems I love these. :auiqs.jpg: The OP doesn't explain why DEMS and the liberal news media are worried about Biden's dismal performance now does it. It doesn't explain why THEY are complaining about Biden not getting out there and selling the $3.5T bill does it. It doesn't explain why THEY are upset Biden refuses to take questions from the liberal news media now does it.

This OP is laughable. :auiqs.jpg:
Biden's had almost a year and only proven how much he sucks. Crying and whining about Trump won't fix that. Keep crying.

Just admit it. Trump was a colossal failure and set the country back 20 years.
He divided the country like no other potus. Look at the venom and bile the repigs throw at democrats and you a classic example.
But the strange you w want Biden to fix the problems, that your POTUS created and simultaneously preparing for his return.
How does out to putting him there again cure the problems? You don't think real straight.
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Facts are not excuses. You guys blamed Obama or Hillary for every trump fuck up for 4 years. So you know what you can do with your comment.
Lib please your own party is pulling its hair out over Biden's incompetence. Our allies are condemning his actions. Foreign news agencies mock Biden. :eusa_hand:
Your post is stupid and a lie. If you are going to troll Trump put some effort into it at least.

Coming from an intellectual mountain like you, is like getting savaged by a dead sheep. If he was so good republicans would not have changed to vote him out.
Think about that dopey.
Just admit it. Trump was a colossal failure and set the country back 20 years.
He divided the country like no other potus. Look at the venom and bile the repigs throw at democrats and you a classic example.
But the strange you w want Biden to fix the problems, that your POTUS created and simultaneously preparing for his return.
How does out to putting him there again cure the problems? You don't think real straight.
LOL you JUST spent 5 years calling Trump every name in the book to include Nazi and YOU claim we spewed bile and venom? Fuck off you retard.
Don't know why you're trying to convince us. Seems there's a whole lot of Americans out there who don't like him you should go convince right?
No president miraculously turns around a bad situation in less than a month, and no president makes things great in 2-3 months. First off, the new president is dealing with the buget from the president before him. It took Obama 2-3 years to start seeing improvements. The Obama created economy was handed to trump and people who didn't want to give Obama credit for various reasons were quick to give trump credit for a miraculous turnaround he had nothing to do with.

In trumps last 2 years the economy was going down and we suffered from a manufacturing recession. This and the economic problems caused by COVID is what trump gave to Biden. Among other things.

‘A real mess’: Trump is leaving behind crises and undermining Biden before he takes office

When President-elect Joe Biden is sworn into office on Jan. 20, the list of crises he will face includes a massive cyber intrusion, a still-raging global pandemic, a slowing economic recovery and a lingering reckoning over the nation’s racial tensions.

President Trump is not making his job any easier and, in several ways, appears to be actively making it harder — going to extraordinary lengths to disrupt and undermine the traditional transition from one administration to another despite the nation’s many crises.

Trump has sought to play down or even deny the still-expanding cybersecurity breach that many experts blame on Russia, even as its impact has spread to a growing number of federal agencies. The delayed and turbulent transition process could complicate the Biden administration’s ability to address the challenge and shore up the nation’s cyberdefenses.

Remember those cyberattacks the trump faithful blamed on Biden? Remember when the cult members declared during their meeting how Putin ran Biden because he was "weak"? We haven't had a cyber attack for a while.

Trump left multiple messes for Biden to clean up

There are some who worship the ground Donald Trump walks on and support everything he has done, regardless of how ghastly. President Joe Biden, at the time of his inauguration, inherited a total mess.

When Trump took office on January 20, 2017, the national debt was $19.9 trillion, and when he left four years later, it was $27 trillion — and at the highest percentage of GDP since the end of World War II. And, Biden inherited the worst disease outbreak in over a century.

The Border Mess That Trump Left Behind

Reversing the previous administration's cruelties isn't the same as an unconditional welcome.

Trump left behind a sanctions minefield for Biden

Biden needs to clean up Trump's mess - opinion

The 46th president isn’t getting an inaugural parade of his own because his elephantine predecessor left such a giant muddle.

President Biden Cleans Up Vaccine Distribution Mess Trump Left Behind

Trump left behind a damaged government. Here’s what Biden faces as he rebuilds it.

Economic Mess Left Behind For Joe Biden

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The extraordinary economic mess Donald Trump is leaving behind for President-elect Joe Biden continues to grow as another 742,000 workers filed for unemployment last week. More than 6.3 million Americans remain without work as outgoing President Trump has effectively given up on containing the pandemic which has now claimed the lives of over 250,000 Americans. Yet Trump, his administration, and his Senate allies would rather deny reality and refuse aid to families in need. They are choosing to undermine national security and public health by withholding critical transition resources from the incoming Biden administration, and choosing to push economic recovery further off by holding up urgently needed relief for struggling workers, states, small businesses — the kind of real relief the U.S. House passed months ago.

I think you republicans are counting chickens early. Your party has done nothing but Obstruct. They have presentedc no policies. So you might want to think about this reality.
so you are thinking demofks are conceding points presented by the republicans? haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaha
Facts are not excuses. You guys blamed Obama or Hillary for every trump fuck up for 4 years. So you know what you can do with your comment.
but first you have to find the facts.
No president miraculously turns around a bad situation in less than a month, and no president makes things great in 2-3 months. First off, the new president is dealing with the buget from the president before him. It took Obama 2-3 years to start seeing improvements. The Obama created economy was handed to trump and people who didn't want to give Obama credit for various reasons were quick to give trump credit for a miraculous turnaround he had nothing to do with.

In trumps last 2 years the economy was going down and we suffered from a manufacturing recession. This and the economic problems caused by COVID is what trump gave to Biden. Among other things.

‘A real mess’: Trump is leaving behind crises and undermining Biden before he takes office

When President-elect Joe Biden is sworn into office on Jan. 20, the list of crises he will face includes a massive cyber intrusion, a still-raging global pandemic, a slowing economic recovery and a lingering reckoning over the nation’s racial tensions.

President Trump is not making his job any easier and, in several ways, appears to be actively making it harder — going to extraordinary lengths to disrupt and undermine the traditional transition from one administration to another despite the nation’s many crises.

Trump has sought to play down or even deny the still-expanding cybersecurity breach that many experts blame on Russia, even as its impact has spread to a growing number of federal agencies. The delayed and turbulent transition process could complicate the Biden administration’s ability to address the challenge and shore up the nation’s cyberdefenses.

Remember those cyberattacks the trump faithful blamed on Biden? Remember when the cult members declared during their meeting how Putin ran Biden because he was "weak"? We haven't had a cyber attack for a while.

Trump left multiple messes for Biden to clean up

There are some who worship the ground Donald Trump walks on and support everything he has done, regardless of how ghastly. President Joe Biden, at the time of his inauguration, inherited a total mess.

When Trump took office on January 20, 2017, the national debt was $19.9 trillion, and when he left four years later, it was $27 trillion — and at the highest percentage of GDP since the end of World War II. And, Biden inherited the worst disease outbreak in over a century.

The Border Mess That Trump Left Behind

Reversing the previous administration's cruelties isn't the same as an unconditional welcome.

Trump left behind a sanctions minefield for Biden

Biden needs to clean up Trump's mess - opinion

The 46th president isn’t getting an inaugural parade of his own because his elephantine predecessor left such a giant muddle.

President Biden Cleans Up Vaccine Distribution Mess Trump Left Behind

Trump left behind a damaged government. Here’s what Biden faces as he rebuilds it.

Economic Mess Left Behind For Joe Biden

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The extraordinary economic mess Donald Trump is leaving behind for President-elect Joe Biden continues to grow as another 742,000 workers filed for unemployment last week. More than 6.3 million Americans remain without work as outgoing President Trump has effectively given up on containing the pandemic which has now claimed the lives of over 250,000 Americans. Yet Trump, his administration, and his Senate allies would rather deny reality and refuse aid to families in need. They are choosing to undermine national security and public health by withholding critical transition resources from the incoming Biden administration, and choosing to push economic recovery further off by holding up urgently needed relief for struggling workers, states, small businesses — the kind of real relief the U.S. House passed months ago.

You fail to mention that the Arab son fronting as a black, Obama, and his Washington fungal-growth crony, Biden, funded Duke NUS Singapore. If you don’t know why that should matter, you likely don’t have a clue about Chinese communist connections to that funding or the economic targets that would be effected once the communist virus was released across the world. To gain a smidgen of thread credibility, suggested reviews of the literature would include the Hong Kong flu of 1968.
We're coming out of a GLOBAL and national shut down.

Things ARE getting better...in spite of Republicans dragging their feet just like they did after the 2008 Recession
If Nixon's GOP had a Faux News, they never would had demanded he resign.

Not thrilled with Biden, but absolutely not missing Trump​

These two focus groups consisted of all Biden voters, but overwhelmingly they still consider themselves Republicans. They haven't yet left the party, even though they're disillusioned by Trump's ongoing presence and the control he still holds.

In contrast to the majority of Republicans responding to polls, none of these voters falsely believes the 2020 election was stolen.

None said they regret their 2020 vote. And while they may be disappointed in Biden, they absolutely rule out voting for Trump if he runs for president again.
If Nixon's GOP had a Faux News, they never would had demanded he resign.

Not thrilled with Biden, but absolutely not missing Trump​

These two focus groups consisted of all Biden voters, but overwhelmingly they still consider themselves Republicans. They haven't yet left the party, even though they're disillusioned by Trump's ongoing presence and the control he still holds.

In contrast to the majority of Republicans responding to polls, none of these voters falsely believes the 2020 election was stolen.

None said they regret their 2020 vote. And while they may be disappointed in Biden, they absolutely rule out voting for Trump if he runs for president again.

right......because ONE media outlet in a SEA of liberalism changes everything!!!!!


If it weren't for CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, Facebook, Twitter, and im sure others im failing to mention Biden would never have been elected!!!
No president miraculously turns around a bad situation in less than a month, and no president makes things great in 2-3 months. First off, the new president is dealing with the buget from the president before him. It took Obama 2-3 years to start seeing improvements. The Obama created economy was handed to trump and people who didn't want to give Obama credit for various reasons were quick to give trump credit for a miraculous turnaround he had nothing to do with.

In trumps last 2 years the economy was going down and we suffered from a manufacturing recession. This and the economic problems caused by COVID is what trump gave to Biden. Among other things.

‘A real mess’: Trump is leaving behind crises and undermining Biden before he takes office

When President-elect Joe Biden is sworn into office on Jan. 20, the list of crises he will face includes a massive cyber intrusion, a still-raging global pandemic, a slowing economic recovery and a lingering reckoning over the nation’s racial tensions.

President Trump is not making his job any easier and, in several ways, appears to be actively making it harder — going to extraordinary lengths to disrupt and undermine the traditional transition from one administration to another despite the nation’s many crises.

Trump has sought to play down or even deny the still-expanding cybersecurity breach that many experts blame on Russia, even as its impact has spread to a growing number of federal agencies. The delayed and turbulent transition process could complicate the Biden administration’s ability to address the challenge and shore up the nation’s cyberdefenses.

Remember those cyberattacks the trump faithful blamed on Biden? Remember when the cult members declared during their meeting how Putin ran Biden because he was "weak"? We haven't had a cyber attack for a while.

Trump left multiple messes for Biden to clean up

There are some who worship the ground Donald Trump walks on and support everything he has done, regardless of how ghastly. President Joe Biden, at the time of his inauguration, inherited a total mess.

When Trump took office on January 20, 2017, the national debt was $19.9 trillion, and when he left four years later, it was $27 trillion — and at the highest percentage of GDP since the end of World War II. And, Biden inherited the worst disease outbreak in over a century.

The Border Mess That Trump Left Behind

Reversing the previous administration's cruelties isn't the same as an unconditional welcome.

Trump left behind a sanctions minefield for Biden

Biden needs to clean up Trump's mess - opinion

The 46th president isn’t getting an inaugural parade of his own because his elephantine predecessor left such a giant muddle.

President Biden Cleans Up Vaccine Distribution Mess Trump Left Behind

Trump left behind a damaged government. Here’s what Biden faces as he rebuilds it.

Economic Mess Left Behind For Joe Biden

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The extraordinary economic mess Donald Trump is leaving behind for President-elect Joe Biden continues to grow as another 742,000 workers filed for unemployment last week. More than 6.3 million Americans remain without work as outgoing President Trump has effectively given up on containing the pandemic which has now claimed the lives of over 250,000 Americans. Yet Trump, his administration, and his Senate allies would rather deny reality and refuse aid to families in need. They are choosing to undermine national security and public health by withholding critical transition resources from the incoming Biden administration, and choosing to push economic recovery further off by holding up urgently needed relief for struggling workers, states, small businesses — the kind of real relief the U.S. House passed months ago.

Put thousands of Americans out of work in his 1st 48hrs in office

Destroyed our Energy Independence
- Shut down the pipeline, ended fracking / drilling, & told fossil fuel industries he was going to shut them down

Destroyed / bankrupted over 50% of minority-owned small businesses with mandates

Pouring money into Americans' pockets basically amounted to paying people NOT to work

Self-Inflicted Supply Chain wound

Biden's UN-CONSTITUTIONAL, ILEGAL VACCINE MANDATE - in the middle of growing inflation, higher prices, the supply chain crisis, put even MORE thousands of Americans - many in critical positions / jobs - out of work, further hurting the economy.

Growing Inflation

Declining monthly job growth

Rising gas prices, food prices, goods shortages...

When asked what he could do to to help lower the price of gas, Biden responded by, 'I got nothin''....


You fail to mention that the Arab son fronting as a black, Obama, and his Washington fungal-growth crony, Biden, funded Duke NUS Singapore. If you don’t know why that should matter, you likely don’t have a clue about Chinese communist connections to that funding or the economic targets that would be effected once the communist virus was released across the world. To gain a smidgen of thread credibility, suggested reviews of the literature would include the Hong Kong flu of 1968.
There was no Arab fronting as a black man. That ignorant comment disqualifies you from serious discussion.

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