We Seriously Need an Article Five Constitutional Amendment Convention


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Recent rulings by the Supreme Court basically exemplifies why an Article 5 convention is required to put things back into good order.

We have so many bad court decisions to reverse and the Article 5 convention is the only way to do it.

Federalist Society on Article Five Convention Status

Congress may face this issue very soon. At least 27 state legislatures have valid applications outstanding for a convention to propose a balanced budget amendment (BBA). At least six states without BBA applications have outstanding applications calling for a plenary convention. Thus, if aggregation is called for, 33 of the 34 applications needed for Congress to call a convention likely exist.
After consideration of the language of Article V, case law, historical practice, and other factors, this paper concludes that Congress should add existing plenary applications to the BBA total, and that it should call a BBA convention if and when the aggregated total reaches 34.

So if Trump has a landslide win and the GOP regains the House, maintains the Senate and picks up a majority in a state that has not yet called for an article Five Convention, only one more state is needed to call the convention if a sympathetic Republican House rules in favor of aggregating the BBA applications with the 'plenary' 'blank check' applications and have an instant super majority of states in favor.

So next year could be the beginning of addressing a huge number of egregious SCOTUS ruling, two of which have come in the last two weeks alone.
I'd swear to God someone has a picture of Chief Judge Roberts at Epstein island.
No, it was Obama sycophant John Brennan who successfully blackmailed Roberts into rewriting Obamacare as a tax, he did this by revealing some to this day unknown secrets about Roberts and his adoptive kids! Obama didn't stop at blackmailing Roberts, he also had Antonin Scalia murdered, which is of course immediately attacked as "conspiracy theory" by the democratic fascist trolls, which taking all we now know about what it was Obama was really doing(spying on the high court, a presidential campaign, and a sitting president)is ludicrous on its face, meaning of course the smear that Scalias murder was anything but a murder!
If Congress had the political will to allow an Article 5 convention ... they'd have the political will to just send Amendments to the States on their own ... and if they had the political will to send Amendments to the States over DACA ... they'd have the political will to just bring the fool thing up for a vote and send it to the President ... add $20 billion in border wall funding and The Donald will walk over to Capitol Hill to sign it this minute ...

Congress ain't going to do anything that takes away their 5 day weekends ... work is for losers, Congress is for partying ...
Recent rulings by the Supreme Court basically exemplifies why an Article 5 convention is required to put things back into good order.

We have so many bad court decisions to reverse and the Article 5 convention is the only way to do it.

Federalist Society on Article Five Convention Status

Congress may face this issue very soon. At least 27 state legislatures have valid applications outstanding for a convention to propose a balanced budget amendment (BBA). At least six states without BBA applications have outstanding applications calling for a plenary convention. Thus, if aggregation is called for, 33 of the 34 applications needed for Congress to call a convention likely exist.
After consideration of the language of Article V, case law, historical practice, and other factors, this paper concludes that Congress should add existing plenary applications to the BBA total, and that it should call a BBA convention if and when the aggregated total reaches 34.

So if Trump has a landslide win and the GOP regains the House, maintains the Senate and picks up a majority in a state that has not yet called for an article Five Convention, only one more state is needed to call the convention if a sympathetic Republican House rules in favor of aggregating the BBA applications with the 'plenary' 'blank check' applications and have an instant super majority of states in favor.

So next year could be the beginning of addressing a huge number of egregious SCOTUS ruling, two of which have come in the last two weeks alone.

You are ruled by the Supreme Court. We can hope for better overlords as Trump keeps appointing judges but it doesnt negate the fact that you are ruled by, as Michael Lind put it, "overclass libertarians in robes." It insulates the ruling elites from the problems of democracy. They will allow certain expressions of self government so as to keep the charade up but they step in when it looks like the ruling class may be in danger of losing control.

And judges do come completely from the ruling class. From the "cathedral" of the Ivy League. Justice Scalia gave a scathing description of this class from his seat on the inside when the Supreme Court once again crushed self government in order to promulgate homosexual marriage against the wishes of the American people.

" I write separately to call attention to this Court’s threat to American democracy...my Ruler, and the Ruler of 320 million Americans coast-to-coast, is a majority of the nine lawyers on the Supreme Court...Take, for example, this Court, which consists of only nine men and women, all of them successful lawyers who studied at Harvard or Yale Law School. Four of the nine are natives of New York City. Eight of them grew up in east- and west-coast States. Only one hails from the vast expanse in-between. Not a single Southwesterner or even, to tell the truth, a genuine Westerner (California does not count). Not a single evangelical Christian (a group that comprises about one quarter of Americans), or even a Protestant of any denomination. The strikingly unrepresentative character of the body..."
SCJ Scalia
Recent rulings by the Supreme Court basically exemplifies why an Article 5 convention is required to put things back into good order.

We have so many bad court decisions to reverse and the Article 5 convention is the only way to do it.

Federalist Society on Article Five Convention Status

Congress may face this issue very soon. At least 27 state legislatures have valid applications outstanding for a convention to propose a balanced budget amendment (BBA). At least six states without BBA applications have outstanding applications calling for a plenary convention. Thus, if aggregation is called for, 33 of the 34 applications needed for Congress to call a convention likely exist.
After consideration of the language of Article V, case law, historical practice, and other factors, this paper concludes that Congress should add existing plenary applications to the BBA total, and that it should call a BBA convention if and when the aggregated total reaches 34.

So if Trump has a landslide win and the GOP regains the House, maintains the Senate and picks up a majority in a state that has not yet called for an article Five Convention, only one more state is needed to call the convention if a sympathetic Republican House rules in favor of aggregating the BBA applications with the 'plenary' 'blank check' applications and have an instant super majority of states in favor.

So next year could be the beginning of addressing a huge number of egregious SCOTUS ruling, two of which have come in the last two weeks alone.

And I will say this...a Constitutional Convention cannot be limited or controlled. It can do as it pleases and you know very well the left will seize control of it.
So if Trump has a landslide win

And if my aunt had a beard, she'd be my uncle.

What's more likely is a big Democratic win. Then the Democratic congress proposes a few more constitutional amendments and sends them to the states. They won't be ratified by enough states, but the optics will be good for the Democrats.
Or based on Previous Bad Picks by Republican Presidents -

He simply is not as advertised.

For some reason the Democrats literally never have that problem.
Democrats are fixed on their version of America and never waiver. At any rate Roberts was a George Bush pick....
one globalist selecting another.
The media has promoted this rock ribbed conservative version of Roberts in order to make sure his selection was secured, just the way they fictionalized Robert Mueller as this ex Marine, square shooting, fair minded inquisitor when that was anything but true.

The media lied again and the right got the Charlie Brown treatment.
Recent rulings by the Supreme Court basically exemplifies why an Article 5 convention is required to put things back into good order.

We have so many bad court decisions to reverse and the Article 5 convention is the only way to do it.

Federalist Society on Article Five Convention Status

Congress may face this issue very soon. At least 27 state legislatures have valid applications outstanding for a convention to propose a balanced budget amendment (BBA). At least six states without BBA applications have outstanding applications calling for a plenary convention. Thus, if aggregation is called for, 33 of the 34 applications needed for Congress to call a convention likely exist.
After consideration of the language of Article V, case law, historical practice, and other factors, this paper concludes that Congress should add existing plenary applications to the BBA total, and that it should call a BBA convention if and when the aggregated total reaches 34.

So if Trump has a landslide win and the GOP regains the House, maintains the Senate and picks up a majority in a state that has not yet called for an article Five Convention, only one more state is needed to call the convention if a sympathetic Republican House rules in favor of aggregating the BBA applications with the 'plenary' 'blank check' applications and have an instant super majority of states in favor.

So next year could be the beginning of addressing a huge number of egregious SCOTUS ruling, two of which have come in the last two weeks alone.
Balancing the budget today may cause a lot of pain.
That Goddamn mother fucking Roberts again !

You know what is the fucking use in electing a Republican president, when our nominees turn out to be back-stabbing bastards ?
LEFTIST ACTIVIST Chief Justice Robbers just cast the swing vote that not only makes DACA - an edict issued by Obama, never authored or passed by Congress - the law of the land but also set the precedence to allow the Executive Branch to by-pass Congress to create / impose laws.


Barry declared if Congress did not act to pass this law he would do so himself. Roberts just helped Barry officially get awAy with it.

I'd swear to God someone has a picture of Chief Judge Roberts at Epstein island.

Or based on Previous Bad Picks by Republican Presidents -

He simply is not as advertised.

For some reason the Democrats literally never have that problem.
No, you are wrong in that, Roberts was as advertised, one reason his handler, Obama, cannot rely on him(at least at this moment in time)to specifically undo Heller, is because Roberts came in on the right side of heller, and voted in favor of the original intent of the 2nd amendment! Thus, Roberts treachery would be instantly revealed to the entire nartion if he were to suddenly just reverse his course, which BTW he just did do in large part, this last week by siding with the radical leftist activist side of the court in allowing naked lower court infringements to stand by refusing to hear the cases, and thus thrusting open wide the doors for the repeal of Heller! See how treason works? No, Roberts was successfully blackmailed prior to the release of the original Obamacare smackdown in which he had authored the smackdown of Obamacare himself!

We know he was turned because Antonin Scalia issued a scathing dissenting opinion calling him out, wherein he savaged the middle school quality of the rewrite of it into a tax just 30-days out from release of the decision, a decision which had actually long since been decided months previously! The rest is history, Roberts takes his marching orders from Obama, who succeeded in blackmailing him! This is irrefutable, we now know that Obama was spying on everyone via totally corrupted NSA & CIA mechanisms, and that Obama had greatly expanded the National Security Council, filling it with subversive leftist radicals like the infamous Col Vinndeman. Obama and the democratic fascist party control the United States to this very moment, we are their serfs!
Recent rulings by the Supreme Court basically exemplifies why an Article 5 convention is required to put things back into good order.

I dare say, the outcome of convention under Article V, may, and probably would, make all those things legal, which we know are not legal under our existing Constitution.

I agree with James Madison’s warning and reasons against calling a convention under Article V:

”… an election into it would be courted by the most violent partizans on both sides; it wd. probably consist of the most heterogeneous characters; would be the very focus of that flame which has already too much heated men of all parties; would no doubt contain individuals of insidious views, who under the mask of seeking alterations popular in some parts but inadmissible in other parts of the Union might have a dangerous opportunity of sapping the very foundations of the fabric.” See: From James Madison to George Lee Turberville, 2 November 1788


Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Warren Burger wrote in 1988, “I have also repeatedly given my opinion that there is no effective way to limit or muzzle the actions of a Constitutional Convention. The Convention could make its own rules and set its own agenda. Congress might try to limit the Convention to one amendment or to one issue, but there is no way to assure that the Convention would obey. After a Convention is convened, it will be too late to stop the Convention if we don’t like the agenda. The meeting in 1787 ignored the limit placed by the Confederation Congress ‘for the sole and express purpose.’ “
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Recent rulings by the Supreme Court basically exemplifies why an Article 5 convention is required to put things back into good order.

We have so many bad court decisions to reverse and the Article 5 convention is the only way to do it.

Federalist Society on Article Five Convention Status

Congress may face this issue very soon. At least 27 state legislatures have valid applications outstanding for a convention to propose a balanced budget amendment (BBA). At least six states without BBA applications have outstanding applications calling for a plenary convention. Thus, if aggregation is called for, 33 of the 34 applications needed for Congress to call a convention likely exist.
After consideration of the language of Article V, case law, historical practice, and other factors, this paper concludes that Congress should add existing plenary applications to the BBA total, and that it should call a BBA convention if and when the aggregated total reaches 34.

So if Trump has a landslide win and the GOP regains the House, maintains the Senate and picks up a majority in a state that has not yet called for an article Five Convention, only one more state is needed to call the convention if a sympathetic Republican House rules in favor of aggregating the BBA applications with the 'plenary' 'blank check' applications and have an instant super majority of states in favor.

So next year could be the beginning of addressing a huge number of egregious SCOTUS ruling, two of which have come in the last two weeks alone.

Trump is going to lose. Republicans will lose the Senate. The House will remain in Democrat hands. Republicans will lose legislative seats.
Recent rulings by the Supreme Court basically exemplifies why an Article 5 convention is required to put things back into good order.

I dare say, the outcome of convention under Article V, may, and probably would, make all those things legal, which we know are not legal under our existing Constitution.

I agree with James Madison’s warning and reasons against calling a convention under Article V:

”… an election into it would be courted by the most violent partizans on both sides; it wd. probably consist of the most heterogeneous characters; would be the very focus of that flame which has already too much heated men of all parties; would no doubt contain individuals of insidious views, who under the mask of seeking alterations popular in some parts but inadmissible in other parts of the Union might have a dangerous opportunity of sapping the very foundations of the fabric.” See: From James Madison to George Lee Turberville, 2 November 1788

You're getting the violence no matter what, you may as well have what you want, and what was originally promised too!
Or based on Previous Bad Picks by Republican Presidents -

He simply is not as advertised.

For some reason the Democrats literally never have that problem.
Democrats are fixed on their version of America and never waiver. At any rate Roberts was a George Bush pick....
one globalist selecting another.
The media has promoted this rock ribbed conservative version of Roberts in order to make sure his selection was secured, just the way they fictionalized Robert Mueller as this ex Marine, square shooting, fair minded inquisitor when that was anything but true.

The media lied again and the right got the Charlie Brown treatment.

Roberts supports Trump nearly every time. Yet that is not good enough for Trump and his supporters. Roberts still supports Trump too much in my book.
Or based on Previous Bad Picks by Republican Presidents -

He simply is not as advertised.

For some reason the Democrats literally never have that problem.
Democrats are fixed on their version of America and never waiver. At any rate Roberts was a George Bush pick....
one globalist selecting another.
The media has promoted this rock ribbed conservative version of Roberts in order to make sure his selection was secured, just the way they fictionalized Robert Mueller as this ex Marine, square shooting, fair minded inquisitor when that was anything but true.

The media lied again and the right got the Charlie Brown treatment.

Roberts supports Trump nearly every time. Yet that is not good enough for Trump and his supporters. Roberts still supports Trump too much in my book.

But you are a far left wing lunatic.
Makes sense.

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