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Big D

Student Group Offers Whites-Only Award
University Student Group Offers Scholarship to Whites Only, Seeking to Protest Affirmative Action

BRISTOL, R.I. Feb. 15 — A student group at Roger Williams University is offering a new scholarship for which only white students are eligible, a move they say is designed to protest affirmative action.
The application for the $50 award requires an essay on "why you are proud of your white heritage" and a recent picture to "confirm whiteness."

Most excellent and good for them; it's about time!!!!!

Now, if they'll just start up a Nat'l Association for the Advancement of White People they will really be pushing the politically incorrect envelope.:clap1:
I missed this thread and posted the same article (I deleted mine so as to not get repetitious).

I agree AW, Its about damn time this has happened. Bully... it has nothing to do with racism. Thats a ridiculous assertion.

This is nothing more than the flip side of the College Fund strictly for blacks. Why didn't I hear you crying racism in that instance?
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
Another one for the "Racism" thread...
I don't think that the students involved in this believe that race determines anything or that whites are superior (i.e., the definition of racist) so this can't be racist. Is it racially motivated? Yes. Is it wrong? NO.
If this is so racial, then you can blame the one's who started up, BLACK UNITED FUND, BLACK SCHOLORSHIPS...etc... You want to be equal, then there shouldn't be no funds strictly to one race, it should be for all!!!!! Why should I give to just Black united fund??? is this to help whites or any other than blacks? no!!!

Agree with Moi, and I agree nothing wrong with it! it's about time someone did something like this.
Now I do disagree with preferential treatment based upon race. Its a little different here because unlike our two resident haters, these guys aren't claiming anything silly like white supremacy but just an equal playing field.
OCA, that's exactly what I am trying to say! IT ALL SHOULD BE EQUAL!!!!! Not just a ONE sided thing!
Originally posted by AtlantaWalter
Most excellent and good for them; it's about time!!!!!

Now, if they'll just start up a Nat'l Association for the Advancement of White People they will really be pushing the politically incorrect envelope.:clap1:

Originally posted by OCA
Now I do disagree with preferential treatment based upon race. Its a little different here because unlike our two resident haters, these guys aren't claiming anything silly like white supremacy but just an equal playing field.

Because of the over all low IQ's for blacks, you cannot have a "equal playing field".
As crazy as it will sound coming from one of the resident haters (or not), I do not see anything inherently morally faulty with racial preferences. It is perfectly natural that blacks and other minorities should seek them. Why not? It makes life better for them: they get more money than they would otherwise, more positions, etc. I think racial preferences are a part of life, whether they are formally recognized or not. When they are formally recognized for whites, of course, that is "evil."

All of it just points up the social anarchy attendant to the multiracial society. No matter what you do, someone's gonna be pissed off and feel left out. If you have preferences for some but others, the "others' will be mad (except whites of late, who don't get mad about anything!). If you have preferences for NONE, then things will work out naturally to favor the smarter OR otherwise dominant race --- which will leave the others mad. Either can work if you use censorship or violence to keep down the other group (whites today are censored from speaking about their interests, blacks were kept out with violence, etc.) But who wants that society?

The solution is for a move toward separation.
The solution is for a move toward separation.

Unbelievable. You have twisted a protest to point out the immorality of race-based preferences into an advocacy of Apartheid.
If you think that blacks take the whites-only scholarship exercise as demonstrating "the immorality of racial preferences," you need to consult with your pollster.

Given that, I haven't "twisted" anything.
By arguing for "race-based preferences for all" to bring equality, you are essentially arguing "separate but equal." That is what the protestors, white and black, were trying to overcome when they marched over the bridge.
affirmative action is wrong and so would an naawp be. The better logical path is that being of brown or white skin will be no more important than hair color. Score 1WW-0WJ.
"The better logical path is that being of brown or white skin will be no more important than hair color."

The awkwardness of your grammar is matched only by the awkwardness of your "logic." You're essentially expressing the hope that "skin color" will become irrelevant, and that this will solve racial problems. Problem. Race is about more than skin color. It's about genetics. The December 2003 issue of Scientific American should set you straight here. So, we can't expect race to go away on the supposition that it's only skin deep. Furthermore, all of history proves you wrong, even if you blind yourself to genetic science. Racial groups will congeal and this will be politically relevant. It is around the world, and in your neighborhood. Maybe you don't like my solution for racial dischord, but it at least takes account of facts, rather than putting stock in liberal fantasy.

From the political angle, read this story for a good example of what I'm talking about:


Blacks are basically saying that they're being discriminated against because they don't have houses that are as nice as whites, and get this, they are asserting the right to force white taxpayers to rectify the "problem." Make no mistake, they are not seeing this as an ECONOMIC ISSUE, but as a RACIAL ISSUE.

Page A9 of the 15 Feb. Asbury Park Press has a quote under a photo of Lorenzo Dangler, President, Greater Long Branch chapter of the NAACP:

"Why shouldn't I be able to force a Middletown to build same low-income housing so I can move to a better school? ...We still haven't given people of color the opportunity to move where they would like to..the opportunity to realize that American Dream."

See what's going on here? Even if you tell blacks they can't make things racial issues, they'll go ahead and make it a money issue, which covers the race issue.
Look william I am not on the opposite side of the fence when it comes to a lot of the issues of race, but two comments I want to make.

One, I read every issue of Sciam and have an extensive background in science and the article you are talking about came to no hard conclusions so please don't imply it did.

Second, nbdysfu is a fair and balanced poster and I enjoy reading many of his posts, if you disagree with his logic fine but I think you should read more of his posts before you jump on him !
I like his posts, too, but I'm trying desperately to chip away at that Grand Lie that race is "only skin deep."

I have the article right here. Like Cavalli-Sforza in his most recent book, it lays out the information and then says "but we can't say for sure." That's like saying, we can say up is up for this gravitational field, but of course, we haven't been to all of them..."

Point of story: Using genetic analysis, researchers can, if they use enough samples, determine continent of origin with ONE HUNDRED PERCENT ACCURACY. "Continent of origin" is just another way of saying race: blacks from sub-Sarahan Africa, whites from Europe, Asians from Asia.

In other words, genes can tell you a person's race.
My opinion is the interacial relationships are so common that eventually we will have to establish a mixed race funds and associations to satisfy them... I look for in 200 years I look for the white race to be extinct..
How about we think of ourselves as being of the Human Race instead?

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