We should have taken their oil

Having a president who says really stupid stuff off the cuff it bad. Really bad. However I disagree that his words make us no better than Iraq under Saddam. If Donnie Dangerously made an appearance at a joint session of Congress and declared several opposition leaders as traitors and had them hung in front of the Capital Building. Then demanded loyalty from those he didn't kill. If Americans didn't rise up in revolt against that, then okay we'd be like Iraq under Saddam.......

What like if you like your doctor and plan under Obamacare you can keep them stupid fucking shit like that? The cops acted stupidly. LMAO you libs are screwed, any criticism of president Trump can be countered by a worse example from Obama and Clinton. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Invading a country under false pretenses and stealing it's natural resources is a war crime. As a country we would never let that happen. Having a dumbass like trump in the White House saying stupid shit like wanting to do the above war crime doesn't make us like Iraq under Saddam. For that matter neither does political rhetoric from either side of the isle.

Losers (big L), minority party, punks with no power, lost your SCOTUS nominations, can't even buy a win with $1.2 billion dollars :laugh:

How did any of that make Comrade Donnie say some of the stupid things he said so far?

Your post is proof President Trump is already under your skin.
Trump is hoping for a successful Middle East "tour". Remember, the bulk of the Middle East are people Trump wants to "ban" from this country.

Trump said "we should have taken their oil" and "maybe we'll get another chance". That would make us no better than Iraq under Saddam. For the left, the reason is obvious. For the right, it seems to be a mystery.

From Trump in this country, every other sentence has been a faux pas.

Let me tell you what a "faux pas" is. You are sitting in a diner at the counter. A really ugly woman walks in and you say to the guy sitting next to you, "That is the ugliest man I ever saw in my life" and the man turns to you and says, "That is no man. That is my wife". You have just committed a terrible "faux pas". Pronounced "Foh Pa".

How many will Trump commit while in the Middle East? 2? 4? 40? Guess we'll see.

And remember, Trump gave away top secret information given to him by Israel. No country can trust him.

Worse, he is a known serial liar. He won't be trusted by anyone.

More lies from the left? Typical.
OK, name the lies. I dare you.
Having a president who says really stupid stuff off the cuff it bad. Really bad. However I disagree that his words make us no better than Iraq under Saddam. If Donnie Dangerously made an appearance at a joint session of Congress and declared several opposition leaders as traitors and had them hung in front of the Capital Building. Then demanded loyalty from those he didn't kill. If Americans didn't rise up in revolt against that, then okay we'd be like Iraq under Saddam.......

What like if you like your doctor and plan under Obamacare you can keep them stupid fucking shit like that? The cops acted stupidly. LMAO you libs are screwed, any criticism of president Trump can be countered by a worse example from Obama and Clinton. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

So what your really saying is that Trump's behaviour is indefensible. Your only recourse in the face of his indefensible behaviour is to deflect.

You're right that Trump's lying, racism and xenophobia is indefensible.

Trump is a lying racist xenophobe? Ahahaha that's it let your hatred flow like a river it makes our victory all the sweeter.
Victory? What the f*ck did you "WIN"? Let us know. And give details. Cuz everything Trump is working on so far is designed to f*ck you over b@lls deep. So grab your ankles.

LMAO ^^^ ah the House, the Senate, and the White House...mission accomplished :laugh:
That's just the beginning. What is the accomplishment? Bringing down the economy? That takes time, but the GOP is working on it.

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