We should never surrender any rights, for any reason, ever.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
For me, the world in my lifetime has become an anathema of what it was just thirty five years ago. The reason is not because of the rise of Islamic Extremism, nor of Radical Left, nor of the Alt-Right. It is the willingness of so many of us who are only too happy to sacrifice rights, with little consideration of the future.

When I joined the Army, the propaganda was true. Our Bill of Rights was not only written down, as the Rights of the Soviet Citizen, but the big difference was that those rights were not mere suggestions. We had all the freedoms we were guaranteed. Sometimes those freedoms might offend someone, like those who were upset or enraged by Penthouse or Playboy. But we had the rights.

We were a great country because we had a determination to defend those rights. Never accepting any reduction of those rights. But even as those Rights were written down, and defended, they were also being chipped away.

I thought of this when I read this article. Opinion | I didn't leave the NRA. The NRA left me.

In the article, Greg Hunter was explaining why the NRA didn’t really represent him, or any Gun Owners like him. At the bottom of the Article, it said that Greg Hunter was a Criminal Defense Attorney.

i wondered how he felt about rights being chipped away. A defendant who was convicted despite asking for a lawyer, because his manner of phrasing it was not “clear”. What the defendant said was “I think I need a Lawyer Dog”. The Supreme Court agreed that it was perfectly acceptable to deny him an attorney, because there are no Canine Lawyers. This is an abomination. It is a travesty. The conviction should have been thrown out, because the cops ignored the request for a Lawyer. They knew it was wrong, and they did it anyway figuring that worst case, they would get their wrist slapped later.

Rights of the defendants are another of those areas where our rights have been chipped away relentlessly. Every year, a new Supreme Court decision which is the foundation of the very next exception that begins working its way up the chain.

It used to be that the cops who got the evidence without a warrant, were chastised, and told that the evidence was suppressed, and it could not be used against the defendant. Now, those same cops have a dozen different exceptions, all allowing a search without a warrant.

But Greg Hunter objects to the NRA’s resistance to any restrictions on firearms. No matter how common sense they may be, in Greg’s opinion. They resist the chipping away of rights under the Second Amendment, the way the rest of us should be resisting the watering down of our rights under every other amendment. So Mr. Hunter. I do not support you, or your ideals of Common Sense Gun Reforms, or Needed Gun Reforms, or whatever the term de Jour is this week.

Even if I wasn’t a gun owner myself. I would fight with my last breath to defend the rights of all Citizens of this nation. Including your First Amendment right to speak your mind. I might disagree with what you have to say, but I believe that we should thank God for the First Amendment, and your rights to say it.

We have already lost too many of our rights, and our protections, to even consider for the smallest fraction of a second, the idea that we can give up just a little more, you know, for the common good, or something. Not one step back, not one inch lost, on any right.
the world in my lifetime has become an anathema of what it was just thirty five years ago

noun: anathema; plural noun: anathemas
something or someone that one vehemently dislikes.
"racial hatred was anathema to her"
synonyms: abhorrent, hateful, odious, repugnant, repellent, offensive; More
For me, the world in my lifetime has become an anathema of what it was just thirty five years ago. The reason is not because of the rise of Islamic Extremism, nor of Radical Left, nor of the Alt-Right. It is the willingness of so many of us who are only too happy to sacrifice rights, with little consideration of the future.

When I joined the Army, the propaganda was true. Our Bill of Rights was not only written down, as the Rights of the Soviet Citizen, but the big difference was that those rights were not mere suggestions. We had all the freedoms we were guaranteed. Sometimes those freedoms might offend someone, like those who were upset or enraged by Penthouse or Playboy. But we had the rights.

We were a great country because we had a determination to defend those rights. Never accepting any reduction of those rights. But even as those Rights were written down, and defended, they were also being chipped away.

I thought of this when I read this article. Opinion | I didn't leave the NRA. The NRA left me.

In the article, Greg Hunter was explaining why the NRA didn’t really represent him, or any Gun Owners like him. At the bottom of the Article, it said that Greg Hunter was a Criminal Defense Attorney.

i wondered how he felt about rights being chipped away. A defendant who was convicted despite asking for a lawyer, because his manner of phrasing it was not “clear”. What the defendant said was “I think I need a Lawyer Dog”. The Supreme Court agreed that it was perfectly acceptable to deny him an attorney, because there are no Canine Lawyers. This is an abomination. It is a travesty. The conviction should have been thrown out, because the cops ignored the request for a Lawyer. They knew it was wrong, and they did it anyway figuring that worst case, they would get their wrist slapped later.

Rights of the defendants are another of those areas where our rights have been chipped away relentlessly. Every year, a new Supreme Court decision which is the foundation of the very next exception that begins working its way up the chain.

It used to be that the cops who got the evidence without a warrant, were chastised, and told that the evidence was suppressed, and it could not be used against the defendant. Now, those same cops have a dozen different exceptions, all allowing a search without a warrant.

But Greg Hunter objects to the NRA’s resistance to any restrictions on firearms. No matter how common sense they may be, in Greg’s opinion. They resist the chipping away of rights under the Second Amendment, the way the rest of us should be resisting the watering down of our rights under every other amendment. So Mr. Hunter. I do not support you, or your ideals of Common Sense Gun Reforms, or Needed Gun Reforms, or whatever the term de Jour is this week.

Even if I wasn’t a gun owner myself. I would fight with my last breath to defend the rights of all Citizens of this nation. Including your First Amendment right to speak your mind. I might disagree with what you have to say, but I believe that we should thank God for the First Amendment, and your rights to say it.

We have already lost too many of our rights, and our protections, to even consider for the smallest fraction of a second, the idea that we can give up just a little more, you know, for the common good, or something. Not one step back, not one inch lost, on any right.
So, so. An anti-Patriot posting. This is covered by the Patriot Act. No lawyer for you, no charge anyway. Only Gitmo. Your right to silence.
the world in my lifetime has become an anathema of what it was just thirty five years ago

noun: anathema; plural noun: anathemas
something or someone that one vehemently dislikes.
"racial hatred was anathema to her"
synonyms: abhorrent, hateful, odious, repugnant, repellent, offensive; More

I know. It is a bit strong. But honestly it is more accurate and chosen for a reason. All the things the old KGB used to do for internal security we now do for Homeland Security.
For me, the world in my lifetime has become an anathema of what it was just thirty five years ago. The reason is not because of the rise of Islamic Extremism, nor of Radical Left, nor of the Alt-Right. It is the willingness of so many of us who are only too happy to sacrifice rights, with little consideration of the future.

When I joined the Army, the propaganda was true. Our Bill of Rights was not only written down, as the Rights of the Soviet Citizen, but the big difference was that those rights were not mere suggestions. We had all the freedoms we were guaranteed. Sometimes those freedoms might offend someone, like those who were upset or enraged by Penthouse or Playboy. But we had the rights.

We were a great country because we had a determination to defend those rights. Never accepting any reduction of those rights. But even as those Rights were written down, and defended, they were also being chipped away.

I thought of this when I read this article. Opinion | I didn't leave the NRA. The NRA left me.

In the article, Greg Hunter was explaining why the NRA didn’t really represent him, or any Gun Owners like him. At the bottom of the Article, it said that Greg Hunter was a Criminal Defense Attorney.

i wondered how he felt about rights being chipped away. A defendant who was convicted despite asking for a lawyer, because his manner of phrasing it was not “clear”. What the defendant said was “I think I need a Lawyer Dog”. The Supreme Court agreed that it was perfectly acceptable to deny him an attorney, because there are no Canine Lawyers. This is an abomination. It is a travesty. The conviction should have been thrown out, because the cops ignored the request for a Lawyer. They knew it was wrong, and they did it anyway figuring that worst case, they would get their wrist slapped later.

Rights of the defendants are another of those areas where our rights have been chipped away relentlessly. Every year, a new Supreme Court decision which is the foundation of the very next exception that begins working its way up the chain.

It used to be that the cops who got the evidence without a warrant, were chastised, and told that the evidence was suppressed, and it could not be used against the defendant. Now, those same cops have a dozen different exceptions, all allowing a search without a warrant.

But Greg Hunter objects to the NRA’s resistance to any restrictions on firearms. No matter how common sense they may be, in Greg’s opinion. They resist the chipping away of rights under the Second Amendment, the way the rest of us should be resisting the watering down of our rights under every other amendment. So Mr. Hunter. I do not support you, or your ideals of Common Sense Gun Reforms, or Needed Gun Reforms, or whatever the term de Jour is this week.

Even if I wasn’t a gun owner myself. I would fight with my last breath to defend the rights of all Citizens of this nation. Including your First Amendment right to speak your mind. I might disagree with what you have to say, but I believe that we should thank God for the First Amendment, and your rights to say it.

We have already lost too many of our rights, and our protections, to even consider for the smallest fraction of a second, the idea that we can give up just a little more, you know, for the common good, or something. Not one step back, not one inch lost, on any right.
So, so. An anti-Patriot posting. This is covered by the Patriot Act. No lawyer for you, no charge anyway. Only Gitmo. Your right to silence.

the world in my lifetime has become an anathema of what it was just thirty five years ago

noun: anathema; plural noun: anathemas
something or someone that one vehemently dislikes.
"racial hatred was anathema to her"
synonyms: abhorrent, hateful, odious, repugnant, repellent, offensive; More

I know. It is a bit strong. But honestly it is more accurate and chosen for a reason. All the things the old KGB used to do for internal security we now do for Homeland Security.

The "Patriot Act" needs repealed. If it was named for what it really is, it would be the "End-around on the 4th amendment and expand government power exponentially" Act.
For me, the world in my lifetime has become an anathema of what it was just thirty five years ago. The reason is not because of the rise of Islamic Extremism, nor of Radical Left, nor of the Alt-Right. It is the willingness of so many of us who are only too happy to sacrifice rights, with little consideration of the future.

When I joined the Army, the propaganda was true. Our Bill of Rights was not only written down, as the Rights of the Soviet Citizen, but the big difference was that those rights were not mere suggestions. We had all the freedoms we were guaranteed. Sometimes those freedoms might offend someone, like those who were upset or enraged by Penthouse or Playboy. But we had the rights.

We were a great country because we had a determination to defend those rights. Never accepting any reduction of those rights. But even as those Rights were written down, and defended, they were also being chipped away.

I thought of this when I read this article. Opinion | I didn't leave the NRA. The NRA left me.

In the article, Greg Hunter was explaining why the NRA didn’t really represent him, or any Gun Owners like him. At the bottom of the Article, it said that Greg Hunter was a Criminal Defense Attorney.

i wondered how he felt about rights being chipped away. A defendant who was convicted despite asking for a lawyer, because his manner of phrasing it was not “clear”. What the defendant said was “I think I need a Lawyer Dog”. The Supreme Court agreed that it was perfectly acceptable to deny him an attorney, because there are no Canine Lawyers. This is an abomination. It is a travesty. The conviction should have been thrown out, because the cops ignored the request for a Lawyer. They knew it was wrong, and they did it anyway figuring that worst case, they would get their wrist slapped later.

Rights of the defendants are another of those areas where our rights have been chipped away relentlessly. Every year, a new Supreme Court decision which is the foundation of the very next exception that begins working its way up the chain.

It used to be that the cops who got the evidence without a warrant, were chastised, and told that the evidence was suppressed, and it could not be used against the defendant. Now, those same cops have a dozen different exceptions, all allowing a search without a warrant.

But Greg Hunter objects to the NRA’s resistance to any restrictions on firearms. No matter how common sense they may be, in Greg’s opinion. They resist the chipping away of rights under the Second Amendment, the way the rest of us should be resisting the watering down of our rights under every other amendment. So Mr. Hunter. I do not support you, or your ideals of Common Sense Gun Reforms, or Needed Gun Reforms, or whatever the term de Jour is this week.

Even if I wasn’t a gun owner myself. I would fight with my last breath to defend the rights of all Citizens of this nation. Including your First Amendment right to speak your mind. I might disagree with what you have to say, but I believe that we should thank God for the First Amendment, and your rights to say it.

We have already lost too many of our rights, and our protections, to even consider for the smallest fraction of a second, the idea that we can give up just a little more, you know, for the common good, or something. Not one step back, not one inch lost, on any right.
So, so. An anti-Patriot posting. This is covered by the Patriot Act. No lawyer for you, no charge anyway. Only Gitmo. Your right to silence.

the world in my lifetime has become an anathema of what it was just thirty five years ago

noun: anathema; plural noun: anathemas
something or someone that one vehemently dislikes.
"racial hatred was anathema to her"
synonyms: abhorrent, hateful, odious, repugnant, repellent, offensive; More

I know. It is a bit strong. But honestly it is more accurate and chosen for a reason. All the things the old KGB used to do for internal security we now do for Homeland Security.

The "Patriot Act" needs repealed. If it was named for what it really is, it would be the "End-around on the 4th amendment and expand government power exponentially" Act.

Honestly, the PATRIOT ACT just accelerated the trend. Dramatically.

One among many examples of this trend. The Police asked a bank for information on one of their customers. The information helped the Police develop the case to prosecute the individual. The defendant argued and appealed that he was protected by the Fourth Amendment, and the Police did not have a warrant to get the information, and thus it should be suppressed. The Courts decided that since the individual had given up the information willingly, that he had no reasonable expectation of privacy.

Congress shocked at this, immediately passed laws requiring banks to gather even more information, all of which is available to the police upon request. Name, SSN, Employer, and every other bit of information you can imagine, all there, waiting for the police to show up and ask for it. If that wasn’t enough, then Congress decided that there were not enough cops, and required that the Banks report anything suspicious, like large cash deposits, to the cops.

Cell Phones? In the 1990’s, Congress passed the Enhanced 911 system, which required that cell phones have a GPS or other location system inside, so if you called 911, you could get help to your actual location. Ten seconds after this went into effect, the police argued that you have no reasonable expectation of privacy, and they should have access to that information you are providing willingly, at their request. This was a decade before Stingray, or any other Cell Tower Spoofing devices were even considered.

Congress passes a requirement, you can not opt out, and then you are giving your information willingly and thus have no expectation of privacy. Same thing with cars, and their black boxes, also required by the Government.

Your car's hidden 'black box' and how to keep it private

The PATRIOT ACT is an abomination, but it did not change the path we were already on. It just stomped on the gas a little harder. All because we kept finding exceptions to the plainly stated restrictions on Search and Seizures. And once we found one, we argued that if we were going to allow X, we had to allow Y didn’t we?

This is why I resist any further exceptions, or limits on Rights of any kind. We have already given up too many, and that is costing each and every one of us, even if we don’t know it, or claim to not care.
For me, the world in my lifetime has become an anathema of what it was just thirty five years ago. The reason is not because of the rise of Islamic Extremism, nor of Radical Left, nor of the Alt-Right. It is the willingness of so many of us who are only too happy to sacrifice rights, with little consideration of the future.

When I joined the Army, the propaganda was true. Our Bill of Rights was not only written down, as the Rights of the Soviet Citizen, but the big difference was that those rights were not mere suggestions. We had all the freedoms we were guaranteed. Sometimes those freedoms might offend someone, like those who were upset or enraged by Penthouse or Playboy. But we had the rights.

We were a great country because we had a determination to defend those rights. Never accepting any reduction of those rights. But even as those Rights were written down, and defended, they were also being chipped away.

I thought of this when I read this article. Opinion | I didn't leave the NRA. The NRA left me.

In the article, Greg Hunter was explaining why the NRA didn’t really represent him, or any Gun Owners like him. At the bottom of the Article, it said that Greg Hunter was a Criminal Defense Attorney.

i wondered how he felt about rights being chipped away. A defendant who was convicted despite asking for a lawyer, because his manner of phrasing it was not “clear”. What the defendant said was “I think I need a Lawyer Dog”. The Supreme Court agreed that it was perfectly acceptable to deny him an attorney, because there are no Canine Lawyers. This is an abomination. It is a travesty. The conviction should have been thrown out, because the cops ignored the request for a Lawyer. They knew it was wrong, and they did it anyway figuring that worst case, they would get their wrist slapped later.

Rights of the defendants are another of those areas where our rights have been chipped away relentlessly. Every year, a new Supreme Court decision which is the foundation of the very next exception that begins working its way up the chain.

It used to be that the cops who got the evidence without a warrant, were chastised, and told that the evidence was suppressed, and it could not be used against the defendant. Now, those same cops have a dozen different exceptions, all allowing a search without a warrant.

But Greg Hunter objects to the NRA’s resistance to any restrictions on firearms. No matter how common sense they may be, in Greg’s opinion. They resist the chipping away of rights under the Second Amendment, the way the rest of us should be resisting the watering down of our rights under every other amendment. So Mr. Hunter. I do not support you, or your ideals of Common Sense Gun Reforms, or Needed Gun Reforms, or whatever the term de Jour is this week.

Even if I wasn’t a gun owner myself. I would fight with my last breath to defend the rights of all Citizens of this nation. Including your First Amendment right to speak your mind. I might disagree with what you have to say, but I believe that we should thank God for the First Amendment, and your rights to say it.

We have already lost too many of our rights, and our protections, to even consider for the smallest fraction of a second, the idea that we can give up just a little more, you know, for the common good, or something. Not one step back, not one inch lost, on any right.
So, so. An anti-Patriot posting. This is covered by the Patriot Act. No lawyer for you, no charge anyway. Only Gitmo. Your right to silence.

the world in my lifetime has become an anathema of what it was just thirty five years ago

noun: anathema; plural noun: anathemas
something or someone that one vehemently dislikes.
"racial hatred was anathema to her"
synonyms: abhorrent, hateful, odious, repugnant, repellent, offensive; More

I know. It is a bit strong. But honestly it is more accurate and chosen for a reason. All the things the old KGB used to do for internal security we now do for Homeland Security.

The "Patriot Act" needs repealed. If it was named for what it really is, it would be the "End-around on the 4th amendment and expand government power exponentially" Act.

Honestly, the PATRIOT ACT just accelerated the trend. Dramatically.

One among many examples of this trend. The Police asked a bank for information on one of their customers. The information helped the Police develop the case to prosecute the individual. The defendant argued and appealed that he was protected by the Fourth Amendment, and the Police did not have a warrant to get the information, and thus it should be suppressed. The Courts decided that since the individual had given up the information willingly, that he had no reasonable expectation of privacy.

Congress shocked at this, immediately passed laws requiring banks to gather even more information, all of which is available to the police upon request. Name, SSN, Employer, and every other bit of information you can imagine, all there, waiting for the police to show up and ask for it. If that wasn’t enough, then Congress decided that there were not enough cops, and required that the Banks report anything suspicious, like large cash deposits, to the cops.

Cell Phones? In the 1990’s, Congress passed the Enhanced 911 system, which required that cell phones have a GPS or other location system inside, so if you called 911, you could get help to your actual location. Ten seconds after this went into effect, the police argued that you have no reasonable expectation of privacy, and they should have access to that information you are providing willingly, at their request. This was a decade before Stingray, or any other Cell Tower Spoofing devices were even considered.

Congress passes a requirement, you can not opt out, and then you are giving your information willingly and thus have no expectation of privacy. Same thing with cars, and their black boxes, also required by the Government.

Your car's hidden 'black box' and how to keep it private

The PATRIOT ACT is an abomination, but it did not change the path we were already on. It just stomped on the gas a little harder. All because we kept finding exceptions to the plainly stated restrictions on Search and Seizures. And once we found one, we argued that if we were going to allow X, we had to allow Y didn’t we?

This is why I resist any further exceptions, or limits on Rights of any kind. We have already given up too many, and that is costing each and every one of us, even if we don’t know it, or claim to not care.

Cars have black boxes? :eek:

Also, what you just posted makes a good case to not use 5g with China listening in on mass amounts of American communications.
the world in my lifetime has become an anathema of what it was just thirty five years ago

noun: anathema; plural noun: anathemas
something or someone that one vehemently dislikes.
"racial hatred was anathema to her"
synonyms: abhorrent, hateful, odious, repugnant, repellent, offensive; More

I know. It is a bit strong. But honestly it is more accurate and chosen for a reason. All the things the old KGB used to do for internal security we now do for Homeland Security.

I realized I should have expanded upon that. Not just confirmed that I used the word, perhaps a bit stronger than I intended, but used it anyway.

In 1988 I joined the Army. I joined to protect and defend this nation from enemies who would see it destroyed. About the time I joined, I remember hearing about a court case. One of the lawyers for the Defense stood and began reading a document during the case. It outlined the rights of the citizen. The Judge cut him off, and said we were all aware of the rights of the individual as guaranteed by the Constitution. The lawyer said that these were not the Bill of Rights, but were the rights of citizens of the Soviet Union. The only thing that kept our Bill of Rights, from being just words on paper, as they were for the Soviets, was the Judge upholding them.

The Judge ruled that the evidence had been gained by an illegal search and seizure, and the Defense was able to get the charges dropped. Yes, a bad guy walked out of court. But the larger issue was our rights, and those protections as promised by the Constitution. Today, that evidence would be allowed, because we can’t let the guilty go free. Or something.

I was proud to join the Army, and do my part to defend those freedoms. Now, I see those freedoms are gone, and it disgusts me. I am ashamed that I sacrificed so much for them. Every day, my knees hurt from jumping out of Airplanes. My hand aches during every storm. I have scars on me just from training, no injuries during the wars. I killed people to defend my nation, and our way of life.

Then I saw we had lost, and our rights became pale shadows of themselves, until they were little more than words on paper, just as the Rights of a Soviet Citizen were. So yes, I am not happy with this nation. I am not happy with the direction we have gone. I am angry that my friends died to protect rights, that are now gone. I weep at the routine violations of those rights, that happen every day, and are excused every single day.

It is reported that Benjamin Franklin when asked what the Constitution was, and what the nation was they had created answered. “A republic, if you can keep it.”

Have we kept it? I honestly don’t know, and perhaps that is because I am afraid to admit that no, we have not. Lord knows we have not defended those rights with anything like the Vigor we should have.
the world in my lifetime has become an anathema of what it was just thirty five years ago

noun: anathema; plural noun: anathemas
something or someone that one vehemently dislikes.
"racial hatred was anathema to her"
synonyms: abhorrent, hateful, odious, repugnant, repellent, offensive; More

I know. It is a bit strong. But honestly it is more accurate and chosen for a reason. All the things the old KGB used to do for internal security we now do for Homeland Security.

I realized I should have expanded upon that. Not just confirmed that I used the word, perhaps a bit stronger than I intended, but used it anyway.

In 1988 I joined the Army. I joined to protect and defend this nation from enemies who would see it destroyed. About the time I joined, I remember hearing about a court case. One of the lawyers for the Defense stood and began reading a document during the case. It outlined the rights of the citizen. The Judge cut him off, and said we were all aware of the rights of the individual as guaranteed by the Constitution. The lawyer said that these were not the Bill of Rights, but were the rights of citizens of the Soviet Union. The only thing that kept our Bill of Rights, from being just words on paper, as they were for the Soviets, was the Judge upholding them.

The Judge ruled that the evidence had been gained by an illegal search and seizure, and the Defense was able to get the charges dropped. Yes, a bad guy walked out of court. But the larger issue was our rights, and those protections as promised by the Constitution. Today, that evidence would be allowed, because we can’t let the guilty go free. Or something.

I was proud to join the Army, and do my part to defend those freedoms. Now, I see those freedoms are gone, and it disgusts me. I am ashamed that I sacrificed so much for them. Every day, my knees hurt from jumping out of Airplanes. My hand aches during every storm. I have scars on me just from training, no injuries during the wars. I killed people to defend my nation, and our way of life.

Then I saw we had lost, and our rights became pale shadows of themselves, until they were little more than words on paper, just as the Rights of a Soviet Citizen were. So yes, I am not happy with this nation. I am not happy with the direction we have gone. I am angry that my friends died to protect rights, that are now gone. I weep at the routine violations of those rights, that happen every day, and are excused every single day.

It is reported that Benjamin Franklin when asked what the Constitution was, and what the nation was they had created answered. “A republic, if you can keep it.”

Have we kept it? I honestly don’t know, and perhaps that is because I am afraid to admit that no, we have not. Lord knows we have not defended those rights with anything like the Vigor we should have.

We're but 1 election away from completely losing it in my lifetime. I hope Reagan was wrong, because there are 2 generations of whiny baby indoctrinated Marxists that will inevitably be behind the levers of power someday. Who thought it was a good idea to let Marxist publishers provide textbooks to the schools?
For me, the world in my lifetime has become an anathema of what it was just thirty five years ago. The reason is not because of the rise of Islamic Extremism, nor of Radical Left, nor of the Alt-Right. It is the willingness of so many of us who are only too happy to sacrifice rights, with little consideration of the future.

When I joined the Army, the propaganda was true. Our Bill of Rights was not only written down, as the Rights of the Soviet Citizen, but the big difference was that those rights were not mere suggestions. We had all the freedoms we were guaranteed. Sometimes those freedoms might offend someone, like those who were upset or enraged by Penthouse or Playboy. But we had the rights.

We were a great country because we had a determination to defend those rights. Never accepting any reduction of those rights. But even as those Rights were written down, and defended, they were also being chipped away.

I thought of this when I read this article. Opinion | I didn't leave the NRA. The NRA left me.

In the article, Greg Hunter was explaining why the NRA didn’t really represent him, or any Gun Owners like him. At the bottom of the Article, it said that Greg Hunter was a Criminal Defense Attorney.

i wondered how he felt about rights being chipped away. A defendant who was convicted despite asking for a lawyer, because his manner of phrasing it was not “clear”. What the defendant said was “I think I need a Lawyer Dog”. The Supreme Court agreed that it was perfectly acceptable to deny him an attorney, because there are no Canine Lawyers. This is an abomination. It is a travesty. The conviction should have been thrown out, because the cops ignored the request for a Lawyer. They knew it was wrong, and they did it anyway figuring that worst case, they would get their wrist slapped later.

Rights of the defendants are another of those areas where our rights have been chipped away relentlessly. Every year, a new Supreme Court decision which is the foundation of the very next exception that begins working its way up the chain.

It used to be that the cops who got the evidence without a warrant, were chastised, and told that the evidence was suppressed, and it could not be used against the defendant. Now, those same cops have a dozen different exceptions, all allowing a search without a warrant.

But Greg Hunter objects to the NRA’s resistance to any restrictions on firearms. No matter how common sense they may be, in Greg’s opinion. They resist the chipping away of rights under the Second Amendment, the way the rest of us should be resisting the watering down of our rights under every other amendment. So Mr. Hunter. I do not support you, or your ideals of Common Sense Gun Reforms, or Needed Gun Reforms, or whatever the term de Jour is this week.

Even if I wasn’t a gun owner myself. I would fight with my last breath to defend the rights of all Citizens of this nation. Including your First Amendment right to speak your mind. I might disagree with what you have to say, but I believe that we should thank God for the First Amendment, and your rights to say it.

We have already lost too many of our rights, and our protections, to even consider for the smallest fraction of a second, the idea that we can give up just a little more, you know, for the common good, or something. Not one step back, not one inch lost, on any right.
So, so. An anti-Patriot posting. This is covered by the Patriot Act. No lawyer for you, no charge anyway. Only Gitmo. Your right to silence.

the world in my lifetime has become an anathema of what it was just thirty five years ago

noun: anathema; plural noun: anathemas
something or someone that one vehemently dislikes.
"racial hatred was anathema to her"
synonyms: abhorrent, hateful, odious, repugnant, repellent, offensive; More

I know. It is a bit strong. But honestly it is more accurate and chosen for a reason. All the things the old KGB used to do for internal security we now do for Homeland Security.

The "Patriot Act" needs repealed. If it was named for what it really is, it would be the "End-around on the 4th amendment and expand government power exponentially" Act.

Honestly, the PATRIOT ACT just accelerated the trend. Dramatically.

One among many examples of this trend. The Police asked a bank for information on one of their customers. The information helped the Police develop the case to prosecute the individual. The defendant argued and appealed that he was protected by the Fourth Amendment, and the Police did not have a warrant to get the information, and thus it should be suppressed. The Courts decided that since the individual had given up the information willingly, that he had no reasonable expectation of privacy.

Congress shocked at this, immediately passed laws requiring banks to gather even more information, all of which is available to the police upon request. Name, SSN, Employer, and every other bit of information you can imagine, all there, waiting for the police to show up and ask for it. If that wasn’t enough, then Congress decided that there were not enough cops, and required that the Banks report anything suspicious, like large cash deposits, to the cops.

Cell Phones? In the 1990’s, Congress passed the Enhanced 911 system, which required that cell phones have a GPS or other location system inside, so if you called 911, you could get help to your actual location. Ten seconds after this went into effect, the police argued that you have no reasonable expectation of privacy, and they should have access to that information you are providing willingly, at their request. This was a decade before Stingray, or any other Cell Tower Spoofing devices were even considered.

Congress passes a requirement, you can not opt out, and then you are giving your information willingly and thus have no expectation of privacy. Same thing with cars, and their black boxes, also required by the Government.

Your car's hidden 'black box' and how to keep it private

The PATRIOT ACT is an abomination, but it did not change the path we were already on. It just stomped on the gas a little harder. All because we kept finding exceptions to the plainly stated restrictions on Search and Seizures. And once we found one, we argued that if we were going to allow X, we had to allow Y didn’t we?

This is why I resist any further exceptions, or limits on Rights of any kind. We have already given up too many, and that is costing each and every one of us, even if we don’t know it, or claim to not care.

Cars have black boxes? :eek:

Also, what you just posted makes a good case to not use 5g with China listening in on mass amounts of American communications.

At this point, China would just be one of the parade of people listening to those conversations. I mean we have the NSA listening to them, the FBI at will, local cops, and a half dozen Alphabet Soup Agencies in the US. We have the British, French, and several other nations gathering intelligence on our people, for our own Security Services. If they can’t “legally” monitor the phones, they arrange for the phones to be monitored by a friendly foreign intelligence agency.
For me, the world in my lifetime has become an anathema of what it was just thirty five years ago. The reason is not because of the rise of Islamic Extremism, nor of Radical Left, nor of the Alt-Right. It is the willingness of so many of us who are only too happy to sacrifice rights, with little consideration of the future.

When I joined the Army, the propaganda was true. Our Bill of Rights was not only written down, as the Rights of the Soviet Citizen, but the big difference was that those rights were not mere suggestions. We had all the freedoms we were guaranteed. Sometimes those freedoms might offend someone, like those who were upset or enraged by Penthouse or Playboy. But we had the rights.

We were a great country because we had a determination to defend those rights. Never accepting any reduction of those rights. But even as those Rights were written down, and defended, they were also being chipped away.

I thought of this when I read this article. Opinion | I didn't leave the NRA. The NRA left me.

In the article, Greg Hunter was explaining why the NRA didn’t really represent him, or any Gun Owners like him. At the bottom of the Article, it said that Greg Hunter was a Criminal Defense Attorney.

i wondered how he felt about rights being chipped away. A defendant who was convicted despite asking for a lawyer, because his manner of phrasing it was not “clear”. What the defendant said was “I think I need a Lawyer Dog”. The Supreme Court agreed that it was perfectly acceptable to deny him an attorney, because there are no Canine Lawyers. This is an abomination. It is a travesty. The conviction should have been thrown out, because the cops ignored the request for a Lawyer. They knew it was wrong, and they did it anyway figuring that worst case, they would get their wrist slapped later.

Rights of the defendants are another of those areas where our rights have been chipped away relentlessly. Every year, a new Supreme Court decision which is the foundation of the very next exception that begins working its way up the chain.

It used to be that the cops who got the evidence without a warrant, were chastised, and told that the evidence was suppressed, and it could not be used against the defendant. Now, those same cops have a dozen different exceptions, all allowing a search without a warrant.

But Greg Hunter objects to the NRA’s resistance to any restrictions on firearms. No matter how common sense they may be, in Greg’s opinion. They resist the chipping away of rights under the Second Amendment, the way the rest of us should be resisting the watering down of our rights under every other amendment. So Mr. Hunter. I do not support you, or your ideals of Common Sense Gun Reforms, or Needed Gun Reforms, or whatever the term de Jour is this week.

Even if I wasn’t a gun owner myself. I would fight with my last breath to defend the rights of all Citizens of this nation. Including your First Amendment right to speak your mind. I might disagree with what you have to say, but I believe that we should thank God for the First Amendment, and your rights to say it.

We have already lost too many of our rights, and our protections, to even consider for the smallest fraction of a second, the idea that we can give up just a little more, you know, for the common good, or something. Not one step back, not one inch lost, on any right.


what RIGHTS have you lost?

name 1.

name 5.
For me, the world in my lifetime has become an anathema of what it was just thirty five years ago. The reason is not because of the rise of Islamic Extremism, nor of Radical Left, nor of the Alt-Right. It is the willingness of so many of us who are only too happy to sacrifice rights, with little consideration of the future.

When I joined the Army, the propaganda was true. Our Bill of Rights was not only written down, as the Rights of the Soviet Citizen, but the big difference was that those rights were not mere suggestions. We had all the freedoms we were guaranteed. Sometimes those freedoms might offend someone, like those who were upset or enraged by Penthouse or Playboy. But we had the rights.

We were a great country because we had a determination to defend those rights. Never accepting any reduction of those rights. But even as those Rights were written down, and defended, they were also being chipped away.

I thought of this when I read this article. Opinion | I didn't leave the NRA. The NRA left me.

In the article, Greg Hunter was explaining why the NRA didn’t really represent him, or any Gun Owners like him. At the bottom of the Article, it said that Greg Hunter was a Criminal Defense Attorney.

i wondered how he felt about rights being chipped away. A defendant who was convicted despite asking for a lawyer, because his manner of phrasing it was not “clear”. What the defendant said was “I think I need a Lawyer Dog”. The Supreme Court agreed that it was perfectly acceptable to deny him an attorney, because there are no Canine Lawyers. This is an abomination. It is a travesty. The conviction should have been thrown out, because the cops ignored the request for a Lawyer. They knew it was wrong, and they did it anyway figuring that worst case, they would get their wrist slapped later.

Rights of the defendants are another of those areas where our rights have been chipped away relentlessly. Every year, a new Supreme Court decision which is the foundation of the very next exception that begins working its way up the chain.

It used to be that the cops who got the evidence without a warrant, were chastised, and told that the evidence was suppressed, and it could not be used against the defendant. Now, those same cops have a dozen different exceptions, all allowing a search without a warrant.

But Greg Hunter objects to the NRA’s resistance to any restrictions on firearms. No matter how common sense they may be, in Greg’s opinion. They resist the chipping away of rights under the Second Amendment, the way the rest of us should be resisting the watering down of our rights under every other amendment. So Mr. Hunter. I do not support you, or your ideals of Common Sense Gun Reforms, or Needed Gun Reforms, or whatever the term de Jour is this week.

Even if I wasn’t a gun owner myself. I would fight with my last breath to defend the rights of all Citizens of this nation. Including your First Amendment right to speak your mind. I might disagree with what you have to say, but I believe that we should thank God for the First Amendment, and your rights to say it.

We have already lost too many of our rights, and our protections, to even consider for the smallest fraction of a second, the idea that we can give up just a little more, you know, for the common good, or something. Not one step back, not one inch lost, on any right.


what RIGHTS have you lost?

name 1.

name 5.

The right to be protected from illegal search and seizure and property forfeiture.

The right to go fishing whenever I can/want without having to buy a license first.
For me, the world in my lifetime has become an anathema of what it was just thirty five years ago. The reason is not because of the rise of Islamic Extremism, nor of Radical Left, nor of the Alt-Right. It is the willingness of so many of us who are only too happy to sacrifice rights, with little consideration of the future.

When I joined the Army, the propaganda was true. Our Bill of Rights was not only written down, as the Rights of the Soviet Citizen, but the big difference was that those rights were not mere suggestions. We had all the freedoms we were guaranteed. Sometimes those freedoms might offend someone, like those who were upset or enraged by Penthouse or Playboy. But we had the rights.

We were a great country because we had a determination to defend those rights. Never accepting any reduction of those rights. But even as those Rights were written down, and defended, they were also being chipped away.

I thought of this when I read this article. Opinion | I didn't leave the NRA. The NRA left me.

In the article, Greg Hunter was explaining why the NRA didn’t really represent him, or any Gun Owners like him. At the bottom of the Article, it said that Greg Hunter was a Criminal Defense Attorney.

i wondered how he felt about rights being chipped away. A defendant who was convicted despite asking for a lawyer, because his manner of phrasing it was not “clear”. What the defendant said was “I think I need a Lawyer Dog”. The Supreme Court agreed that it was perfectly acceptable to deny him an attorney, because there are no Canine Lawyers. This is an abomination. It is a travesty. The conviction should have been thrown out, because the cops ignored the request for a Lawyer. They knew it was wrong, and they did it anyway figuring that worst case, they would get their wrist slapped later.

Rights of the defendants are another of those areas where our rights have been chipped away relentlessly. Every year, a new Supreme Court decision which is the foundation of the very next exception that begins working its way up the chain.

It used to be that the cops who got the evidence without a warrant, were chastised, and told that the evidence was suppressed, and it could not be used against the defendant. Now, those same cops have a dozen different exceptions, all allowing a search without a warrant.

But Greg Hunter objects to the NRA’s resistance to any restrictions on firearms. No matter how common sense they may be, in Greg’s opinion. They resist the chipping away of rights under the Second Amendment, the way the rest of us should be resisting the watering down of our rights under every other amendment. So Mr. Hunter. I do not support you, or your ideals of Common Sense Gun Reforms, or Needed Gun Reforms, or whatever the term de Jour is this week.

Even if I wasn’t a gun owner myself. I would fight with my last breath to defend the rights of all Citizens of this nation. Including your First Amendment right to speak your mind. I might disagree with what you have to say, but I believe that we should thank God for the First Amendment, and your rights to say it.

We have already lost too many of our rights, and our protections, to even consider for the smallest fraction of a second, the idea that we can give up just a little more, you know, for the common good, or something. Not one step back, not one inch lost, on any right.


what RIGHTS have you lost?

name 1.

name 5.

Right to remain silent. The Supreme Court Decided Your Silence Can Be Used Against You

Right to a Lawyer in which the interview is stopped until a Lawyer is procured. Suspect Asks for “a Lawyer, Dawg.” Judge Says He Asked for “a Lawyer Dog.”

Shall I continue? I can, with ease. Right to Privacy is a joke at this point. Council Post: The Erosion Of Privacy As We Know It

But you won’t want to read any of those, so why bother posting more?
For me, the world in my lifetime has become an anathema of what it was just thirty five years ago. The reason is not because of the rise of Islamic Extremism, nor of Radical Left, nor of the Alt-Right. It is the willingness of so many of us who are only too happy to sacrifice rights, with little consideration of the future.

When I joined the Army, the propaganda was true. Our Bill of Rights was not only written down, as the Rights of the Soviet Citizen, but the big difference was that those rights were not mere suggestions. We had all the freedoms we were guaranteed. Sometimes those freedoms might offend someone, like those who were upset or enraged by Penthouse or Playboy. But we had the rights.

We were a great country because we had a determination to defend those rights. Never accepting any reduction of those rights. But even as those Rights were written down, and defended, they were also being chipped away.

I thought of this when I read this article. Opinion | I didn't leave the NRA. The NRA left me.

In the article, Greg Hunter was explaining why the NRA didn’t really represent him, or any Gun Owners like him. At the bottom of the Article, it said that Greg Hunter was a Criminal Defense Attorney.

i wondered how he felt about rights being chipped away. A defendant who was convicted despite asking for a lawyer, because his manner of phrasing it was not “clear”. What the defendant said was “I think I need a Lawyer Dog”. The Supreme Court agreed that it was perfectly acceptable to deny him an attorney, because there are no Canine Lawyers. This is an abomination. It is a travesty. The conviction should have been thrown out, because the cops ignored the request for a Lawyer. They knew it was wrong, and they did it anyway figuring that worst case, they would get their wrist slapped later.

Rights of the defendants are another of those areas where our rights have been chipped away relentlessly. Every year, a new Supreme Court decision which is the foundation of the very next exception that begins working its way up the chain.

It used to be that the cops who got the evidence without a warrant, were chastised, and told that the evidence was suppressed, and it could not be used against the defendant. Now, those same cops have a dozen different exceptions, all allowing a search without a warrant.

But Greg Hunter objects to the NRA’s resistance to any restrictions on firearms. No matter how common sense they may be, in Greg’s opinion. They resist the chipping away of rights under the Second Amendment, the way the rest of us should be resisting the watering down of our rights under every other amendment. So Mr. Hunter. I do not support you, or your ideals of Common Sense Gun Reforms, or Needed Gun Reforms, or whatever the term de Jour is this week.

Even if I wasn’t a gun owner myself. I would fight with my last breath to defend the rights of all Citizens of this nation. Including your First Amendment right to speak your mind. I might disagree with what you have to say, but I believe that we should thank God for the First Amendment, and your rights to say it.

We have already lost too many of our rights, and our protections, to even consider for the smallest fraction of a second, the idea that we can give up just a little more, you know, for the common good, or something. Not one step back, not one inch lost, on any right.


what RIGHTS have you lost?

name 1.

name 5.

Right to remain silent. The Supreme Court Decided Your Silence Can Be Used Against You

Right to a Lawyer in which the interview is stopped until a Lawyer is procured. Suspect Asks for “a Lawyer, Dawg.” Judge Says He Asked for “a Lawyer Dog.”

Shall I continue? I can, with ease. Right to Privacy is a joke at this point. Council Post: The Erosion Of Privacy As We Know It

But you won’t want to read any of those, so why bother posting more?

It's just a progstain tactic of trying to get you to go on a squirrel chase.
the world in my lifetime has become an anathema of what it was just thirty five years ago

noun: anathema; plural noun: anathemas
something or someone that one vehemently dislikes.
"racial hatred was anathema to her"
synonyms: abhorrent, hateful, odious, repugnant, repellent, offensive; More

I know. It is a bit strong. But honestly it is more accurate and chosen for a reason. All the things the old KGB used to do for internal security we now do for Homeland Security.

It's not about the strength of the word. The word does not mean what you think it means.

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