We Suffered for 8 Years, Say the Haters.

You lost in 2016....You'll very likely lose in 2020...STFU and deal with it.

You don't care about America or American success you only care about party, the GOP party.

As Limbaugh said "I hope he fails" You hate to see American success under Democrats.

It kills you that Bill Clinton was more successful than Trump, with balanced budgets and high GDP growth.

It kills you that George Bush was the worst president we ever had, with the worst results we ever had, and a much worse president than Obama.

The cult of GOP is so demented that they root for America to fail when Democrats are president, what a sad sad bunch of pathetic morons.

Sooooo......you're a government school grad?
"The sentence I hear most from well-meaning, conservative friends since President Trump’s election is this: “We suffered 8 years under Barack Obama.”

Fair enough. Let’s take a look.

The day Obama took office, the Dow closed at 7,949 points. Eight years later, the Dow had almost tripled.

General Motors and Chrysler were on the brink of bankruptcy, with Ford not far behind, and their failure, along with their supply chains, would have meant the loss of millions of jobs. Obama pushed through a controversial, $80 billion bailout to save the car industry. The U.S. car industry survived, started making money again, and the entire $80 billion was paid back, with interest.

While we remain vulnerable to lone-wolf attacks, no foreign terrorist organization has successfully executed a mass attack here since 9/11.

Obama ordered the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden.

He drew down the number of troops from 180,000 in Iraq and Afghanistan to just 15,000, and increased funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs.

He launched a program called Opening Doors which, since 2010, has led to a 47 percent decline in the number of homeless veterans.

He set a record 73 straight months of private-sector job growth.

Due to Obama’s regulatory policies, greenhouse gas emissions decreased by 12%, production of renewable energy more than doubled, and our dependence on foreign oil was cut in half.

He signed The Lilly Ledbetter Act, making it easier for women to sue employers for unequal pay.

His Omnibus Public Lands Management Act designated more than 2 million acres as wilderness, creating thousands of miles of trails and protecting over 1,000 miles of rivers.

He reduced the federal deficit from 9.8 percent of GDP in 2009 to 3.2 percent in 2016.

For all the inadequacies of the Affordable Care Act, we seem to have forgotten that, before the ACA, you could be denied coverage for a pre-existing condition and kids could not stay on their parents’ policies up to age 26.

Obama approved a $14.5 billion system to rebuild the levees in New Orleans.

All this, even as Mitch McConnell famously asserted that his singular mission would be to block anything President Obama tried to do.

While Obama failed on his campaign pledge to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay, that prison’s population decreased from 242 to around 50.

He expanded funding for embryonic stem cell research, supporting groundbreaking advancement in areas like spinal injury treatment and cancer.

Credit card companies can no longer charge hidden fees or raise interest rates without advance notice.

Most years, Obama threw a 4th of July party for military families. He held babies, played games with children, served barbecue, and led the singing of “Happy Birthday” to his daughter Malia, who was born on July 4.

Welfare spending is down: for every 100 poor families, just 24 receive cash assistance, compared with 64 in 1996.

Obama comforted families and communities following more than a dozen mass shootings. After Sandy Hook, he said, “The majority of those who died today were children, beautiful little kids between the ages of 5 and 10 years old.”

Yet, he never took away anyone’s guns.

He sang Amazing Grace, spontaneously, at the altar.

He was the first president since Eisenhower to serve two terms without personal or political scandal.

He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

President Obama was not perfect, as no man and no president is, and you can certainly disagree with his political ideologies. But to say we suffered? If that’s the argument, if this is how we suffered for 8 years under Barack Obama, I have one wish: may we be so fortunate as to suffer 8 more."
The stock market regained losses. That's it. People got back to square 1 from all they lost. That would have happened no matter who was president.

And lol at implying Obama saved GM from bankruptcy when they WENT BANKRUPT AFTER TAKING US TAXPAYERS MONEY.

You're a fool
People lost their homes because of a recession that dragged on and on!

So people lost their homes because OBAMA?

I welcome your truthfulness. Bring it.
Please discuss.

Of course people lost their homes because of Obama! What was his priority upon taking office? What did he spend most of his time pushing legislatively? It wasn't something that would put people in the Private Sector back to work. It was government run healthcare...something that not only didn't create jobs but actively retarded the creation of jobs! If you'd lost your job in the Private Sector in 2008...there was little being done by the Obama Administration to encourage an employer to hire you in 2009 or 2010! Do you remember what legislation the Obama Administration was pushing leading up to the crushing defeat Democrats took at the polls at the first midterm elections? It wasn't something to create jobs! It was Cap & Trade legislation that would have increased costs across the board for American businesses and slowed the rate of recovery even more! The very threat of that kept investment capital on the sidelines and people without jobs! Do you recall how the Democrats handled the Obama Stimulus? How they protected people in Public Sector jobs but left those in the Private Sector twisting in the wind?

People in the Private Sector that lost their jobs as that recession began got NOTHING from the Obama Administration for years! They were forced to burn through their savings and when that ran out they lost their homes because they could no longer pay their mortgages! The rate of home foreclosures during the Obama Administration was through the roof and I mean no pun with that!

Yup. Winco forgets all about people on UE for months. UE being extended time after time.

He also forgets all the people who were collecting food stamps cause they couldn't find a damned job. Oh Obama did a great job.

I remember it well as I know you do.
"The sentence I hear most from well-meaning, conservative friends since President Trump’s election is this: “We suffered 8 years under Barack Obama.”

Fair enough. Let’s take a look.

The day Obama took office, the Dow closed at 7,949 points. Eight years later, the Dow had almost tripled.

General Motors and Chrysler were on the brink of bankruptcy, with Ford not far behind, and their failure, along with their supply chains, would have meant the loss of millions of jobs. Obama pushed through a controversial, $80 billion bailout to save the car industry. The U.S. car industry survived, started making money again, and the entire $80 billion was paid back, with interest.

While we remain vulnerable to lone-wolf attacks, no foreign terrorist organization has successfully executed a mass attack here since 9/11.

Obama ordered the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden.

He drew down the number of troops from 180,000 in Iraq and Afghanistan to just 15,000, and increased funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs.

He launched a program called Opening Doors which, since 2010, has led to a 47 percent decline in the number of homeless veterans.

He set a record 73 straight months of private-sector job growth.

Due to Obama’s regulatory policies, greenhouse gas emissions decreased by 12%, production of renewable energy more than doubled, and our dependence on foreign oil was cut in half.

He signed The Lilly Ledbetter Act, making it easier for women to sue employers for unequal pay.

His Omnibus Public Lands Management Act designated more than 2 million acres as wilderness, creating thousands of miles of trails and protecting over 1,000 miles of rivers.

He reduced the federal deficit from 9.8 percent of GDP in 2009 to 3.2 percent in 2016.

For all the inadequacies of the Affordable Care Act, we seem to have forgotten that, before the ACA, you could be denied coverage for a pre-existing condition and kids could not stay on their parents’ policies up to age 26.

Obama approved a $14.5 billion system to rebuild the levees in New Orleans.

All this, even as Mitch McConnell famously asserted that his singular mission would be to block anything President Obama tried to do.

While Obama failed on his campaign pledge to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay, that prison’s population decreased from 242 to around 50.

He expanded funding for embryonic stem cell research, supporting groundbreaking advancement in areas like spinal injury treatment and cancer.

Credit card companies can no longer charge hidden fees or raise interest rates without advance notice.

Most years, Obama threw a 4th of July party for military families. He held babies, played games with children, served barbecue, and led the singing of “Happy Birthday” to his daughter Malia, who was born on July 4.

Welfare spending is down: for every 100 poor families, just 24 receive cash assistance, compared with 64 in 1996.

Obama comforted families and communities following more than a dozen mass shootings. After Sandy Hook, he said, “The majority of those who died today were children, beautiful little kids between the ages of 5 and 10 years old.”

Yet, he never took away anyone’s guns.

He sang Amazing Grace, spontaneously, at the altar.

He was the first president since Eisenhower to serve two terms without personal or political scandal.

He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

President Obama was not perfect, as no man and no president is, and you can certainly disagree with his political ideologies. But to say we suffered? If that’s the argument, if this is how we suffered for 8 years under Barack Obama, I have one wish: may we be so fortunate as to suffer 8 more."

Ummm, you clowns have been hating since he won. I don't see haters on trumps side. Only on yours.
"The sentence I hear most from well-meaning, conservative friends since President Trump’s election is this: “We suffered 8 years under Barack Obama.”

Fair enough. Let’s take a look.

The day Obama took office, the Dow closed at 7,949 points. Eight years later, the Dow had almost tripled.

General Motors and Chrysler were on the brink of bankruptcy, with Ford not far behind, and their failure, along with their supply chains, would have meant the loss of millions of jobs. Obama pushed through a controversial, $80 billion bailout to save the car industry. The U.S. car industry survived, started making money again, and the entire $80 billion was paid back, with interest.

While we remain vulnerable to lone-wolf attacks, no foreign terrorist organization has successfully executed a mass attack here since 9/11.

Obama ordered the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden.

He drew down the number of troops from 180,000 in Iraq and Afghanistan to just 15,000, and increased funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs.

He launched a program called Opening Doors which, since 2010, has led to a 47 percent decline in the number of homeless veterans.

He set a record 73 straight months of private-sector job growth.

Due to Obama’s regulatory policies, greenhouse gas emissions decreased by 12%, production of renewable energy more than doubled, and our dependence on foreign oil was cut in half.

He signed The Lilly Ledbetter Act, making it easier for women to sue employers for unequal pay.

His Omnibus Public Lands Management Act designated more than 2 million acres as wilderness, creating thousands of miles of trails and protecting over 1,000 miles of rivers.

He reduced the federal deficit from 9.8 percent of GDP in 2009 to 3.2 percent in 2016.

For all the inadequacies of the Affordable Care Act, we seem to have forgotten that, before the ACA, you could be denied coverage for a pre-existing condition and kids could not stay on their parents’ policies up to age 26.

Obama approved a $14.5 billion system to rebuild the levees in New Orleans.

All this, even as Mitch McConnell famously asserted that his singular mission would be to block anything President Obama tried to do.

While Obama failed on his campaign pledge to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay, that prison’s population decreased from 242 to around 50.

He expanded funding for embryonic stem cell research, supporting groundbreaking advancement in areas like spinal injury treatment and cancer.

Credit card companies can no longer charge hidden fees or raise interest rates without advance notice.

Most years, Obama threw a 4th of July party for military families. He held babies, played games with children, served barbecue, and led the singing of “Happy Birthday” to his daughter Malia, who was born on July 4.

Welfare spending is down: for every 100 poor families, just 24 receive cash assistance, compared with 64 in 1996.

Obama comforted families and communities following more than a dozen mass shootings. After Sandy Hook, he said, “The majority of those who died today were children, beautiful little kids between the ages of 5 and 10 years old.”

Yet, he never took away anyone’s guns.

He sang Amazing Grace, spontaneously, at the altar.

He was the first president since Eisenhower to serve two terms without personal or political scandal.

He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

President Obama was not perfect, as no man and no president is, and you can certainly disagree with his political ideologies. But to say we suffered? If that’s the argument, if this is how we suffered for 8 years under Barack Obama, I have one wish: may we be so fortunate as to suffer 8 more."
The stock market regained losses. That's it. People got back to square 1 from all they lost. That would have happened no matter who was president.

And lol at implying Obama saved GM from bankruptcy when they WENT BANKRUPT AFTER TAKING US TAXPAYERS MONEY.

You're a fool

That he is. They took OUR money to bail out their mismanaged pension plans and then filed for bankruptcy. They still haven't paid all that money back.

The only company that didn't take money was Ford.

No way should tax money be given to any company. Obama was merely paying the Unions back for supporting his stupid ass.
"The sentence I hear most from well-meaning, conservative friends since President Trump’s election is this: “We suffered 8 years under Barack Obama.”

Fair enough. Let’s take a look.

The day Obama took office, the Dow closed at 7,949 points. Eight years later, the Dow had almost tripled.

General Motors and Chrysler were on the brink of bankruptcy, with Ford not far behind, and their failure, along with their supply chains, would have meant the loss of millions of jobs. Obama pushed through a controversial, $80 billion bailout to save the car industry. The U.S. car industry survived, started making money again, and the entire $80 billion was paid back, with interest.

While we remain vulnerable to lone-wolf attacks, no foreign terrorist organization has successfully executed a mass attack here since 9/11.

Obama ordered the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden.

He drew down the number of troops from 180,000 in Iraq and Afghanistan to just 15,000, and increased funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs.

He launched a program called Opening Doors which, since 2010, has led to a 47 percent decline in the number of homeless veterans.

He set a record 73 straight months of private-sector job growth.

Due to Obama’s regulatory policies, greenhouse gas emissions decreased by 12%, production of renewable energy more than doubled, and our dependence on foreign oil was cut in half.

He signed The Lilly Ledbetter Act, making it easier for women to sue employers for unequal pay.

His Omnibus Public Lands Management Act designated more than 2 million acres as wilderness, creating thousands of miles of trails and protecting over 1,000 miles of rivers.

He reduced the federal deficit from 9.8 percent of GDP in 2009 to 3.2 percent in 2016.

For all the inadequacies of the Affordable Care Act, we seem to have forgotten that, before the ACA, you could be denied coverage for a pre-existing condition and kids could not stay on their parents’ policies up to age 26.

Obama approved a $14.5 billion system to rebuild the levees in New Orleans.

All this, even as Mitch McConnell famously asserted that his singular mission would be to block anything President Obama tried to do.

While Obama failed on his campaign pledge to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay, that prison’s population decreased from 242 to around 50.

He expanded funding for embryonic stem cell research, supporting groundbreaking advancement in areas like spinal injury treatment and cancer.

Credit card companies can no longer charge hidden fees or raise interest rates without advance notice.

Most years, Obama threw a 4th of July party for military families. He held babies, played games with children, served barbecue, and led the singing of “Happy Birthday” to his daughter Malia, who was born on July 4.

Welfare spending is down: for every 100 poor families, just 24 receive cash assistance, compared with 64 in 1996.

Obama comforted families and communities following more than a dozen mass shootings. After Sandy Hook, he said, “The majority of those who died today were children, beautiful little kids between the ages of 5 and 10 years old.”

Yet, he never took away anyone’s guns.

He sang Amazing Grace, spontaneously, at the altar.

He was the first president since Eisenhower to serve two terms without personal or political scandal.

He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

President Obama was not perfect, as no man and no president is, and you can certainly disagree with his political ideologies. But to say we suffered? If that’s the argument, if this is how we suffered for 8 years under Barack Obama, I have one wish: may we be so fortunate as to suffer 8 more."
Multiply standard, long time partisan bullshit by the effect of talk radio and nutter internet, and you get what we're seeing.

It's pretty powerful, but it still distorts reality in the extreme. Communicating with them is one helluva challenge.
"The sentence I hear most from well-meaning, conservative friends since President Trump’s election is this: “We suffered 8 years under Barack Obama.”

Fair enough. Let’s take a look.

The day Obama took office, the Dow closed at 7,949 points. Eight years later, the Dow had almost tripled.

General Motors and Chrysler were on the brink of bankruptcy, with Ford not far behind, and their failure, along with their supply chains, would have meant the loss of millions of jobs. Obama pushed through a controversial, $80 billion bailout to save the car industry. The U.S. car industry survived, started making money again, and the entire $80 billion was paid back, with interest.

While we remain vulnerable to lone-wolf attacks, no foreign terrorist organization has successfully executed a mass attack here since 9/11.

Obama ordered the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden.

He drew down the number of troops from 180,000 in Iraq and Afghanistan to just 15,000, and increased funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs.

He launched a program called Opening Doors which, since 2010, has led to a 47 percent decline in the number of homeless veterans.

He set a record 73 straight months of private-sector job growth.

Due to Obama’s regulatory policies, greenhouse gas emissions decreased by 12%, production of renewable energy more than doubled, and our dependence on foreign oil was cut in half.

He signed The Lilly Ledbetter Act, making it easier for women to sue employers for unequal pay.

His Omnibus Public Lands Management Act designated more than 2 million acres as wilderness, creating thousands of miles of trails and protecting over 1,000 miles of rivers.

He reduced the federal deficit from 9.8 percent of GDP in 2009 to 3.2 percent in 2016.

For all the inadequacies of the Affordable Care Act, we seem to have forgotten that, before the ACA, you could be denied coverage for a pre-existing condition and kids could not stay on their parents’ policies up to age 26.

Obama approved a $14.5 billion system to rebuild the levees in New Orleans.

All this, even as Mitch McConnell famously asserted that his singular mission would be to block anything President Obama tried to do.

While Obama failed on his campaign pledge to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay, that prison’s population decreased from 242 to around 50.

He expanded funding for embryonic stem cell research, supporting groundbreaking advancement in areas like spinal injury treatment and cancer.

Credit card companies can no longer charge hidden fees or raise interest rates without advance notice.

Most years, Obama threw a 4th of July party for military families. He held babies, played games with children, served barbecue, and led the singing of “Happy Birthday” to his daughter Malia, who was born on July 4.

Welfare spending is down: for every 100 poor families, just 24 receive cash assistance, compared with 64 in 1996.

Obama comforted families and communities following more than a dozen mass shootings. After Sandy Hook, he said, “The majority of those who died today were children, beautiful little kids between the ages of 5 and 10 years old.”

Yet, he never took away anyone’s guns.

He sang Amazing Grace, spontaneously, at the altar.

He was the first president since Eisenhower to serve two terms without personal or political scandal.

He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

President Obama was not perfect, as no man and no president is, and you can certainly disagree with his political ideologies. But to say we suffered? If that’s the argument, if this is how we suffered for 8 years under Barack Obama, I have one wish: may we be so fortunate as to suffer 8 more."

Obama pushed through a controversial, $80 billion bailout to save the car industry. The U.S. car industry survived, started making money again, and the entire $80 billion was paid back, with interest.

You're lying.

View attachment 292714

Bailout Tracker

We're missing about $12.5 billion from GM and Chrysler.
And yet your own chart shows a $116 billion net profit. Math really isn't your strong suit.

And yet your own chart shows a $116 billion net profit.

Not for GM and Chrysler. Reading really isn't your strong suit.
"The sentence I hear most from well-meaning, conservative friends since President Trump’s election is this: “We suffered 8 years under Barack Obama.”

Fair enough. Let’s take a look.

The day Obama took office, the Dow closed at 7,949 points. Eight years later, the Dow had almost tripled.

General Motors and Chrysler were on the brink of bankruptcy, with Ford not far behind, and their failure, along with their supply chains, would have meant the loss of millions of jobs. Obama pushed through a controversial, $80 billion bailout to save the car industry. The U.S. car industry survived, started making money again, and the entire $80 billion was paid back, with interest.

While we remain vulnerable to lone-wolf attacks, no foreign terrorist organization has successfully executed a mass attack here since 9/11.

Obama ordered the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden.

He drew down the number of troops from 180,000 in Iraq and Afghanistan to just 15,000, and increased funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs.

He launched a program called Opening Doors which, since 2010, has led to a 47 percent decline in the number of homeless veterans.

He set a record 73 straight months of private-sector job growth.

Due to Obama’s regulatory policies, greenhouse gas emissions decreased by 12%, production of renewable energy more than doubled, and our dependence on foreign oil was cut in half.

He signed The Lilly Ledbetter Act, making it easier for women to sue employers for unequal pay.

His Omnibus Public Lands Management Act designated more than 2 million acres as wilderness, creating thousands of miles of trails and protecting over 1,000 miles of rivers.

He reduced the federal deficit from 9.8 percent of GDP in 2009 to 3.2 percent in 2016.

For all the inadequacies of the Affordable Care Act, we seem to have forgotten that, before the ACA, you could be denied coverage for a pre-existing condition and kids could not stay on their parents’ policies up to age 26.

Obama approved a $14.5 billion system to rebuild the levees in New Orleans.

All this, even as Mitch McConnell famously asserted that his singular mission would be to block anything President Obama tried to do.

While Obama failed on his campaign pledge to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay, that prison’s population decreased from 242 to around 50.

He expanded funding for embryonic stem cell research, supporting groundbreaking advancement in areas like spinal injury treatment and cancer.

Credit card companies can no longer charge hidden fees or raise interest rates without advance notice.

Most years, Obama threw a 4th of July party for military families. He held babies, played games with children, served barbecue, and led the singing of “Happy Birthday” to his daughter Malia, who was born on July 4.

Welfare spending is down: for every 100 poor families, just 24 receive cash assistance, compared with 64 in 1996.

Obama comforted families and communities following more than a dozen mass shootings. After Sandy Hook, he said, “The majority of those who died today were children, beautiful little kids between the ages of 5 and 10 years old.”

Yet, he never took away anyone’s guns.

He sang Amazing Grace, spontaneously, at the altar.

He was the first president since Eisenhower to serve two terms without personal or political scandal.

He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

President Obama was not perfect, as no man and no president is, and you can certainly disagree with his political ideologies. But to say we suffered? If that’s the argument, if this is how we suffered for 8 years under Barack Obama, I have one wish: may we be so fortunate as to suffer 8 more."

Obama pushed through a controversial, $80 billion bailout to save the car industry. The U.S. car industry survived, started making money again, and the entire $80 billion was paid back, with interest.

You're lying.

View attachment 292714

Bailout Tracker

We're missing about $12.5 billion from GM and Chrysler.
And yet your own chart shows a $116 billion net profit. Math really isn't your strong suit.

And yet your own chart shows a $116 billion net profit.

Not for GM and Chrysler. Reading really isn't your strong suit.
How much of the farm bailout Trump has spent, which is twice the auto bailout, will we get back?

My guess is...ZERO.
"The sentence I hear most from well-meaning, conservative friends since President Trump’s election is this: “We suffered 8 years under Barack Obama.”

Fair enough. Let’s take a look.

The day Obama took office, the Dow closed at 7,949 points. Eight years later, the Dow had almost tripled.

General Motors and Chrysler were on the brink of bankruptcy, with Ford not far behind, and their failure, along with their supply chains, would have meant the loss of millions of jobs. Obama pushed through a controversial, $80 billion bailout to save the car industry. The U.S. car industry survived, started making money again, and the entire $80 billion was paid back, with interest.

While we remain vulnerable to lone-wolf attacks, no foreign terrorist organization has successfully executed a mass attack here since 9/11.

Obama ordered the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden.

He drew down the number of troops from 180,000 in Iraq and Afghanistan to just 15,000, and increased funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs.

He launched a program called Opening Doors which, since 2010, has led to a 47 percent decline in the number of homeless veterans.

He set a record 73 straight months of private-sector job growth.

Due to Obama’s regulatory policies, greenhouse gas emissions decreased by 12%, production of renewable energy more than doubled, and our dependence on foreign oil was cut in half.

He signed The Lilly Ledbetter Act, making it easier for women to sue employers for unequal pay.

His Omnibus Public Lands Management Act designated more than 2 million acres as wilderness, creating thousands of miles of trails and protecting over 1,000 miles of rivers.

He reduced the federal deficit from 9.8 percent of GDP in 2009 to 3.2 percent in 2016.

For all the inadequacies of the Affordable Care Act, we seem to have forgotten that, before the ACA, you could be denied coverage for a pre-existing condition and kids could not stay on their parents’ policies up to age 26.

Obama approved a $14.5 billion system to rebuild the levees in New Orleans.

All this, even as Mitch McConnell famously asserted that his singular mission would be to block anything President Obama tried to do.

While Obama failed on his campaign pledge to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay, that prison’s population decreased from 242 to around 50.

He expanded funding for embryonic stem cell research, supporting groundbreaking advancement in areas like spinal injury treatment and cancer.

Credit card companies can no longer charge hidden fees or raise interest rates without advance notice.

Most years, Obama threw a 4th of July party for military families. He held babies, played games with children, served barbecue, and led the singing of “Happy Birthday” to his daughter Malia, who was born on July 4.

Welfare spending is down: for every 100 poor families, just 24 receive cash assistance, compared with 64 in 1996.

Obama comforted families and communities following more than a dozen mass shootings. After Sandy Hook, he said, “The majority of those who died today were children, beautiful little kids between the ages of 5 and 10 years old.”

Yet, he never took away anyone’s guns.

He sang Amazing Grace, spontaneously, at the altar.

He was the first president since Eisenhower to serve two terms without personal or political scandal.

He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

President Obama was not perfect, as no man and no president is, and you can certainly disagree with his political ideologies. But to say we suffered? If that’s the argument, if this is how we suffered for 8 years under Barack Obama, I have one wish: may we be so fortunate as to suffer 8 more."
The stock market regained losses. That's it. People got back to square 1 from all they lost. That would have happened no matter who was president.

And lol at implying Obama saved GM from bankruptcy when they WENT BANKRUPT AFTER TAKING US TAXPAYERS MONEY.

You're a fool
Stock market regained losses?????????

The stock market made all time highs under Obama.

What a total fool and an embarrassment. I love how you have to lie to try and discredit Obama, because the truth is kryptonite to a republican.

You just got murked SON...
People lost their homes because of a recession that dragged on and on!

So people lost their homes because OBAMA?

I welcome your truthfulness. Bring it.
Please discuss.

Of course people lost their homes because of Obama! What was his priority upon taking office? What did he spend most of his time pushing legislatively? It wasn't something that would put people in the Private Sector back to work. It was government run healthcare...something that not only didn't create jobs but actively retarded the creation of jobs! If you'd lost your job in the Private Sector in 2008...there was little being done by the Obama Administration to encourage an employer to hire you in 2009 or 2010! Do you remember what legislation the Obama Administration was pushing leading up to the crushing defeat Democrats took at the polls at the first midterm elections? It wasn't something to create jobs! It was Cap & Trade legislation that would have increased costs across the board for American businesses and slowed the rate of recovery even more! The very threat of that kept investment capital on the sidelines and people without jobs! Do you recall how the Democrats handled the Obama Stimulus? How they protected people in Public Sector jobs but left those in the Private Sector twisting in the wind?

People in the Private Sector that lost their jobs as that recession began got NOTHING from the Obama Administration for years! They were forced to burn through their savings and when that ran out they lost their homes because they could no longer pay their mortgages! The rate of home foreclosures during the Obama Administration was through the roof and I mean no pun with that!

Yup. Winco forgets all about people on UE for months. UE being extended time after time.

He also forgets all the people who were collecting food stamps cause they couldn't find a damned job. Oh Obama did a great job.

I remember it well as I know you do.
You mean QE?

Because the Fed essentially just started QE 4.... or you can call it QE lite, either way it's more of the same. I know facts suck...

You people have no clue what's going on...
The stock market made all time highs under Obama.

Yes, that's what happens after you regain all the losses. Sadly we went at a snail's pace to achieve that under Obama.

Why do you keep lying? Good thing I am here to school you, that's what I do, school the retards and liars of the world. You said this:
The stock market regained losses. That's it. People got back to square 1 from all they lost.

Stating that we just regained losses. That's it (in your own words pops). When in fact the market was up approximately 300% start to finish under Obama, and made new all time highs in 2013, passing Bush's market highs and finishing Obama's presidency up ~300% from what he inherited from Bush, and also finishing up ~50% higher than Bush's all time highs.

Now let's look at Trump's gains. Trump has gained ........... approximately ONLY 35% you dumb fuck. So Obama's snail's pace was a 300% gain, and Trump's gain is only ~35%.

So basically you and Political Chic have absolutely no fucking clue what you are talking about. I'm glad I could educate you two, maybe now you will come correct with your facts. I find it laughable that you and Political Chic try to act like you know something when you're dumb as dirt. Just another example of the stupidity of the right...

You should have either checked your facts, or just admitted the mistake, instead you look even dumber. You just got murked.

The real question is why do you people feel the need to lie to discredit Obama. Obama was a slightly better than mediocre president, there is plenty to attack him on, but to lie and fabricate BS? It just shows how pathetic the right is and how pathetic their Obama derangement syndrome is.

Screen Shot 2019-12-02 at 2.46.51 PM.png
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The stock market made all time highs under Obama.

Yes, that's what happens after you regain all the losses. Sadly we went at a snail's pace to achieve that under Obama.

Why do you keep lying? Good thing I am here to school you, that's what I do, school the retards and liars of the world. You said this:
The stock market regained losses. That's it. People got back to square 1 from all they lost.

Stating that we just regained losses. That's it (in your own words pops). When in fact the market was up approximately 300% start to finish under Obama, and made new all time highs in 2013, passing Bush's market highs and finishing Obama's presidency up ~300% from what he inherited from Bush, and also finishing up ~50% higher than Bush's all time highs.

Now let's look at Trump's gains. Trump has gained ........... approximately ONLY 35% you dumb fuck. So Obama's snail's pace was a 300% gain, and Trump's gain is only ~35%.

So basically you and Political Chic have absolutely no fucking clue what you are talking about. I'm glad I could educate you two, maybe now you will come correct with your facts. I find it laughable that you and Political Chic try to act like you know something when you're dumb as dirt. Just another example of the stupidity of the right...

You should have either checked your facts, or just admitted the mistake, instead you look even dumber. You just got murked.

View attachment 292811

Re-post sans the juvenile vulgarity and I may deign to respond......and eviscerate you.
The stock market made all time highs under Obama.

Yes, that's what happens after you regain all the losses. Sadly we went at a snail's pace to achieve that under Obama.

Why do you keep lying? Good thing I am here to school you, that's what I do, school the retards and liars of the world. You said this:
The stock market regained losses. That's it. People got back to square 1 from all they lost.

Stating that we just regained losses. That's it (in your own words pops). When in fact the market was up approximately 300% start to finish under Obama, and made new all time highs in 2013, passing Bush's market highs and finishing Obama's presidency up ~300% from what he inherited from Bush, and also finishing up ~50% higher than Bush's all time highs.

Now let's look at Trump's gains. Trump has gained ........... approximately ONLY 35% you dumb fuck. So Obama's snail's pace was a 300% gain, and Trump's gain is only ~35%.

So basically you and Political Chic have absolutely no fucking clue what you are talking about. I'm glad I could educate you two, maybe now you will come correct with your facts. I find it laughable that you and Political Chic try to act like you know something when you're dumb as dirt. Just another example of the stupidity of the right...

You should have either checked your facts, or just admitted the mistake, instead you look even dumber. You just got murked.

View attachment 292811

When in fact the market was up approximately 300% start to finish under Obama,

Show your math.
The stock market made all time highs under Obama.

Yes, that's what happens after you regain all the losses. Sadly we went at a snail's pace to achieve that under Obama.

Why do you keep lying? Good thing I am here to school you, that's what I do, school the retards and liars of the world. You said this:
The stock market regained losses. That's it. People got back to square 1 from all they lost.

Stating that we just regained losses. That's it (in your own words pops). When in fact the market was up approximately 300% start to finish under Obama, and made new all time highs in 2013, passing Bush's market highs and finishing Obama's presidency up ~300% from what he inherited from Bush, and also finishing up ~50% higher than Bush's all time highs.

Now let's look at Trump's gains. Trump has gained ........... approximately ONLY 35% you dumb fuck. So Obama's snail's pace was a 300% gain, and Trump's gain is only ~35%.

So basically you and Political Chic have absolutely no fucking clue what you are talking about. I'm glad I could educate you two, maybe now you will come correct with your facts. I find it laughable that you and Political Chic try to act like you know something when you're dumb as dirt. Just another example of the stupidity of the right...

You should have either checked your facts, or just admitted the mistake, instead you look even dumber. You just got murked.

View attachment 292811

Re-post sans the juvenile vulgarity and I may deign to respond......and eviscerate you.
Your surrender has been noted.
The stock market made all time highs under Obama.

Yes, that's what happens after you regain all the losses. Sadly we went at a snail's pace to achieve that under Obama.

Why do you keep lying? Good thing I am here to school you, that's what I do, school the retards and liars of the world. You said this:
The stock market regained losses. That's it. People got back to square 1 from all they lost.

Stating that we just regained losses. That's it (in your own words pops). When in fact the market was up approximately 300% start to finish under Obama, and made new all time highs in 2013, passing Bush's market highs and finishing Obama's presidency up ~300% from what he inherited from Bush, and also finishing up ~50% higher than Bush's all time highs.

Now let's look at Trump's gains. Trump has gained ........... approximately ONLY 35% you dumb fuck. So Obama's snail's pace was a 300% gain, and Trump's gain is only ~35%.

So basically you and Political Chic have absolutely no fucking clue what you are talking about. I'm glad I could educate you two, maybe now you will come correct with your facts. I find it laughable that you and Political Chic try to act like you know something when you're dumb as dirt. Just another example of the stupidity of the right...

You should have either checked your facts, or just admitted the mistake, instead you look even dumber. You just got murked.

View attachment 292811

Re-post sans the juvenile vulgarity and I may deign to respond......and eviscerate you.
Your surrender has been noted.

So we find that you are incapable of writing without resort to what you learned in the 3rd grade bathroom, as per your admission.

You must be deeply afraid of what I would write.

A wise emotion under the circumstances.
The stock market made all time highs under Obama.

Yes, that's what happens after you regain all the losses. Sadly we went at a snail's pace to achieve that under Obama.

Why do you keep lying? Good thing I am here to school you, that's what I do, school the retards and liars of the world. You said this:
The stock market regained losses. That's it. People got back to square 1 from all they lost.

Stating that we just regained losses. That's it (in your own words pops). When in fact the market was up approximately 300% start to finish under Obama, and made new all time highs in 2013, passing Bush's market highs and finishing Obama's presidency up ~300% from what he inherited from Bush, and also finishing up ~50% higher than Bush's all time highs.

Now let's look at Trump's gains. Trump has gained ........... approximately ONLY 35% you dumb fuck. So Obama's snail's pace was a 300% gain, and Trump's gain is only ~35%.

So basically you and Political Chic have absolutely no fucking clue what you are talking about. I'm glad I could educate you two, maybe now you will come correct with your facts. I find it laughable that you and Political Chic try to act like you know something when you're dumb as dirt. Just another example of the stupidity of the right...

You should have either checked your facts, or just admitted the mistake, instead you look even dumber. You just got murked.

View attachment 292811

When in fact the market was up approximately 300% start to finish under Obama,

Show your math.
My Son!!!!! I hope you're not back for more pain after last night's schooling.

If you still want to graduate middle school then you should be able to figure it out, it's pretty simple...

How about you show me where I am not correct.
The stock market made all time highs under Obama.

Yes, that's what happens after you regain all the losses. Sadly we went at a snail's pace to achieve that under Obama.

Why do you keep lying? Good thing I am here to school you, that's what I do, school the retards and liars of the world. You said this:
The stock market regained losses. That's it. People got back to square 1 from all they lost.

Stating that we just regained losses. That's it (in your own words pops). When in fact the market was up approximately 300% start to finish under Obama, and made new all time highs in 2013, passing Bush's market highs and finishing Obama's presidency up ~300% from what he inherited from Bush, and also finishing up ~50% higher than Bush's all time highs.

Now let's look at Trump's gains. Trump has gained ........... approximately ONLY 35% you dumb fuck. So Obama's snail's pace was a 300% gain, and Trump's gain is only ~35%.

So basically you and Political Chic have absolutely no fucking clue what you are talking about. I'm glad I could educate you two, maybe now you will come correct with your facts. I find it laughable that you and Political Chic try to act like you know something when you're dumb as dirt. Just another example of the stupidity of the right...

You should have either checked your facts, or just admitted the mistake, instead you look even dumber. You just got murked.

View attachment 292811

Re-post sans the juvenile vulgarity and I may deign to respond......and eviscerate you.
Your surrender has been noted.

So we find that you are incapable of writing without resort to what you learned in the 3rd grade bathroom, as per your admission.

You must be deeply afraid of what I would write.

A wise emotion under the circumstances.
blah blah blah.

You have nothing. You're the one that got caught promoting lies. I have nothing to say to you. You need to redeem yourself, not me.

I love how the idiots of the world try to act tough and clever when they get caught in lies and are too scared to engage in the debate.
You can have the last word, get back to me when you have some clue about the simple stock market gains under Obama, which clearly you do not.
Yes, that's what happens after you regain all the losses. Sadly we went at a snail's pace to achieve that under Obama.

Why do you keep lying? Good thing I am here to school you, that's what I do, school the retards and liars of the world. You said this:
The stock market regained losses. That's it. People got back to square 1 from all they lost.

Stating that we just regained losses. That's it (in your own words pops). When in fact the market was up approximately 300% start to finish under Obama, and made new all time highs in 2013, passing Bush's market highs and finishing Obama's presidency up ~300% from what he inherited from Bush, and also finishing up ~50% higher than Bush's all time highs.

Now let's look at Trump's gains. Trump has gained ........... approximately ONLY 35% you dumb fuck. So Obama's snail's pace was a 300% gain, and Trump's gain is only ~35%.

So basically you and Political Chic have absolutely no fucking clue what you are talking about. I'm glad I could educate you two, maybe now you will come correct with your facts. I find it laughable that you and Political Chic try to act like you know something when you're dumb as dirt. Just another example of the stupidity of the right...

You should have either checked your facts, or just admitted the mistake, instead you look even dumber. You just got murked.

View attachment 292811

Re-post sans the juvenile vulgarity and I may deign to respond......and eviscerate you.
Your surrender has been noted.

So we find that you are incapable of writing without resort to what you learned in the 3rd grade bathroom, as per your admission.

You must be deeply afraid of what I would write.

A wise emotion under the circumstances.
blah blah blah.

You have nothing. You're the one that got caught promoting lies. I have nothing to say to you. You need to redeem yourself, not me.

I love how the idiots of the world try to act tough and clever when they get caught in lies and are too scared to engage in the debate.
You can have the last word, get back to me when you have some clue about the simple stock market gains under Obama, which clearly you do not.

Your surrender has been noted.

Beat it, Wanker.
The stock market made all time highs under Obama.

Yes, that's what happens after you regain all the losses. Sadly we went at a snail's pace to achieve that under Obama.

Why do you keep lying? Good thing I am here to school you, that's what I do, school the retards and liars of the world. You said this:
The stock market regained losses. That's it. People got back to square 1 from all they lost.

Stating that we just regained losses. That's it (in your own words pops). When in fact the market was up approximately 300% start to finish under Obama, and made new all time highs in 2013, passing Bush's market highs and finishing Obama's presidency up ~300% from what he inherited from Bush, and also finishing up ~50% higher than Bush's all time highs.

Now let's look at Trump's gains. Trump has gained ........... approximately ONLY 35% you dumb fuck. So Obama's snail's pace was a 300% gain, and Trump's gain is only ~35%.

So basically you and Political Chic have absolutely no fucking clue what you are talking about. I'm glad I could educate you two, maybe now you will come correct with your facts. I find it laughable that you and Political Chic try to act like you know something when you're dumb as dirt. Just another example of the stupidity of the right...

You should have either checked your facts, or just admitted the mistake, instead you look even dumber. You just got murked.

View attachment 292811

When in fact the market was up approximately 300% start to finish under Obama,

Show your math.
My Son!!!!! I hope you're not back for more pain after last night's schooling.

If you still want to graduate middle school then you should be able to figure it out, it's pretty simple...

How about you show me where I am not correct.

Can't show your math?
Such a simple calculation.
School me.

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