
Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
The USA needs:
About HR 1

10 Things One Might Not Know About HR

Reasons Americans Need Single-Payer

With a system that is highly dependent on employer-based, for-profit health insurance, millions of Americans have no or inadequate coverage. The patchwork of expensive, unequal insurance plans has contributed to bankruptcy, homelessness, preventable disease, and death.

Inflated insurance and health care costs place unfair demands on businesses and taxpayers. By making high-quality health care for all as cost-effective as possible, a single-payer system meets the health needs of the public and contributes to a healthy economy.


Why We Need Single Payer | Health Care for All - California
The USA needs:
About HR 1

10 Things One Might Not Know About HR

Reasons Americans Need Single-Payer

With a system that is highly dependent on employer-based, for-profit health insurance, millions of Americans have no or inadequate coverage. The patchwork of expensive, unequal insurance plans has contributed to bankruptcy, homelessness, preventable disease, and death.

Inflated insurance and health care costs place unfair demands on businesses and taxpayers. By making high-quality health care for all as cost-effective as possible, a single-payer system meets the health needs of the public and contributes to a healthy economy.


Why We Need Single Payer | Health Care for All - California
the government is what caused higher medical costs and less coverage, so I dont know how putting them in charge will hel anyone,,
The USA needs:
About HR 1

10 Things One Might Not Know About HR

Reasons Americans Need Single-Payer

With a system that is highly dependent on employer-based, for-profit health insurance, millions of Americans have no or inadequate coverage. The patchwork of expensive, unequal insurance plans has contributed to bankruptcy, homelessness, preventable disease, and death.

Inflated insurance and health care costs place unfair demands on businesses and taxpayers. By making high-quality health care for all as cost-effective as possible, a single-payer system meets the health needs of the public and contributes to a healthy economy.


Why We Need Single Payer | Health Care for All - California
We don’t need single payer.
The USA needs:
About HR 1

10 Things One Might Not Know About HR

Reasons Americans Need Single-Payer

With a system that is highly dependent on employer-based, for-profit health insurance, millions of Americans have no or inadequate coverage. The patchwork of expensive, unequal insurance plans has contributed to bankruptcy, homelessness, preventable disease, and death.

Inflated insurance and health care costs place unfair demands on businesses and taxpayers. By making high-quality health care for all as cost-effective as possible, a single-payer system meets the health needs of the public and contributes to a healthy economy.


Why We Need Single Payer | Health Care for All - California
sounds like great idea.

does it include a requirement for IDs to be shown at the polls?
What we need is Trump insurance which will cover everyone, with better coverage and at a lower cost than in the history of the human race.

His plan will be ready in two weeks.

No. The problem with health insurance is that it's controlled and regulated by a handful of corporations. Now Dems want to reduce that to one. Dumb.
The USA needs:
About HR 1

10 Things One Might Not Know About HR

Reasons Americans Need Single-Payer

With a system that is highly dependent on employer-based, for-profit health insurance, millions of Americans have no or inadequate coverage. The patchwork of expensive, unequal insurance plans has contributed to bankruptcy, homelessness, preventable disease, and death.

Inflated insurance and health care costs place unfair demands on businesses and taxpayers. By making high-quality health care for all as cost-effective as possible, a single-payer system meets the health needs of the public and contributes to a healthy economy.


Why We Need Single Payer | Health Care for All - California
Only fiscal morons want "single payer" healthcare. And what will happen to YOUR quality of healthcare when 20 or 30 or 50 million illegals pile into the system? Do you think the US is a bottomless pit of money?
does it include a requirement for IDs to be shown at the polls?

What is needed is Proof of Citizenship at Registration. But the Genius USSC ruled in 2013 you can't force ANYONE to show proof of Citizenship. So Illegals can register, just check this box here. Honor system. If any State does not like that then they give the illegals a FEDERAL only ballot (good for FED offices I would presume).

Phony registrations in conjunction with Mail-In ballots scam is intolerable, resulting in millions of bogus votes for the commee DEM corpse in 2020.
sounds like great idea.

does it include a requirement for IDs to be shown at the polls?

And it shouldn't. You get States Rights confused with allowing the Feds to dictate to the States on how to conduct an election. I don't know of ANY State that doesn't require something to identify the person. Some even will take bills from the Utility company.

Map Shows Voter ID Laws by State

Hasen added that, "The question of voter identification is usually a question of state law. All states take some steps to identify voters, but some states require bringing in one of a limited number of photographic forms of identification, like a driver's license or passport."

The rules for voter identification can be categorized into three main tiers: states that require photo ID, states that accept non-photo ID, and states that do not require ID.
What is needed is Proof of Citizenship at Registration. But the Genius USSC ruled in 2013 you can't force ANYONE to show proof of Citizenship. So Illegals can register, just check this box here. Honor system. If any State does not like that then they give the illegals a FEDERAL only ballot (good for FED offices I would presume).

Phony registrations in conjunction with Mail-In ballots scam is intolerable, resulting in millions of bogus votes for the commee DEM corpse in 2020.
The honor system. You’re right. But it’s very very wrong.

If a person who has entered here illegally in the first place, wants to vote, illegally, I don’t think it’s unexpected that they’d lie on their application for voter registration.

And let us not pretend that the Dims don’t know this obvious fact. In fact, they count on it. It is exactly why they have encouraged illegal immigration. They view most illegal aliens as prospective Dim voters.
The honor system. You’re right. But it’s very very wrong.

If a person who has entered here illegally in the first place, wants to vote, illegally, I don’t think it’s unexpected that they’d lie on their application for voter registration.

And let us not pretend that the Dims don’t know this obvious fact. In fact, they count on it. It is exactly why they have encouraged illegal immigration. They view most illegal aliens as prospective Dim voters.

Just check here, they get led on by dirty cheating scum like RW or filthy Candy Porn. Yes I am US citizen. Yes, i have been in CA 30 days. No ID yet, address is motel.

Who is going to check 1million new names in SEPT OCT 2020 or 2024? It’s work. State workers don’t want to get labeled anti-immigrant. Oh yeah, prove this guy at the Shelter is not a citizen. It’s a mess, wide open to Fraud.

The signup could be in ALA by the time a Mail-In Ballot shows up. They got EBT card at incoming for signing up. They can be re-registered in WISC, more EBT. Who can blame them? They may not know what box candyporn checked FOR them.

Ballots are good as money. Its a $7T game to DC. They get filthy rich.

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