Six hostages' bodies retrieved from Gaza tunnels, says IDF

Actually, Judaism is a legitimate religion.
But it has been hijacked and taken over by secular followers of the murdering racist cult of Zionism.
I have to disagree. The "morals" so called apply only to the in-group. The rewards for obedience to God are entirely material--slaves, slaughter, and loot. Judaism itself preaches racism. It forbids marriage outside the tribe. The relationship between God and his people is always to the group--never to the individual Jew, meaning it is a political program. And the Talmud--the highest authority in Judaism, was begun in response to Christianity. It even calls itself "The Law."
thosevhostages were held under terrible conditions

I was watching something the other night. Remember the Boko Haram schoolgirl hostages? Apart from the ones who escaped, they are still prisoners. Ten years!

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