We the Sheeople

The R's are spineless and fold like wet paper bags. There's plenty of corruption. They'll put on a show and then never follow through .
And they will remain so unless they want to go to jail

Notice how everyone around Trump was targeted.

Then when Trump is out, they come after him.

R's don't fight back. They just let the dems beat them over the head with fairy tales and other assorted lies.
I often wonder what I would do if I was in a position of power and had the option to fight back and probably lose everything I have, including my life and the lives of my family, or simply decide to play nice.

It is akin to going up against the mob.

Most would walk away rather than lose everything. Thank God the founders didn't have that type of thinking. Sadly, the experiment is coming to an end.
The Left finally figured out, I think mostly through George Soros, is that you have to ally yourself with money and power, specifically corporate America.

Sure, the odd couple of Left wing corporate America and the previously corporate hating far Left make strange bed fellows, but both are OK with it so long as it means holding power.

This is the model that made the Russian revolution possible.
I sincerely feel your frustration- and you, like Politicalchic, make some valid points, however, not addressing both sides complicit behavior renders a subjective analysis- the "other side" are not saints- they are as guilty of complicit behavior as the media is-

You're correct in your assessment

We are no longer a free people.

That happened long before the *instant communication* world of today- (the time line will be assigned by Historians for future reference)- at some point (again to be determined by Historians and hopefully they will be objective) the US became a tool for a Duopoly Party- both sides subscribe to the same nefarious actions that most effect and affect citizens- somehow (and I argued this in a different forum on another board) servants became leaders and *managers*- for the record I argue that isn't what they are supposed to do, no matter how you slice it or dice it- their No.1 job is called out in the preamble to the constitution and the rules which they are to abide by are explicit, though pin heads and esoteric idiots believe there is ambiguity- they ALL ignore it- and have for many, many, many generations, some can argue, since before the ink was dry- Davy Crockett chose not to seek re-election after serving long enough to see the *fix was in* and that actually accomplishing anything *honorable* wasn't going to happen- the "fix" being follow the money see the agenda-

My saving grace- play the hand you were dealt, forget what their rules say, you know you win, when, you live life your own way
I have no need to cover the GOP.

The media does it for us.
Then again, they don't attack Republicans that sell out to the DNC like McCain, so perhaps I should target those who sell out
The Left finally figured out, I think mostly through George Soros, is that you have to ally yourself with money and power, specifically corporate America.
The left/right paradigm inflicted on citizens is for show only- inside the beltway, away from media, they're all buddies in the collusion-

follow the money, see the agenda

I care not who has the power, give me the money-

Yet, when things pointed out in the link(s) are looked at one is labeled, not as a dissenter, but, as anti- semite- as though that somehow makes all crimes committed, all irregularities (and lies) and god's chosen (and their christian compatriots) will smite you down-

The "left?" knows it and so does the right- and EVERYONE ignores it- sayings come about for a reason- if you don't learn from history, you're doomed to repeat it- lesson, no.1- ALL empires fall- there are so-called educated who argue the US is not an empire- officially it's not- logistically it is- follow the money, see the agenda- the currency of choice (by most) is US Federal Reserve Notes- Rumsfeld lost over a billion of it, somewhere- in order for the Federal Reserve Notes to remain the currency of choice the US Military has colonized the world- they are paid with Federal Reserve Notes, if not actual currency, then the *value* is the gauge of exchange rates-

Ironically, the left was the body that opposed fascism- the right was fascist- the Empty Suits (and talking heads) have enough "education" to know that- and they play it to the hilt-

he kept plying the game, everything he knew changed, still he won, cause, he played his own game-
The Left finally figured out, I think mostly through George Soros, is that you have to ally yourself with money and power, specifically corporate America.
The left/right paradigm inflicted on citizens is for show only- inside the beltway, away from media, they're all buddies in the collusion-

follow the money, see the agenda

I care not who has the power, give me the money-

Yet, when things pointed out in the link(s) are looked at one is labeled, not as a dissenter, but, as anti- semite- as though that somehow makes all crimes committed, all irregularities (and lies) and god's chosen (and their christian compatriots) will smite you down-

The "left?" knows it and so does the right- and EVERYONE ignores it- sayings come about for a reason- if you don't learn from history, you're doomed to repeat it- lesson, no.1- ALL empires fall- there are so-called educated who argue the US is not an empire- officially it's not- logistically it is- follow the money, see the agenda- the currency of choice (by most) is US Federal Reserve Notes- Rumsfeld lost over a billion of it, somewhere- in order for the Federal Reserve Notes to remain the currency of choice the US Military has colonized the world- they are paid with Federal Reserve Notes, if not actual currency, then the *value* is the gauge of exchange rates-

Ironically, the left was the body that opposed fascism- the right was fascist- the Empty Suits (and talking heads) have enough "education" to know that- and they play it to the hilt-

he kept plying the game, everything he knew changed, still he won, cause, he played his own game-
The whole left vs right scale is bogus

We were all raised with the notion that the former USSR was on the far left and the Nazi regime was on the far right.

Well fine, but what does the scale measure? We are never told that, especially since the Nazi regime were socialists. If the political spectrum is measuring collectivism, they are kissing cousins, which they are.

Essentially, the Left over the years have sought collectivism, that is, more and more power to the federal government. This power creates corruption, no matter who is there to hold it. And that is what conservatives have been fighting and is why the Founders tried to create Federalism where the states ran their own affairs instead of the President of the United States.

But now the President operates by edict, and legislation he can't pass he uses his bureaucracies to create regulations that are just as good as laws.

But the traditional term "liberal" did originally mean the opposite of authoritarianism, but now the modern liberal is the antithesis of that. Moreover, I would say that what liberals remain have sold out to the Left and simply go along with them.
I have no need to cover the GOP.

The media does it for us.
But, by ignoring it, the implication is they do no wrong- it makes you no better than them, since it's a public denial-
I've made threads before on the GOP, like John McCain. I made a thread specifically on the VA scandal in his own state. The whistle blower came running to Mr. war veteran, whom you would think would be the person to run to, but he threw him under the bus and was faced with termination. If not for another obscure congressman in Florida, the scandal would probably have never come to light.

That is what scares the poo out of me with government run health care. Soon these stories will simply not be told.

But the thread got little attention.

So no, I don't ignore it.

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