We told you so


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The witch hunt is over. But the damage is done. Darren Wilson has been exonerated (it appears), and liberals I gather, will be infuriated. But we told you so.

The FBI's investigation into the shooting death of an unarmed black teenager in Ferguson, Mo. last summer is complete, and it's unlikely to result in civil rights charges against the white police officer involved in the case, a U.S. official confirmed to Fox News on Wednesday.

In August, Darren Wilson shot Michael Brown, 18, following a scuffle. The incident touched off nationwide protests and debates about police force against minorities, especially after a grand jury in November declined to indict Wilson in the case.

The Justice Department has not yet announced whether it will file a federal civil rights charge against former Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. But officials and experts had said such a prosecution would be highly unlikely, in part because of the extraordinarily high legal standard federal prosecutors would need to meet.

The Department of Justice would not comment on the matter Wednesday. Benjamin L. Crump, an attorney representing the Brown family, said the family will wait for official word from the Justice Department before commenting.

"The family won't address speculation from anonymous sources," Crump said in a statement.

To mount a federal prosecution, the Justice Department would have needed to show that Wilson willfully deprived Brown of his civil rights. That standard, which means prosecutors must prove that an officer knowingly used more force than the law allowed, is challenging for the government to meet. Multiple high-profile police-involved deaths, including the 1999 shooting of Amadou Diallo, an unarmed West African immigrant, in New York City, have not resulted in federal charges.

Civil rights charges unlikely against Ferguson cop in Brown case official says Fox News
It's more likely that when the Grand Juror's lawsuit to reveal what went on in that room is heard, there will be a special prosecutor appointed.

WHich is what they should have done in the first place.
It's more likely that when the Grand Juror's lawsuit to reveal what went on in that room is heard, there will be a special prosecutor appointed.

WHich is what they should have done in the first place.

Upset are we?
Since when have minorities concerned themselves with the rule of law, or the consequences of breaking the law?

It really is White vs everyone else. Including White Liberals.
Despite all the rioting, all the looting and all the repeated assertions of rampant racism and civil rights violations, the Department of Justice has announced that there were no civil rights abuses to be found in the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.
BREAKING DOJ Finds NO Civil Rights Abuses in Ferguson Shooting

I guess the DoJ saw that Brown was a criminal trying to evade arrest!
I am sure they saw like the rest of us did this image of 6'4" Brown towering over the clerk with cigars in his hand!
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