We Tried To Tell You Democrats

Which is why republicans have insisted we get involved in like....7 different conflicts over the last 6 years? Including this one?


Which conflicts would those be?

The only ones I can immediately think of are the Libya, dronings (especially of wedding parties), and the red lines, your blood soaked Nobel Champion Of Peace has made as he builds 'Bridges Of Understanding' out of the mutilated bodies of those he bombs.



Lets see.....

Off the top of my head.

View attachment 53784

Those are all on your boy the gore spattered Nobel Hero Of Peace as far as I can tell. Especially the over 25,000 that he murdered in Libya during his six month bombing spree that cost the United States billions... Then let's not forget the consulate in that same country that he left defenseless so the personnel there could be slaughtered in the governmentless country he left behind.



So you're claiming that republicans *didn't* support military action in Crimea, Ukraine, Libya, Syria and Iran. That they *didn't* support the expansion of military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Laughing.....won't touch those with a 10 foot pole, will you?


So much for your narrative about 'war mongers'. Is there any claim I can't run you off of?


Like the last president any military action that's taken while your Nobel Champion Of Peace or any Democratic successor will take the credit for the havoc and destruction they cause...

Shall I use some of the standard lines that you progressives used to remove the Democratic leadership from responsibility for voting to go to war in Afghanistan and Iraq?..... Wait! You already know them so I really don't need too provide those excuses.

How does it fell to have a real War Criminal in the White House who glorifies in the destruction and mutilation that he creates without even a Declaration Of War from Congress?



So you've essentially just abandoned your entire narrative, haven't you? With Republicans starting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, calling for expansion of military operations in both, demanding war in Iran, Crimea, Ukraine, Libya and Syria.....

......what could you do but run?

So this *didn't* happen?

Or this...

Or this...

But now training and equipping the rebels has nothing to do with republicans?

Wow. Just......wow.
Equipping is NOT putting boots on the ground. Not even close.

Equipping and *training*. How do you think we train them, slick? Air drop links to youtube tutorials?
We have been using CIA backed Mercs. NOT our military.

"Trainers" has been synonymous with US military on the ground for more than half a century.

What dream land are you in that when republicans are demanding 'boots on the ground to defeat them in Syria', 'substantial US military involvement' and 'ground troops in Syria' that they WEREN'T referring to the US military?

Over the last 2 decades that role has been taken over by private merc companies such as Blackwater.

Says who? 3 of the 5 examples I offered of US military trainers were in the last 5 years. Which most definitely falls into the last 20.

Which conflicts would those be?

The only ones I can immediately think of are the Libya, dronings (especially of wedding parties), and the red lines, your blood soaked Nobel Champion Of Peace has made as he builds 'Bridges Of Understanding' out of the mutilated bodies of those he bombs.



Lets see.....

Off the top of my head.

View attachment 53784

Those are all on your boy the gore spattered Nobel Hero Of Peace as far as I can tell. Especially the over 25,000 that he murdered in Libya during his six month bombing spree that cost the United States billions... Then let's not forget the consulate in that same country that he left defenseless so the personnel there could be slaughtered in the governmentless country he left behind.



So you're claiming that republicans *didn't* support military action in Crimea, Ukraine, Libya, Syria and Iran. That they *didn't* support the expansion of military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Laughing.....won't touch those with a 10 foot pole, will you?


So much for your narrative about 'war mongers'. Is there any claim I can't run you off of?


Like the last president any military action that's taken while your Nobel Champion Of Peace or any Democratic successor will take the credit for the havoc and destruction they cause...

Shall I use some of the standard lines that you progressives used to remove the Democratic leadership from responsibility for voting to go to war in Afghanistan and Iraq?..... Wait! You already know them so I really don't need too provide those excuses.

How does it fell to have a real War Criminal in the White House who glorifies in the destruction and mutilation that he creates without even a Declaration Of War from Congress?



So you've essentially just abandoned your entire narrative, haven't you? With Republicans starting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, calling for expansion of military operations in both, demanding war in Iran, Crimea, Ukraine, Libya and Syria.....

......what could you do but run?



I've abandoned nothing. You want to call the Republicans war mongers for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq that's fine. But all the new crap belongs to your Nobel Champion Of Peace and his Democratic crones since he's been in the White House as they do their war criminal thing and attack countries without a Declaration Of War.

Has he given that Nobel Peace Prize back yet or should it be renamed to the War Criminal Award?



The progressives and their Democrat leaders are proving to be more warmongers than the conservative right ever will be. They bomb sovereign nations murdering thousands without Congressional approval or even a Declaration Of War... Bunch of War Criminals.



Which is why republicans have insisted we get involved in like....7 different conflicts over the last 6 years? Including this one?


Which conflicts would those be?

The only ones I can immediately think of are the Libya, dronings (especially of wedding parties), and the red lines, your blood soaked Nobel Champion Of Peace has made as he builds 'Bridges Of Understanding' out of the mutilated bodies of those he bombs.



Lets see.....Crimea. Ukraine. Libya. Syria. Iran. Expansion in Iraq. Expansions in Afghanistan.

Off the top of my head.

Not Georgia though!

Nope. Not Georgia. Though in their defense, they'd already bogged us down with two land wars in Asia at that point.

And, if you're going to be totally fair to them...there was a different man in the Whitehouse.
Lets see.....

Off the top of my head.

View attachment 53784

Those are all on your boy the gore spattered Nobel Hero Of Peace as far as I can tell. Especially the over 25,000 that he murdered in Libya during his six month bombing spree that cost the United States billions... Then let's not forget the consulate in that same country that he left defenseless so the personnel there could be slaughtered in the governmentless country he left behind.



So you're claiming that republicans *didn't* support military action in Crimea, Ukraine, Libya, Syria and Iran. That they *didn't* support the expansion of military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Laughing.....won't touch those with a 10 foot pole, will you?


So much for your narrative about 'war mongers'. Is there any claim I can't run you off of?


Like the last president any military action that's taken while your Nobel Champion Of Peace or any Democratic successor will take the credit for the havoc and destruction they cause...

Shall I use some of the standard lines that you progressives used to remove the Democratic leadership from responsibility for voting to go to war in Afghanistan and Iraq?..... Wait! You already know them so I really don't need too provide those excuses.

How does it fell to have a real War Criminal in the White House who glorifies in the destruction and mutilation that he creates without even a Declaration Of War from Congress?



So you've essentially just abandoned your entire narrative, haven't you? With Republicans starting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, calling for expansion of military operations in both, demanding war in Iran, Crimea, Ukraine, Libya and Syria.....

......what could you do but run?


View attachment 53789

I've abandoned nothing. You want to call the Republicans war mongers for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq that's fine. But all the new crap belongs to your Nobel Champion Of Peace and his Democratic crones since he's been in the White House as they do their war criminal thing and attack countries without a Declaration Of War.

Has he given that Nobel Peace Prize back yet or should it be renamed to the War Criminal Award?



Oh, you've abandoned your 'republicans aren't the war mongers' narrative. Despite republicans starting two enormous wars involving hundreds of thousands of troops.......and calling for expansion of both. Despite their calls for war in Crimea, Ukraine, Syria, Iran and Libya.

And when pressed on these obvious contradictions of your narrative......you flee. Abandoning any mention of your 'republicans aren't war mongers' babble.


You're not very good at this, are you?
Which is why republicans have insisted we get involved in like....7 different conflicts over the last 6 years? Including this one?


Which conflicts would those be?

The only ones I can immediately think of are the Libya, dronings (especially of wedding parties), and the red lines, your blood soaked Nobel Champion Of Peace has made as he builds 'Bridges Of Understanding' out of the mutilated bodies of those he bombs.



Lets see.....Crimea. Ukraine. Libya. Syria. Iran. Expansion in Iraq. Expansions in Afghanistan.

Off the top of my head.

Not Georgia though!

Nope. Not Georgia. Though in their defense, they'd already bogged us down with two land wars in Asia at that point.

And, if you're going to be totally fair to them...there was a different man in the Whitehouse.

Yeah, the man that got us into those two land wars in Asia.
Lets see.....

Off the top of my head.

View attachment 53784

Those are all on your boy the gore spattered Nobel Hero Of Peace as far as I can tell. Especially the over 25,000 that he murdered in Libya during his six month bombing spree that cost the United States billions... Then let's not forget the consulate in that same country that he left defenseless so the personnel there could be slaughtered in the governmentless country he left behind.



So you're claiming that republicans *didn't* support military action in Crimea, Ukraine, Libya, Syria and Iran. That they *didn't* support the expansion of military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Laughing.....won't touch those with a 10 foot pole, will you?


So much for your narrative about 'war mongers'. Is there any claim I can't run you off of?


Like the last president any military action that's taken while your Nobel Champion Of Peace or any Democratic successor will take the credit for the havoc and destruction they cause...

Shall I use some of the standard lines that you progressives used to remove the Democratic leadership from responsibility for voting to go to war in Afghanistan and Iraq?..... Wait! You already know them so I really don't need too provide those excuses.

How does it fell to have a real War Criminal in the White House who glorifies in the destruction and mutilation that he creates without even a Declaration Of War from Congress?



So you've essentially just abandoned your entire narrative, haven't you? With Republicans starting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, calling for expansion of military operations in both, demanding war in Iran, Crimea, Ukraine, Libya and Syria.....

......what could you do but run?


View attachment 53789

I've abandoned nothing. You want to call the Republicans war mongers for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq that's fine. But all the new crap belongs to your Nobel Champion Of Peace and his Democratic crones since he's been in the White House as they do their war criminal thing and attack countries without a Declaration Of War.

Has he given that Nobel Peace Prize back yet or should it be renamed to the War Criminal Award?



Hey D.E. I have a music video that includes a president lying. Name that party and liar.
View attachment 53784

Those are all on your boy the gore spattered Nobel Hero Of Peace as far as I can tell. Especially the over 25,000 that he murdered in Libya during his six month bombing spree that cost the United States billions... Then let's not forget the consulate in that same country that he left defenseless so the personnel there could be slaughtered in the governmentless country he left behind.



So you're claiming that republicans *didn't* support military action in Crimea, Ukraine, Libya, Syria and Iran. That they *didn't* support the expansion of military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Laughing.....won't touch those with a 10 foot pole, will you?


So much for your narrative about 'war mongers'. Is there any claim I can't run you off of?


Like the last president any military action that's taken while your Nobel Champion Of Peace or any Democratic successor will take the credit for the havoc and destruction they cause...

Shall I use some of the standard lines that you progressives used to remove the Democratic leadership from responsibility for voting to go to war in Afghanistan and Iraq?..... Wait! You already know them so I really don't need too provide those excuses.

How does it fell to have a real War Criminal in the White House who glorifies in the destruction and mutilation that he creates without even a Declaration Of War from Congress?



So you've essentially just abandoned your entire narrative, haven't you? With Republicans starting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, calling for expansion of military operations in both, demanding war in Iran, Crimea, Ukraine, Libya and Syria.....

......what could you do but run?


View attachment 53789

I've abandoned nothing. You want to call the Republicans war mongers for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq that's fine. But all the new crap belongs to your Nobel Champion Of Peace and his Democratic crones since he's been in the White House as they do their war criminal thing and attack countries without a Declaration Of War.

Has he given that Nobel Peace Prize back yet or should it be renamed to the War Criminal Award?



Oh, you've abandoned your 'republicans aren't the war mongers' narrative. Despite republicans starting two enormous wars involving hundreds of thousands of troops.......and calling for expansion of both. Despite their calls for war in Crimea, Ukraine, Syria, Iran and Libya.

And when pressed on these obvious contradictions of your narrative......you flee. Abandoning any mention of your 'republicans aren't war mongers' babble.


You're not very good at this, are you?


As I see it was Obama, Hillary, Biden, and the rest of the Democratic crones calling for war in those other countries...

Perhaps you should live with the fact that your progressive leaders are a bunch of blood thirsty War Criminals who most likely are feeding misinformation to the rest of Congress so they continue their unsanctioned wars.


View attachment 53784

Those are all on your boy the gore spattered Nobel Hero Of Peace as far as I can tell. Especially the over 25,000 that he murdered in Libya during his six month bombing spree that cost the United States billions... Then let's not forget the consulate in that same country that he left defenseless so the personnel there could be slaughtered in the governmentless country he left behind.



So you're claiming that republicans *didn't* support military action in Crimea, Ukraine, Libya, Syria and Iran. That they *didn't* support the expansion of military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Laughing.....won't touch those with a 10 foot pole, will you?


So much for your narrative about 'war mongers'. Is there any claim I can't run you off of?


Like the last president any military action that's taken while your Nobel Champion Of Peace or any Democratic successor will take the credit for the havoc and destruction they cause...

Shall I use some of the standard lines that you progressives used to remove the Democratic leadership from responsibility for voting to go to war in Afghanistan and Iraq?..... Wait! You already know them so I really don't need too provide those excuses.

How does it fell to have a real War Criminal in the White House who glorifies in the destruction and mutilation that he creates without even a Declaration Of War from Congress?



So you've essentially just abandoned your entire narrative, haven't you? With Republicans starting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, calling for expansion of military operations in both, demanding war in Iran, Crimea, Ukraine, Libya and Syria.....

......what could you do but run?


View attachment 53789

I've abandoned nothing. You want to call the Republicans war mongers for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq that's fine. But all the new crap belongs to your Nobel Champion Of Peace and his Democratic crones since he's been in the White House as they do their war criminal thing and attack countries without a Declaration Of War.

Has he given that Nobel Peace Prize back yet or should it be renamed to the War Criminal Award?



Hey D.E. I have a music video that includes a president lying. Name that party and liar.

Laughing....so lets summarize. Your US military advisors.....train and equip troops. Exactly what republicans said they wanted to do in Syria.

I forced you to admit that 'boots on the ground' means US military trooops......and republicans insisted they wanted boots on the ground in Syria.

But republicans have nothing to do with military forces in Syria?

Laughing....with logic like that, no wonder you're citing music videos as your primary sources.
So you're claiming that republicans *didn't* support military action in Crimea, Ukraine, Libya, Syria and Iran. That they *didn't* support the expansion of military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Laughing.....won't touch those with a 10 foot pole, will you?


So much for your narrative about 'war mongers'. Is there any claim I can't run you off of?


Like the last president any military action that's taken while your Nobel Champion Of Peace or any Democratic successor will take the credit for the havoc and destruction they cause...

Shall I use some of the standard lines that you progressives used to remove the Democratic leadership from responsibility for voting to go to war in Afghanistan and Iraq?..... Wait! You already know them so I really don't need too provide those excuses.

How does it fell to have a real War Criminal in the White House who glorifies in the destruction and mutilation that he creates without even a Declaration Of War from Congress?



So you've essentially just abandoned your entire narrative, haven't you? With Republicans starting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, calling for expansion of military operations in both, demanding war in Iran, Crimea, Ukraine, Libya and Syria.....

......what could you do but run?


View attachment 53789

I've abandoned nothing. You want to call the Republicans war mongers for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq that's fine. But all the new crap belongs to your Nobel Champion Of Peace and his Democratic crones since he's been in the White House as they do their war criminal thing and attack countries without a Declaration Of War.

Has he given that Nobel Peace Prize back yet or should it be renamed to the War Criminal Award?



Oh, you've abandoned your 'republicans aren't the war mongers' narrative. Despite republicans starting two enormous wars involving hundreds of thousands of troops.......and calling for expansion of both. Despite their calls for war in Crimea, Ukraine, Syria, Iran and Libya.

And when pressed on these obvious contradictions of your narrative......you flee. Abandoning any mention of your 'republicans aren't war mongers' babble.


You're not very good at this, are you?


As I see it was Obama, Hillary, Biden, and the rest of the Democratic crones calling for war in those other countries...

Perhaps you should live with the fact that your progressive leaders are a bunch of blood thirsty War Criminals who most likely are feeding misinformation to the rest of Congress so they continue their unsanctioned wars.



It wasn't Obama that called for war in Crimea. That was republicans.

It wasn't Obama that called for war in Libya. That was republicans.

It wasn't Obama that called for war in Ukraine. That was republicans.

It wasn't Obama that started the war in Iraq. That was republicans.

It wasn't OBama that started the War in Afghanistan. That was republicans.

And after fighting Republican calls for troops in Syria for 2 years.....he finally sends 50 troops. With republicans having been calling for war in Syria for years.

So much for your 'republicans aren't war mongers' narrative.


You won't touch that bullshit with a 10 foot pole now, will you?
So you're claiming that republicans *didn't* support military action in Crimea, Ukraine, Libya, Syria and Iran. That they *didn't* support the expansion of military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Laughing.....won't touch those with a 10 foot pole, will you?


So much for your narrative about 'war mongers'. Is there any claim I can't run you off of?


Like the last president any military action that's taken while your Nobel Champion Of Peace or any Democratic successor will take the credit for the havoc and destruction they cause...

Shall I use some of the standard lines that you progressives used to remove the Democratic leadership from responsibility for voting to go to war in Afghanistan and Iraq?..... Wait! You already know them so I really don't need too provide those excuses.

How does it fell to have a real War Criminal in the White House who glorifies in the destruction and mutilation that he creates without even a Declaration Of War from Congress?



So you've essentially just abandoned your entire narrative, haven't you? With Republicans starting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, calling for expansion of military operations in both, demanding war in Iran, Crimea, Ukraine, Libya and Syria.....

......what could you do but run?


View attachment 53789

I've abandoned nothing. You want to call the Republicans war mongers for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq that's fine. But all the new crap belongs to your Nobel Champion Of Peace and his Democratic crones since he's been in the White House as they do their war criminal thing and attack countries without a Declaration Of War.

Has he given that Nobel Peace Prize back yet or should it be renamed to the War Criminal Award?



Hey D.E. I have a music video that includes a president lying. Name that party and liar.

Laughing....so lets summarize. Your US military advisors.....train and equip troops. Exactly what republicans said they wanted to do in Syria.

I forced you to admit that 'boots on the ground' means US military trooops......and republicans insisted they wanted boots on the ground in Syria.

But republicans have nothing to do with military forces in Syria?

Laughing....with logic like that, no wonder you're citing music videos as your primary sources.

If you watched the first 30 seconds of the video JFK lied and my friends DIED.
How many times has Obama promised NO boots on the ground and now he is sending them.
View attachment 53784

Those are all on your boy the gore spattered Nobel Hero Of Peace as far as I can tell. Especially the over 25,000 that he murdered in Libya during his six month bombing spree that cost the United States billions... Then let's not forget the consulate in that same country that he left defenseless so the personnel there could be slaughtered in the governmentless country he left behind.



So you're claiming that republicans *didn't* support military action in Crimea, Ukraine, Libya, Syria and Iran. That they *didn't* support the expansion of military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Laughing.....won't touch those with a 10 foot pole, will you?


So much for your narrative about 'war mongers'. Is there any claim I can't run you off of?


Like the last president any military action that's taken while your Nobel Champion Of Peace or any Democratic successor will take the credit for the havoc and destruction they cause...

Shall I use some of the standard lines that you progressives used to remove the Democratic leadership from responsibility for voting to go to war in Afghanistan and Iraq?..... Wait! You already know them so I really don't need too provide those excuses.

How does it fell to have a real War Criminal in the White House who glorifies in the destruction and mutilation that he creates without even a Declaration Of War from Congress?



So you've essentially just abandoned your entire narrative, haven't you? With Republicans starting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, calling for expansion of military operations in both, demanding war in Iran, Crimea, Ukraine, Libya and Syria.....

......what could you do but run?


View attachment 53789

I've abandoned nothing. You want to call the Republicans war mongers for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq that's fine. But all the new crap belongs to your Nobel Champion Of Peace and his Democratic crones since he's been in the White House as they do their war criminal thing and attack countries without a Declaration Of War.

Has he given that Nobel Peace Prize back yet or should it be renamed to the War Criminal Award?



Hey D.E. I have a music video that includes a president lying. Name that party and liar.


He was from the same party as most of the war mongers from last century and now we have one from that same party that thinks he can just have a war in any sovereign nation he wants without Congressional approval much less a Declaration Of War.

He and the current leading member of that party for president best be willing to put their children up to lead the charge since they appear to love the death and destruction.



Like the last president any military action that's taken while your Nobel Champion Of Peace or any Democratic successor will take the credit for the havoc and destruction they cause...

Shall I use some of the standard lines that you progressives used to remove the Democratic leadership from responsibility for voting to go to war in Afghanistan and Iraq?..... Wait! You already know them so I really don't need too provide those excuses.

How does it fell to have a real War Criminal in the White House who glorifies in the destruction and mutilation that he creates without even a Declaration Of War from Congress?



So you've essentially just abandoned your entire narrative, haven't you? With Republicans starting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, calling for expansion of military operations in both, demanding war in Iran, Crimea, Ukraine, Libya and Syria.....

......what could you do but run?


View attachment 53789

I've abandoned nothing. You want to call the Republicans war mongers for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq that's fine. But all the new crap belongs to your Nobel Champion Of Peace and his Democratic crones since he's been in the White House as they do their war criminal thing and attack countries without a Declaration Of War.

Has he given that Nobel Peace Prize back yet or should it be renamed to the War Criminal Award?



Oh, you've abandoned your 'republicans aren't the war mongers' narrative. Despite republicans starting two enormous wars involving hundreds of thousands of troops.......and calling for expansion of both. Despite their calls for war in Crimea, Ukraine, Syria, Iran and Libya.

And when pressed on these obvious contradictions of your narrative......you flee. Abandoning any mention of your 'republicans aren't war mongers' babble.


You're not very good at this, are you?


As I see it was Obama, Hillary, Biden, and the rest of the Democratic crones calling for war in those other countries...

Perhaps you should live with the fact that your progressive leaders are a bunch of blood thirsty War Criminals who most likely are feeding misinformation to the rest of Congress so they continue their unsanctioned wars.



It wasn't Obama that called for war in Crimea. That was republicans.

It wasn't Obama that called for war in Libya. That was republicans.

It wasn't Obama that called for war in Ukraine. That was republicans.

It wasn't Obama that started the war in Iraq. That was republicans.

It wasn't OBama that started the War in Afghanistan. That was republicans.

And after fighting Republican calls for troops in Syria for 2 years.....he finally sends 50 troops. With republicans having been calling for war in Syria for years.

So much for your 'republicans aren't war mongers' narrative.


You won't touch that bullshit with a 10 foot pole now, will you?

Here is your liar in chief LYING.

Like the last president any military action that's taken while your Nobel Champion Of Peace or any Democratic successor will take the credit for the havoc and destruction they cause...

Shall I use some of the standard lines that you progressives used to remove the Democratic leadership from responsibility for voting to go to war in Afghanistan and Iraq?..... Wait! You already know them so I really don't need too provide those excuses.

How does it fell to have a real War Criminal in the White House who glorifies in the destruction and mutilation that he creates without even a Declaration Of War from Congress?



So you've essentially just abandoned your entire narrative, haven't you? With Republicans starting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, calling for expansion of military operations in both, demanding war in Iran, Crimea, Ukraine, Libya and Syria.....

......what could you do but run?


View attachment 53789

I've abandoned nothing. You want to call the Republicans war mongers for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq that's fine. But all the new crap belongs to your Nobel Champion Of Peace and his Democratic crones since he's been in the White House as they do their war criminal thing and attack countries without a Declaration Of War.

Has he given that Nobel Peace Prize back yet or should it be renamed to the War Criminal Award?



Oh, you've abandoned your 'republicans aren't the war mongers' narrative. Despite republicans starting two enormous wars involving hundreds of thousands of troops.......and calling for expansion of both. Despite their calls for war in Crimea, Ukraine, Syria, Iran and Libya.

And when pressed on these obvious contradictions of your narrative......you flee. Abandoning any mention of your 'republicans aren't war mongers' babble.


You're not very good at this, are you?


As I see it was Obama, Hillary, Biden, and the rest of the Democratic crones calling for war in those other countries...

Perhaps you should live with the fact that your progressive leaders are a bunch of blood thirsty War Criminals who most likely are feeding misinformation to the rest of Congress so they continue their unsanctioned wars.



It wasn't Obama that called for war in Crimea. That was republicans.

It wasn't Obama that called for war in Libya. That was republicans.

It wasn't Obama that called for war in Ukraine. That was republicans.

It wasn't Obama that started the war in Iraq. That was republicans.

It wasn't OBama that started the War in Afghanistan. That was republicans.

And after fighting Republican calls for troops in Syria for 2 years.....he finally sends 50 troops. With republicans having been calling for war in Syria for years.

So much for your 'republicans aren't war mongers' narrative.


You won't touch that bullshit with a 10 foot pole now, will you?


So now you're saying that the CINC doesn't control where the military goes and what it does?

That's not what I learned when I took government classes.

Nope! All the death and destruction is on your Nobel War Criminal Of Peace and his Democratic crones since 2008.


The OP is spewing a load of bullpucky. If Republicans had been in charge, they'd have tens of thousands of troops over there already, as promised by almost every Republican candidate and any number of neo-con war hawks still in Congress & the Senate (the same people who'd also have us in a war with Iran right now and STILL have boots on the ground in Iraq).

Most on the left and many on the right are against wasteful foreign interventions. The idea of pretending that the GOP are somehow the doves all of a sudden is just laughable. The OP can't be taken seriously on this one.

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