"We trusted you!" trump supporters on tax cuts

the tax cut added almost 2 trillion to the deficit - how can anyone come out just fine ...

No, government spending added $2 trillion to the national debt

well, in that stupid example of wanna B cerebral effort, we can thank the GOP for lowering tax receipts all while they increased federal spending.
Can anyone say Republicans really SUCK AT MATH?

How is it a stupid example when it's a fact? Spending money you don't have causes debt. A first grader can understand that.

It is STUPID because you FAILED to mention the FACT that because of the TrumPutin/GOP tax cuts for the rich & wealthy tax receipts DECREASED.

So, in essence you lied, because you failed to convey the truth.

Stop lying.

How did I lie? Does spending money you don't have cause debt or not? Yes or no?

Are YOU really that stupid that someone would actually have to explain to YOU that the TrumPutin/GOP tax cuts caused tax receipts to fall, thus there was LESS money coming in for government to spend?

And yes; all while this played out TrumPutin & the GOP Congress increased spending.

The same scenario occurred during the G W Bush era: Tax receipts decreased all while spending increased.

Like I said before; The GOP sucks at math.
'I trusted you!' Trump voters seethe after realizing they're getting screwed by the GOP's tax plan

I am hearing lots if complains from people as they begin to file their tax returns....the Repubs screw the middle class again...ENJOY!
/---/ Raw Story? Anyone can post a tweet pretending to be a Trump supporter who is angry.

Conservatives have only themselves to blame.

Only an idiot would trust the likes of Trump.
And yet the economy is the best in a decade and unemployment is the best in 1/2 century.

Thanks to Trump and the GOP....

And the deficit is through the roof....trump will be gone when we have to start paying for that....
Meanwhile in New York.

Cuomo announces income tax revenues have dropped by $2.3B

One percent of the state’s top income earners provide 46 percent of the state’s personal income tax revenues, officials said.

Cuomo said Albany can’t go to the well and tax the wealthy again because that would only worsen the situation, citing “anecdotal” evidence that high-income New Yorkers are already fleeing the state to lower-tax jurisdictions.

No way, can't tax the rich? Who would have say that?
'I trusted you!' Trump voters seethe after realizing they're getting screwed by the GOP's tax plan

I am hearing lots if complains from people as they begin to file their tax returns....the Repubs screw the middle class again...ENJOY!
/---/ Raw Story? Anyone can post a tweet pretending to be a Trump supporter who is angry.

Conservatives have only themselves to blame.

Only an idiot would trust the likes of Trump.
And yet the economy is the best in a decade and unemployment is the best in 1/2 century.

Thanks to Trump and the GOP....

And the deficit is through the roof....trump will be gone when we have to start paying for that....
/—-/ Since you’re 9 years old, you wouldn’t know this but the President can’t spend money- only Congress can. Your learn this when you take Civics. They still teach that right?
Deductions were taken away from middle income workers in order to fund the "deficit busting" tax cut that trump bragged about to his fellow Billionaires.

"You all just got a lot richer," Trump tells friends, referencing tax overhaul - CBS News
Deductions taken away in exchange for lower overall rates.....It's grade school math, so likely over your head.

So why did they add deductions for the uber wealthy and corps?
/——/ Corporations pass tax hikes on to the consumers and I already pay enough for stuff.
Deductions were taken away from middle income workers in order to fund the "deficit busting" tax cut that trump bragged about to his fellow Billionaires.

"You all just got a lot richer," Trump tells friends, referencing tax overhaul - CBS News
Deductions taken away in exchange for lower overall rates.....It's grade school math, so likely over your head.

So why did they add deductions for the uber wealthy and corps?
/——/ Corporations pass tax hikes on to the consumers and I already pay enough for stuff.

So you are ok with them getting more deductions while the middle class gets them taken away? Bet you like your extra taxes tacked on by the tRumPutin tariffs as well.
'I trusted you!' Trump voters seethe after realizing they're getting screwed by the GOP's tax plan

I am hearing lots if complains from people as they begin to file their tax returns....the Repubs screw the middle class again...ENJOY!
/---/ Raw Story? Anyone can post a tweet pretending to be a Trump supporter who is angry.

Conservatives have only themselves to blame.

Only an idiot would trust the likes of Trump.
And yet the economy is the best in a decade and unemployment is the best in 1/2 century.

Thanks to Trump and the GOP....

And the deficit is through the roof....trump will be gone when we have to start paying for that....
/—-/ Since you’re 9 years old, you wouldn’t know this but the President can’t spend money- only Congress can. Your learn this when you take Civics. They still teach that right?

The POS president championed his screwing of the middle class....as a big tax cut. It made the 1%ers very rich indeed....while screwing the middle class...
Deductions were taken away from middle income workers in order to fund the "deficit busting" tax cut that trump bragged about to his fellow Billionaires.

"You all just got a lot richer," Trump tells friends, referencing tax overhaul - CBS News
Deductions taken away in exchange for lower overall rates.....It's grade school math, so likely over your head.

So why did they add deductions for the uber wealthy and corps?
/——/ Corporations pass tax hikes on to the consumers and I already pay enough for stuff.

So you are ok with them getting more deductions while the middle class gets them taken away? Bet you like your extra taxes tacked on by the tRumPutin tariffs as well.

Stupid people are being sold down the road by a Russian Asset....
'I trusted you!' Trump voters seethe after realizing they're getting screwed by the GOP's tax plan

I am hearing lots of complains from people as they begin to file their tax returns....the Repubs screw the middle class again...ENJOY!
I notice these are all in blue states....they are from the SALT issue....it's hilarious......stop voting for democrats in local elections then.......duh! Trump cut my taxes,. but I live in TN and have no state income tax.........good to be me
Are YOU really that stupid that someone would actually have to explain to YOU that the TrumPutin/GOP tax cuts caused tax receipts to fall, thus there was LESS money coming in for government to spend?

And yes; all while this played out TrumPutin & the GOP Congress increased spending.

The same scenario occurred during the G W Bush era: Tax receipts decreased all while spending increased.

Like I said before; The GOP sucks at math.
"there was LESS money coming in for government to spend"

Utter bullshit.

U.S. Tax Revenue by Year

Problem is not revenue, it's spending.
Are YOU really that stupid that someone would actually have to explain to YOU that the TrumPutin/GOP tax cuts caused tax receipts to fall, thus there was LESS money coming in for government to spend?

And yes; all while this played out TrumPutin & the GOP Congress increased spending.

The same scenario occurred during the G W Bush era: Tax receipts decreased all while spending increased.

Like I said before; The GOP sucks at math.
"there was LESS money coming in for government to spend"

Utter bullshit.

U.S. Tax Revenue by Year

Problem is not revenue, it's spending.

so explain how Trumps tax cuts created revenue when they arent on the books yet?
Are YOU really that stupid that someone would actually have to explain to YOU that the TrumPutin/GOP tax cuts caused tax receipts to fall, thus there was LESS money coming in for government to spend?

And yes; all while this played out TrumPutin & the GOP Congress increased spending.

The same scenario occurred during the G W Bush era: Tax receipts decreased all while spending increased.

Like I said before; The GOP sucks at math.
"there was LESS money coming in for government to spend"

Utter bullshit.

U.S. Tax Revenue by Year

Problem is not revenue, it's spending.

Well, IF your 'claim' is true then that would only mean one thing; Republicans are even worse at math than previously ever believed possible. :abgg2q.jpg:
Trumps first round of tax cuts add $1.9 Trillion - his second round of tax cuts add $3.2 Trillion - TO THE DEFICIT

revenue increases $3.4 Trillion

any 1st grader can do the math - RW's cant - so they yammer endlessly

Are YOU really that stupid that someone would actually have to explain to YOU that the TrumPutin/GOP tax cuts caused tax receipts to fall, thus there was LESS money coming in for government to spend?

And yes; all while this played out TrumPutin & the GOP Congress increased spending.

The same scenario occurred during the G W Bush era: Tax receipts decreased all while spending increased.

Like I said before; The GOP sucks at math.
"there was LESS money coming in for government to spend"

Utter bullshit.

U.S. Tax Revenue by Year

Problem is not revenue, it's spending.

Well, IF your 'claim' is true then that would only mean one thing; Republicans are even worse at math than previously ever believed possible. :abgg2q.jpg:

trump knows he can fool these idiots....they voted for him thinking he would look out for their interest....right....like he told his Maro Lago crowd...."I just made you much richer...."

And he did it by taking deductions away from the middle class.....giving them a temporary tax cut.
Trumps first round of tax cuts add $1.9 Trillion - his second round of tax cuts add $3.2 Trillion - TO THE DEFICIT

revenue increases $3.4 Trillion

any 1st grader can do the math - RW's cant - so they yammer endlessly



That was when the Dems were in the WH. Now that the Liar in Chief is there.....bit a peep about the spiraling deficit...
Deductions were taken away from middle income workers in order to fund the "deficit busting" tax cut that trump bragged about to his fellow Billionaires.

"You all just got a lot richer," Trump tells friends, referencing tax overhaul - CBS News
Deductions taken away in exchange for lower overall rates.....It's grade school math, so likely over your head.

So why did they add deductions for the uber wealthy and corps?
Corp taxes paid by consumers.

6th grade Economics...

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