We Used to Be Energy Independent: What Happened?

Ever think that the start of the 'Arab Spring' had fuck all to do with US?

Not everything in the world is about US... US stayed out really until Libya and even at that they really only took out anti aircraft so European bombers could have Air dominance...

The region was unstable for a while...

Sure the ORIGINAL Arab Spring refers to the natural freedom movement in Tunisia.
That has nothing to do with the US.
But AFTER that, ALL references to Arab Spring were almost entirely by Hillary pushing her private agenda to destroy all traditional Arab governments, except Saudi Arabia.

And you are totally wrong about Libya.
The US did not just provide cover for the NATO air attacks on Qaddafi's forces when they headed for Benghazi.
The US created, funded, and armed the whole al Qaeda and ISIS force at Benghazi, that attacked and murder Qaddafi, and later tried to attack and murder Assad.
Go back to the CIA annex warehouse in Benghazi?
Why was ambassador Stevens in Benghazi at all?
It was all to illegally funnel money and arms to the fake "liberation" groups like al Qaeda and ISIS, that the US had created.
Why would the US create fake Islamic "liberation" groups like al Qaeda and ISIS?
So that we could then attack any Mideast government we wanted to, like Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Iran, etc., and claim to be the good guy, out to cleanse the world of "terrorists" when in reality being the actual terrorists ourselves.
Yes, I agree that much of Hillary's "Arab Spring" push of toppling traditional Mideast governments, was actually motivated by Israel's desire to take over the Mideast, or at least destroy any resistance.

I do not think Iraq was actually high on their list, but it was an easy experiment since isolated from other more traditional or tribal cultures.
Nope. The US had nothing to do with the Arab Spring and neither did Israel. We were happy with the status quo. Iraq was first on the list of Bibi's Clean Break Strategy.
Sure the ORIGINAL Arab Spring refers to the natural freedom movement in Tunisia.
That has nothing to do with the US.
But AFTER that, ALL references to Arab Spring were almost entirely by Hillary pushing her private agenda to destroy all traditional Arab governments, except Saudi Arabia.

And you are totally wrong about Libya.
The US did not just provide cover for the NATO air attacks on Qaddafi's forces when they headed for Benghazi.
The US created, funded, and armed the whole al Qaeda and ISIS force at Benghazi, that attacked and murder Qaddafi, and later tried to attack and murder Assad.
Go back to the CIA annex warehouse in Benghazi?
Why was ambassador Stevens in Benghazi at all?
It was all to illegally funnel money and arms to the fake "liberation" groups like al Qaeda and ISIS, that the US had created.
Why would the US create fake Islamic "liberation" groups like al Qaeda and ISIS?
So that we could then attack any Mideast government we wanted to, like Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Iran, etc., and claim to be the good guy, out to cleanse the world of "terrorists" when in reality being the actual terrorists ourselves.
Stevens was in Benghazi over night to dedicate a joint venture between Mass General and Benghazi hospital on emergency services. The Annex was a listening post to try and identify Eastern tribes that might support a return to the Idris constitution.
Yes, the fact that you're a lazy douchebag is a problem for everyone that interacts with you.



I gave you a chart AND a link.

You're the one who was too lazy to scroll down to page #2

Again, the Biden regime passed restrictive policies on US fossil fuel exploration and and production without a viable energy alternative. The Market sees this action being taken on the largest consumer of fossil fuel in the Market. If you are a foreign entity be it a company or nation state producing oil without the restrictive policies, are your prices going to go up or down? HINT: Demand has spiked and supply and infrastructure declined.

Market is an economic term. Let’s see how much you understand it.
Supply of oil hasn't declined.

Infrastructure is unchanged.

Demand is back near to pre-pandemic levels.

And oil companies and petro-states like high prices.
Supply of oil hasn't declined.
Yes it has. It declined from 13 million bbl/day under Trump to 11 million bbl under Biden
Infrastructure is unchanged.

Who said anything about infrastructure?

Demand is back near to pre-pandemic levels.

What does that even mean?

And oil companies and petro-states like high prices.

Every business likes the price of their product or service to be as high as possible. Did you imagine oil companies were unique in that respect?
Yes it has. It declined from 13 million bbl/day under Trump to 11 million bbl under Biden

Who said anything about infrastructure?

What does that even mean?

Every business likes the price of their product or service to be as high as possible. Did you imagine oil companies were unique in that respect?
Oil production dropped because demand during the pandemic cratered.

You trying to blame President Biden for that is hilarious.
It's a mystery, wrapped in an enigma.
Nope. Fact is we were a net exporter of petroleum products in 2021. Isn't that what they were calling energy independence? Net Exports.

Will it change the fact that the Rabid Right has been frothing at the mouth proclaiming that President Biden's pause on leases and canceling the permit for the latest Canadian pipeline caused the US to loose that fabled status convincing themselves that it was true? Hahahahaha oh no, Saul Biden donchaknow.

Supply of oil hasn't declined.

Infrastructure is unchanged.

Demand is back near to pre-pandemic levels.

And oil companies and petro-states like high prices.
Where is your data? In particular, Supply not declining? Supply is defined as production. Finally, how come oil prices averaged $40-$50 a barrel in 2016 and 2017 vs. $100 today?

A US President should never pursue egregious restrictive exploration and production policies without a viable alternative.
Where is your data? In particular, Supply not declining? Supply is defined as production. Finally, how come oil prices averaged $40-$50 a barrel in 2016 and 2017 vs. $100 today?

A US President should never pursue egregious restrictive exploration and production policies without a viable alternative.

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