We will never convince the deniers.

Some folks are never going to believe in climate change, that vaccines are not a government conspiracy, and that the CIA, FBI, Castro, Soviet Union, and LBJ all got together and killed JFK. Trying to convince them otherwise is equivalent to teaching physics to my cat.
Some folks are never going to believe in climate change, that vaccines are not a government conspiracy, and that the CIA, FBI, Castro, Soviet Union, and LBJ all got together and killed JFK. Trying to convince them otherwise is equivalent to teaching physics to my cat.

Everyone believes that the climate changes...the evidence exists in such quantity that no one doubts it...when you start claiming that man is responsible however, that is a different story...there isn't a single piece of observed, measured evidence which supports the man made climate change hypothesis over natural variability...when that sort of evidence starts turning up, then you have a position that you can start to defend...till then, however, your belief in man made climate change is an article of faith.

Ask the folks in Washington and Oregon who are living under a state of emergency whose kids are sick with measles, and as a result, vulnerable to pneumonia and encephalitis, as well as having their entire immune system suppressed about vaccines being a government conspiracy..last year, over 110,000 people died from measles due to gaps in vaccine coverage...

Got no idea who killed JFK..he certainly ran afoul of his own party and their traditions.....and your cat obeys the laws of physics...that is enough for a cat.
You are still not understanding. There is no debate here. That is over. This thread is about people like you.

Would you care to comment on the actual topic?

I am calling "bullshit". This Climate Change/ Global Warming plan to implement a global takeover was planned 60 years ago. Read quotes from the Iron Mountain Report, look up quotes from the Club of Rome and those like Maurice Strong.
Once again: .this is not a global warming thread. This a thread about people who deny it. As far as I'm concerned global warming is not an open discussion, it is a settled fact. If you want to deny it, there are currently a dozen or so threads started by your ilk for just that purpose. The topic here is you.

Would you care to comment on the topic?

I know more than you because I have made it my business and mission to know the things I do. You can piss, moan, gripe and complain to your heart's content that some of us have critical thinking skills instead of being a sheeple such as yourself.
Ah, so you can respond on topic, and you obviously fancy yourself a bit as well. Just what "critical thinking skills" did you utilize to deny all the science, scientists, and easily seen evidence that global warming is real and dangerous?
Maybe because they alter the global record each time it proves them wrong.. Or maybe its the fact you use modeling that IS NOT EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE OF ANY KIND, and then you tout it as if it is...

Only fools are moved by this kind of deception. Scientists deal in the real world not the fantasy world claiming it is real..
Except that they don't, they haven't, and they didn't. That's rwnj denier propaganda. Apply those "critical thinking skills" instead of bragging about them. You've heard of Occam's Razor right?
I am calling "bullshit". This Climate Change/ Global Warming plan to implement a global takeover was planned 60 years ago. Read quotes from the Iron Mountain Report, look up quotes from the Club of Rome and those like Maurice Strong.
Once again: .this is not a global warming thread. This a thread about people who deny it. As far as I'm concerned global warming is not an open discussion, it is a settled fact. If you want to deny it, there are currently a dozen or so threads started by your ilk for just that purpose. The topic here is you.

Would you care to comment on the topic?

I know more than you because I have made it my business and mission to know the things I do. You can piss, moan, gripe and complain to your heart's content that some of us have critical thinking skills instead of being a sheeple such as yourself.
Ah, so you can respond on topic, and you obviously fancy yourself a bit as well. Just what "critical thinking skills" did you utilize to deny all the science, scientists, and easily seen evidence that global warming is real and dangerous?
Maybe because they alter the global record each time it proves them wrong.. Or maybe its the fact you use modeling that IS NOT EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE OF ANY KIND, and then you tout it as if it is...

Only fools are moved by this kind of deception. Scientists deal in the real world not the fantasy world claiming it is real..
Except that they don't, they haven't, and they didn't. That's rwnj denier propaganda. Apply those "critical thinking skills" instead of bragging about them. You've heard of Occam's Razor right?

Talk about being in denial...are you serious? You really aren't aware of the fact that the temperature records have been altered almost beyond recognition?


Note how the period from the late 1800's to the late 1960's has been cooled in an effort to make the current warming appear to be greater than it actually is...can you give me a rational, scientifically valid reason for altering temperatures from 50 to 130 years past? Didn't think so.
I am calling "bullshit". This Climate Change/ Global Warming plan to implement a global takeover was planned 60 years ago. Read quotes from the Iron Mountain Report, look up quotes from the Club of Rome and those like Maurice Strong.
Once again: .this is not a global warming thread. This a thread about people who deny it. As far as I'm concerned global warming is not an open discussion, it is a settled fact. If you want to deny it, there are currently a dozen or so threads started by your ilk for just that purpose. The topic here is you.

Would you care to comment on the topic?

I know more than you because I have made it my business and mission to know the things I do. You can piss, moan, gripe and complain to your heart's content that some of us have critical thinking skills instead of being a sheeple such as yourself.
Ah, so you can respond on topic, and you obviously fancy yourself a bit as well. Just what "critical thinking skills" did you utilize to deny all the science, scientists, and easily seen evidence that global warming is real and dangerous?
Maybe because they alter the global record each time it proves them wrong.. Or maybe its the fact you use modeling that IS NOT EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE OF ANY KIND, and then you tout it as if it is...

Only fools are moved by this kind of deception. Scientists deal in the real world not the fantasy world claiming it is real..
Except that they don't, they haven't, and they didn't. That's rwnj denier propaganda. Apply those "critical thinking skills" instead of bragging about them. You've heard of Occam's Razor right?

Yep...Occam's Razor tells us that it isn’t necessary to appeal to anthropogenic influences to account for a phenomenon that started 12 millennia ago, with the end of the last major glaciation. Occam’s Razor suggests that the best explanation for something is the simplest explanation. That is, there is no compelling need to complicate the explanation with human interference. Climate changes. That is what it does. Occam tells us that the fact that the present climate is well within the boundaries of natural variability that the simplest explanation is that we are looking at natural variability. Why try and claim that man is causing these changes when they look just like natural variability?

Now, if you had some observed, measured evidence which supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability, that is...something within the climate today that is outside the boundaries of natural variability, then Occam would tell you that perhaps you need to look beyond natural variability for what you are seeing. Not a sure thing, by any means, but worth taking a look...

Got any observed measured evidence which supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability? If not, Occam says "go get bent"...
Once again: .this is not a global warming thread. This a thread about people who deny it. As far as I'm concerned global warming is not an open discussion, it is a settled fact. If you want to deny it, there are currently a dozen or so threads started by your ilk for just that purpose. The topic here is you.

Would you care to comment on the topic?

I know more than you because I have made it my business and mission to know the things I do. You can piss, moan, gripe and complain to your heart's content that some of us have critical thinking skills instead of being a sheeple such as yourself.
Ah, so you can respond on topic, and you obviously fancy yourself a bit as well. Just what "critical thinking skills" did you utilize to deny all the science, scientists, and easily seen evidence that global warming is real and dangerous?
Maybe because they alter the global record each time it proves them wrong.. Or maybe its the fact you use modeling that IS NOT EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE OF ANY KIND, and then you tout it as if it is...

Only fools are moved by this kind of deception. Scientists deal in the real world not the fantasy world claiming it is real..
Except that they don't, they haven't, and they didn't. That's rwnj denier propaganda. Apply those "critical thinking skills" instead of bragging about them. You've heard of Occam's Razor right?

Yep...Occam's Razor tells us that it isn’t necessary to appeal to anthropogenic influences to account for a phenomenon that started 12 millennia ago, with the end of the last major glaciation. Occam’s Razor suggests that the best explanation for something is the simplest explanation. That is, there is no compelling need to complicate the explanation with human interference. Climate changes. That is what it does. Occam tells us that the fact that the present climate is well within the boundaries of natural variability that the simplest explanation is that we are looking at natural variability. Why try and claim that man is causing these changes when they look just like natural variability?

Now, if you had some observed, measured evidence which supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability, that is...something within the climate today that is outside the boundaries of natural variability, then Occam would tell you that perhaps you need to look beyond natural variability for what you are seeing. Not a sure thing, by any means, but worth taking a look...

Got any observed measured evidence which supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability? If not, Occam says "go get bent"...

Yep...Occam's Razor tells us that it isn’t necessary

From the guy who thinks photons measure the temperature of all matter across the universe, billions of years into the future.
I know more than you because I have made it my business and mission to know the things I do. You can piss, moan, gripe and complain to your heart's content that some of us have critical thinking skills instead of being a sheeple such as yourself.
Ah, so you can respond on topic, and you obviously fancy yourself a bit as well. Just what "critical thinking skills" did you utilize to deny all the science, scientists, and easily seen evidence that global warming is real and dangerous?
Maybe because they alter the global record each time it proves them wrong.. Or maybe its the fact you use modeling that IS NOT EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE OF ANY KIND, and then you tout it as if it is...

Only fools are moved by this kind of deception. Scientists deal in the real world not the fantasy world claiming it is real..
Except that they don't, they haven't, and they didn't. That's rwnj denier propaganda. Apply those "critical thinking skills" instead of bragging about them. You've heard of Occam's Razor right?

Yep...Occam's Razor tells us that it isn’t necessary to appeal to anthropogenic influences to account for a phenomenon that started 12 millennia ago, with the end of the last major glaciation. Occam’s Razor suggests that the best explanation for something is the simplest explanation. That is, there is no compelling need to complicate the explanation with human interference. Climate changes. That is what it does. Occam tells us that the fact that the present climate is well within the boundaries of natural variability that the simplest explanation is that we are looking at natural variability. Why try and claim that man is causing these changes when they look just like natural variability?

Now, if you had some observed, measured evidence which supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability, that is...something within the climate today that is outside the boundaries of natural variability, then Occam would tell you that perhaps you need to look beyond natural variability for what you are seeing. Not a sure thing, by any means, but worth taking a look...

Got any observed measured evidence which supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability? If not, Occam says "go get bent"...

Yep...Occam's Razor tells us that it isn’t necessary

From the guy who thinks photons measure the temperature of all matter across the universe, billions of years into the future.

I didn't make up the rules about photons...I don't even believe in photons..they are theoretical particles...nothing more...a fill in story to explain a behavior of light that we, as of yet, don't understand...nothing more. You don't like what the people who made them up say they are like, take it up with them...till then, time and distance mean nothing to an entity traveling at the speed of light...
Ah, so you can respond on topic, and you obviously fancy yourself a bit as well. Just what "critical thinking skills" did you utilize to deny all the science, scientists, and easily seen evidence that global warming is real and dangerous?
Maybe because they alter the global record each time it proves them wrong.. Or maybe its the fact you use modeling that IS NOT EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE OF ANY KIND, and then you tout it as if it is...

Only fools are moved by this kind of deception. Scientists deal in the real world not the fantasy world claiming it is real..
Except that they don't, they haven't, and they didn't. That's rwnj denier propaganda. Apply those "critical thinking skills" instead of bragging about them. You've heard of Occam's Razor right?

Yep...Occam's Razor tells us that it isn’t necessary to appeal to anthropogenic influences to account for a phenomenon that started 12 millennia ago, with the end of the last major glaciation. Occam’s Razor suggests that the best explanation for something is the simplest explanation. That is, there is no compelling need to complicate the explanation with human interference. Climate changes. That is what it does. Occam tells us that the fact that the present climate is well within the boundaries of natural variability that the simplest explanation is that we are looking at natural variability. Why try and claim that man is causing these changes when they look just like natural variability?

Now, if you had some observed, measured evidence which supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability, that is...something within the climate today that is outside the boundaries of natural variability, then Occam would tell you that perhaps you need to look beyond natural variability for what you are seeing. Not a sure thing, by any means, but worth taking a look...

Got any observed measured evidence which supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability? If not, Occam says "go get bent"...

Yep...Occam's Razor tells us that it isn’t necessary

From the guy who thinks photons measure the temperature of all matter across the universe, billions of years into the future.

I didn't make up the rules about photons...I don't even believe in photons..they are theoretical particles...nothing more...a fill in story to explain a behavior of light that we, as of yet, don't understand...nothing more. You don't like what the people who made them up say they are like, take it up with them...till then, time and distance mean nothing to an entity traveling at the speed of light...

Yep...Occam's Razor tells us that it isn’t necessary

From the guy who thinks waves measure the temperature of all matter across the universe, billions of years into the future.

time and distance mean nothing to an entity traveling at the speed of light...

Which means they can predict the future.....DURR

I see you recently admitted that the 70 F walls of my home are now allowed to emit toward
my 98 F skin. Why the change of heart?
Once again: .this is not a global warming thread. This a thread about people who deny it. As far as I'm concerned global warming is not an open discussion, it is a settled fact. If you want to deny it, there are currently a dozen or so threads started by your ilk for just that purpose. The topic here is you.

Would you care to comment on the topic?

I know more than you because I have made it my business and mission to know the things I do. You can piss, moan, gripe and complain to your heart's content that some of us have critical thinking skills instead of being a sheeple such as yourself.
Ah, so you can respond on topic, and you obviously fancy yourself a bit as well. Just what "critical thinking skills" did you utilize to deny all the science, scientists, and easily seen evidence that global warming is real and dangerous?
Maybe because they alter the global record each time it proves them wrong.. Or maybe its the fact you use modeling that IS NOT EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE OF ANY KIND, and then you tout it as if it is...

Only fools are moved by this kind of deception. Scientists deal in the real world not the fantasy world claiming it is real..
Except that they don't, they haven't, and they didn't. That's rwnj denier propaganda. Apply those "critical thinking skills" instead of bragging about them. You've heard of Occam's Razor right?

Talk about being in denial...are you serious? You really aren't aware of the fact that the temperature records have been altered almost beyond recognition?


Note how the period from the late 1800's to the late 1960's has been cooled in an effort to make the current warming appear to be greater than it actually is...can you give me a rational, scientifically valid reason for altering temperatures from 50 to 130 years past? Didn't think so.

Indeed. And for persective: Reality.

Global Temps 2500BC-2040AD.jpeg
Once again: .this is not a global warming thread. This a thread about people who deny it. As far as I'm concerned global warming is not an open discussion, it is a settled fact. If you want to deny it, there are currently a dozen or so threads started by your ilk for just that purpose. The topic here is you.

Would you care to comment on the topic?

I know more than you because I have made it my business and mission to know the things I do. You can piss, moan, gripe and complain to your heart's content that some of us have critical thinking skills instead of being a sheeple such as yourself.
Ah, so you can respond on topic, and you obviously fancy yourself a bit as well. Just what "critical thinking skills" did you utilize to deny all the science, scientists, and easily seen evidence that global warming is real and dangerous?
Maybe because they alter the global record each time it proves them wrong.. Or maybe its the fact you use modeling that IS NOT EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE OF ANY KIND, and then you tout it as if it is...

Only fools are moved by this kind of deception. Scientists deal in the real world not the fantasy world claiming it is real..
Except that they don't, they haven't, and they didn't. That's rwnj denier propaganda. Apply those "critical thinking skills" instead of bragging about them. You've heard of Occam's Razor right?

Talk about being in denial...are you serious? You really aren't aware of the fact that the temperature records have been altered almost beyond recognition?


Note how the period from the late 1800's to the late 1960's has been cooled in an effort to make the current warming appear to be greater than it actually is...can you give me a rational, scientifically valid reason for altering temperatures from 50 to 130 years past? Didn't think so.
They have not. You repeating it over and over doesn't change that fact.
I know more than you because I have made it my business and mission to know the things I do. You can piss, moan, gripe and complain to your heart's content that some of us have critical thinking skills instead of being a sheeple such as yourself.
Ah, so you can respond on topic, and you obviously fancy yourself a bit as well. Just what "critical thinking skills" did you utilize to deny all the science, scientists, and easily seen evidence that global warming is real and dangerous?
Maybe because they alter the global record each time it proves them wrong.. Or maybe its the fact you use modeling that IS NOT EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE OF ANY KIND, and then you tout it as if it is...

Only fools are moved by this kind of deception. Scientists deal in the real world not the fantasy world claiming it is real..
Except that they don't, they haven't, and they didn't. That's rwnj denier propaganda. Apply those "critical thinking skills" instead of bragging about them. You've heard of Occam's Razor right?

Talk about being in denial...are you serious? You really aren't aware of the fact that the temperature records have been altered almost beyond recognition?


Note how the period from the late 1800's to the late 1960's has been cooled in an effort to make the current warming appear to be greater than it actually is...can you give me a rational, scientifically valid reason for altering temperatures from 50 to 130 years past? Didn't think so.
They have not. You repeating it over and over doesn't change that fact.

So you are a denier...interesting.

Here...have a look at this published study regarding the validity of the adjustments that you deny ever happened...it is all very well documented....not that I think you will have a snowball's chance of understanding any of it.


Clip: The conclusive findings of this research are that the three GAST data sets are not a valid representation of reality. In fact, the magnitude of their historical data adjustments, that removed their cyclical temperature patterns, are totally inconsistent with published and credible U.S. and other temperature data. Thus, it is impossible to conclude from the three published GAST data sets that recent years have been the warmest ever –despite current claims of record setting warming.
Ah, so you can respond on topic, and you obviously fancy yourself a bit as well. Just what "critical thinking skills" did you utilize to deny all the science, scientists, and easily seen evidence that global warming is real and dangerous?
Maybe because they alter the global record each time it proves them wrong.. Or maybe its the fact you use modeling that IS NOT EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE OF ANY KIND, and then you tout it as if it is...

Only fools are moved by this kind of deception. Scientists deal in the real world not the fantasy world claiming it is real..
Except that they don't, they haven't, and they didn't. That's rwnj denier propaganda. Apply those "critical thinking skills" instead of bragging about them. You've heard of Occam's Razor right?

Talk about being in denial...are you serious? You really aren't aware of the fact that the temperature records have been altered almost beyond recognition?


Note how the period from the late 1800's to the late 1960's has been cooled in an effort to make the current warming appear to be greater than it actually is...can you give me a rational, scientifically valid reason for altering temperatures from 50 to 130 years past? Didn't think so.
They have not. You repeating it over and over doesn't change that fact.

So you are a denier...interesting.

Here...have a look at this published study regarding the validity of the adjustments that you deny ever happened...it is all very well documented....not that I think you will have a snowball's chance of understanding any of it.


Clip: The conclusive findings of this research are that the three GAST data sets are not a valid representation of reality. In fact, the magnitude of their historical data adjustments, that removed their cyclical temperature patterns, are totally inconsistent with published and credible U.S. and other temperature data. Thus, it is impossible to conclude from the three published GAST data sets that recent years have been the warmest ever –despite current claims of record setting warming.

Dude, you've got some stamina, I'll give you that. No brains but lots stamina.
Maybe because they alter the global record each time it proves them wrong.. Or maybe its the fact you use modeling that IS NOT EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE OF ANY KIND, and then you tout it as if it is...

Only fools are moved by this kind of deception. Scientists deal in the real world not the fantasy world claiming it is real..
Except that they don't, they haven't, and they didn't. That's rwnj denier propaganda. Apply those "critical thinking skills" instead of bragging about them. You've heard of Occam's Razor right?

Talk about being in denial...are you serious? You really aren't aware of the fact that the temperature records have been altered almost beyond recognition?


Note how the period from the late 1800's to the late 1960's has been cooled in an effort to make the current warming appear to be greater than it actually is...can you give me a rational, scientifically valid reason for altering temperatures from 50 to 130 years past? Didn't think so.
They have not. You repeating it over and over doesn't change that fact.

So you are a denier...interesting.

Here...have a look at this published study regarding the validity of the adjustments that you deny ever happened...it is all very well documented....not that I think you will have a snowball's chance of understanding any of it.


Clip: The conclusive findings of this research are that the three GAST data sets are not a valid representation of reality. In fact, the magnitude of their historical data adjustments, that removed their cyclical temperature patterns, are totally inconsistent with published and credible U.S. and other temperature data. Thus, it is impossible to conclude from the three published GAST data sets that recent years have been the warmest ever –despite current claims of record setting warming.

Dude, you've got some stamina, I'll give you that. No brains but lots stamina.

I have been sending little kids like you crying to their mommies for decades ever since I stopped being a dupe and trusting in what government scientists told me and started looking at the data myself...it didn't take long to realize that man made climate change is all smoke and mirrors. People like you can't defend your position...the best you can do is post up an opinion piece or two and then engage in impotent name calling with anyone who questions you...your impotence and inability to defend your position is laid out across this board for anyone to see.

Still denying that the temperature record has been adjusted? For all the effort you put into calling others deniers, it is a real laugh that you, yourself turn out to be one...typical of the left though...accuse the opposition of the very thing they are doing...

Interesting that you prefer to deny that the temperature record is heavily adjusted, homogenized, and infilled and remain a dupe rather than simply accept that the record has been altered and look at reality. I guess the folks who provided you with your opinion never mentioned the fact that people might question you on what passes for evidence among your circles...
Except that they don't, they haven't, and they didn't. That's rwnj denier propaganda. Apply those "critical thinking skills" instead of bragging about them. You've heard of Occam's Razor right?

Talk about being in denial...are you serious? You really aren't aware of the fact that the temperature records have been altered almost beyond recognition?


Note how the period from the late 1800's to the late 1960's has been cooled in an effort to make the current warming appear to be greater than it actually is...can you give me a rational, scientifically valid reason for altering temperatures from 50 to 130 years past? Didn't think so.
They have not. You repeating it over and over doesn't change that fact.

So you are a denier...interesting.

Here...have a look at this published study regarding the validity of the adjustments that you deny ever happened...it is all very well documented....not that I think you will have a snowball's chance of understanding any of it.


Clip: The conclusive findings of this research are that the three GAST data sets are not a valid representation of reality. In fact, the magnitude of their historical data adjustments, that removed their cyclical temperature patterns, are totally inconsistent with published and credible U.S. and other temperature data. Thus, it is impossible to conclude from the three published GAST data sets that recent years have been the warmest ever –despite current claims of record setting warming.

Dude, you've got some stamina, I'll give you that. No brains but lots stamina.

I have been sending little kids like you crying to their mommies for decades ever since I stopped being a dupe and trusting in what government scientists told me and started looking at the data myself...it didn't take long to realize that man made climate change is all smoke and mirrors. People like you can't defend your position...the best you can do is post up an opinion piece or two and then engage in impotent name calling with anyone who questions you...your impotence and inability to defend your position is laid out across this board for anyone to see.

Still denying that the temperature record has been adjusted? For all the effort you put into calling others deniers, it is a real laugh that you, yourself turn out to be one...typical of the left though...accuse the opposition of the very thing they are doing...

Interesting that you prefer to deny that the temperature record is heavily adjusted, homogenized, and infilled and remain a dupe rather than simply accept that the record has been altered and look at reality. I guess the folks who provided you with your opinion never mentioned the fact that people might question you on what passes for evidence among your circles...

Lol folks! He's a legend in his own mind!

He's also still off topic after being reminded about 15 times, so I'm assuming he's not real smart either.
Talk about being in denial...are you serious? You really aren't aware of the fact that the temperature records have been altered almost beyond recognition?


Note how the period from the late 1800's to the late 1960's has been cooled in an effort to make the current warming appear to be greater than it actually is...can you give me a rational, scientifically valid reason for altering temperatures from 50 to 130 years past? Didn't think so.
They have not. You repeating it over and over doesn't change that fact.

So you are a denier...interesting.

Here...have a look at this published study regarding the validity of the adjustments that you deny ever happened...it is all very well documented....not that I think you will have a snowball's chance of understanding any of it.


Clip: The conclusive findings of this research are that the three GAST data sets are not a valid representation of reality. In fact, the magnitude of their historical data adjustments, that removed their cyclical temperature patterns, are totally inconsistent with published and credible U.S. and other temperature data. Thus, it is impossible to conclude from the three published GAST data sets that recent years have been the warmest ever –despite current claims of record setting warming.

Dude, you've got some stamina, I'll give you that. No brains but lots stamina.

I have been sending little kids like you crying to their mommies for decades ever since I stopped being a dupe and trusting in what government scientists told me and started looking at the data myself...it didn't take long to realize that man made climate change is all smoke and mirrors. People like you can't defend your position...the best you can do is post up an opinion piece or two and then engage in impotent name calling with anyone who questions you...your impotence and inability to defend your position is laid out across this board for anyone to see.

Still denying that the temperature record has been adjusted? For all the effort you put into calling others deniers, it is a real laugh that you, yourself turn out to be one...typical of the left though...accuse the opposition of the very thing they are doing...

Interesting that you prefer to deny that the temperature record is heavily adjusted, homogenized, and infilled and remain a dupe rather than simply accept that the record has been altered and look at reality. I guess the folks who provided you with your opinion never mentioned the fact that people might question you on what passes for evidence among your circles...

Lol folks! He's a legend in his own mind!

He's also still off topic after being reminded about 15 times, so I'm assuming he's not real smart either.

You remain unable to offer up any defense of your position, and engage in logical fallacy..i can only suppose you are assuming that it represents a rational argument...

It would seem that you don't even know what your own topic is about...you mewl a bit about imagining slowly changing climates, but you have been shown gold standard (according to climate science) temperature reconstructions that show temperature changing more, and faster than anything we have seen over the past 10,000 years. The present climate is well within the bounds of natural variability over the past 10K years but if you believe otherwise, by all means post up some actual data that says otherwise. If you can't provide any actual evidence to support your position how do you suppose you could convince anyone who is capable of thinking for themselves?

The remainder of your original post was nothing more than a self serving ad hom logical fallacy. If that is the best you can do, why complain that you can't convince a skeptic?
Maybe because they alter the global record each time it proves them wrong.. Or maybe its the fact you use modeling that IS NOT EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE OF ANY KIND, and then you tout it as if it is...

Only fools are moved by this kind of deception. Scientists deal in the real world not the fantasy world claiming it is real..
Except that they don't, they haven't, and they didn't. That's rwnj denier propaganda. Apply those "critical thinking skills" instead of bragging about them. You've heard of Occam's Razor right?

Talk about being in denial...are you serious? You really aren't aware of the fact that the temperature records have been altered almost beyond recognition?


Note how the period from the late 1800's to the late 1960's has been cooled in an effort to make the current warming appear to be greater than it actually is...can you give me a rational, scientifically valid reason for altering temperatures from 50 to 130 years past? Didn't think so.
They have not. You repeating it over and over doesn't change that fact.

So you are a denier...interesting.

Here...have a look at this published study regarding the validity of the adjustments that you deny ever happened...it is all very well documented....not that I think you will have a snowball's chance of understanding any of it.


Clip: The conclusive findings of this research are that the three GAST data sets are not a valid representation of reality. In fact, the magnitude of their historical data adjustments, that removed their cyclical temperature patterns, are totally inconsistent with published and credible U.S. and other temperature data. Thus, it is impossible to conclude from the three published GAST data sets that recent years have been the warmest ever –despite current claims of record setting warming.

Dude, you've got some stamina, I'll give you that. No brains but lots stamina.

How about you post up something from the keepers of the global temperature data saying that they have not adjusted the data....good luck with that since they post article after article attempting to justify the massive adjustment, homogenization, and infilling they they do.
Sorry, but as always seems to be the case, YOU are the one with the extraordinary claim making it YOUR responsibility to provide the evidence.

I personally find the complete lack of complaints from the thousands of actual scientists and researchers who use that data on a daily basis for their own work, many of whom lay their professional reputations on the line with it, more than evidence enough.
Sorry, but as always seems to be the case, YOU are the one with the extraordinary claim making it YOUR responsibility to provide the evidence.

So are you claiming that no adjustments, homogenization, or infilling has taken place with the temperature record? That would be an extraordinary claim since the "keepers" of the record spend so much ink in an effort to justify their adjustments, homogenization, and infilling.

I personally find the complete lack of complaints from the thousands of actual scientists and researchers who use that data on a daily basis for their own work, many of whom lay their professional reputations on the line with it, more than evidence enough.

Of course you do...because you are quite stupid and are easily fooled... So again, are you denying that the temperature record has been subjected to adjustments, homogenization, and infilling?
The temperature record has been made more accurate.
1) You and the rest of the deniers here have frequently made the accusation that there exists a huge conspiracy among climate scientists to falsify the records. If they were falsified when first recorded, why would they need to be falsified a second time?
2) Can you provide the confessional testimony of anyone involved in this falsification?
3) Can you provide the comments of any published researcher complaining that these adjustments are false?

Having heard all this before and having been utterly unable to respond, you are, as you have always been, TROLLING
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