We Will Not Drive Anything Else…

Bob Blaylock

Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2015
38°29′ North 121°26′ West
We will not drive anything except this scissor lift.

2017-09-29 09.50.00.jpg

It's all we'll drive.

2017-09-29 09.50.26.jpg
When are you gonna get an education so you don't have to dig ditches for a living?

I know you don't do any actual work. But, pretty much everyone knows you don't dig ditches with a scissor lift.
Good for you, Bob. When are you gonna get an education so you don't have to dig ditches for a living?
Take a while to rut out a ditch, doncha think?
Fucking redneck :lol:

Try that in English next time, slack jawed inbred.
Didn't you say "gonna" 2 minutes ago?
Try some self awareness.
Well nevermind. I don't want you ending up as another suicide statistic..
Good for you, Bob. When are you gonna get an education so you don't have to dig ditches for a living?
Take a while to rut out a ditch, doncha think?
Fucking redneck :lol:

Try that in English next time, slack jawed inbred.
Didn't you say "gonna" 2 minutes ago?
Try some self awareness.
Well nevermind. I don't want you ending up as another suicide statistic..

What? You can try being coherent anytime ya fucking drunkard.
Good for you, Bob. When are you gonna get an education so you don't have to dig ditches for a living?
Take a while to rut out a ditch, doncha think?
Fucking redneck :lol:

Try that in English next time, slack jawed inbred.
Didn't you say "gonna" 2 minutes ago?
Try some self awareness.
Well nevermind. I don't want you ending up as another suicide statistic..

What? You can try being coherent anytime ya fucking drunkard.
Lol don't know your ads from a hole in the ground so you make me out to sound belligerent:lol:
Good for you, Bob. When are you gonna get an education so you don't have to dig ditches for a living?
Take a while to rut out a ditch, doncha think?
Fucking redneck :lol:

Try that in English next time, slack jawed inbred.
Didn't you say "gonna" 2 minutes ago?
Try some self awareness.
Well nevermind. I don't want you ending up as another suicide statistic..

What? You can try being coherent anytime ya fucking drunkard.
Lol don't know your ads from a hole in the ground so you make me out to sound belligerent:lol:

My "ads?" What are "ads" you slobbering inbred degenerate?
When are you gonna get an education so you don't have to dig ditches for a living?

I know you don't do any actual work. But, pretty much everyone knows you don't dig ditches with a scissor lift.

And even if I did dig ditches for a living, there'd be nothing wrong with that. There is something wrong with a welfare parasite, disparaging others for making their living through honest work. The lowliest manual laborer contributes more to society on a good day than a pathetic loser like SYTFE is likely to contribute over the whole of his failed and worthless life.
When are you gonna get an education so you don't have to dig ditches for a living?

I know you don't do any actual work. But, pretty much everyone knows you don't dig ditches with a scissor lift.

Anyone with better than a room-temperature IQ knows that, anyway. That certainly leaves SYTFE out.

Digging ditches for a living is a phrase used to reference construction work, you mental midget. No wonder you're still digging ditches at 60 years old.
No wonder you're still digging ditches at 60 years old.

You say that like it's a bad thing ...


If you haven't dug a ditch or three in your life then you might be a male ... but you can't call yourself a man.
Digging ditches for a living is a phrase used to reference construction work, you mental midget. No wonder you're still digging ditches at 60 years old.

Where would you be without construction workers? Where would you live? Where would you shop? It takes construction workers to build a government welfare housing project. It takes construction workers to build liquor stores and bars and strip joints. The government buildings where your welfare handouts are processed were built by construction workers.

You are making assumptions about what I do for a living. Both your assumptions and my reality involve me making my living through honest, respectable work, something that you've surely never done, and think is something to be disparaged.

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