'We Will Not Engage': Michele Bachmann Reveals GOP Plans to Ignore Executive Amnesty

I think it's smart for the GOP to not "over" react. The States are filing lawsuits and those will inevitably lead to the "constitutional professor" losing yet another case. Obama's own words will be his undoing. Hispanics will not appreciate being played as pawns by Democrats....
The GOP mainstream, now realizing we can draw more women and Latinos without worrying about the f'ed up far right, is moving in the right direction.

Listening and bigreb are not the face of the GOP, nor are the missing TP legislators. :lol:

Listening is afraid to produce her list of TPers in next year's Congress.

Already did.

You are the one making the claim about 30 former TP who were defeated. They were not and you are fully aware that your pathetic lie has been outed. I never said anything about the TP next year.

I asked you to produce a list of the 30 TP's you claimed were defeated.

Pure and simple MrFakey. You can't produce....you never have.
The GOP mainstream, now realizing we can draw more women and Latinos without worrying about the f'ed up far right, is moving in the right direction.

JakeTheFake in a dream world.

There is no GOP mainstream when it comes to state politics. Each state has it's own identity.

Congress is now more conservative than ever.

Suck on it.
No, you did not. You posted a partial list of supposedly new TPers.

I want a complete list. Go for it, girl, your ass is hanging out.

The states will have no power on the EO. Obama controls the protection side of it, and the financing is from self funding. Let the states knock themselves out.

The mainstream of the GOP is so grateful that the new female and Latino voters weaken the grasp of the sick far right. The less conservative Congress is going to figure new ways. Try governing.
No, you did not. You posted a partial list of supposedly new TPers.

I want a complete list. Go for it, girl, your ass is hanging out.

Once again Fakey...for those who know what a liar and fraud you are.

You made the claim. 30 sitting TP's lost in primaries. We asked for names. You produced none.

Your little rant about wanting a list is nothing more than a deflection because there are no 30 defeated ones.

You are pathetic as well as delusional.

But we provided you a list of the previous caucus and said show us which ones got beat in primaries.

You've yet to produce.

At least you are consistent.

I am under no more obligation to produce anything because I didn't make a claim.

You, on the other hand made a claim with no backup.

Listening loses this big time.

Almost no far right policy making power reveals less power from the far right.

Read the OP, hon. Bachmann is right: she and her peers are powerless, as are you.
The GOP mainstream, now realizing we can draw more women and Latinos without worrying about the f'ed up far right, is moving in the right direction.

For every 10 women or Latinos the GOP garners they lose 100 Conservative voters. That's losing math, Jake.
REAL losing math is the ever growing number of black, hispanic, and women voters supplanting the white male base of the republicans.

Embrace them or go the way of the Whig Party.
Listening loses this big time.

Almost no far right policy making power reveals less power from the far right.

Read the OP, hon. Bachmann is right: she and her peers are powerless, as are you.

I read it long before you knew it was around and I replied at least six times.

Saying I agreed with the approach.

You are such a moron and this is too easy.
I like Mia Loves idea that people who come to America legally (but are not citizens) should put up a bond. They'll get it back when they leave.

Sounds interesting.
The LEO supported by the GOP will imprison arsonists and execute vigilantes.

Your day is over, ese.

Please keep it up, I along with many of the TRUE Republican's, and Conservatives are laughing at you...:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::banana:

The Letfist BULLSHIT is strong within our Manchurian Republican!
The LEO supported by the GOP will imprison arsonists and execute vigilantes.

Your day is over, ese.

Please keep it up, I along with many of the TRUE Republican's, and Conservatives are laughing at you...:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::banana:

The Letfist BULLSHIT is strong within our Manchurian Republican!

He's actually competing for the title of 2014 Board Comedian.

He's even a FAILURE at that! This subversive wants everyone to think he speaks for all centrists, when we all know, he's a FAR LEFTY that is a plant here, claiming to be a Republican. Anyone ever hear this boy talk shit about the Obola?
Boehner and McConnell and the mainstream don't care what the far right thinks. You guys have no power.

And I can stand and smile while you losers yell at me all day.
Boehner and McConnell and the mainstream don't care what the far right thinks. You guys have no power.

And I can stand and smile while you losers yell at me all day.

I Just can't help myself, this little cartoon hits the nail on the head, and bitch slaps the FAUX REPUBLICAN with his JOHN, & MITCH show! ...Just TOO PERFECT!

Posting images does not help you at all.

No government shut down. No stupid grandstanding.

EO is untouchable. ACA is reform amendable. Keystone is a real possibility. Tax reform for everyone. A good budget.

There is plenty for all good Americans to work with.
Posting images does not help you at all.

No government shut down. No stupid grandstanding.

EO is untouchable. ACA is reform amendable. Keystone is a real possibility. Tax reform for everyone. A good budget.

There is plenty for all good Americans to work with.

Congratulations to some of you far right reactionaries for accepting what I told you before the announcement: the President's EO cannot be successfully overturned in a major confrontation.

Obama has the high ground and the bigger guns at the moment.

We will lose on this issue, but there are others on which we can fight.
still pretending your conservative I see?
Immigration reform is gone and done.

Time to move on.

Spoken as aTRUE SUBVERSIVE... when you can TRY to get the opposition to give up, send in the TRAITOR, or in this case, the FAKEY wants to give up on the subversives possibly getting 5 MILLIOn more Dimwit voters, with a SHOT, of getting up to 30 MILLION MORE, if the feckless John & Bitch show, just gives in.... The NEW Theme song for the Republican leadership...turn up the VOLUMN!


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