We won't save refugees by destroying our own country

I would like to add, that nations have a finite ability to absorb immigrants.

If we had NOT spent the last 50 years importing as much of the shitty Third World into the First World as we could, we would be far more able to accept these refugees now.

But on top of the vast, hostile unassimilated population of immigrants we already have?


The US had space to "absorb" your ancestors.
Luddly instead of acting like a dumb ass why not go take a look see and read the thread in immigration about Honduras and see why these people are flocking in from South America; unless that is you agree that corporations should be able to steal from the poor in other countries and then drive them out of their own countries for they will invade the working class and poor in this country. Or could be you are just an operator or a lacky for these creeps. I doubt you are part of the worldly Royal Elite but I could be wrong it is of course just an Internet post.
I would like to add, that nations have a finite ability to absorb immigrants.

If we had NOT spent the last 50 years importing as much of the shitty Third World into the First World as we could, we would be far more able to accept these refugees now.

But on top of the vast, hostile unassimilated population of immigrants we already have?

Actual Legal Immigrants are not the real threat or the cause of job loses. It is the illegals and the people that use and scam the system with them to line their own pockets regardless of the cost to an average worker. The other issue is the shipment of US jobs over to third world countries and people even going along with that spent months over seas training the people in other countries to take American jobs. Now take a look at how many Americans in their own greed and insecurities allowed it all to happen. Most mortgaged themselves to the hilt because they could based on the bullshit FICO scoring system that banks and insurance companies scammed up. On the other hand small business enterprises were wiped out in mass and people that had little to no debt have been trampled by the corrupted system. Everyone's desire to live in a new home and be in debt up to their eyeballs led to a massive downfall when the massive banking fraud (by the banks) was revealed. The leaders of this nation new what was going on for awhile before the crash (In 1982 Congress amended the Bank Holding Act to further forbid banks from conducting general insurance underwriting or agency activities. This changed, however, in 1999, when the GLBA repealed sections of these acts and allowed banks to engage in a wide range of financial services.) Ask Barney and his gang what they were up to. Greenspan gave congress warning and they refused to hear what he was telling them. But again the people were free to make their own choices to put themselves into those positions of being so deeply in debt instead of patiently saving and waiting or buying a more affordable home in a price range they could easily afford.

Isaiah 50:1

As large as the problem of Illegal immigration is, Legal Immigration is even larger.

Almost everything that one can complain about illegal immigration applies to legal immigration.

Bush senior did do a job on the American worker when they passed the last round of amnesty programs. Since then it has gotten worse for southern border states.

Corporations and individuals skirting the laws are right in there too. That has been going on and people were writing about online since well before 2002 but no one was listening. A dear Mexican lady who watched over me as a child son and I were close friends he hated chicanos in California. He told me one day, "Those are chicanos they are just mexicans". I did not understand the difference until he explained it to me. His mom had came here from Mexico City in the thrirties. She was a star in her own right and became the first woman licensed movie producer in the state of California. Through the seventies and into the nineties she started programs in southern California using day old bread and such to help feed the homeless and destitute immigrants for they would not starve to death.

I would have never looked into the farming aspect of all of it until we moved into the midwest.

But when one starts really looking at it all the largest corporations use of the migrants it appears as they have purposely been doing this now to usurp the will of the American people to take them down. When I started reading through the books, the Bible, Book Jasher and the Books of Enoch along with stepping back and taking a good look-see at what we have seen and experience it all started coming into place about the scripture 'as in the days of Noah so will be the coming of Man'. Not to say that seeing people displace is cool but seeing what was prophesied thousands of years ago coming to us now is wonderful to those who will have faith and stand in the truth. This is the day where the saints of heaven see justice take place. Not to say that the people should not take a stand boldly and refuse to go along with what is going on that is not right, but to know that the Lord by His prevails is grand to me.

We can hope and ask that the Lord will open the peoples eyes before it gets any worse.

Outsourcing: How to Skirt the Law
By Moira Herbst June 22, 2007
The video looks as though it could have been shot at almost any sleepy corporate seminar in the country, with one camera panning between a man in a suit and tie standing at a podium and others seated nearby. But the dialogue is riveting: It's a group of lawyers openly discussing strategies for helping their clients pretend that they're trying to recruit American workers—as required by law—while they, in fact, hire cheaper foreign workers.....

Sorry, I don't see how that disagrees with my previous post.
I would like to add, that nations have a finite ability to absorb immigrants.

If we had NOT spent the last 50 years importing as much of the shitty Third World into the First World as we could, we would be far more able to accept these refugees now.

But on top of the vast, hostile unassimilated population of immigrants we already have?


The US had space to "absorb" your ancestors.

"space"? Do you really think I was referring to physical "space"?

If we had NOT spent the last 50 years importing as much of the shitty Third World into the First World as we could, we would be far more able to accept these refugees now.

But on top of the vast, hostile unassimilated population of immigrants we already have?

Luddly does not get it.

He gets it.

He just pretends not to because he cannot honestly defend his position on it's merits.
I would like to add, that nations have a finite ability to absorb immigrants.

If we had NOT spent the last 50 years importing as much of the shitty Third World into the First World as we could, we would be far more able to accept these refugees now.

But on top of the vast, hostile unassimilated population of immigrants we already have?

Actual Legal Immigrants are not the real threat or the cause of job loses. It is the illegals and the people that use and scam the system with them to line their own pockets regardless of the cost to an average worker. The other issue is the shipment of US jobs over to third world countries and people even going along with that spent months over seas training the people in other countries to take American jobs. Now take a look at how many Americans in their own greed and insecurities allowed it all to happen. Most mortgaged themselves to the hilt because they could based on the bullshit FICO scoring system that banks and insurance companies scammed up. On the other hand small business enterprises were wiped out in mass and people that had little to no debt have been trampled by the corrupted system. Everyone's desire to live in a new home and be in debt up to their eyeballs led to a massive downfall when the massive banking fraud (by the banks) was revealed. The leaders of this nation new what was going on for awhile before the crash (In 1982 Congress amended the Bank Holding Act to further forbid banks from conducting general insurance underwriting or agency activities. This changed, however, in 1999, when the GLBA repealed sections of these acts and allowed banks to engage in a wide range of financial services.) Ask Barney and his gang what they were up to. Greenspan gave congress warning and they refused to hear what he was telling them. But again the people were free to make their own choices to put themselves into those positions of being so deeply in debt instead of patiently saving and waiting or buying a more affordable home in a price range they could easily afford.

Isaiah 50:1

As large as the problem of Illegal immigration is, Legal Immigration is even larger.

Almost everything that one can complain about illegal immigration applies to legal immigration.

Bush senior did do a job on the American worker when they passed the last round of amnesty programs. Since then it has gotten worse for southern border states.

Corporations and individuals skirting the laws are right in there too. That has been going on and people were writing about online since well before 2002 but no one was listening. A dear Mexican lady who watched over me as a child son and I were close friends he hated chicanos in California. He told me one day, "Those are chicanos they are just mexicans". I did not understand the difference until he explained it to me. His mom had came here from Mexico City in the thrirties. She was a star in her own right and became the first woman licensed movie producer in the state of California. Through the seventies and into the nineties she started programs in southern California using day old bread and such to help feed the homeless and destitute immigrants for they would not starve to death.

I would have never looked into the farming aspect of all of it until we moved into the midwest.

But when one starts really looking at it all the largest corporations use of the migrants it appears as they have purposely been doing this now to usurp the will of the American people to take them down. When I started reading through the books, the Bible, Book Jasher and the Books of Enoch along with stepping back and taking a good look-see at what we have seen and experience it all started coming into place about the scripture 'as in the days of Noah so will be the coming of Man'. Not to say that seeing people displace is cool but seeing what was prophesied thousands of years ago coming to us now is wonderful to those who will have faith and stand in the truth. This is the day where the saints of heaven see justice take place. Not to say that the people should not take a stand boldly and refuse to go along with what is going on that is not right, but to know that the Lord by His prevails is grand to me.

We can hope and ask that the Lord will open the peoples eyes before it gets any worse.

Outsourcing: How to Skirt the Law
By Moira Herbst June 22, 2007
The video looks as though it could have been shot at almost any sleepy corporate seminar in the country, with one camera panning between a man in a suit and tie standing at a podium and others seated nearby. But the dialogue is riveting: It's a group of lawyers openly discussing strategies for helping their clients pretend that they're trying to recruit American workers—as required by law—while they, in fact, hire cheaper foreign workers.....

Sorry, I don't see how that disagrees with my previous post.
It doesn't just gives the unaware a lil more to consider. TY

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