We Wouldn't Be In This Mess With Iran If

Carter supported the Shah

Just like every President before him

The people who are promoting the idea that the left is promoting "fake news" are in fact, lying to you for their own personal benefit.

Yes. I made $123.78 off of post #217. Now run along and see if you can post even dumber crap on another subject.
We wouldn’t be in this mess if Trump left the Nuclear Accord alone
I ain't the one who purports himself to be superior to everybody else, now am I
Which, of course, is not what i said or implied. Pogo, you have a bad habit of losing your composure and making shit up that is easier for you to deal with.

Oh isn't it.

Roll tape of unpost that never existed.

I worry when the Evangelicals will take over our government, oh wait they have. All in the name of "Jesus".
But, since our culture and institutions are so far superior to those of islamic religious states, we can better weather those attempts.

As I said, I offered you an out, and you didn't want it, so you own that. No doubt that's why you keep cutting it out of the quote nest.

Now you're going to sit here and pretend gnomes hacked your account and posted in your name.

Irrelevant tantrum.

I said our culture and institutions are far superior to those of any religoous islamic state. And the best you can do is whine about an imagined claim that i am saying i am better than everyone else? You're acting like a child.

Here's a guy who claims "I didn't say that", gets confronted with the evidence that he did say than, and then goes, "OK I said that but I didn't say that".

Unfuckingbelievable. What a fucking fraud you are.
All your lying does not make him the fraud, here.

He pointed out that our culture is superior to that of the Islamist's. Anybody who does not believe this to be true is just a child acting out in a nihilistic stage of arrested development.

Grow up.

And you're now in the same rhetorical masturbation hole he dug hisself into. But at least you're honest about it. So far.

HE lied about his own post. I called him on it. Guess who that makes the liar.
Which, of course, is not what i said or implied. Pogo, you have a bad habit of losing your composure and making shit up that is easier for you to deal with.

Oh isn't it.

Roll tape of unpost that never existed.

But, since our culture and institutions are so far superior to those of islamic religious states, we can better weather those attempts.

As I said, I offered you an out, and you didn't want it, so you own that. No doubt that's why you keep cutting it out of the quote nest.

Now you're going to sit here and pretend gnomes hacked your account and posted in your name.

Irrelevant tantrum.

I said our culture and institutions are far superior to those of any religoous islamic state. And the best you can do is whine about an imagined claim that i am saying i am better than everyone else? You're acting like a child.

Here's a guy who claims "I didn't say that", gets confronted with the evidence that he did say than, and then goes, "OK I said that but I didn't say that".

Unfuckingbelievable. What a fucking fraud you are.
All your lying does not make him the fraud, here.

He pointed out that our culture is superior to that of the Islamist's. Anybody who does not believe this to be true is just a child acting out in a nihilistic stage of arrested development.

Grow up.

And you're now in the same rhetorical masturbation hole he dug hisself into. But at least you're honest about it. So far.

HE lied about his own post. I called him on it. Guess who that makes the liar.

Here is a link you might find useful, little fellow.
What is PROJECTION? definition of PROJECTION (Psychology Dictionary)
Oh isn't it.

Roll tape of unpost that never existed.

As I said, I offered you an out, and you didn't want it, so you own that. No doubt that's why you keep cutting it out of the quote nest.

Now you're going to sit here and pretend gnomes hacked your account and posted in your name.

Irrelevant tantrum.

I said our culture and institutions are far superior to those of any religoous islamic state. And the best you can do is whine about an imagined claim that i am saying i am better than everyone else? You're acting like a child.

Here's a guy who claims "I didn't say that", gets confronted with the evidence that he did say than, and then goes, "OK I said that but I didn't say that".

Unfuckingbelievable. What a fucking fraud you are.
All your lying does not make him the fraud, here.

He pointed out that our culture is superior to that of the Islamist's. Anybody who does not believe this to be true is just a child acting out in a nihilistic stage of arrested development.

Grow up.

And you're now in the same rhetorical masturbation hole he dug hisself into. But at least you're honest about it. So far.

HE lied about his own post. I called him on it. Guess who that makes the liar.

Here is a link you might find useful, little fellow.
What is PROJECTION? definition of PROJECTION (Psychology Dictionary)

No need. Irrelevant.

Look, I make ZERO excuses for calling out blatant dishonesty. If that's what you're looking for, ain't gonna happen. Period.
Didn’t know Obama was elected President if Iran too.

Edgetho, post: 2257844
Second, and more recently, we've got THE worst president in human history that completely abrogated his responsibilities as POTUS during Iran's Green revolution.

You are a sicko full of shit warmongering neocon lying idiot that most likely supported Bush43 the warmonger who lied his way into invading Iraq According to TrumpO.

And that 2003 invasion empowered Iran’s Shiite theocratic regime more than any other event in recent history.

You did not give 43 credit for handing Iraq over to Iran.

As for the Green Revolution you are flat out lying that Obama could have armed and financed a regime change in Iran.

It was never an attempt to overthrow the Ayatollahs.

See here:
  • As I have consistently argued over the past four years, the Green Movement is not a revolution in the classic sense of the term - it is not violent, and it is not targeted to dismantle the ruling regime. It has neither the ideological nor the militant wherewithal of such aims. It is calm, it is quiet, patient, gentle, and it will outlast all its militant nemeses and obstacles with temperate tenacity. What happened to the Green Movement in Iran?

Any evidence of interference by the US wouid have been inappropriate to the Green Movement.

And it’s leader was a nuclear scientist proud of Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

You are simply blabbing extremist blood thirsty propaganda with the Iranian expatriates who are aligned with US WARMONGERING NEOCONS and most Republican Party pundits and politicians.

Tell us what you would have had Obama do when the US ECONOMY was in the throes if the Great Bush Recession.

Send 200,000 war weary US TROOP into Iran because as the neocons said in 2003 ‘the road to Tehran goes through Baghdad”

Can’t deal with the current idiot novice in the White House screwing up. So blame Obama.

Stupid, you are really stupid.
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You believe those people?
As opposed to believing...whom? Wingnut bloggers who know fuck all about it?

I suppose it all boils down to......nobody.

Nobody seems to have learnt from the Chamberlain-Hitler 'deal'

Not wanting something to happen won't stop it from happening. Wishful thinking never got anyone anywhere.

Saying Iran is like Hitler, is absurd.
In reality, the USA has killed far more in recent years than Iran.
(Meaning the USA would actually resemble Hitler more closely than Iran)

In fact, many of the biggest atrocities since WW2 have been by the USA, and of course not at all by Iran.

There's definitely been multiple millions killed by USA actions since WW2, starting in WW2 it's self, when at least 200,000 civilians were killed in Japan by the A-Bombs.
But, then into Korea war, Vietnam war, Iraq wars, Kosovo, Afghanistan,Libya, Syria (Among others)

The USA is in a state of perpetual war.
I worry when the Evangelicals will take over our government, oh wait they have. All in the name of "Jesus".
But, since our culture and institutions are so far superior to those of islamic religious states, we can better weather those attempts.

You ARE being satirical here, right?

It's hard to tell.
So you believe that the culture of Iran is superior to the United States? Please explain.

Iran might not be as intellectually superior as the USA, but they appear to be more peaceful.

Iran's murder rate, and war mongering is merely a fraction of that of the USA.

The people who are promoting the idea that the left is promoting "fake news" are in fact, lying to you for their own personal benefit.

Yes. I made $123.78 off of post #217. Now run along and see if you can post even dumber crap on another subject.

I wasn't talking about fools like you. I was talking about Rupert Murdoch who saw a multi-million dollar reduction in his corporate taxes for FOX News, and his American newspapers; and the Sinclair Family who own the largest chain of local TV stations in the US, as well as the Mercer Family which owns Breitbart, and the Koch Bros. who funds Judicial Watch as their personal attack dogs.
You believe those people?
As opposed to believing...whom? Wingnut bloggers who know fuck all about it?

I suppose it all boils down to......nobody.

Nobody seems to have learnt from the Chamberlain-Hitler 'deal'

Not wanting something to happen won't stop it from happening. Wishful thinking never got anyone anywhere.

Saying Iran is like Hitler, is absurd.
In reality, the USA has killed far more in recent years than Iran.
(Meaning the USA would actually resemble Hitler more closely than Iran)

In fact, many of the biggest atrocities since WW2 have been by the USA, and of course not at all by Iran.

There's definitely been multiple millions killed by USA actions since WW2, starting in WW2 it's self, when at least 200,000 civilians were killed in Japan by the A-Bombs.
But, then into Korea war, Vietnam war, Iraq wars, Kosovo, Afghanistan,Libya, Syria (Among others)

The USA is in a state of perpetual war.

Where did I say Iran is like Hitler?

I could have used other analogies for appeasement and worthless agreements. But I didn't.

Actually, Neville Chamberlain was the other protagonist in that pre WW2 'arrangement'. It does usually take two to tango.
Mindful, post: 22580151
Not wanting something to happen won't stop it from happening. Wishful thinking never got anyone anywhere.

That is why the US UK FRANCE RUSSIA CHINA and Germany reached a nuclear deal with Iran that was working until TrumpO pulled the US out of it.

Now TrumpO wants to talk about a deal just to have his stupid brand in it,

Iran’s early response to lying unreliable TrumpO was shooting down a US military drone and watch the US President beg to talk instead of ordering a direct military response.
Mindful, post: 22580151
Not wanting something to happen won't stop it from happening. Wishful thinking never got anyone anywhere.

That is why the US UK FRANCE RUSSIA CHINA and Germany reached a nuclear deal with Iran that was working until TrumpO pulled the US out of it.

Now TrumpO wants to talk about a deal just to have his stupid brand in it,

Iran’s early response to lying unreliable TrumpO was shooting down a US military drone and watch the US President beg to talk instead of ordering a direct military response.

Copy that. :salute:
I worry when the Evangelicals will take over our government, oh wait they have. All in the name of "Jesus".
But, since our culture and institutions are so far superior to those of islamic religious states, we can better weather those attempts.

You ARE being satirical here, right?

It's hard to tell.
So you believe that the culture of Iran is superior to the United States? Please explain.

Iran might not be as intellectually superior as the USA, but they appear to be more peaceful.

Iran's murder rate, and war mongering is merely a fraction of that of the USA.
My goodness, SobieskiSavedEurope. You love Iran so much due to its superior intelectual appearances and peacefulness, you might want to go live there! And you'll never get murdered! :woohoo:
Actually, here's a different vantage than yours:
Jason Chaffetz Hosts Reps. Mike Turner, Matt Gaetz and Michael Waltz weigh in on U.S. tensions with Iran on a Hannity panel debate:

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I wouldn't want to do deals with countries that sponsor state terrorism.

Hezbollah receives military training, weapons, and financial support from Iran, and political support from Syria.
Mindful, post: 22580151
Not wanting something to happen won't stop it from happening. Wishful thinking never got anyone anywhere.

That is why the US UK FRANCE RUSSIA CHINA and Germany reached a nuclear deal with Iran that was working until TrumpO pulled the US out of it.

Now TrumpO wants to talk about a deal just to have his stupid brand in it,

Iran’s early response to lying unreliable TrumpO was shooting down a US military drone and watch the US President beg to talk instead of ordering a direct military response.

Iran's early response to the sanctions which SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN IMPOSED BY TRUMP and which are crippling their economy is to attack tankers transporting Saudi oil. To which the USA sent up a spy plane which wandered into Iranian air space.

America's NATO allies are not believeing anything coming out of Washington on this matter, because TRUMP LIES.


The Europeans don't believe Trump when he says the drone wasn't in Iranian air space. They don't believe him he said the ships were attacked by limpett mines, when the Japanese said it wasn't a mine that did the damage but something that flew through the air.

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