We Wouldn't Be In This Mess With Iran If

We Wouldn't Be In This Mess With Iran If

......Trump had left alone what was working to keep Iran's nuclear program in check.

Keeping it in check? lol.

Have you ever done deals with Iranians?


Contradicting Trump, U.N. Monitor Says Iran Complies With Nuclear Deal

So have I. Never again.

The NYTimes, and the UN?

Absolutely not.
Yes, absolutely. The international inspectors tasked with ensuring compliance say they are compliant.

You believe those people? Implicitly?

The guys inspecting WMD even had their doubts. Hans Blick included.
WMD was bullshit from the get go. They were never going to find any WMD.

This is not WMD.
I certainly trust them more than Trump.
You believe those people?
As opposed to believing...whom? Wingnut bloggers who know fuck all about it?

I suppose it all boils down to......nobody.

Nobody seems to have learnt from the Chamberlain-Hitler 'deal'

Not wanting something to happen won't stop it from happening. Wishful thinking never got anyone anywhere.

So have I. Never again.

The NYTimes, and the UN?

Absolutely not.
Yes, absolutely. The international inspectors tasked with ensuring compliance say they are compliant.

You believe those people? Implicitly?

The guys inspecting WMD even had their doubts. Hans Blick included.
WMD was bullshit from the get go. They were never going to find any WMD.

This is not WMD.
I certainly trust them more than Trump.

That has nothing to do with what I said to you.
Obama was a pig and a moron. He is the reason for the crap that is happening now.

He sat on his hands during the uprising in Iran so as not to offend his Mullah buddies.

Then he gave his Mullah buddies billions in cash so they could buy weapons and support international Islamic terrorism.

You right wing nuts keep spreading lies, that was their money. Also the nuclear deal with 5 other countries was a good deal, its too bad tramp pulled out.

Appeasement has never worked in the past. Why should it now?

Because this deal wasn't "appeasement" in any way shape or form.

"Appeasement" is Trump selling nuclear technology to MBS after what he's pulled in Yemen, and with Khashoggi.

You are really confused, aren't you Moon Bat? The Iran deal was the worst deal ever with the possible exception of the Paris Climate Accord.

Thank god Trump pulled us out of both these terrible deals. Trump has a lot of work to undo the damage of the worthless affirmation action shithead, doesn't he?

A deal where no American inspectors, no inspecting military facilities and almost a month prior notice isn't going to do jackshit to stop Obama's Mullah buddies from building nuclear weapons. Throw in billions of dollars in cash to fiance weapons to be used against the US and our allies and to be used to fiance international Islamic terrorism and you have to wonder what Kerry and Obama were smoking when they agreed to that dumb deal.

The answer is probably Obama was not high on drugs. He was just looking forward to his $60K a week vacations in the South of France that he would get as a kickback for giving away the store to the Mullahs.

Russia, China, France, Germany, the UK and China, all stated that Iran was staying within the Accord.
The IAEA. also said that Iran was compliant. The last time the the US didn't believe the IAEA was during the Iraqi War, when the question of an existence of a nuclear program. As historical facts show, the IAEA assessment was correct, the US's guess was wrong.
Everyone knows that Trump is someone,who just doesn't have time for detail, his leaving the agreement wasn't because of what detailed facts he knew, it was 100% political, that's Trump's M.O..
In the real world Trump has very little credibility, due to his constant lies and misrepresentation of facts. Notice what little worldwide support Trump has regarding his approach to Iran. About the only support Trump has is from his masters, Israel and Saudi Arabia.
I recall Obama saying it would be dangerous to let Canada, after six years of negotiations, build a pipeline; but after 2 years of negotiations, it was safe for Iran to build a nuclear programme.

I also wont forget Ahmadinejad's rantings about Armageddon.
Yes, absolutely. The international inspectors tasked with ensuring compliance say they are compliant.

You believe those people? Implicitly?

The guys inspecting WMD even had their doubts. Hans Blick included.
WMD was bullshit from the get go. They were never going to find any WMD.

This is not WMD.
I certainly trust them more than Trump.

That has nothing to do with what I said to you.

Perhaps you should be more clear. The search for WMD had nothing to do with Iran.
So have I. Never again.

The NYTimes, and the UN?

Absolutely not.
Yes, absolutely. The international inspectors tasked with ensuring compliance say they are compliant.

You believe those people? Implicitly?

The guys inspecting WMD even had their doubts. Hans Blick included.
WMD was bullshit from the get go. They were never going to find any WMD.

This is not WMD.
I certainly trust them more than Trump.

That has nothing to do with what I said to you.

Perhaps you should be more clear. The search for WMD had nothing to do with Iran.

I didn't say it did.

I was referring to which experts to trust. And the WMD inspectors I used as an example of that.
Yes, absolutely. The international inspectors tasked with ensuring compliance say they are compliant.

You believe those people? Implicitly?

The guys inspecting WMD even had their doubts. Hans Blick included.
WMD was bullshit from the get go. They were never going to find any WMD.

This is not WMD.
I certainly trust them more than Trump.

That has nothing to do with what I said to you.

Perhaps you should be more clear. The search for WMD had nothing to do with Iran.

I didn't say it did.

I was referring to which experts to trust. And the WMD inspectors I used as an example of that.
What is your point? You're not making sense.
The inspectors were correct. No WMD. How is that an example of why we should distrust the inspectors in Iran
You believe those people? Implicitly?

The guys inspecting WMD even had their doubts. Hans Blick included.
WMD was bullshit from the get go. They were never going to find any WMD.

This is not WMD.
I certainly trust them more than Trump.

That has nothing to do with what I said to you.

Perhaps you should be more clear. The search for WMD had nothing to do with Iran.

I didn't say it did.

I was referring to which experts to trust. And the WMD inspectors I used as an example of that.
What is your point? You're not making sense.
The inspectors were correct. No WMD. How is that an example of why we should distrust the inspectors in Iran

wrong wrong wrong----ACTUALLY ---Bush NEVER CLAIMED that Iraq had a nuclear bomb---
He CORRECTLY stated that they had and were working on "weapons of mass destruction"----which INDEED they were-----mostly biologicals-----try to LEARN SOME REALITY-----your hero SADAAM committed genocide of kurds and Shiites in the southern part of Iraq to YOUR OBVIOUS DELIGHT
WMD was bullshit from the get go. They were never going to find any WMD.

This is not WMD.
I certainly trust them more than Trump.

That has nothing to do with what I said to you.

Perhaps you should be more clear. The search for WMD had nothing to do with Iran.

I didn't say it did.

I was referring to which experts to trust. And the WMD inspectors I used as an example of that.
What is your point? You're not making sense.
The inspectors were correct. No WMD. How is that an example of why we should distrust the inspectors in Iran

wrong wrong wrong----ACTUALLY ---Bush NEVER CLAIMED that Iraq had a nuclear bomb---
He CORRECTLY stated that they had and were working on "weapons of mass destruction"----which INDEED they were-----mostly biologicals-----try to LEARN SOME REALITY-----your hero SADAAM committed genocide of kurds and Shiites in the southern part of Iraq to YOUR OBVIOUS DELIGHT

He also paid $30,000 per Palestinian family, to kill Jews.
You believe those people? Implicitly?

The guys inspecting WMD even had their doubts. Hans Blick included.
WMD was bullshit from the get go. They were never going to find any WMD.

This is not WMD.
I certainly trust them more than Trump.

That has nothing to do with what I said to you.

Perhaps you should be more clear. The search for WMD had nothing to do with Iran.

I didn't say it did.

I was referring to which experts to trust. And the WMD inspectors I used as an example of that.
What is your point? You're not making sense.
The inspectors were correct. No WMD. How is that an example of why we should distrust the inspectors in Iran

Never mind.

He sat on his hands during the uprising in Iran so as not to offend his Mullah buddies.

Then he gave his Mullah buddies billions in cash so they could buy weapons and support international Islamic terrorism.

You right wing nuts keep spreading lies, that was their money. Also the nuclear deal with 5 other countries was a good deal, its too bad tramp pulled out.

Appeasement has never worked in the past. Why should it now?

Because this deal wasn't "appeasement" in any way shape or form.

"Appeasement" is Trump selling nuclear technology to MBS after what he's pulled in Yemen, and with Khashoggi.

You are really confused, aren't you Moon Bat? The Iran deal was the worst deal ever with the possible exception of the Paris Climate Accord.

Thank god Trump pulled us out of both these terrible deals. Trump has a lot of work to undo the damage of the worthless affirmation action shithead, doesn't he?

A deal where no American inspectors, no inspecting military facilities and almost a month prior notice isn't going to do jackshit to stop Obama's Mullah buddies from building nuclear weapons. Throw in billions of dollars in cash to fiance weapons to be used against the US and our allies and to be used to fiance international Islamic terrorism and you have to wonder what Kerry and Obama were smoking when they agreed to that dumb deal.

The answer is probably Obama was not high on drugs. He was just looking forward to his $60K a week vacations in the South of France that he would get as a kickback for giving away the store to the Mullahs.

Russia, China, France, Germany, the UK and China, all stated that Iran was staying within the Accord.
The IAEA. also said that Iran was compliant. The last time the the US didn't believe the IAEA was during the Iraqi War, when the question of an existence of a nuclear program. As historical facts show, the IAEA assessment was correct, the US's guess was wrong.
Everyone knows that Trump is someone,who just doesn't have time for detail, his leaving the agreement wasn't because of what detailed facts he knew, it was 100% political, that's Trump's M.O..
In the real world Trump has very little credibility, due to his constant lies and misrepresentation of facts. Notice what little worldwide support Trump has regarding his approach to Iran. About the only support Trump has is from his masters, Israel and Saudi Arabia.

The Ayatollahs are refusing to negotiate with Donald Trump because they don't trust him to keep his word, and why would they? He broke the word of the USA in pulling out of the Paris Accord and the Iran Deal. He's pulled out of every trade or nuclear deal that he's crossed paths with since taking office except NATO, and Congress and the Senate passed a unanimous resolution to prevent him from doing that.

Just look at his recent admission that he ordered an aide to sign an agreement to pay NK $2 million for Otto Warmbier's "care", but never had any intention of ever honoring that agreement. Trump has a long, long history of making deals and then renegging on them. Like his US/Canada/Mexico Trade Agreement, which he just finished negotiating. He already threatened Mexico with tariffs if they didn't do something about the southern border.

Why would anyone cut a deal with Trump, when Trump will just toss it because he woke up in a bad mood, or he's getting bad press at home over his latest stupid decision? The Ayatollah's are not like Trump supporters. They see him with clear eyes and they're not believing his lies or his deflections.
First off, if Jimmy The Peanut had never been president, Iran wouldn't have had the balls to attack and occupy our Embassy.

They'd have never occupied our embassy had we not overthrown their president in 1953 and installed the dictator Shah to do our interests.
I have a question for you, son.

Say, you were a contractor and agreed to do a kitchen remodel. You agreed with a client on a 50 thousand price tag, whereupon you purchased the goods, got the permits and finished the work . upon handing them the bill, howver, they just laughed and said " it's mine now, and I owe you nothing!"

Would you want your government to step in to assure the contract was upheld or defend their reneging on an agreement much to your own detriment?
You right wing nuts keep spreading lies, that was their money. Also the nuclear deal with 5 other countries was a good deal, its too bad tramp pulled out.

Appeasement has never worked in the past. Why should it now?

Because this deal wasn't "appeasement" in any way shape or form.

"Appeasement" is Trump selling nuclear technology to MBS after what he's pulled in Yemen, and with Khashoggi.

You are really confused, aren't you Moon Bat? The Iran deal was the worst deal ever with the possible exception of the Paris Climate Accord.

Thank god Trump pulled us out of both these terrible deals. Trump has a lot of work to undo the damage of the worthless affirmation action shithead, doesn't he?

A deal where no American inspectors, no inspecting military facilities and almost a month prior notice isn't going to do jackshit to stop Obama's Mullah buddies from building nuclear weapons. Throw in billions of dollars in cash to fiance weapons to be used against the US and our allies and to be used to fiance international Islamic terrorism and you have to wonder what Kerry and Obama were smoking when they agreed to that dumb deal.

The answer is probably Obama was not high on drugs. He was just looking forward to his $60K a week vacations in the South of France that he would get as a kickback for giving away the store to the Mullahs.

Russia, China, France, Germany, the UK and China, all stated that Iran was staying within the Accord.
The IAEA. also said that Iran was compliant. The last time the the US didn't believe the IAEA was during the Iraqi War, when the question of an existence of a nuclear program. As historical facts show, the IAEA assessment was correct, the US's guess was wrong.
Everyone knows that Trump is someone,who just doesn't have time for detail, his leaving the agreement wasn't because of what detailed facts he knew, it was 100% political, that's Trump's M.O..
In the real world Trump has very little credibility, due to his constant lies and misrepresentation of facts. Notice what little worldwide support Trump has regarding his approach to Iran. About the only support Trump has is from his masters, Israel and Saudi Arabia.

The Ayatollahs are refusing to negotiate with Donald Trump because they don't trust him to keep his word, and why would they? He broke the word of the USA in pulling out of the Paris Accord and the Iran Deal. He's pulled out of every trade or nuclear deal that he's crossed paths with since taking office except NATO, and Congress and the Senate passed a unanimous resolution to prevent him from doing that.

Just look at his recent admission that he ordered an aide to sign an agreement to pay NK $2 million for Otto Warmbier's "care", but never had any intention of ever honoring that agreement. Trump has a long, long history of making deals and then renegging on them. Like his US/Canada/Mexico Trade Agreement, which he just finished negotiating. He already threatened Mexico with tariffs if they didn't do something about the southern border.

Why would anyone cut a deal with Trump, when Trump will just toss it because he woke up in a bad mood, or he's getting bad press at home over his latest stupid decision? The Ayatollah's are not like Trump supporters. They see him with clear eyes and they're not believing his lies or his deflections.
Well, if Iran isn't trying to force a deal with Trump that will stop the sanctions, what ARE they up to? It seems they are begging for attention right now. The Ayatollahs, I'm sure, see the same Trump most of us do, but .... it seems this has to be about getting a change in US policy. So how do they plan to do it, if not negotiating with the US?
I ain't the one who purports himself to be superior to everybody else, now am I
Which, of course, is not what i said or implied. Pogo, you have a bad habit of losing your composure and making shit up that is easier for you to deal with.

Oh isn't it.

Roll tape of unpost that never existed.

I worry when the Evangelicals will take over our government, oh wait they have. All in the name of "Jesus".
But, since our culture and institutions are so far superior to those of islamic religious states, we can better weather those attempts.

As I said, I offered you an out, and you didn't want it, so you own that. No doubt that's why you keep cutting it out of the quote nest.

Now you're going to sit here and pretend gnomes hacked your account and posted in your name.

Irrelevant tantrum.

I said our culture and institutions are far superior to those of any religoous islamic state. And the best you can do is whine about an imagined claim that i am saying i am better than everyone else? You're acting like a child.

Here's a guy who claims "I didn't say that", gets confronted with the evidence that he did say than, and then goes, "OK I said that but I didn't say that".

Unfuckingbelievable. What a fucking fraud you are.
All your lying does not make him the fraud, here.

He pointed out that our culture is superior to that of the Islamist's. Anybody who does not believe this to be true is just a child acting out in a nihilistic stage of arrested development.

Grow up.
We Wouldn't be in this mess if the Idiot In Chief hadn't let Bolton talk him into pulling out of the Iran Nuke agreement.

You'll recall that issue was why General Mattis quit
The Iran nuke deal was nothing more than obuthole kissing Iran's ass. Trump did good. Retarded libs.

Except 5 other countries agreed with Obama.
So, obuthole wasn't American, fits that. Who cares that those five countries agreed with that piece of crap. Try again libtards.

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