We Wouldn't Be In This Mess With Iran If

First off, if Jimmy The Peanut had never been president, Iran wouldn't have had the balls to attack and occupy our Embassy.

You can believe what you will, but that is fact. The coward Ford wasn't much better, but anybody with a pulse would have been better than that walking cadaver

Second, and more recently, we've got THE worst president in human history that completely abrogated his responsibilities as POTUS during Iran's Green revolution.

This piece of garbage goes around the MidEast talking shit about an 'Arab Spring' giving the people in that area false hope and then -- Like the cowardly dimocrap he is (and they all are) runs away when the time to act is upon him.

obama was, and still is, a craven coward. You just don't trust a craven coward. Especially a dimocrap craven coward. But.... That's just about all of them.

You ought to read this. It is not the last word on the subject, but it is somewhere to start for those few who are interested.

Why Obama Let Iran's Green Revolution Fail
The president wanted a nuclear deal, not regime change.

One of the great hypotheticals of Barack Obama's presidency involves the Iranian uprising that began on June 12, 2009, after Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was announced the winner of contested presidential elections. What if the president had done more to help the protesters when the regime appeared to be teetering?

Me: What hypotheticals? dimocraps aren't even aware of the Green Revolution. It's down the memory hole. A failing by a dimocrap scum president that shall not be talked about. These scum don't talk about anything not presented to them by the media.

It's well known he was slow to react. Obama publicly downplayed the prospect of real change at first, saying the candidates whom hundreds of thousands of Iranians were risking their lives to support did not represent fundamental change. When he finally did speak out, he couldn't bring himself to say the election was stolen: "The world is watching and inspired by their participation, regardless of what the ultimate outcome of the election was."

But Obama wasn't just reluctant to show solidarity in 2009, he feared the demonstrations would sabotage his secret outreach to Iran. In his new book, "The Iran Wars," Wall Street Journal reporter Jay Solomon uncovers new details on how far Obama went to avoid helping Iran's green movement. Behind the scenes, Obama overruled advisers who wanted to do what America had done at similar transitions from dictatorship to democracy, and signal America's support.

Solomon reports that Obama ordered the CIA to sever contacts it had with the green movement's supporters. "The Agency has contingency plans for supporting democratic uprisings anywhere in the world. This includes providing dissidents with communications, money, and in extreme cases even arms," Solomon writes. "But in this case the White House ordered it to stand down."

more at the link

This is why you just don't give power to dimocrap scum, people. They screw up everything they touch. Look what The Rapist did by not allowing our people to take out Usama bin Floatin'
We Wouldn't Be In This Mess With Iran If

......Trump had left alone what was working to keep Iran's nuclear program in check.

Keeping it in check? lol.

Have you ever done deals with Iranians?
I ain't the one who purports himself to be superior to everybody else, now am I
Which, of course, is not what i said or implied. Pogo, you have a bad habit of losing your composure and making shit up that is easier for you to deal with.

Oh isn't it.

Roll tape of unpost that never existed.

I worry when the Evangelicals will take over our government, oh wait they have. All in the name of "Jesus".
But, since our culture and institutions are so far superior to those of islamic religious states, we can better weather those attempts.

As I said, I offered you an out, and you didn't want it, so you own that. No doubt that's why you keep cutting it out of the quote nest.

Now you're going to sit here and pretend gnomes hacked your account and posted in your name.


Yet another example --- I don't oppose "left", I don't oppose "right" --- what I oppose is dishonest bullshit. That don't play around me.
Gee, I wonder where all these Ph.Ds in history and MYOB peacenicks were when their boi Oboingo was toppling the regimes in Egypt and Libya, and trying to overthrow Assad?

Obama wasn't overthrowing ANYONE. He let the uprisings play out on their own and let the chips fall where they may. That's why the hawks consider him "weak". Because he didn't try to change regimes, but he didn't direct it or try to stop it. He let the people of these nations determine their own governments. Republicans would never allow that, as we've seen in Venezuela and now Iran. Like always, Republicans want CONTROL of people they have no business controlling.
I ain't the one who purports himself to be superior to everybody else, now am I
Which, of course, is not what i said or implied. Pogo, you have a bad habit of losing your composure and making shit up that is easier for you to deal with.

Oh isn't it.

Roll tape of unpost that never existed.

I worry when the Evangelicals will take over our government, oh wait they have. All in the name of "Jesus".
But, since our culture and institutions are so far superior to those of islamic religious states, we can better weather those attempts.

As I said, I offered you an out, and you didn't want it, so you own that. No doubt that's why you keep cutting it out of the quote nest.

Now you're going to sit here and pretend gnomes hacked your account and posted in your name.

Irrelevant tantrum.

I said our culture and institutions are far superior to those of any religoous islamic state. And the best you can do is whine about an imagined claim that i am saying i am better than everyone else? You're acting like a child.
First off, if Jimmy The Peanut had never been president, Iran wouldn't have had the balls to attack and occupy our Embassy.

They'd have never occupied our embassy had we not overthrown their president in 1953 and installed the dictator Shah to do our interests.
All depends on partisan politics, doesn't it?
No, facts dont depend on partisan politics. And it is, indeed, a fact that the crisis was resolved by an accord signed before Reagan took office and which was negotiated and completed by the administration prior to his.

Coincidence eh?

20 minutes in:

On the day of Reagan's inauguration—in fact, 20 minutes after he concluded his inaugural address—the Islamic Republic of Iran announced the release of the hostages.

Wikipedia ›


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First off, if Jimmy The Peanut had never been president, Iran wouldn't have had the balls to attack and occupy our Embassy.

You can believe what you will, but that is fact. The coward Ford wasn't much better, but anybody with a pulse would have been better than that walking cadaver

Second, and more recently, we've got THE worst president in human history that completely abrogated his responsibilities as POTUS during Iran's Green revolution.

This piece of garbage goes around the MidEast talking shit about an 'Arab Spring' giving the people in that area false hope and then -- Like the cowardly dimocrap he is (and they all are) runs away when the time to act is upon him.

obama was, and still is, a craven coward. You just don't trust a craven coward. Especially a dimocrap craven coward. But.... That's just about all of them.

You ought to read this. It is not the last word on the subject, but it is somewhere to start for those few who are interested.

Why Obama Let Iran's Green Revolution Fail
The president wanted a nuclear deal, not regime change.

One of the great hypotheticals of Barack Obama's presidency involves the Iranian uprising that began on June 12, 2009, after Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was announced the winner of contested presidential elections. What if the president had done more to help the protesters when the regime appeared to be teetering?

Me: What hypotheticals? dimocraps aren't even aware of the Green Revolution. It's down the memory hole. A failing by a dimocrap scum president that shall not be talked about. These scum don't talk about anything not presented to them by the media.

It's well known he was slow to react. Obama publicly downplayed the prospect of real change at first, saying the candidates whom hundreds of thousands of Iranians were risking their lives to support did not represent fundamental change. When he finally did speak out, he couldn't bring himself to say the election was stolen: "The world is watching and inspired by their participation, regardless of what the ultimate outcome of the election was."

But Obama wasn't just reluctant to show solidarity in 2009, he feared the demonstrations would sabotage his secret outreach to Iran. In his new book, "The Iran Wars," Wall Street Journal reporter Jay Solomon uncovers new details on how far Obama went to avoid helping Iran's green movement. Behind the scenes, Obama overruled advisers who wanted to do what America had done at similar transitions from dictatorship to democracy, and signal America's support.

Solomon reports that Obama ordered the CIA to sever contacts it had with the green movement's supporters. "The Agency has contingency plans for supporting democratic uprisings anywhere in the world. This includes providing dissidents with communications, money, and in extreme cases even arms," Solomon writes. "But in this case the White House ordered it to stand down."

more at the link

This is why you just don't give power to dimocrap scum, people. They screw up everything they touch. Look what The Rapist did by not allowing our people to take out Usama bin Floatin'
We Wouldn't Be In This Mess With Iran If

......Trump had left alone what was working to keep Iran's nuclear program in check.

Keeping it in check? lol.

Have you ever done deals with Iranians?


Contradicting Trump, U.N. Monitor Says Iran Complies With Nuclear Deal
They'd have never occupied our embassy had we not overthrown their president in 1953 and installed the dictator Shah to do our interests.
Such utter nonsense. The event was prompted by the fact that we granted temporary asylum to the shah, whom they accused of crimes that their own, religious nutball regime was perpetrating and continues to perpetrate to this day.

In essence, they were protesting crimes that were only 'crimes' due to not being perpetrated in the name of their disgusting religion.
First off, if Jimmy The Peanut had never been president, Iran wouldn't have had the balls to attack and occupy our Embassy.

You can believe what you will, but that is fact. The coward Ford wasn't much better, but anybody with a pulse would have been better than that walking cadaver

Second, and more recently, we've got THE worst president in human history that completely abrogated his responsibilities as POTUS during Iran's Green revolution.

This piece of garbage goes around the MidEast talking shit about an 'Arab Spring' giving the people in that area false hope and then -- Like the cowardly dimocrap he is (and they all are) runs away when the time to act is upon him.

obama was, and still is, a craven coward. You just don't trust a craven coward. Especially a dimocrap craven coward. But.... That's just about all of them.

You ought to read this. It is not the last word on the subject, but it is somewhere to start for those few who are interested.

Why Obama Let Iran's Green Revolution Fail
The president wanted a nuclear deal, not regime change.

One of the great hypotheticals of Barack Obama's presidency involves the Iranian uprising that began on June 12, 2009, after Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was announced the winner of contested presidential elections. What if the president had done more to help the protesters when the regime appeared to be teetering?

Me: What hypotheticals? dimocraps aren't even aware of the Green Revolution. It's down the memory hole. A failing by a dimocrap scum president that shall not be talked about. These scum don't talk about anything not presented to them by the media.

It's well known he was slow to react. Obama publicly downplayed the prospect of real change at first, saying the candidates whom hundreds of thousands of Iranians were risking their lives to support did not represent fundamental change. When he finally did speak out, he couldn't bring himself to say the election was stolen: "The world is watching and inspired by their participation, regardless of what the ultimate outcome of the election was."

But Obama wasn't just reluctant to show solidarity in 2009, he feared the demonstrations would sabotage his secret outreach to Iran. In his new book, "The Iran Wars," Wall Street Journal reporter Jay Solomon uncovers new details on how far Obama went to avoid helping Iran's green movement. Behind the scenes, Obama overruled advisers who wanted to do what America had done at similar transitions from dictatorship to democracy, and signal America's support.

Solomon reports that Obama ordered the CIA to sever contacts it had with the green movement's supporters. "The Agency has contingency plans for supporting democratic uprisings anywhere in the world. This includes providing dissidents with communications, money, and in extreme cases even arms," Solomon writes. "But in this case the White House ordered it to stand down."

more at the link

This is why you just don't give power to dimocrap scum, people. They screw up everything they touch. Look what The Rapist did by not allowing our people to take out Usama bin Floatin'

Don't blame Carter for the Shah of Iran and the abuse he piled on his people. Before there was Saddam Hussein in the Middle East, there was the Shah of Iran. One of the most brutal dictators who ever lived, but he was a avowed anti-communist. "Better dead than red" was the motto after WWII. The USA installed him as the leader of Iran and they kept him on the Peacock Throne for 38 years where he abused and murdered people at will.

Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi | shah of Iran

Iranians weren't "emboldened" by "Carter's weakness", they were fed up with the horror show that was the American-backed despot in control of their country. They overthrew the bum and ran him out of the country, and they attacked the embassy of the nation which forced them to accept him as their ruler.

The Iranians have good and valid reasons for hating the United States. If you were an Iranian, you would hate America too.

Canadian deviant makes up some spin or other. lol she claims some rubbish that the Shah was worse than the terrorist regimes supported by the Soviets, and IRan under the Soviets would be, well, like Canada or something. She's a liar,, of course, and she knows better, like most degenerate commie terrorist fans.

lots of Iranians came to the USA when I was a
teen. I never met one who HATED THE SHAH.
Iran had a lousy economy back then and the
odor of Islamism was in the air------so people fled

I find that amusing that not one Iranian "HATED THE SHAH".
I too have met quite a few Iranians, it was about 50-50 regarding whether they hated or didn't hate the Shah. So, let's deal with reality. Shah was a tyrant, that's a fact. Some people don't care if their country's leader is a tyrant, some people want freedom and don't want to be in fear of their lives, because they want freedom.
That is understandable when you see all the nice things that Obama said about the religious gangsters during his administration......

Obama was a pig and a moron. He is the reason for the crap that is happening now.

He sat on his hands during the uprising in Iran so as not to offend his Mullah buddies.

Then he gave his Mullah buddies billions in cash so they could buy weapons and support international Islamic terrorism.

You right wing nuts keep spreading lies, that was their money. Also the nuclear deal with 5 other countries was a good deal, its too bad tramp pulled out.

Appeasement has never worked in the past. Why should it now?

Because this deal wasn't "appeasement" in any way shape or form.

"Appeasement" is Trump selling nuclear technology to MBS after what he's pulled in Yemen, and with Khashoggi.

You are really confused, aren't you Moon Bat? The Iran deal was the worst deal ever with the possible exception of the Paris Climate Accord.

Thank god Trump pulled us out of both these terrible deals. Trump has a lot of work to undo the damage of the worthless affirmation action shithead, doesn't he?

A deal where no American inspectors, no inspecting military facilities and almost a month prior notice isn't going to do jackshit to stop Obama's Mullah buddies from building nuclear weapons. Throw in billions of dollars in cash to fiance weapons to be used against the US and our allies and to be used to fiance international Islamic terrorism and you have to wonder what Kerry and Obama were smoking when they agreed to that dumb deal.

The answer is probably Obama was not high on drugs. He was just looking forward to his $60K a week vacations in the South of France that he would get as a kickback for giving away the store to the Mullahs.
First off, if Jimmy The Peanut had never been president, Iran wouldn't have had the balls to attack and occupy our Embassy.

You can believe what you will, but that is fact. The coward Ford wasn't much better, but anybody with a pulse would have been better than that walking cadaver

Second, and more recently, we've got THE worst president in human history that completely abrogated his responsibilities as POTUS during Iran's Green revolution.

This piece of garbage goes around the MidEast talking shit about an 'Arab Spring' giving the people in that area false hope and then -- Like the cowardly dimocrap he is (and they all are) runs away when the time to act is upon him.

obama was, and still is, a craven coward. You just don't trust a craven coward. Especially a dimocrap craven coward. But.... That's just about all of them.

You ought to read this. It is not the last word on the subject, but it is somewhere to start for those few who are interested.

Why Obama Let Iran's Green Revolution Fail
The president wanted a nuclear deal, not regime change.

One of the great hypotheticals of Barack Obama's presidency involves the Iranian uprising that began on June 12, 2009, after Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was announced the winner of contested presidential elections. What if the president had done more to help the protesters when the regime appeared to be teetering?

Me: What hypotheticals? dimocraps aren't even aware of the Green Revolution. It's down the memory hole. A failing by a dimocrap scum president that shall not be talked about. These scum don't talk about anything not presented to them by the media.

It's well known he was slow to react. Obama publicly downplayed the prospect of real change at first, saying the candidates whom hundreds of thousands of Iranians were risking their lives to support did not represent fundamental change. When he finally did speak out, he couldn't bring himself to say the election was stolen: "The world is watching and inspired by their participation, regardless of what the ultimate outcome of the election was."

But Obama wasn't just reluctant to show solidarity in 2009, he feared the demonstrations would sabotage his secret outreach to Iran. In his new book, "The Iran Wars," Wall Street Journal reporter Jay Solomon uncovers new details on how far Obama went to avoid helping Iran's green movement. Behind the scenes, Obama overruled advisers who wanted to do what America had done at similar transitions from dictatorship to democracy, and signal America's support.

Solomon reports that Obama ordered the CIA to sever contacts it had with the green movement's supporters. "The Agency has contingency plans for supporting democratic uprisings anywhere in the world. This includes providing dissidents with communications, money, and in extreme cases even arms," Solomon writes. "But in this case the White House ordered it to stand down."

more at the link

This is why you just don't give power to dimocrap scum, people. They screw up everything they touch. Look what The Rapist did by not allowing our people to take out Usama bin Floatin'
We Wouldn't Be In This Mess With Iran If

......Trump had left alone what was working to keep Iran's nuclear program in check.

Keeping it in check? lol.

Have you ever done deals with Iranians?


Contradicting Trump, U.N. Monitor Says Iran Complies With Nuclear Deal

So have I. Never again.

The NYTimes, and the UN?

Absolutely not.
They'd have never occupied our embassy had we not overthrown their president in 1953 and installed the dictator Shah to do our interests.
Such utter nonsense. The event was prompted by the fact that we granted temporary asylum to the shah, whom they accused of crimes that their own, religious nutball regime was perpetrating and continues to perpetrate to this day.

In essence, they were protesting crimes that were only 'crimes' due to not being perpetrated in the name of their disgusting religion.

It was a religious revolution. And political, in Islam's case.
It was a religious revolution. And political, in Islam's case.
Absolutely. And it was the stated goal of the religious extremists from day 1 of the formation of modern iran. America's actions did not bring this about. Instead, they delayed its success.
First off, if Jimmy The Peanut had never been president, Iran wouldn't have had the balls to attack and occupy our Embassy.

You can believe what you will, but that is fact. The coward Ford wasn't much better, but anybody with a pulse would have been better than that walking cadaver

Second, and more recently, we've got THE worst president in human history that completely abrogated his responsibilities as POTUS during Iran's Green revolution.

This piece of garbage goes around the MidEast talking shit about an 'Arab Spring' giving the people in that area false hope and then -- Like the cowardly dimocrap he is (and they all are) runs away when the time to act is upon him.

obama was, and still is, a craven coward. You just don't trust a craven coward. Especially a dimocrap craven coward. But.... That's just about all of them.

You ought to read this. It is not the last word on the subject, but it is somewhere to start for those few who are interested.

Why Obama Let Iran's Green Revolution Fail
The president wanted a nuclear deal, not regime change.

One of the great hypotheticals of Barack Obama's presidency involves the Iranian uprising that began on June 12, 2009, after Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was announced the winner of contested presidential elections. What if the president had done more to help the protesters when the regime appeared to be teetering?

Me: What hypotheticals? dimocraps aren't even aware of the Green Revolution. It's down the memory hole. A failing by a dimocrap scum president that shall not be talked about. These scum don't talk about anything not presented to them by the media.

It's well known he was slow to react. Obama publicly downplayed the prospect of real change at first, saying the candidates whom hundreds of thousands of Iranians were risking their lives to support did not represent fundamental change. When he finally did speak out, he couldn't bring himself to say the election was stolen: "The world is watching and inspired by their participation, regardless of what the ultimate outcome of the election was."

But Obama wasn't just reluctant to show solidarity in 2009, he feared the demonstrations would sabotage his secret outreach to Iran. In his new book, "The Iran Wars," Wall Street Journal reporter Jay Solomon uncovers new details on how far Obama went to avoid helping Iran's green movement. Behind the scenes, Obama overruled advisers who wanted to do what America had done at similar transitions from dictatorship to democracy, and signal America's support.

Solomon reports that Obama ordered the CIA to sever contacts it had with the green movement's supporters. "The Agency has contingency plans for supporting democratic uprisings anywhere in the world. This includes providing dissidents with communications, money, and in extreme cases even arms," Solomon writes. "But in this case the White House ordered it to stand down."

more at the link

This is why you just don't give power to dimocrap scum, people. They screw up everything they touch. Look what The Rapist did by not allowing our people to take out Usama bin Floatin'
We Wouldn't Be In This Mess With Iran If

......Trump had left alone what was working to keep Iran's nuclear program in check.

Keeping it in check? lol.

Have you ever done deals with Iranians?


Contradicting Trump, U.N. Monitor Says Iran Complies With Nuclear Deal

So have I. Never again.

The NYTimes, and the UN?

Absolutely not.
Yes, absolutely. The international inspectors tasked with ensuring compliance say they are compliant.
I ain't the one who purports himself to be superior to everybody else, now am I
Which, of course, is not what i said or implied. Pogo, you have a bad habit of losing your composure and making shit up that is easier for you to deal with.

Oh isn't it.

Roll tape of unpost that never existed.

I worry when the Evangelicals will take over our government, oh wait they have. All in the name of "Jesus".
But, since our culture and institutions are so far superior to those of islamic religious states, we can better weather those attempts.

As I said, I offered you an out, and you didn't want it, so you own that. No doubt that's why you keep cutting it out of the quote nest.

Now you're going to sit here and pretend gnomes hacked your account and posted in your name.

Irrelevant tantrum.

I said our culture and institutions are far superior to those of any religoous islamic state. And the best you can do is whine about an imagined claim that i am saying i am better than everyone else? You're acting like a child.

Here's a guy who claims "I didn't say that", gets confronted with the evidence that he did say than, and then goes, "OK I said that but I didn't say that".

Unfuckingbelievable. What a fucking fraud you are.
First off, if Jimmy The Peanut had never been president, Iran wouldn't have had the balls to attack and occupy our Embassy.

You can believe what you will, but that is fact. The coward Ford wasn't much better, but anybody with a pulse would have been better than that walking cadaver

Second, and more recently, we've got THE worst president in human history that completely abrogated his responsibilities as POTUS during Iran's Green revolution.

This piece of garbage goes around the MidEast talking shit about an 'Arab Spring' giving the people in that area false hope and then -- Like the cowardly dimocrap he is (and they all are) runs away when the time to act is upon him.

obama was, and still is, a craven coward. You just don't trust a craven coward. Especially a dimocrap craven coward. But.... That's just about all of them.

You ought to read this. It is not the last word on the subject, but it is somewhere to start for those few who are interested.

Why Obama Let Iran's Green Revolution Fail
The president wanted a nuclear deal, not regime change.

One of the great hypotheticals of Barack Obama's presidency involves the Iranian uprising that began on June 12, 2009, after Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was announced the winner of contested presidential elections. What if the president had done more to help the protesters when the regime appeared to be teetering?

Me: What hypotheticals? dimocraps aren't even aware of the Green Revolution. It's down the memory hole. A failing by a dimocrap scum president that shall not be talked about. These scum don't talk about anything not presented to them by the media.

It's well known he was slow to react. Obama publicly downplayed the prospect of real change at first, saying the candidates whom hundreds of thousands of Iranians were risking their lives to support did not represent fundamental change. When he finally did speak out, he couldn't bring himself to say the election was stolen: "The world is watching and inspired by their participation, regardless of what the ultimate outcome of the election was."

But Obama wasn't just reluctant to show solidarity in 2009, he feared the demonstrations would sabotage his secret outreach to Iran. In his new book, "The Iran Wars," Wall Street Journal reporter Jay Solomon uncovers new details on how far Obama went to avoid helping Iran's green movement. Behind the scenes, Obama overruled advisers who wanted to do what America had done at similar transitions from dictatorship to democracy, and signal America's support.

Solomon reports that Obama ordered the CIA to sever contacts it had with the green movement's supporters. "The Agency has contingency plans for supporting democratic uprisings anywhere in the world. This includes providing dissidents with communications, money, and in extreme cases even arms," Solomon writes. "But in this case the White House ordered it to stand down."

more at the link

This is why you just don't give power to dimocrap scum, people. They screw up everything they touch. Look what The Rapist did by not allowing our people to take out Usama bin Floatin'

Don't blame Carter for the Shah of Iran and the abuse he piled on his people. Before there was Saddam Hussein in the Middle East, there was the Shah of Iran. One of the most brutal dictators who ever lived, but he was a avowed anti-communist. "Better dead than red" was the motto after WWII. The USA installed him as the leader of Iran and they kept him on the Peacock Throne for 38 years where he abused and murdered people at will.

Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi | shah of Iran

Iranians weren't "emboldened" by "Carter's weakness", they were fed up with the horror show that was the American-backed despot in control of their country. They overthrew the bum and ran him out of the country, and they attacked the embassy of the nation which forced them to accept him as their ruler.

The Iranians have good and valid reasons for hating the United States. If you were an Iranian, you would hate America too.

Canadian deviant makes up some spin or other. lol she claims some rubbish that the Shah was worse than the terrorist regimes supported by the Soviets, and IRan under the Soviets would be, well, like Canada or something. She's a liar,, of course, and she knows better, like most degenerate commie terrorist fans.

lots of Iranians came to the USA when I was a
teen. I never met one who HATED THE SHAH.
Iran had a lousy economy back then and the
odor of Islamism was in the air------so people fled

I find that amusing that not one Iranian "HATED THE SHAH".
I too have met quite a few Iranians, it was about 50-50 regarding whether they hated or didn't hate the Shah. So, let's deal with reality. Shah was a tyrant, that's a fact. Some people don't care if their country's leader is a tyrant, some people want freedom and don't want to be in fear of their lives, because they want freedom.

It was secular (enough) in those days. Europeans used to live there, in a comfortable and interesting environment.

As bad as the Shah, or any other dictator for that matter, was, one should always bear in mind what could be worse.
Here's a guy who claims "I didn't say that"
I never said or imlied i was better than anyone, nor do you have any evidence to the contrary. You are embarrassing yourself with your tantrum.

Once the tears have dried, you are invited to demostrate some suprior cultural and institutional aspects of islamic countrues. Or, continue to have your little fit. It's your life.
First off, if Jimmy The Peanut had never been president, Iran wouldn't have had the balls to attack and occupy our Embassy.

You can believe what you will, but that is fact. The coward Ford wasn't much better, but anybody with a pulse would have been better than that walking cadaver

Second, and more recently, we've got THE worst president in human history that completely abrogated his responsibilities as POTUS during Iran's Green revolution.

This piece of garbage goes around the MidEast talking shit about an 'Arab Spring' giving the people in that area false hope and then -- Like the cowardly dimocrap he is (and they all are) runs away when the time to act is upon him.

obama was, and still is, a craven coward. You just don't trust a craven coward. Especially a dimocrap craven coward. But.... That's just about all of them.

You ought to read this. It is not the last word on the subject, but it is somewhere to start for those few who are interested.

Why Obama Let Iran's Green Revolution Fail
The president wanted a nuclear deal, not regime change.

One of the great hypotheticals of Barack Obama's presidency involves the Iranian uprising that began on June 12, 2009, after Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was announced the winner of contested presidential elections. What if the president had done more to help the protesters when the regime appeared to be teetering?

Me: What hypotheticals? dimocraps aren't even aware of the Green Revolution. It's down the memory hole. A failing by a dimocrap scum president that shall not be talked about. These scum don't talk about anything not presented to them by the media.

It's well known he was slow to react. Obama publicly downplayed the prospect of real change at first, saying the candidates whom hundreds of thousands of Iranians were risking their lives to support did not represent fundamental change. When he finally did speak out, he couldn't bring himself to say the election was stolen: "The world is watching and inspired by their participation, regardless of what the ultimate outcome of the election was."

But Obama wasn't just reluctant to show solidarity in 2009, he feared the demonstrations would sabotage his secret outreach to Iran. In his new book, "The Iran Wars," Wall Street Journal reporter Jay Solomon uncovers new details on how far Obama went to avoid helping Iran's green movement. Behind the scenes, Obama overruled advisers who wanted to do what America had done at similar transitions from dictatorship to democracy, and signal America's support.

Solomon reports that Obama ordered the CIA to sever contacts it had with the green movement's supporters. "The Agency has contingency plans for supporting democratic uprisings anywhere in the world. This includes providing dissidents with communications, money, and in extreme cases even arms," Solomon writes. "But in this case the White House ordered it to stand down."

more at the link

This is why you just don't give power to dimocrap scum, people. They screw up everything they touch. Look what The Rapist did by not allowing our people to take out Usama bin Floatin'
We Wouldn't Be In This Mess With Iran If

......Trump had left alone what was working to keep Iran's nuclear program in check.

Keeping it in check? lol.

Have you ever done deals with Iranians?


Contradicting Trump, U.N. Monitor Says Iran Complies With Nuclear Deal

So have I. Never again.

The NYTimes, and the UN?

Absolutely not.
Yes, absolutely. The international inspectors tasked with ensuring compliance say they are compliant.

You believe those people? Implicitly?

The guys inspecting WMD even had their doubts. Hans Blick included.

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