Weakest President in Modern History

He hasn't illegally given thousands of weapons to Drug Cartels resulting in the deaths of over 500 people, to include 4 Americans.
That was Bush Boy. And I don't blame those four deaths on Bush. People die. Especially people who CHOOSE high risk jobs. Just like the 4 deaths in Benghazi. Brave people doing dangerous work. Just because you're a pussy doesn't mean that they are.
I never said Obama was a good president.

I said he's the BEST president (since LBJ).

I also said that you can't list Obama's supposed $9 trillion in spending. I'm right about that, too.
If I wasn't right about that you wouldn't have spent 10 posts avoiding answering it.

Proving you one of the dumbest of posters,the mental equivalent of a doggy chew-toy, is my guilty pleasure.

A pity so many others offer competition.
^^^ Still avoiding it! #PartyHack

^^^ STILL running away from me.

Debating me honestly must scare the hell out of you. You KNOW you're way out of your league.

Now post another cartoon - anything to deflect from your incompetence and failure to list "Obama's spending" that adds up to $9 trillion. You're a #PartyHack

OK one more time...
Obama in 2009 more than $1.412 Trillion then revenue... regardless of what it was spent on ...wasteful spending!
In 2010 More than $1.294 Trillion then revenue...again regardless of how it was overspent!
In 2011 More than $1.299 Trillion then revenue...again regardless.
In 2012 More than $1.086 Trillion over spent
In 2013 More than $0.679 Trillion
In 2014 More than $0.484 Trillion
In 2015 More than $0.438 Trillion
In 2016 More than $0.552 Trillion
Total over spent REGARDLESS on what Obama overspent on over whatever $7,244,000,000,000!
Again MAKES no difference on what But Obama had NO major events to contend with! Nothing. No 9/11... no hurricanes, No MSM bias!
If I wasn't right about that you wouldn't have spent 10 posts avoiding answering it.

Proving you one of the dumbest of posters,the mental equivalent of a doggy chew-toy, is my guilty pleasure.

A pity so many others offer competition.
^^^ Still avoiding it! #PartyHack

^^^ STILL running away from me.

Debating me honestly must scare the hell out of you. You KNOW you're way out of your league.

Now post another cartoon - anything to deflect from your incompetence and failure to list "Obama's spending" that adds up to $9 trillion. You're a #PartyHack

OK one more time...
Obama in 2009 more than $1.412 Trillion then revenue... regardless of what it was spent on ...wasteful spending!
In 2010 More than $1.294 Trillion then revenue...again regardless of how it was overspent!
In 2011 More than $1.299 Trillion then revenue...again regardless.
In 2012 More than $1.086 Trillion over spent
In 2013 More than $0.679 Trillion
In 2014 More than $0.484 Trillion
In 2015 More than $0.438 Trillion
In 2016 More than $0.552 Trillion
Total over spent REGARDLESS on what Obama overspent on over whatever $7,244,000,000,000!
Again MAKES no difference on what But Obama had NO major events to contend with! Nothing. No 9/11... no hurricanes, No MSM bias!
View attachment 125895
More brainless banter. We were still operating under Bush's deficit budget when Obama became president. The debt increased by a trillion dollars in just the first 6 months of FY2009. Before Obama was even sworn in, the CBO estimated the budget deficit would be around $1.2 trillion. Largely due to the Great Recession Bush handed Obama.
Proving you one of the dumbest of posters,the mental equivalent of a doggy chew-toy, is my guilty pleasure.

A pity so many others offer competition.
^^^ Still avoiding it! #PartyHack

^^^ STILL running away from me.

Debating me honestly must scare the hell out of you. You KNOW you're way out of your league.

Now post another cartoon - anything to deflect from your incompetence and failure to list "Obama's spending" that adds up to $9 trillion. You're a #PartyHack

OK one more time...
Obama in 2009 more than $1.412 Trillion then revenue... regardless of what it was spent on ...wasteful spending!
In 2010 More than $1.294 Trillion then revenue...again regardless of how it was overspent!
In 2011 More than $1.299 Trillion then revenue...again regardless.
In 2012 More than $1.086 Trillion over spent
In 2013 More than $0.679 Trillion
In 2014 More than $0.484 Trillion
In 2015 More than $0.438 Trillion
In 2016 More than $0.552 Trillion
Total over spent REGARDLESS on what Obama overspent on over whatever $7,244,000,000,000!
Again MAKES no difference on what But Obama had NO major events to contend with! Nothing. No 9/11... no hurricanes, No MSM bias!
View attachment 125895
More brainless banter. We were still operating under Bush's deficit budget when Obama became president. The debt increased by a trillion dollars in just the first 6 months of FY2009. Before Obama was even sworn in, the CBO estimated the budget deficit would be around $1.2 trillion. Largely due to the Great Recession Bush handed Obama.

Right... the budget was over $1.412 Trillion at the END of 2009. Not an estimate.. but reality!
Obama had just as Trump has EOs to reduce wasteful spending that he should have found if he were competent!
GWB had TARP at over $700 Billion estimate by the same CBO that estimated the budget deficit!
But in your own words that money was paid back!
I never said Obama was a good president.

I said he's the BEST president (since LBJ).

I also said that you can't list Obama's supposed $9 trillion in spending. I'm right about that, too.
If I wasn't right about that you wouldn't have spent 10 posts avoiding answering it.

Proving you one of the dumbest of posters,the mental equivalent of a doggy chew-toy, is my guilty pleasure.

A pity so many others offer competition.
^^^ Still avoiding it! #PartyHack

^^^ STILL running away from me.

Debating me honestly must scare the hell out of you. You KNOW you're way out of your league.

Now post another cartoon - anything to deflect from your incompetence and failure to list "Obama's spending" that adds up to $9 trillion. You're a #PartyHack

I don't debate....I simply explain why I'm right.

I did so.

I also exposed you as the fool you are.

What more is there to say?
^^^ Still avoiding it! #PartyHack

^^^ STILL running away from me.

Debating me honestly must scare the hell out of you. You KNOW you're way out of your league.

Now post another cartoon - anything to deflect from your incompetence and failure to list "Obama's spending" that adds up to $9 trillion. You're a #PartyHack

OK one more time...
Obama in 2009 more than $1.412 Trillion then revenue... regardless of what it was spent on ...wasteful spending!
In 2010 More than $1.294 Trillion then revenue...again regardless of how it was overspent!
In 2011 More than $1.299 Trillion then revenue...again regardless.
In 2012 More than $1.086 Trillion over spent
In 2013 More than $0.679 Trillion
In 2014 More than $0.484 Trillion
In 2015 More than $0.438 Trillion
In 2016 More than $0.552 Trillion
Total over spent REGARDLESS on what Obama overspent on over whatever $7,244,000,000,000!
Again MAKES no difference on what But Obama had NO major events to contend with! Nothing. No 9/11... no hurricanes, No MSM bias!
View attachment 125895
More brainless banter. We were still operating under Bush's deficit budget when Obama became president. The debt increased by a trillion dollars in just the first 6 months of FY2009. Before Obama was even sworn in, the CBO estimated the budget deficit would be around $1.2 trillion. Largely due to the Great Recession Bush handed Obama.

Right... the budget was over $1.412 Trillion at the END of 2009. Not an estimate.. but reality!
Obama had just as Trump has EOs to reduce wasteful spending that he should have found if he were competent!
GWB had TARP at over $700 Billion estimate by the same CBO that estimated the budget deficit!
But in your own words that money was paid back!
View attachment 125901
Only about $40 billion was paid back in FY2009. Bush owns the vast majority of that deficit. In the first almost 4 months of FY2009, before Obama was even sworn in, the debt increased some $600 billion. You idiotically blame Obama for that. :cuckoo:
Weakest President?

President Obama issued a hollow warning, a bluff, to Syrian President Assad when he declared his Red Line. When his bluff was called, Obama backed down in front of the whole world, including our enemies, making us look weak. he also tried to blame 'the whole world' for his Red line retreat...and the whole world laughed.
- President Trump did what Barry could not do - enforce Barry's Syrian Red Line by nearly leveling an entire Syrian air base from where the latest chemical attack came.

President Obama, holding all the leverage and all the cards, sat at the negotiating table with Iran after all of our allies had walked away, endured Iranian taunts and mocking in the media, said nothing as Iran engaged in training attacks on a mock US aircraft carrier, agreed to letting 14 Iranians who were critical to the halt of Iranian nuclear proliferation go free while refusing to demand US hostages go free, gave Iran billions, and ended all sanctions against Iran...in exchange for a document filled with Iranian false promises and a piece of Obama's 'Legacy'. The Iranians have already violated the deal between them and Obama, and this piece of 'Obama Legacy' is that of an Un-Constitutional Treaty made by Barak Obama on behalf of the United States, by-passing Congress in the making of this treaty and the ratification of this treaty by the U.N. before congress was ever allowed to read it. Obama later agreed to pay Iran more money, this time as a ransom for the release of those American hostages.

'Nuff said.
^^^ STILL running away from me.

Debating me honestly must scare the hell out of you. You KNOW you're way out of your league.

Now post another cartoon - anything to deflect from your incompetence and failure to list "Obama's spending" that adds up to $9 trillion. You're a #PartyHack

OK one more time...
Obama in 2009 more than $1.412 Trillion then revenue... regardless of what it was spent on ...wasteful spending!
In 2010 More than $1.294 Trillion then revenue...again regardless of how it was overspent!
In 2011 More than $1.299 Trillion then revenue...again regardless.
In 2012 More than $1.086 Trillion over spent
In 2013 More than $0.679 Trillion
In 2014 More than $0.484 Trillion
In 2015 More than $0.438 Trillion
In 2016 More than $0.552 Trillion
Total over spent REGARDLESS on what Obama overspent on over whatever $7,244,000,000,000!
Again MAKES no difference on what But Obama had NO major events to contend with! Nothing. No 9/11... no hurricanes, No MSM bias!
View attachment 125895
More brainless banter. We were still operating under Bush's deficit budget when Obama became president. The debt increased by a trillion dollars in just the first 6 months of FY2009. Before Obama was even sworn in, the CBO estimated the budget deficit would be around $1.2 trillion. Largely due to the Great Recession Bush handed Obama.

Right... the budget was over $1.412 Trillion at the END of 2009. Not an estimate.. but reality!
Obama had just as Trump has EOs to reduce wasteful spending that he should have found if he were competent!
GWB had TARP at over $700 Billion estimate by the same CBO that estimated the budget deficit!
But in your own words that money was paid back!
View attachment 125901
Only about $40 billion was paid back in FY2009. Bush owns the vast majority of that deficit. In the first almost 4 months of FY2009, before Obama was even sworn in, the debt increased some $600 billion. You idiotically blame Obama for that. :cuckoo:

So Obama then BENEFITTED from TARP Payback making his deficits even worse!

And I agree with you regarding Bush own vast majority of deficit!
Do you remember this event?
I'm sure you don't!

9/18/08 economic attack that caused the TARP expenditure of $620B all has been paid back PLUS a $70B profit.

If they had not done that, their estimation was that by 2pm that afternoon, $5.5 trillion would have been drawn out of the money market system of the U.S., would have collapsed the entire economy of the U.S., and within 24 hours the world economy would have collapsed.
It would have been the end of our economic system and our political system as we know it
How the World Almost Came to an End on September 18, 2008 | Seeking Alpha

Hence THIS budget deficit INCREASE. BUT guess what happened to dummy Obama ? HE spent even more with NO events equal to any that occurred during GWB!
Weakest President?

President Obama issued a hollow warning, a bluff, to Syrian President Assad when he declared his Red Line. When his bluff was called, Obama backed down in front of the whole world, including our enemies, making us look weak. he also tried to blame 'the whole world' for his Red line retreat...and the whole world laughed.
- President Trump did what Barry could not do - enforce Barry's Syrian Red Line by nearly leveling an entire Syrian air base from where the latest chemical attack came.

President Obama, holding all the leverage and all the cards, sat at the negotiating table with Iran after all of our allies had walked away, endured Iranian taunts and mocking in the media, said nothing as Iran engaged in training attacks on a mock US aircraft carrier, agreed to letting 14 Iranians who were critical to the halt of Iranian nuclear proliferation go free while refusing to demand US hostages go free, gave Iran billions, and ended all sanctions against Iran...in exchange for a document filled with Iranian false promises and a piece of Obama's 'Legacy'. The Iranians have already violated the deal between them and Obama, and this piece of 'Obama Legacy' is that of an Un-Constitutional Treaty made by Barak Obama on behalf of the United States, by-passing Congress in the making of this treaty and the ratification of this treaty by the U.N. before congress was ever allowed to read it. Obama later agreed to pay Iran more money, this time as a ransom for the release of those American hostages.

'Nuff said.
Tell me what president would approve his military to hand out this card to soldiers in harms way?

A laminated card with the following text was distributed to all U.S. Army and Marine personnel in Iraq.
Policies about limiting civilian casualties have soldiers complaining they can't effectively fight; one showed author Michael Hastings a card with regulations including
"Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force."

For a soldier who has traveled halfway around the world to fight, that’s like telling a cop he should only patrol in areas where he knows he won’t have to make arrests.
“Does that make any f–king sense?” Pfc. Jared Pautsch.
In Afghanistan, a New General -- But An Old Strategy

Does this show a weak president?
^^^ STILL running away from me.

Debating me honestly must scare the hell out of you. You KNOW you're way out of your league.

Now post another cartoon - anything to deflect from your incompetence and failure to list "Obama's spending" that adds up to $9 trillion. You're a #PartyHack

OK one more time...
Obama in 2009 more than $1.412 Trillion then revenue... regardless of what it was spent on ...wasteful spending!
In 2010 More than $1.294 Trillion then revenue...again regardless of how it was overspent!
In 2011 More than $1.299 Trillion then revenue...again regardless.
In 2012 More than $1.086 Trillion over spent
In 2013 More than $0.679 Trillion
In 2014 More than $0.484 Trillion
In 2015 More than $0.438 Trillion
In 2016 More than $0.552 Trillion
Total over spent REGARDLESS on what Obama overspent on over whatever $7,244,000,000,000!
Again MAKES no difference on what But Obama had NO major events to contend with! Nothing. No 9/11... no hurricanes, No MSM bias!
View attachment 125895
More brainless banter. We were still operating under Bush's deficit budget when Obama became president. The debt increased by a trillion dollars in just the first 6 months of FY2009. Before Obama was even sworn in, the CBO estimated the budget deficit would be around $1.2 trillion. Largely due to the Great Recession Bush handed Obama.

Right... the budget was over $1.412 Trillion at the END of 2009. Not an estimate.. but reality!
Obama had just as Trump has EOs to reduce wasteful spending that he should have found if he were competent!
GWB had TARP at over $700 Billion estimate by the same CBO that estimated the budget deficit!
But in your own words that money was paid back!
View attachment 125901
Only about $40 billion was paid back in FY2009. Bush owns the vast majority of that deficit. In the first almost 4 months of FY2009, before Obama was even sworn in, the debt increased some $600 billion. You idiotically blame Obama for that. :cuckoo:

So Obama then BENEFITTED from TARP Payback making his deficits even worse!

And I agree with you regarding Bush own vast majority of deficit!
Do you remember this event?
I'm sure you don't!

9/18/08 economic attack that caused the TARP expenditure of $620B all has been paid back PLUS a $70B profit.

If they had not done that, their estimation was that by 2pm that afternoon, $5.5 trillion would have been drawn out of the money market system of the U.S., would have collapsed the entire economy of the U.S., and within 24 hours the world economy would have collapsed.
It would have been the end of our economic system and our political system as we know it
How the World Almost Came to an End on September 18, 2008 | Seeking Alpha

Hence THIS budget deficit INCREASE. BUT guess what happened to dummy Obama ? HE spent even more with NO events equal to any that occurred during GWB!
You're too fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

The budget deficit was projected to be $1,200 billion. It came in at $1,412 billion and you're talking about Obama benefiting over $40 billion. :eusa_doh:
^^^ STILL running away from me.

Debating me honestly must scare the hell out of you. You KNOW you're way out of your league.

Now post another cartoon - anything to deflect from your incompetence and failure to list "Obama's spending" that adds up to $9 trillion. You're a #PartyHack

OK one more time...
Obama in 2009 more than $1.412 Trillion then revenue... regardless of what it was spent on ...wasteful spending!
In 2010 More than $1.294 Trillion then revenue...again regardless of how it was overspent!
In 2011 More than $1.299 Trillion then revenue...again regardless.
In 2012 More than $1.086 Trillion over spent
In 2013 More than $0.679 Trillion
In 2014 More than $0.484 Trillion
In 2015 More than $0.438 Trillion
In 2016 More than $0.552 Trillion
Total over spent REGARDLESS on what Obama overspent on over whatever $7,244,000,000,000!
Again MAKES no difference on what But Obama had NO major events to contend with! Nothing. No 9/11... no hurricanes, No MSM bias!
View attachment 125895
More brainless banter. We were still operating under Bush's deficit budget when Obama became president. The debt increased by a trillion dollars in just the first 6 months of FY2009. Before Obama was even sworn in, the CBO estimated the budget deficit would be around $1.2 trillion. Largely due to the Great Recession Bush handed Obama.

Right... the budget was over $1.412 Trillion at the END of 2009. Not an estimate.. but reality!
Obama had just as Trump has EOs to reduce wasteful spending that he should have found if he were competent!
GWB had TARP at over $700 Billion estimate by the same CBO that estimated the budget deficit!
But in your own words that money was paid back!
View attachment 125901
Only about $40 billion was paid back in FY2009. Bush owns the vast majority of that deficit. In the first almost 4 months of FY2009, before Obama was even sworn in, the debt increased some $600 billion. You idiotically blame Obama for that. :cuckoo:

So Obama then BENEFITTED from TARP Payback making his deficits even worse!

And I agree with you regarding Bush own vast majority of deficit!
Do you remember this event?
I'm sure you don't!

9/18/08 economic attack that caused the TARP expenditure of $620B all has been paid back PLUS a $70B profit.

If they had not done that, their estimation was that by 2pm that afternoon, $5.5 trillion would have been drawn out of the money market system of the U.S., would have collapsed the entire economy of the U.S., and within 24 hours the world economy would have collapsed.
It would have been the end of our economic system and our political system as we know it
How the World Almost Came to an End on September 18, 2008 | Seeking Alpha

Hence THIS budget deficit INCREASE. BUT guess what happened to dummy Obama ? HE spent even more with NO events equal to any that occurred during GWB!
Oh, and I forgot, you're lying again claiming TARP expenditures were $620 billion. As you were shown with your one link, TARP appropriations were capped at $475 billion and the total amount dispersed was $439 billion.

But you just can't stop lying about that, can you?
OK one more time...
Obama in 2009 more than $1.412 Trillion then revenue... regardless of what it was spent on ...wasteful spending!
In 2010 More than $1.294 Trillion then revenue...again regardless of how it was overspent!
In 2011 More than $1.299 Trillion then revenue...again regardless.
In 2012 More than $1.086 Trillion over spent
In 2013 More than $0.679 Trillion
In 2014 More than $0.484 Trillion
In 2015 More than $0.438 Trillion
In 2016 More than $0.552 Trillion
Total over spent REGARDLESS on what Obama overspent on over whatever $7,244,000,000,000!
Again MAKES no difference on what But Obama had NO major events to contend with! Nothing. No 9/11... no hurricanes, No MSM bias!
View attachment 125895
More brainless banter. We were still operating under Bush's deficit budget when Obama became president. The debt increased by a trillion dollars in just the first 6 months of FY2009. Before Obama was even sworn in, the CBO estimated the budget deficit would be around $1.2 trillion. Largely due to the Great Recession Bush handed Obama.

Right... the budget was over $1.412 Trillion at the END of 2009. Not an estimate.. but reality!
Obama had just as Trump has EOs to reduce wasteful spending that he should have found if he were competent!
GWB had TARP at over $700 Billion estimate by the same CBO that estimated the budget deficit!
But in your own words that money was paid back!
View attachment 125901
Only about $40 billion was paid back in FY2009. Bush owns the vast majority of that deficit. In the first almost 4 months of FY2009, before Obama was even sworn in, the debt increased some $600 billion. You idiotically blame Obama for that. :cuckoo:

So Obama then BENEFITTED from TARP Payback making his deficits even worse!

And I agree with you regarding Bush own vast majority of deficit!
Do you remember this event?
I'm sure you don't!

9/18/08 economic attack that caused the TARP expenditure of $620B all has been paid back PLUS a $70B profit.

If they had not done that, their estimation was that by 2pm that afternoon, $5.5 trillion would have been drawn out of the money market system of the U.S., would have collapsed the entire economy of the U.S., and within 24 hours the world economy would have collapsed.
It would have been the end of our economic system and our political system as we know it
How the World Almost Came to an End on September 18, 2008 | Seeking Alpha

Hence THIS budget deficit INCREASE. BUT guess what happened to dummy Obama ? HE spent even more with NO events equal to any that occurred during GWB!
Oh, and I forgot, you're lying again claiming TARP expenditures were $620 billion. As you were shown with your one link, TARP appropriations were capped at $475 billion and the total amount dispersed was $439 billion.

But you just can't stop lying about that, can you?

Hey... no more then you are lying about Obama's expenditures exceeded revenue!
I would think you would understand that I'm showing Obama MORE money in revenue and you are arguing against THAT!
OK... NOT a problem. Sure... ONLY $475 Billion paid out. THEN WHY even with then LESS money used by GWB then I'm saying Obama continued to run up
MORE spending?
Hey I have NO problem in reducing TARP expenditures CHARGED against Bush!
This just makes Obama looking even WEAKER! As now he has even less money spent on TARP then I was stating.
So fine... LET's use your figures. $439 billion dispersed under Obama and ALL of it paid back under Obama PLUS $70B in profit!
GEEZ that makes it even worse! Thanks!
More brainless banter. We were still operating under Bush's deficit budget when Obama became president. The debt increased by a trillion dollars in just the first 6 months of FY2009. Before Obama was even sworn in, the CBO estimated the budget deficit would be around $1.2 trillion. Largely due to the Great Recession Bush handed Obama.

Right... the budget was over $1.412 Trillion at the END of 2009. Not an estimate.. but reality!
Obama had just as Trump has EOs to reduce wasteful spending that he should have found if he were competent!
GWB had TARP at over $700 Billion estimate by the same CBO that estimated the budget deficit!
But in your own words that money was paid back!
View attachment 125901
Only about $40 billion was paid back in FY2009. Bush owns the vast majority of that deficit. In the first almost 4 months of FY2009, before Obama was even sworn in, the debt increased some $600 billion. You idiotically blame Obama for that. :cuckoo:

So Obama then BENEFITTED from TARP Payback making his deficits even worse!

And I agree with you regarding Bush own vast majority of deficit!
Do you remember this event?
I'm sure you don't!

9/18/08 economic attack that caused the TARP expenditure of $620B all has been paid back PLUS a $70B profit.

If they had not done that, their estimation was that by 2pm that afternoon, $5.5 trillion would have been drawn out of the money market system of the U.S., would have collapsed the entire economy of the U.S., and within 24 hours the world economy would have collapsed.
It would have been the end of our economic system and our political system as we know it
How the World Almost Came to an End on September 18, 2008 | Seeking Alpha

Hence THIS budget deficit INCREASE. BUT guess what happened to dummy Obama ? HE spent even more with NO events equal to any that occurred during GWB!
Oh, and I forgot, you're lying again claiming TARP expenditures were $620 billion. As you were shown with your one link, TARP appropriations were capped at $475 billion and the total amount dispersed was $439 billion.

But you just can't stop lying about that, can you?

Hey... no more then you are lying about Obama's expenditures exceeded revenue!
I would think you would understand that I'm showing Obama MORE money in revenue and you are arguing against THAT!
OK... NOT a problem. Sure... ONLY $475 Billion paid out. THEN WHY even with then LESS money used by GWB then I'm saying Obama continued to run up
MORE spending?
Hey I have NO problem in reducing TARP expenditures CHARGED against Bush!
This just makes Obama looking even WEAKER! As now he has even less money spent on TARP then I was stating.
So fine... LET's use your figures. $439 billion dispersed under Obama and ALL of it paid back under Obama PLUS $70B in profit!
GEEZ that makes it even worse! Thanks!
You're lying again.... quote me saying Obama's expenditures did not exceed revenue or expose you have a reading comprehension problem.

And again, no, TARP did not shell out $475 billion. I just fucking told you, total outlays equaled $439 billion. And that is in your own link. Did you not bother to read your own link or did you not understand it?
Right... the budget was over $1.412 Trillion at the END of 2009. Not an estimate.. but reality!
Obama had just as Trump has EOs to reduce wasteful spending that he should have found if he were competent!
GWB had TARP at over $700 Billion estimate by the same CBO that estimated the budget deficit!
But in your own words that money was paid back!
View attachment 125901
Only about $40 billion was paid back in FY2009. Bush owns the vast majority of that deficit. In the first almost 4 months of FY2009, before Obama was even sworn in, the debt increased some $600 billion. You idiotically blame Obama for that. :cuckoo:

So Obama then BENEFITTED from TARP Payback making his deficits even worse!

And I agree with you regarding Bush own vast majority of deficit!
Do you remember this event?
I'm sure you don't!

9/18/08 economic attack that caused the TARP expenditure of $620B all has been paid back PLUS a $70B profit.

If they had not done that, their estimation was that by 2pm that afternoon, $5.5 trillion would have been drawn out of the money market system of the U.S., would have collapsed the entire economy of the U.S., and within 24 hours the world economy would have collapsed.
It would have been the end of our economic system and our political system as we know it
How the World Almost Came to an End on September 18, 2008 | Seeking Alpha

Hence THIS budget deficit INCREASE. BUT guess what happened to dummy Obama ? HE spent even more with NO events equal to any that occurred during GWB!
Oh, and I forgot, you're lying again claiming TARP expenditures were $620 billion. As you were shown with your one link, TARP appropriations were capped at $475 billion and the total amount dispersed was $439 billion.

But you just can't stop lying about that, can you?

Hey... no more then you are lying about Obama's expenditures exceeded revenue!
I would think you would understand that I'm showing Obama MORE money in revenue and you are arguing against THAT!
OK... NOT a problem. Sure... ONLY $475 Billion paid out. THEN WHY even with then LESS money used by GWB then I'm saying Obama continued to run up
MORE spending?
Hey I have NO problem in reducing TARP expenditures CHARGED against Bush!
This just makes Obama looking even WEAKER! As now he has even less money spent on TARP then I was stating.
So fine... LET's use your figures. $439 billion dispersed under Obama and ALL of it paid back under Obama PLUS $70B in profit!
GEEZ that makes it even worse! Thanks!
You're lying again.... quote me saying Obama's expenditures did not exceed revenue or expose you have a reading comprehension problem.

And again, no, TARP did not shell out $475 billion. I just fucking told you, total outlays equaled $439 billion. And that is in your own link. Did you not bother to read your own link or did you not understand it?

OK... Getting even worse then!
So big bad GWB causing ONLY $439 Billion outlays AND yet ALL that paid back along with $70B in profits and Obama STILL caused over well again let
the facts speak for themselves.... Nearly $7.2 TRILLION more in deficits.
Again Obama had NO EVENTS ever equal to what happened during GWB that contributed to the GWB's deficits.
So sure keep making the case for us all that Obama truly was the greatest contributor to the national debt while doing his best to destroy America and our economy!

I mean this WEAKEST President added 20,642 New Regulations Added in the Obama Presidency
The tide of red tape that threatens to drown U.S. consumers and businesses surged yet again in 2015, according to a Heritage Foundation study we released on Monday.
More than $22 billion per year in new regulatory costs were imposed on Americans last year, pushing the total burden for the Obama years to exceed $100 billion annually.
That’s a dollar for every star in the galaxy, or one for every second in 32 years.
20,642 New Regulations Added in the Obama Presidency

And ALL those 20,642 regulations do was increase operating costs which reduced net income that reduced tax revenues!

Last edited:
It's a little early to declare anything about Trump's presidency.

Maybe you should pull your head out of the MSMs ass and smell the roses.

You lost.
Only about $40 billion was paid back in FY2009. Bush owns the vast majority of that deficit. In the first almost 4 months of FY2009, before Obama was even sworn in, the debt increased some $600 billion. You idiotically blame Obama for that. :cuckoo:

So Obama then BENEFITTED from TARP Payback making his deficits even worse!

And I agree with you regarding Bush own vast majority of deficit!
Do you remember this event?
I'm sure you don't!

9/18/08 economic attack that caused the TARP expenditure of $620B all has been paid back PLUS a $70B profit.

If they had not done that, their estimation was that by 2pm that afternoon, $5.5 trillion would have been drawn out of the money market system of the U.S., would have collapsed the entire economy of the U.S., and within 24 hours the world economy would have collapsed.
It would have been the end of our economic system and our political system as we know it
How the World Almost Came to an End on September 18, 2008 | Seeking Alpha

Hence THIS budget deficit INCREASE. BUT guess what happened to dummy Obama ? HE spent even more with NO events equal to any that occurred during GWB!
Oh, and I forgot, you're lying again claiming TARP expenditures were $620 billion. As you were shown with your one link, TARP appropriations were capped at $475 billion and the total amount dispersed was $439 billion.

But you just can't stop lying about that, can you?

Hey... no more then you are lying about Obama's expenditures exceeded revenue!
I would think you would understand that I'm showing Obama MORE money in revenue and you are arguing against THAT!
OK... NOT a problem. Sure... ONLY $475 Billion paid out. THEN WHY even with then LESS money used by GWB then I'm saying Obama continued to run up
MORE spending?
Hey I have NO problem in reducing TARP expenditures CHARGED against Bush!
This just makes Obama looking even WEAKER! As now he has even less money spent on TARP then I was stating.
So fine... LET's use your figures. $439 billion dispersed under Obama and ALL of it paid back under Obama PLUS $70B in profit!
GEEZ that makes it even worse! Thanks!
You're lying again.... quote me saying Obama's expenditures did not exceed revenue or expose you have a reading comprehension problem.

And again, no, TARP did not shell out $475 billion. I just fucking told you, total outlays equaled $439 billion. And that is in your own link. Did you not bother to read your own link or did you not understand it?
Again Obama had NO EVENTS ever equal to what happened during GWB that contributed to the GWB's deficits.
Ok, we're done. You're simply too fucking insane to converse with. You have to have your head so far up your ass that you can see what you had for lunch to make the mind-numbing claim that Obama had "NO EVENTS" as big as Bush as though the Great Recession either didn't happen or as though it wasn't as big as every other event under George Bush combined.


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