Wealth Inequality is worse than people think!

Wow, the fair tax???? so everyone pays the same rate with no deductions!!!

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We can have deductions. Just no loopholes that allow them to offshore their income in order to avoid paying tax on it.

The rich have been getting a free ride on my dime for the last 30 years and I'm sick of it!
Wow, the fair tax???? so everyone pays the same rate with no deductions!!!

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We can have deductions. Just no loopholes that allow them to offshore their income in order to avoid paying tax on it.

The rich have been getting a free ride on my dime for the last 30 years and I'm sick of it!

So you want YOUR deductions, and not allow THEM to have THIER deductions (which you call loopholes to make them sound bad).

What happened to paying the same rate?
We can have deductions. Just no loopholes that allow them to offshore their income in order to avoid paying tax on it.

The rich have been getting a free ride on my dime for the last 30 years and I'm sick of it!

If someone takes their existing funds offshore … Then those funds have already been taxed.
That money in most cases has seen federal, state, local , business and income taxes … From the point of purchase of a service or product … Not to mention raw materials and supplies.
If someone has a business offshore and wants to repatriate those funds … They are taxed at 43% (there was an one year 5.25% tax in 2004) … And they have paid taxes and fees where the money was earned and kept offshore.

There are benefits to keeping money offshore … As in the fact that offshore funds don't see the same capital gains tax on accrued interest.
A person can also use offshore funds to get a “back-to back” loan … Or a loan in the states, backed by money offshore.

If someone has a 401k plan that involves global investments … They have money offshore.
If a person has money in a 401k plan that holds securities in companies that do business around the world … Then they have money offshore.
If anyone has a 401k plan or a company sponsored retirement program … Where they do not specifically control each investment in the plan, and have no mutual funds … Then they have money offshore and are invested in “big oil”.

Most people don't really dislike offshore funds … They dislike the people that can use them to a greater benefit than the average worker … Because they took the time to figure out the risks, and have enough money to make that investment.
Most people fall into the group of offshore fund holders … And don't even know or realize it.
Just because a nameless, faceless securities or investments broker handles your offshore funds, and takes care of the penalties and taxes for you … Doesn't mean that someone who uses a CPA to do the same is any different.

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Where people think the "wealth inequality" is in this country, is far from where it actually is. Wealth inequality is much worse than people think and it is destroying this country. And the problem is not the poor, not the entitlements, not social security or medicare. It is the rich. The fucking rich. The top 1% are raping the resources of this country, for their own insidious gain.

Here's the reality of "wealth inequality".

Wealth Inequality in America - YouTube

Here's a few facts and figures:

1% of the nation, owns 40% of the country's wealth.

80% of the nation, owns only 7% of the country's wealth.

The top 10% of the country, take home half of the country's income.​

And the notion that these people earn this cash, is bullshit! There is no way, a CEO works 380 times harder, than the average worker.

However, on the other hand, marxist, entitled crybaby pussies are at an all time high..... :thup:
ObamaCare makes wealth inequality Even Worse...by transferring income from the middle class and the relatively less affluent young to those who live much better than they do on a host of government benefits.
...1% of the nation, owns 40% of the country's wealth.
80% of the nation, owns only 7% of the country's wealth.
The top 10% of the country, take home half of the country's income.
26% of the nation is under 18 years of age.
Only 46% of the nation has a job.
About half the nation has below average intelligence and willingness to work.

We either allow hard working people to own the wealth they've created, or we condemn the entire community to poverty.

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