Wealth Inequality is worse than people think!

Do you really think the haves give a shit about the have nots?

True there are cold people in this world,what your missing is the have nots not giving a shit about themselves.We have systematically screwed each successive generation back when we stopped keeping score in little league games,the everyone wins directive and all that goes with it has enabled the where's my check syndrome to infect a larger and larger segment,its not a surprise the growing separation.
Where people think the "wealth inequality" is in this country, is far from where it actually is. Wealth inequality is much worse than people think and it is destroying this country. And the problem is not the poor, not the entitlements, not social security or medicare. It is the rich. The fucking rich. The top 1% are raping the resources of this country, for their own insidious gain.

Here's the reality of "wealth inequality".

Wealth Inequality in America - YouTube

Here's a few facts and figures:

1% of the nation, owns 40% of the country's wealth.

80% of the nation, owns only 7% of the country's wealth.

The top 10% of the country, take home half of the country's income.​

And the notion that these people earn this cash, is bullshit! There is no way, a CEO works 380 times harder, than the average worker.

Oh for god sakes....I am choking on my caviar......
Creating wealth in itself is not wrong. It's the methods used to create that wealth that is so often wrong.
Where people think the "wealth inequality" is in this country, is far from where it actually is. Wealth inequality is much worse than people think and it is destroying this country. And the problem is not the poor, not the entitlements, not social security or medicare. It is the rich. The fucking rich. The top 1% are raping the resources of this country, for their own insidious gain.

Here's the reality of "wealth inequality".

Wealth Inequality in America - YouTube

Here's a few facts and figures:

1% of the nation, owns 40% of the country's wealth.

80% of the nation, owns only 7% of the country's wealth.

The top 10% of the country, take home half of the country's income.​

And the notion that these people earn this cash, is bullshit! There is no way, a CEO works 380 times harder, than the average worker.

Oh for god sakes....I am choking on my caviar......
Indeed, sir. Oh, I DO so miss the days when one could thrash these impudent, smelly underlings with one's walking stick!

Did you see the end of that video, where it shows the poor have nothing?

Their assets, are not even on the map.

Did you see the end of this video ... It shows that well dressed ladies in Rio can own black poodles.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6gcwIt5nSM&list=PLE0B99E0ACF350162&index=15]Shell Ferrari F1 - YouTube[/ame]
Wealth tends to snowball, and I'm with you in that the level of wealth stratification we're seeing today is concerning. Why concerning? Because (I believe) it's not very efficient (for mankind) when just a handful of people horde a great majority of the world's assets.

However, here's the problem; with all of its faults, Capitalism has delivered a greater quality of life than any other system to date. Sure, the "end game" often results in one guy owning everyone, however the ride getting to that point elevated our nation's poorest to a point where many (if not most) have access to a warm place to sleep, a fridge, a phone, clothes, etc whereas in the 1548 in Europe those poor people would be living in filth-ridden, disease stricken alleys and would die at age 35 after living a miserable existence eating bugs and wading through shit.

You need to ask yourself "what's the alternative?" and then go from there.

In other words, it's not perfect but it's the best we have.

Did you see the end of that video, where it shows the poor have nothing?

Their assets, are not even on the map.
What you have to come to grips with is that there are a number of very rich folks who care nothing at all about anything except being richer and richer and richer and richer. And they have paid hundreds of millions of dollars to "educate" their followers, who we affectionately call cons, to support them.

No nation in the world comes close to the ceo pay of the us in either absolute numbers or as a percent of the average workers pay. No other nation. Period. The UK is second, and by a factor of something close to one tenth. Here are the numbers:

"We already know from numerous studies that chief executives of large U.S. corporations make hundreds of times what an average worker makes, with the gap growing steadily wider. We also know it's possible to run successful advanced market economies with large corporations where the ratio is 25-1 (Britain), 13-1 (Sweden), 11-1 (Germany) and 10-1 (Japan).
CEO salaries: American CEOs earn much more than their foreign counterparts - Baltimore Sun

So, it is stupid to argue that these other nations can not attract competitive management without paying the crazy earnings of american ceo's. You need to be totally brain dead to do so. Or a tool.

But that is only a small part of the problem. Where the problem really exists is in the shrinking wealth and incomes of the middle class and lower earners in this country. Consider that the income growth since the great recession of 2007 has gone 93% to the upper 1% while the other 99% (which includes the working people of this country) of the population got to split the remaining 7%.

Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened - Bloomberg

The problem is obvious to anyone who uses their mind to think rather than simply follow. And has been documented by many studies. Here are a few articles that look at the issue from a rational point of view. Kind of a breath of fresh air to read the facts as opposed the the drivel emanating from the agenda of the very, very rich:

In the U.S., the Rich Are Getting Richer While the Poor Get Poorer -- Fusion.

The Rich Are Getting Richer And Everyone Else Is Getting Hosed - Business Insider

State of Working America preview: The rich get richer | Economic Policy Institute

Haves and have nots: America's rich get richer

A Look at the Numbers: How the Rich Get Richer | Mother Jones


In This Recovery, the Rich Get Richer | Smart Charts, What Matters Today | BillMoyers.com

Why the Rich Are Getting Richer | Foreign Affairs
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What you have to come to grips with is that there are a number of very rich folks who care nothing at all about anything except being richer and richer and richer and richer. And they have paid hundreds of millions of dollars to "educate" their followers, who we affectionately call cons, to support them.

No nation in the world comes close to the ceo pay of the us in either absolute numbers or as a percent of the average workers pay. No other nation. Period. The UK is second, and by a factor of something close to one tenth. Here are the numbers:

"We already know from numerous studies that chief executives of large U.S. corporations make hundreds of times what an average worker makes, with the gap growing steadily wider. We also know it's possible to run successful advanced market economies with large corporations where the ratio is 25-1 (Britain), 13-1 (Sweden), 11-1 (Germany) and 10-1 (Japan).
CEO salaries: American CEOs earn much more than their foreign counterparts - Baltimore Sun

So, it is stupid to argue that these other nations can not attract competitive management without paying the crazy earnings of american ceo's. You need to be totally brain dead to do so. Or a tool.

But that is only a small part of the problem. Where the problem really exists is in the shrinking wealth and incomes of the middle class and lower earners in this country. Consider that the income growth since the great recession of 2007 has gone 93% to the upper 1% while the other 99% (which includes the working people of this country) of the population got to split the remaining 7%.

Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened - Bloomberg

The problem is obvious to anyone who uses their mind to think rather than simply follow. And has been documented by many studies. Here are a few articles that look at the issue from a rational point of view. Kind of a breath of fresh air to read the facts as opposed the the drivel emanating from the agenda of the very, very rich:

In the U.S., the Rich Are Getting Richer While the Poor Get Poorer -- Fusion.

The Rich Are Getting Richer And Everyone Else Is Getting Hosed - Business Insider

State of Working America preview: The rich get richer | Economic Policy Institute

Haves and have nots: America's rich get richer

A Look at the Numbers: How the Rich Get Richer | Mother Jones


In This Recovery, the Rich Get Richer | Smart Charts, What Matters Today | BillMoyers.com

Why the Rich Are Getting Richer | Foreign Affairs
The oligarch's are turning this country into a 3rd world nation.

How can anyone, who considers themselves an American patriot, support someone who cares that little about this country?

I personally believe those who support the top 1%, are more seditious, than those who would support al Qaeda.
What you have to come to grips with is that there are a number of very rich folks who care nothing at all about anything except being richer and richer and richer and richer. And they have paid hundreds of millions of dollars to "educate" their followers, who we affectionately call cons, to support them.

No nation in the world comes close to the ceo pay of the us in either absolute numbers or as a percent of the average workers pay. No other nation. Period. The UK is second, and by a factor of something close to one tenth. Here are the numbers:

"We already know from numerous studies that chief executives of large U.S. corporations make hundreds of times what an average worker makes, with the gap growing steadily wider. We also know it's possible to run successful advanced market economies with large corporations where the ratio is 25-1 (Britain), 13-1 (Sweden), 11-1 (Germany) and 10-1 (Japan).
CEO salaries: American CEOs earn much more than their foreign counterparts - Baltimore Sun

So, it is stupid to argue that these other nations can not attract competitive management without paying the crazy earnings of american ceo's. You need to be totally brain dead to do so. Or a tool.

But that is only a small part of the problem. Where the problem really exists is in the shrinking wealth and incomes of the middle class and lower earners in this country. Consider that the income growth since the great recession of 2007 has gone 93% to the upper 1% while the other 99% (which includes the working people of this country) of the population got to split the remaining 7%.

Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened - Bloomberg

The problem is obvious to anyone who uses their mind to think rather than simply follow. And has been documented by many studies. Here are a few articles that look at the issue from a rational point of view. Kind of a breath of fresh air to read the facts as opposed the the drivel emanating from the agenda of the very, very rich:

In the U.S., the Rich Are Getting Richer While the Poor Get Poorer -- Fusion.

The Rich Are Getting Richer And Everyone Else Is Getting Hosed - Business Insider

State of Working America preview: The rich get richer | Economic Policy Institute

Haves and have nots: America's rich get richer

A Look at the Numbers: How the Rich Get Richer | Mother Jones


In This Recovery, the Rich Get Richer | Smart Charts, What Matters Today | BillMoyers.com

Why the Rich Are Getting Richer | Foreign Affairs
The oligarch's are turning this country into a 3rd world nation.

How can anyone, who considers themselves an American patriot, support someone who cares that little about this country?

I personally believe those who support the top 1%, are more seditious, than those who would support al Qaeda.
Agreed. But you have to understand that the oligarchs could care less. If the US becomes a cesspool of dissent, they can simply move to a high rise in Singapore. Or wherever else they may want. They get their kicks from wealth. That is their interest. Wealth and power. And they do so on the backs of the workers whom they employ. Always has been so, it is simply that they are now able to control the economy and direct it to serve their interests better than at any time in the past. Given time, they will control it all, and the us worker can live like a Chinese worker. And they will continue to want MORE. Just human nature, and our inability as a nation to do anything about it except channel john wayne.
Agreed. But you have to understand that the oligarchs could care less. If the US becomes a cesspool of dissent, they can simply move to a high rise in Singapore. Or wherever else they may want. They get their kicks from wealth. That is their interest. Wealth and power. And they do so on the backs of the workers whom they employ. Always has been so, it is simply that they are now able to control the economy and direct it to serve their interests better than at any time in the past. Given time, they will control it all, and the us worker can live like a Chinese worker. And they will continue to want MORE. Just human nature, and our inability as a nation to do anything about it except channel john wayne.
Their ultimate goal is to eliminate the concept of the nation-state.

Who would've thought neo-liberlism, was worse than neo-consevatism?
But you using their tax dollars is just fine and dandy.

Greedy little bastard, ain't ya?
I'm not using their tax dollars.

My tax rate is 10% more than theirs.

So how the fuck am I using theirs, when my rate is more?

Rates dont mean squat, total cash is what matters. They pay X amount of average taxpayers overall value.

How about we give them an extra vote for each increment of average tax bill they pay over one?
Rates dont mean squat, total cash is what matters. They pay X amount of average taxpayers overall value.

How about we give them an extra vote for each increment of average tax bill they pay over one?
That's bullshit! The only way to make it fair for everyone, is with equal rates and no loopholes.

That "total cash" bullshit is farce. It's not an equal playing field.

If I gotta pay 35%, then they have to pay 35% (on their wages, on their capital gains and on their dividends).

However, I'm willing to waive all that if we impose a Financial Transactions Tax on every transaction Wall Street makes.
Rates dont mean squat, total cash is what matters. They pay X amount of average taxpayers overall value.

How about we give them an extra vote for each increment of average tax bill they pay over one?
That's bullshit! The only way to make it fair for everyone, is with equal rates and no loopholes.

That "total cash" bullshit is farce. It's not an equal playing field.

If I gotta pay 35%, then they have to pay 35% (on their wages, on their capital gains and on their dividends).

However, I'm willing to waive all that if we impose a Financial Transactions Tax on every transaction Wall Street makes.

Wow, the fair tax???? so everyone pays the same rate with no deductions!!!

Sign me up.

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