Wealth isn't an infinitely growing pie...you Repubes

The problem is that the rich pay so little in taxes that their return on capital is greater than economic growth meaning they get richer (more of the pie) while everyone else gets poorer (less of the pie).

The solution given by economists and practiced in Europe is to tax the rich more so they make less and grow their wealth less compared to everyone else.

You don't seriously think that agricultural land is infinite? Or Gold is infinite?

But you think economic growth is infinite and "everyone eventually benefits"?

How indoctrinated can you poor saps be?

Perhaps you have not noticed that most of Western Europe has had little or no growth for a very, very long time? Do you know what the unemployment rate is in France, Spain, Italy, Greece, etc.? Do you know what the GDP growth rates have been for most Western European countries over the last 20 years? The few European nations that have experienced modest growth have done so because they have adopted key fiscally sane/conservative policies (such as sound money, rigid tort reform, pro-growth corporate tax rates, and balanced budgets or minimal deficits).

Low growth is a historical norm, how do you think we will continue growth indefinitely? It's the stupidest thing anyone has ever suggested, that economic growth will be an indefinite thing into the future? Almost all the global growth are in countries earning $2 per day per capita.

GEE are they just that much smarter than Europe?
The problem is that the rich pay so little in taxes that their return on capital is greater than economic growth meaning they get richer (more of the pie) while everyone else gets poorer (less of the pie).
Thanks for finally admitting that the reason the poor keep getting poorer, is due to their tax burden.

It's a rare admission of the truth from a dedicated government-uber-alles liberal.
Wealth inequality is 10 times worse than income inequality |

Tax the rich more (appropriately) and the poor less. Lower sales tax to 4% instead of 6%. That will help the rich too, right? Because they buy things too, right?

So raise taxes on the rich but then cut sales tax. Then maybe they'll spend more too.
The problem is that the rich pay so little in taxes that their return on capital is greater than economic growth meaning they get richer (more of the pie) while everyone else gets poorer (less of the pie).

The solution given by economists and practiced in Europe is to tax the rich more so they make less and grow their wealth less compared to everyone else.

You don't seriously think that agricultural land is infinite? Or Gold is infinite?

But you think economic growth is infinite and "everyone eventually benefits"?

How indoctrinated can you poor saps be?

Yeah, just think. The one percenters control everything and YOU want to take everyone's gun away so that they can enslave everyone. Talk about a indoctrinated 'tard. Take a look in the mirror silly little troll....

Nobody is going to take everyone's guns away. You know it is stupid to say they will. Why do you keep repeating such dumb stuff?

That's the goal. Right now they claim otherwise but anyone with a brain can tell what the goal is.
The problem is that the rich pay so little in taxes that their return on capital is greater than economic growth meaning they get richer (more of the pie) while everyone else gets poorer (less of the pie).

The solution given by economists and practiced in Europe is to tax the rich more so they make less and grow their wealth less compared to everyone else.

You don't seriously think that agricultural land is infinite? Or Gold is infinite?

But you think economic growth is infinite and "everyone eventually benefits"?

How indoctrinated can you poor saps be?

Yeah, just think. The one percenters control everything and YOU want to take everyone's gun away so that they can enslave everyone. Talk about a indoctrinated 'tard. Take a look in the mirror silly little troll....

Nobody is going to take everyone's guns away. You know it is stupid to say they will. Why do you keep repeating such dumb stuff?

That's the goal. Right now they claim otherwise but anyone with a brain can tell what the goal is.

  • Gun regulations have existed in the United States for about 150 years, evolving many times since then to cover machine guns, assault rifles, Saturday Night Specials and undetectable firearms. And you can still carry an AR-15 around with a .45 in your back pocket. That slope isn't nearly as slippery as you want to pretend it is.
everyone can thank trickledown economics for the gap between 1%ers and the rest of you poor souls.

economy on a napkin and the RW bought it.

The problem is that the rich pay so little in taxes that their return on capital is greater than economic growth meaning they get richer (more of the pie) while everyone else gets poorer (less of the pie).

The solution given by economists and practiced in Europe is to tax the rich more so they make less and grow their wealth less compared to everyone else.

You don't seriously think that agricultural land is infinite? Or Gold is infinite?

But you think economic growth is infinite and "everyone eventually benefits"?

How indoctrinated can you poor saps be?

Yeah, just think. The one percenters control everything and YOU want to take everyone's gun away so that they can enslave everyone. Talk about a indoctrinated 'tard. Take a look in the mirror silly little troll....

Nobody is going to take everyone's guns away. You know it is stupid to say they will. Why do you keep repeating such dumb stuff?

That's the goal. Right now they claim otherwise but anyone with a brain can tell what the goal is.

  • Gun regulations have existed in the United States for about 150 years, evolving many times since then to cover machine guns, assault rifles, Saturday Night Specials and undetectable firearms. And you can still carry an AR-15 around with a .45 in your back pocket. That slope isn't nearly as slippery as you want to pretend it is.

I suggest you read up on your history then. Clearly you have no clue.
The problem is that the rich pay so little in taxes that their return on capital is greater than economic growth meaning they get richer (more of the pie) while everyone else gets poorer (less of the pie).

The solution given by economists and practiced in Europe is to tax the rich more so they make less and grow their wealth less compared to everyone else.

You don't seriously think that agricultural land is infinite? Or Gold is infinite?

But you think economic growth is infinite and "everyone eventually benefits"?

How indoctrinated can you poor saps be?

Yeah, just think. The one percenters control everything and YOU want to take everyone's gun away so that they can enslave everyone. Talk about a indoctrinated 'tard. Take a look in the mirror silly little troll....

Nobody is going to take everyone's guns away. You know it is stupid to say they will. Why do you keep repeating such dumb stuff?

That's the goal. Right now they claim otherwise but anyone with a brain can tell what the goal is.

  • Gun regulations have existed in the United States for about 150 years, evolving many times since then to cover machine guns, assault rifles, Saturday Night Specials and undetectable firearms. And you can still carry an AR-15 around with a .45 in your back pocket. That slope isn't nearly as slippery as you want to pretend it is.

I suggest you read up on your history then. Clearly you have no clue.

Which part of my post doesn't agree with history?
Yeah, just think. The one percenters control everything and YOU want to take everyone's gun away so that they can enslave everyone. Talk about a indoctrinated 'tard. Take a look in the mirror silly little troll....

Nobody is going to take everyone's guns away. You know it is stupid to say they will. Why do you keep repeating such dumb stuff?

That's the goal. Right now they claim otherwise but anyone with a brain can tell what the goal is.

  • Gun regulations have existed in the United States for about 150 years, evolving many times since then to cover machine guns, assault rifles, Saturday Night Specials and undetectable firearms. And you can still carry an AR-15 around with a .45 in your back pocket. That slope isn't nearly as slippery as you want to pretend it is.

I suggest you read up on your history then. Clearly you have no clue.

Which part of my post doesn't agree with history?

You make assumptions based on faulty evidence. Yes, there have been ILLEGAL gun laws for 150 years. The Sullivan Law was a law specifically aimed at disarming a particular group of people. A violation of the COTUS on several counts. It is difficult as hell to take Rights away from people. That's why it has taken as long as it has. Were those Rights NOT memorialized in our COTUS however, we would be disarmed just like everybody else.
Nobody is going to take everyone's guns away. You know it is stupid to say they will. Why do you keep repeating such dumb stuff?

That's the goal. Right now they claim otherwise but anyone with a brain can tell what the goal is.

  • Gun regulations have existed in the United States for about 150 years, evolving many times since then to cover machine guns, assault rifles, Saturday Night Specials and undetectable firearms. And you can still carry an AR-15 around with a .45 in your back pocket. That slope isn't nearly as slippery as you want to pretend it is.

I suggest you read up on your history then. Clearly you have no clue.

Which part of my post doesn't agree with history?

You make assumptions based on faulty evidence. Yes, there have been ILLEGAL gun laws for 150 years. The Sullivan Law was a law specifically aimed at disarming a particular group of people. A violation of the COTUS on several counts. It is difficult as hell to take Rights away from people. That's why it has taken as long as it has. Were those Rights NOT memorialized in our COTUS however, we would be disarmed just like everybody else.

Why do you think simple common sense regulation is the same as grabbin your guns? Wanting to regulate and control a certain type of gun or accessory doesn’t mean you want to get rid of ALL guns. About 59% of Americans (41% of Republicans) support a ban on assault weapons, 58% (40% of Republicans) want to ban hi-cap magazines, and 26% of Americans would support a ban on handguns. Only 13% would support an outright firearms ban. For some reason, you have a debilitating fear of going anywhere without a gun and the thought that you just don't measure up, or that you just aren't able to survive without your security blanket scares you to death.

Let this thread die the death it deserves. The op has not one economic theory based on any economic model besides leftist envy, and after kicking all of Europes ass economical for over a century, to suggest we emulate them can mean only one thing; the op wants to institute European Socialism.

If that is the case he needs spell it out, take credit for it, instead of pretending it will make America stronger.

Hey op lefty; you ever been to Europe and see the space they live in? Why I bet your X-box and PlayStation would have a hard time squeezing their asses in there, lol!

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