Wealth of Five Richest Men Doubles Since 2020

how would this applly to the l;ower 50% that only pay 2.3% of taxs and then take deductions and government benefits that do more than offset that 2.3%
Wrong again.

That 2.3% is AFTER their deductions, credits, and exemptions. That's what the word "revenue" means.

It is very revealing you didn't make the same argument about the wealthy's taxes.
As I said, Thomas Jefferson himself said we should have a progressive tax system since wealth is concentrated in so few hands.

He said the bottom 50 percent should be exempt from all taxes.

And here we are!

Now we just have to eliminate the outrageous social welfare program of wealth redistribution going on in our tax code and get back to basics.

Then we can ALL have lower tax rates.
We all pay for tax expenditures through higher tax rates, and by the interest of the borrowing we have to pay.

Read my post about Deven Nunes until you get it. Even if it takes 100 readings.

It's really very simple to understand, IF YOU WANT TO.
then lower the taxs,,
problem solved,,

why do I give a shit what nunes says about it,,
it doesnt change the fact it doesnt result in ohters paying more,,
it means the government is spending money they dont have,,
Wrong again.

That 2.3% is AFTER their deductions, credits, and exemptions. That's what the word "revenue" means.

It is very revealing you didn't make the same argument about the wealthy's taxes.
so whats your suggestion to get this lower 50% to pay their fair share??
What do you pay?
Now there's a funny thing at the crux of the problem.

I would wager most people you ask could not tell you how much they paid in federal taxes last year. And forget about asking them what their final tax rate was.

But they can tell you how much their refund was.

That opens the door to corruption wide open.
prove I lied??

how does that sound fair to you??
Son, please take a course in Logic.

Start by asking your teacher about the argument from ignorance fallacy.

You made a claim. It was a lie. That's why you could not prove it.

And you were caught.

You attempted to cover up your lie by putting the burden of proof on me. That's a textbook argument from ignorance logical fallacy employed by liars the world over.

Especially in MAGA world.
Now there's a funny thing at the crux of the problem.

I would wager most people you ask could not tell you how much they paid in federal taxes last year. And forget about asking them what their final tax rate was.

But they can tell you how much their refund was.

That opens the door to corruption wide open.

I just started my filing. I paid just shy of $20,000 in federal income tax alone, not counting Social Security and Medicare. Throw those in it's almost $30,000.
Son, please take a course in Logic.

Start by asking your teacher about the argument from ignorance fallacy.

You made a claim. It was a lie. That's why you could not prove it.

And you were caught.

You attempted to cover up your lie by putting the burden of proof on me. That's a textbook argument from ignorance logical fallacy employed by liars the world over.

Especially in MAGA world.
so whats that tell you??
so whats your suggestion to get this lower 50% to pay their fair share??
In the immortal words of my favorite economist Milton Friedman, "Who gets to decide what is fair? The government?"

As I said, from our very founding, a progressive tax system has been the way things are and should be.

Flat taxes are regressive. Something else the innumerate are incapable of understanding.
In the immortal words of my favorite economist Milton Friedman, "Who gets to decide what is fair? The government?"

As I said, from our very founding, a progressive tax system has been the way things are and should be.

Flat taxes are regressive. Something else the innumerate are incapable of understanding.
wheres it say that in the constitution??
I myself would prefer we eliminate all taxes on production, such as the income tax.

We should exclusively have taxes on consumption, WITH NO EXEMPTIONS.

Every economist will tell you taxes on consumption are superior to taxes on production.

However, sales taxes are also regressive, and so I like the idea of the prebate in the Fair Tax. It does not eliminate the regressive nature of a sales tax, but it goes a long way toward mitigating it

Even better, you can't hide a tax hike in a sales tax. Everyone will know it immediately. That will put pressure on our corrupt politicians to keep spending down.
I myself would prefer we eliminate all taxes on production, such as the income tax.

We should exclusively have taxes on consumption, WITH NO EXEMPTIONS.

Every economist will tell you taxes on consumption are superior to taxes on production.

However, sales taxes are also regressive, and so I like the idea of the prebate in the Fair Tax. It does not eliminate the regressive nature of a sales tax, but it goes a long way toward mitigating it

Even better, you can't hide a tax hike in a sales tax. Everyone will know it immediately. That will put pressure on our corrupt politicians to keep spending down.
in light of your virousity of defending a progressive system I dont believe a word you say here,,
wheres it say that in the constitution??
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
in light of your virousity of defending a progressive system I dont believe a word you say here,,
Of course you don't. Because you aren't allowed to lie any more.

Unlike you, I provided evidence for everything I have said here. In the immortal words of Jack Nicholson, "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!"

Take your beef up with Thomas Jefferson.
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
I am not seeing the word progressive or anything that implys taxing the labor of the individual,,,

thats why they needed to pass the 16th A,,

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