Wealth of Five Richest Men Doubles Since 2020

ther lowest 50% pay nothing

the top 1% pay 90% of taxs,,

me takeing a deduction doesnt result in others having to pay more,,
Learn to Fucking Spell.
I suggest you possibly using some proper punctuation.

taxs ?????
they never intended taxs the way we do it now,,

It isn't fair but those why pay no taxes and live off of taxpayer paid benefits still complain about being taxed.
Is this ^^^^^ a Drunk Post?
I pay $72,000 a year in Federal taxes,
So you make $500,000 + per year?
ther lowest 50% pay nothing and the top 1% pay 90%,, how is that fair??
Both statements are lies.

  • The top 1 percent’s income share rose from 20.1 percent in 2019 to 22.2 percent in 2020 and its share of federal income taxes paid rose from 38.8 percent to 42.3 percent.
  • The top 50 percent of all taxpayers paid 97.7 percent of all federal individual income taxes, while the bottom 50 percent paid the remaining 2.3 percent.

So here we see that not only do the bottom 50 percent not pay "nothing" as claimed by our resident liar, we see the top ten percent paid 42.3 percent, which is LESS THAN HALF of 90 percent as claimed by our resident liar.

Lying to win is a loser's strategy and I will embarrass you liars every time I catch you.

Still waiting on evidence the top one percent pay 90 percent of taxes, progressive hunter

Good luck with that. :auiqs.jpg:
Not 90 but very high.


The world's five richest parasites have more than doubled their fortunes from $405 to $869 billion since 2020 while nearly 5 billion people have become even poorer; some parasites eagerly anticipate the globe's first $trillionaire within ten years, but seem indifferent to the claim poverty will not be eradicated for another 229 years:

Wealth of five richest men doubles since 2020 as five billion people made poorer in “decade of division,” says Oxfam | MR Online

"'This inequality is no accident; the billionaire class is ensuring corporations deliver more wealth to them at the expense of everyone else,' said Oxfam International interim Executive Director Amitabh Behar.
Eww. You said “parasite.” So you must be

A retard.
Both statements are lies.

  • The top 1 percent’s income share rose from 20.1 percent in 2019 to 22.2 percent in 2020 and its share of federal income taxes paid rose from 38.8 percent to 42.3 percent.
  • The top 50 percent of all taxpayers paid 97.7 percent of all federal individual income taxes, while the bottom 50 percent paid the remaining 2.3 percent.

So here we see that not only do the bottom 50 percent not pay "nothing" as claimed by our resident liar, we see the top ten percent paid 42.3 percent, which is LESS THAN HALF of 90 percent as claimed by our resident liar.

Lying to win is a loser's strategy and I will embarrass you liars every time I catch you.
does that look like a fair tax system to you??

looks a little lopped sided to me,,
What's funny is that some are good with this while some 3rd grade teacher making 60 grand is way overpaid. Those people are so dumb it hurts.
There were $1.8 trillion in tax expenditures for FY2023.

That $1.8 trillion in lost revenue has to be compensated for by higher tax rates on everyone, and by borrowing heavily since taxpayers would not tolerate the even higher tax rates it would take to balance them out.

Deductions, credits, and exemptions are theft from the pockets of everyone.

Eliminate them, and we could radically lower tax rates, and everyone earning identical incomes would pay identical taxes.

But our so-called "conservatives" behave just like your basic welfare queen whenever this is brought up.

They don't mind stealing from their neighbors' pockets.

These innumerate fools can't even grasp the simple math behind this fact because they would have to face the truth they are thieves on an astronomical scale.

Tax expenditures cost more than twice all our traditional welfare programs. They are the ultimate welfare program, and they benefit the wealthy the most.
There were $1.8 trillion in tax expenditures for FY2023.

That $1.8 trillion in lost revenue has to be compensated for by higher tax rates on everyone, and by borrowing heavily since taxpayers would not tolerate the even higher tax rates it would take to balance them out.

Deductions, credits, and exemptions are theft from the pocket of everyone.

Eliminate them, and we could radically lower tax rates, and everyone earning identical incomes would pay identical taxes.

But our so-called "conservatives" behave just like your basic welfare queen whenever this is brought up.

They don't mind stealing from their neighbors' pockets.

These innumerate fools can't even grasp the simple math behind this fact because they would have to face the truth they are thieves on an astronomical scale.

Tax expenditures cost more than twice all our traditional welfare programs. It is the ultimate welfare program.
Stop spending.
There were $1.8 trillion in tax expenditures for FY2023.

That $1.8 trillion in lost revenue has to be compensated for by higher tax rates on everyone, and by borrowing heavily since taxpayers would not tolerate the even higher tax rates it would take to balance them out.

Deductions, credits, and exemptions are theft from the pockets of everyone.

Eliminate them, and we could radically lower tax rates, and everyone earning identical incomes would pay identical taxes.

But our so-called "conservatives" behave just like your basic welfare queen whenever this is brought up.

They don't mind stealing from their neighbors' pockets.

These innumerate fools can't even grasp the simple math behind this fact because they would have to face the truth they are thieves on an astronomical scale.

Tax expenditures cost more than twice all our traditional welfare programs. It is the ultimate welfare program.
how would this applly to the l;ower 50% that only pay 2.3% of taxs and then take deductions and government benefits that do more than offset that 2.3%
Ronald Reagan eliminated a huge number of tax expenditures in 1986. That's how he was able to lower all our tax rates.

But ever since then, our politicians have been putting them all back into the tax code, and then some.

And the biggest offenders are Republicans, because they know the rubes are too stupid to grasp the facts. This welfare for the rich is easier to hide than food stamps for the poor.
Let them have their $ but don't deny the workers they right to unionize. Fair is fair.
Stop spending.
Yes, let's stop spending $1.8 trillion a year on tax expenditures. It is by far the biggest expenditure of the federal budget.

By far.

We could immediately balance the budget, and lower tax rates for everyone.

I have no idea why the thieving welfare queens who bleev they are conservatives are opposed to this.

Well, actually, I do know why

Ronald Reagan eliminated a huge number of tax expenditures in 1986. That's how he was able to lower all our tax rates.

But ever since then, our politicians have been putting them all back into the tax code, and then some.

And the biggest offenders are Republicans, because they know the rubes are too stupid to grasp the facts. This welfare for the rich is easier to hide than food stamps for the poor.
opinions vary,,
Yes, let's stop spending $1.8 trillion a year on tax expenditures.

We could immediately balance the budget, and lower tax rates for everyone.

I have no idea why the thieving welfare queens who bleev they are conservatives are opposed to this.

Well, actually, I do know why

you dont pay those,,
you dont pay those,,
We all pay for tax expenditures through higher tax rates, and by the interest of the borrowing we have to pay.

Read my post about Deven Nunes until you get it. Even if it takes 100 readings.

It's really very simple to understand, IF YOU WANT TO.

The world's five richest parasites have more than doubled their fortunes from $405 to $869 billion since 2020 while nearly 5 billion people have become even poorer; some parasites eagerly anticipate the globe's first $trillionaire within ten years, but seem indifferent to the claim poverty will not be eradicated for another 229 years:

Wealth of five richest men doubles since 2020 as five billion people made poorer in “decade of division,” says Oxfam | MR Online

"'This inequality is no accident; the billionaire class is ensuring corporations deliver more wealth to them at the expense of everyone else,' said Oxfam International interim Executive Director Amitabh Behar.
/——/ “The world's five richest parasites ”
I stopped reading at your first class envy line of bullshyt.

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