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Wealthy Corporations Demand the GOP Impoverish Working Class Americans

RDean, everyone here knows what a lying sack of shit you are.

Eat shit and go to hell.

Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey News Release

There were 3.8 million job openings on the last business day of May, little changed from April, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today.


Why should I lie when the truth is so much more interesting?

And how many of those jobs are full time? how many can support a family? How many are in the career/profession of the person unemployed.

Fuck, you are starting to sound like Phil Graham.

Except he never lied as much as you do every day.

Probably most of them.

You never heard the words "SKILLS GAP"???? Curious. It's one of those things Obama's been wanting to close, but Republicans keep blocking him.


And so far, you haven't pointed out a single lie. You seem kinda pitiful and a little stupid. OK, maybe not a little.
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Democrat power-players want the 12,000,000 Invaders as a potential expanded voter base in the coming years as they gain citizenship and are grateful to the Party that advanced their cause.

Republican power-players want the 12,000,000 Invaders as a cheap source of low-wage near-slave labor and to reinforce the trend of suppressing wages in the construction and transportation and fabrication and other trades.

With what's left of the American Middle Class, caught between the two, and royally fucked no matter which way it votes, in this context.

The Vote Whores in BOTH parties stopped giving a shit about America a long time ago, when it comes to immigration and Illegal Aliens.

It's just that it's become so much more blatant and obvious in recent times.

Don't want these 12,000,000 Invaders to be rewarded with American citizenship?

Tell your Senators and Representatives, in very clear terms.

Keep tabs on the way they vote on this issue, and, if they vote against your wishes, remember it, and vote against THEM in the next election.

And encourage your friends and family and neighbors and colleagues and social and church groups to do the same.

That's about as much muscle as you can bring to bear on the subject.

But at least it'll give you a sense that you stood your ground.

Immigration Reform = codespeak for Shamnesty.

Immigration Reform = another poison pill for America's Middle Class to have shoved down its throat.

Resistance is NOT futile!

Popular opposition over this triggered the failure of related legislation in 2007.

The same can happen in the 2013-2014 timeframe, if America has the willpower to do it.

Good luck to those who side with border security and territorial sovereignty and the rule and enforcement of law, and bad luck to those with a vested interest in seeing Immigration Reform (Shamnesty) succeed, and to their minions and mouthpieces and fellow travelers.

Hate to tell you this, but giving illegal Hispanics citizenship will not be remotely necessary for the Democratic roles to explode. High birth rates among legal Hispanics will be enough to do the trick, and on top of that, so long as the illegals live here, their kids are citizens by birth. The Republican Party will never be able to change the demographics. If you want change, the Republican Party has to find a way to pull minorities into the party, but that is going to be a very difficult pill to swallow for most white cons.
Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey News Release

There were 3.8 million job openings on the last business day of May, little changed from April, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today.


Why should I lie when the truth is so much more interesting?

And how many of those jobs are full time? how many can support a family? How many are in the career/profession of the person unemployed.

Fuck, you are starting to sound like Phil Graham.

Except he never lied as much as you do every day.

Probably most of them.

Probably? Bullshit, MOST jobs are always service and most part time, especially with Obamacare on the near horizon, lol.

Here are the top ten hiring companies and they are mostly service related jobs.
Top 10 Companies Hiring This Week - Careers Articles

So some mechanical engineer is supposed to just walk away from his career and flip burgers in this brave new economy, while an H1-B comes in and takes the job the American would have had? There are already millions of them here. That CVS is still looking for cashiers doesn't change shit. The once well paying careers in warehousing and construction are all held now by illegals predominately.

Home construction is all Hispanic pretty much in most areas, and if you search online you will find industry after industry where AMERICANS have been displaced from their jobs by illegals doing work at pay that is too low for anyone who lives an American lifestyle and plans to save for their kids education and retirement. The majority of illegals live below average lifestyles saving money they send home. The busted a house where I live about two years ago where six families were living in a one family house.

You never heard the words "SKILLS GAP"???? Curious. It's one of those things Obama's been wanting to close, but Republicans keep blocking him.

Lol, you don't have to go to trade school to learn how to work most unskilled labor jobs, construction, warehousing, etc. In the past the vast majority of companies did not require those skills for entry level positions, but took Americans who had similar experiences if any at all and then did ON THE J OB TRAINING. Now they don't have to since they can hire an illegal much more cheaply or a legal work visa who works for 5 years and then takes his cash back home.

Yeah, tell the guy who grew up in the meat packing industry he cant work that trade any more because he isn't bi-lingual and no one will hire him for MINIMUM wage anyway, tell him he can apply for college and start a new career in IT services, roflmao. And what guarantee is there that the American wont get displaced by cheap foreign labor ANYWAY in the near future? This idea that simply retraining will fix the unemployment problem is bullshit and you know it WHEN THE FEDS ARE NOT ENFORCING THE LAWS ON BUSINESSES THAT HIRE ILLEGALS OR DISPLACE AMERICANS WITH FOREIGN CHEAP LABOR.

Skills gap has AWLAYS been there. That is why we had OJT. I got my start in my career 20 years ago with an OJT position. My kids and their friends couldn't believe such a thing was ever common. They were all applying for jobs all over our area, but everything they looked for was either obviously mostly illegal/retiree labor or was 'apply on line' and never heard from. When I left high school in the 70's you could walk up to any construction site and get a job and start that day. My kids and their friends simply cannot believe it.

Read about these real Americans experiences with illegals and tell me that the Democrats and RINOs really give a shit about any of them.

Lives Impacted byf Illegal Immigration

"If current immigration laws had been enforced my son would be alive today! The fact that a LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZEN can be killed on the job site by an illegal alien while the Washington State's Department of Labor and Industries looked the other way should outrage every mother in Washington State....

I have been a full–time carpenter since 1979. I started framing in metal stud and hanging sheet rock (drywall), and when things got slow, I would hang sheet rock in homes for a per–foot price of 12¢ (1981). One day, our fantastic boss came up to the crew I was working on and informed us that he had a crew...that would hang for 7¢ per foot, and that we could either hang for that price or we could walk. I chose to walk. I was used to making about $200.00 per day and didn't want to live on less. That was the first wave of illegals I had to endure, and it cost me any thought of a wage increase for nearly a decade. If you factor in inflation, that would be more than a 30% cut in wages over a 10–year span.
I left the drywall industry and began to frame homes, all the while taking note of what was happening to the drywall and painting industries. I knew guys in both who were being financially destroyed. I knew that both political parties were vying for the hispanic vote, and I was extremely disappointed when Ronald Reagan gave the illegals amnesty (1986). I have since moved up the ladder a bit because of my persistence (stubbornness), and feel that I am in a position (remodeling) that will not easily be usurped by the second invasion we are now enduring. I have friends in the framing industry who haven't seen a raise in the last 5 years due to the rapid influx of illegals. ....

I have been in drywall for over 30 years. I have watched this invasion lower my wages and make it harder to get work for the last 15 years. In the mid 1980s I was making $50,000–60,000 a year. In the last 10 years, I have not been able to get over $45,000....

I am an Electrician by trade. It is a safety hazard to have illegal aliens working on construction sites due to language barriers. I have seen many unsafe practices performed by people who cannot speak English. This not only can destroy my work, but can harm others....

The juvenile detention school has grown from 25% hispanic to 40% hispanic over the last 4 years (2004–2008). Illegals are coming in, and they are involved in the drug trade and crime. One thing people don't understand is that a lot of illegals are gang members, and my students tell me that MS–13 has a goal of creating an army to take over California...

My father worked lath and plaster in the construction trade. Lost his job to illegal aliens. He wanted his job! Don't tell me that they only take jobs we don't want!....

the warehouses have been taken over by hispanics and work to keep anyone else out. I went back to college to learn a different kind of work to take care of my family because of the way I was treated at the warehouse IN MY OWN HOME TOWN. I was prevented from applying for alot of jobs because I am not bilingual. ...

I have been out of work for a year and a half. I am a professional and cannot find a job that pays over $10.00/hr because I am not bilingual. "

And these are not 'jerbs' we are talking about, these are peoples lives being destroyed, lives that the major parties used to be concerned about, but now don't need because of the way they have twisted the political system into one controlled by corporations and Wall Street banks giving billions of dollars to politicians to look the other way.

And so far, you haven't pointed out a single lie. You seem kinda pitiful and a little stupid. OK, maybe not a little.

Anyone that care to dig through all your bullshit posts can see for themselves what I am talking about. Your post above was a statistical lie, implying that training is the answer to joblessness that is predominately due to illegals taking Americans jobs.

Americans are getting sick of it and starting to require E-Verify for hiring and punishing companies that hire illegals severely. Thatis why there is now this huge push to ram immigration 'reform' through the House, and Boner will do it because he is a lying little shit.

Are Illegal Immigrants Really Taking Jobs Away From American Workers? - Careers Articles

When the Supreme Court voted to uphold the "Legal Arizona Workers Act" (LAWA) on May 25, the ability for states to revoke business licenses for firms hiring illegal immigrants was protected. (LAWA is distinct from Arizona SB 1070, which empowered law enforcement officers in Arizona to engage in racial profiling.)

Reaction to the decision among likely voters was strongly in favor: A Rasmussen poll conducted on May 27 and 28 found that 61 percent of Americans support a law in their state that would shut down companies that knowingly and repeatedly hire illegal immigrants...

Support for the penalization of companies hiring illegal workers can be chalked up to a variety of motivations. But the view that it protects American jobs has been embraced by many, including politicians like Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), the chair of the House Judiciary Committee and a member of the Reclaim American Jobs Caucus. "Not only is this law constitutional, it is common sense. American jobs should be preserved for Americans and legal workers," he said of the high court's 5-3 ruling. "Today, there are 7 million individuals working in the United States illegally. E-Verify will help turn off the jobs magnet that encourages illegal immigration."

Exclusive: Over a million immigrants land U.S. jobs in 2008-10 | Reuters

Over the past two years, as U.S. unemployment remained near double-digit levels and the economy shed jobs in the wake of the financial crisis, over a million foreign-born arrivals to America found work, many illegally.

Those are among the findings of a review of U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and Census Bureau data conducted exclusively for Reuters by researchers at the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University in Boston.

Often young and unskilled or semi-skilled, immigrants have taken jobs Americans could do in areas like construction, willing to work for less wages. Others land jobs that unemployed Americans turn up their noses at or lack the skills to do.

'Turn up their noses at' means 'wont take the job because it pays substandard wages for the industry'.

And these illegals are not paying as much in taxes which is crushing state budgets that cannot simply print money out of thin air like the feds do.

PolitiFact Florida | Rick Scott says 700,000 illegal immigrants take jobs

The Department of Homeland Security put Florida's illegal immigrant population at 720,000 in 2009. The Federation for American Immigration Reform, an anti-illegal immigrant group, came up with 810,000 illegal immigrants in 2007. The Pew Hispanic Center estimated the population was more than a million strong in a 2009 report. The numbers vary because producing an exact count of an illegal population is impossible. Still, each of these figures are "over 700,000." Scott's low-end number earns him a True here.

"They're costing us billions of dollars."

Scott's campaign didn't tell us what source they used, but PolitiFact has already looked at how much illegal immigrants are costing the state of Florida. We know that the Federation for American Immigration Reform estimates the state spends $3.8 billion on education, health and incarceration for illegal immigrants.

Big Businesses are killing the American dream, and liars like you are covering for them because you are an ideological shill.

Again, fuck you, you god-damned liar.
Hate to tell you this, but giving illegal Hispanics citizenship will not be remotely necessary for the Democratic roles to explode. High birth rates among legal Hispanics will be enough to do the trick, and on top of that, so long as the illegals live here, their kids are citizens by birth. The Republican Party will never be able to change the demographics. If you want change, the Republican Party has to find a way to pull minorities into the party, but that is going to be a very difficult pill to swallow for most white cons.

And those high birth rates would drop like a rock if companies had to hire American citizens or else that company goes out of business.

How do you fucking liars sleep at night?
And how many of those jobs are full time? how many can support a family? How many are in the career/profession of the person unemployed.

Fuck, you are starting to sound like Phil Graham.

Except he never lied as much as you do every day.

Probably most of them.

Probably? Bullshit, MOST jobs are always service and most part time, especially with Obamacare on the near horizon, lol.

Here are the top ten hiring companies and they are mostly service related jobs.
Top 10 Companies Hiring This Week - Careers Articles

So some mechanical engineer is supposed to just walk away from his career and flip burgers in this brave new economy, while an H1-B comes in and takes the job the American would have had? There are already millions of them here. That CVS is still looking for cashiers doesn't change shit. The once well paying careers in warehousing and construction are all held now by illegals predominately.

Home construction is all Hispanic pretty much in most areas, and if you search online you will find industry after industry where AMERICANS have been displaced from their jobs by illegals doing work at pay that is too low for anyone who lives an American lifestyle and plans to save for their kids education and retirement. The majority of illegals live below average lifestyles saving money they send home. The busted a house where I live about two years ago where six families were living in a one family house.

Lol, you don't have to go to trade school to learn how to work most unskilled labor jobs, construction, warehousing, etc. In the past the vast majority of companies did not require those skills for entry level positions, but took Americans who had similar experiences if any at all and then did ON THE J OB TRAINING. Now they don't have to since they can hire an illegal much more cheaply or a legal work visa who works for 5 years and then takes his cash back home.

Yeah, tell the guy who grew up in the meat packing industry he cant work that trade any more because he isn't bi-lingual and no one will hire him for MINIMUM wage anyway, tell him he can apply for college and start a new career in IT services, roflmao. And what guarantee is there that the American wont get displaced by cheap foreign labor ANYWAY in the near future? This idea that simply retraining will fix the unemployment problem is bullshit and you know it WHEN THE FEDS ARE NOT ENFORCING THE LAWS ON BUSINESSES THAT HIRE ILLEGALS OR DISPLACE AMERICANS WITH FOREIGN CHEAP LABOR.

Skills gap has AWLAYS been there. That is why we had OJT. I got my start in my career 20 years ago with an OJT position. My kids and their friends couldn't believe such a thing was ever common. They were all applying for jobs all over our area, but everything they looked for was either obviously mostly illegal/retiree labor or was 'apply on line' and never heard from. When I left high school in the 70's you could walk up to any construction site and get a job and start that day. My kids and their friends simply cannot believe it.

Read about these real Americans experiences with illegals and tell me that the Democrats and RINOs really give a shit about any of them.

Lives Impacted byf Illegal Immigration

"If current immigration laws had been enforced my son would be alive today! The fact that a LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZEN can be killed on the job site by an illegal alien while the Washington State's Department of Labor and Industries looked the other way should outrage every mother in Washington State....

I have been a full–time carpenter since 1979. I started framing in metal stud and hanging sheet rock (drywall), and when things got slow, I would hang sheet rock in homes for a per–foot price of 12¢ (1981). One day, our fantastic boss came up to the crew I was working on and informed us that he had a crew...that would hang for 7¢ per foot, and that we could either hang for that price or we could walk. I chose to walk. I was used to making about $200.00 per day and didn't want to live on less. That was the first wave of illegals I had to endure, and it cost me any thought of a wage increase for nearly a decade. If you factor in inflation, that would be more than a 30% cut in wages over a 10–year span.
I left the drywall industry and began to frame homes, all the while taking note of what was happening to the drywall and painting industries. I knew guys in both who were being financially destroyed. I knew that both political parties were vying for the hispanic vote, and I was extremely disappointed when Ronald Reagan gave the illegals amnesty (1986). I have since moved up the ladder a bit because of my persistence (stubbornness), and feel that I am in a position (remodeling) that will not easily be usurped by the second invasion we are now enduring. I have friends in the framing industry who haven't seen a raise in the last 5 years due to the rapid influx of illegals. ....

I have been in drywall for over 30 years. I have watched this invasion lower my wages and make it harder to get work for the last 15 years. In the mid 1980s I was making $50,000–60,000 a year. In the last 10 years, I have not been able to get over $45,000....

I am an Electrician by trade. It is a safety hazard to have illegal aliens working on construction sites due to language barriers. I have seen many unsafe practices performed by people who cannot speak English. This not only can destroy my work, but can harm others....

The juvenile detention school has grown from 25% hispanic to 40% hispanic over the last 4 years (2004–2008). Illegals are coming in, and they are involved in the drug trade and crime. One thing people don't understand is that a lot of illegals are gang members, and my students tell me that MS–13 has a goal of creating an army to take over California...

My father worked lath and plaster in the construction trade. Lost his job to illegal aliens. He wanted his job! Don't tell me that they only take jobs we don't want!....

the warehouses have been taken over by hispanics and work to keep anyone else out. I went back to college to learn a different kind of work to take care of my family because of the way I was treated at the warehouse IN MY OWN HOME TOWN. I was prevented from applying for alot of jobs because I am not bilingual. ...

I have been out of work for a year and a half. I am a professional and cannot find a job that pays over $10.00/hr because I am not bilingual. "

And these are not 'jerbs' we are talking about, these are peoples lives being destroyed, lives that the major parties used to be concerned about, but now don't need because of the way they have twisted the political system into one controlled by corporations and Wall Street banks giving billions of dollars to politicians to look the other way.

Anyone that care to dig through all your bullshit posts can see for themselves what I am talking about. Your post above was a statistical lie, implying that training is the answer to joblessness that is predominately due to illegals taking Americans jobs.

Americans are getting sick of it and starting to require E-Verify for hiring and punishing companies that hire illegals severely. Thatis why there is now this huge push to ram immigration 'reform' through the House, and Boner will do it because he is a lying little shit.

Are Illegal Immigrants Really Taking Jobs Away From American Workers? - Careers Articles

Exclusive: Over a million immigrants land U.S. jobs in 2008-10 | Reuters

Over the past two years, as U.S. unemployment remained near double-digit levels and the economy shed jobs in the wake of the financial crisis, over a million foreign-born arrivals to America found work, many illegally.

Those are among the findings of a review of U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and Census Bureau data conducted exclusively for Reuters by researchers at the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University in Boston.

Often young and unskilled or semi-skilled, immigrants have taken jobs Americans could do in areas like construction, willing to work for less wages. Others land jobs that unemployed Americans turn up their noses at or lack the skills to do.

'Turn up their noses at' means 'wont take the job because it pays substandard wages for the industry'.

And these illegals are not paying as much in taxes which is crushing state budgets that cannot simply print money out of thin air like the feds do.

PolitiFact Florida | Rick Scott says 700,000 illegal immigrants take jobs

The Department of Homeland Security put Florida's illegal immigrant population at 720,000 in 2009. The Federation for American Immigration Reform, an anti-illegal immigrant group, came up with 810,000 illegal immigrants in 2007. The Pew Hispanic Center estimated the population was more than a million strong in a 2009 report. The numbers vary because producing an exact count of an illegal population is impossible. Still, each of these figures are "over 700,000." Scott's low-end number earns him a True here.

"They're costing us billions of dollars."

Scott's campaign didn't tell us what source they used, but PolitiFact has already looked at how much illegal immigrants are costing the state of Florida. We know that the Federation for American Immigration Reform estimates the state spends $3.8 billion on education, health and incarceration for illegal immigrants.

Big Businesses are killing the American dream, and liars like you are covering for them because you are an ideological shill.

Again, fuck you, you god-damned liar.

So you point to some "bulk hiring" or some shit. Did you bother to investigate what a "skill" is?

Machinists make about $60,000 a year. But with many logging overtime lately, Free said that income can get close to $100,000 a year.
Revive Made in USA? Easier said than done
"This is also a highly technical craft," he said. "It requires knowledge of computers, programming, even geometry. You can't hire someone off the street and turn them into a machinist."

Desperately seeking Americans for manufacturing jobs - Feb. 16, 2012

Google Search for "Machinists" in just the last month

I work at a company that has two businesses in one building, manufactures industrial products on one side and has a high precision machine shop on the other. Both sides have been looking for more workers, but can't find anyone qualified. I know what I'm talking about. We are short an electrical engineer and two mechanical engineers in the engineering department. Two assemblers and at least three CNC machines are sitting unattended. I know. I just looked today.
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Hate to say it, but the Republican party is no longer the party of small government and low taxes (well...low taxes for big corporations atleast, but democrats are guilty of this too, just ask Obama.)

These people are only in it to please their corporate donors, period.

1 persons voice has more value than 60 million because that 1 person has more money than those 60 million combined. Four times over.

I don't know what to do honestly.
Vote out all incumbants. And keep voting them out until we get our representation back.

Their donations can't vote, but we can. If right and left could come together on this one issue, it would be mutually beneficial.
So you point to some "bulk hiring" or some shit. Did you bother to investigate what a "skill" is?

Lol, I know what a skill is. Why do you libtards just assume that those who disagree with you are either evil or stupid?

And you obviously didn't read my links, fool.

Machinists make about $60,000 a year. But with many logging overtime lately, Free said that income can get close to $100,000 a year.

Machinists? Who is going to go into that for a career when automation is going to be 99.999% of it within 20 years?

I work at a company that has two businesses in one building, manufactures industrial products on one side and has a high precision machine shop on the other. Both sides have been looking for more workers, but can't find anyone qualified.

Yeah, 'no one qualified' means 'wants too much pay'.

I know what I'm talking about.

No, you don't.

[/QUOTE]We are short an electrical engineer and two mechanical engineers in the engineering department. Two assemblers and at least three CNC machines are sitting unattended. I know. I just looked today.[/QUOTE]

Unemployment rate for electrical engineers soars - Computerworld

Electrical engineering jobs declined by 40,000 in the first quarter, and the unemployment rate in the category rose to 6.5%, based on an analysis of U.S. Labor Data by the IEEE-USA.

At the same time, the data showed that jobs for software developers are on the rise. The unemployment rate for software engineers was 2.2% in the first quarter, down from 2.8% in 2012, IEEE-USA said. Some 1.1 million software developers were employed during the first quarter.

In 2010 and 2011, the unemployment rate for electrical engineers held at 3.4%. In 2012 there were 335,000 electrical engineers counted in the workforce; it's now at 295,000.

"Seasonal fluctuations are normal, but the first quarter unemployment spike is alarming," said Keith Grzelak, the IEEE-USA's vice president of government relations, in a statement.

This professional group warns that unemployment rates for engineers could get worse if H-1B visas are increased. The increase in engineering unemployment comes at the same time demand for H-1B visas is up.

Long discussion on the topic

No, you don't know what the hell you are talking about.
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Electrical Engineering Labor Pool Shrinking - Slashdot

Employers don't want to develop talent in-house because that's expensive -- and will get more so as the employee becomes more attractive to the company's competitors. Employers also don't want to hire people to increase their talent pool; rather, they want to hire "super talent" in order to fire one or more lesser engineers.

Those hundreds of positions you see advertised? They aren't a sign of growth, but of stagnation, and a nearly total absence of investment (even from the profits that a company is supposed to be making).

Exactly. As an bachelors with honours engineering graduate I find it almost impossible to get work. Companies are not willing to train people in-house. I'd like to know how many engineering graduates have passed through university and are now doing a job they are qualified to do, looking at 15, 10, 5 years and present day.

I can't get a job because I haven't got the experience. I can't get the experience because I can't get a job. Catch 22.

My experience from going around recruiting college graduate engineers, and interviewing tons of people, is that most places do not want to actually mentor them and help them get their PE's. I worked with a ton of EEs once (where ton ~= 30) and half of them did not have their PE (the younger half) and they were not being mentored such that they could get it.

I had an argu^Hdiscussion with someone just yesterday (at an interview) where he tried to convince me that his company 'invests' in its employees and trains them. I almost laughed in his face. this is a bay area company and I KNOW that they, as a general trend, have stopped investing in people and now only look for exact matches. he really believed his bullshit.

I've been looking for work (taking contract jobs here and there as they are nearly the only ones you can find anymore; its 'great' to short change the employee and make him pay for national holidays and foot the bill for his own health insurance) and I have not seen a single instance where they would take you as a 'smart guy' and then give you the missing languages or frameworks that they want for the job. there just isn't the mentality for giving workers training anymore. thinking has shifted and not for the better, that's for sure!

keep repeating this, people: "race to the bottom". learn that phrase. we are living it right now even if you don't realize it or see it yourself, directly. this is our new national motto.

we are fucked. our children are in even worse state, once they graduate and try to find work. doesn't matter if you are old or young: if you are a US person with regular US bills and living expenses, you will be squeezed and forced to lower your living standard just to compete for a shit job that will be soul crushing, at best.

Maybe your company needs to invest in local talent and not hold out for exact matches?

But odds are you are just lying again anyway.

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