Web browsers: a brief history


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
As Windows Edge is revealed, take a look back over some of the key moments in the history of web browsing


This is the one I remember:


An interesting story on something we so easily take for granted now @ Web browsers a brief history - Telegraph
Those were the better designs, I can remember when DOS made you do it in the dark.....same with film development in dat dark room...
True story...I was a sys admin from 98 - 2002.
We provided the first dial up service in this area...I kid you not...we literally setup over 200 individual modems in one room. And that was the service.
I wish I would have taken a photo...
I remember taking my kids to the Engineering Open House at UIUC back in the '80s.

There was a small TV screen displaying graphics and text, much like the pages in a magazine. The student demonstrating the project called it "Netscape" and explained what the "Internet" is going to be some day very soon.

I was gobsmacked.
When I first got on the internet it was connecting to the UW Vax computer and it cost $1 per cpu second. Back then there were no pictures or graphics, it was all text. There was still a lot of information available but it was from university and scientific research. No Wikipedia or private websites.
When I first got on the internet it was connecting to the UW Vax computer and it cost $1 per cpu second. Back then there were no pictures or graphics, it was all text. There was still a lot of information available but it was from university and scientific research. No Wikipedia or private websites.

I know a lot of people will disagree with me but I think Wikipedia and all its little subsections are the best thing that ever happened to the internet. How many know about Wikimedia and Wiktionary?
The first browser I ever used was Netscape.

All I really remember is having a dial-up modem and calling local EBBS' to read posts and respond. Can't remember what I program I used. It was on an Apple II Clone.
I remember having to plug a phone into a cradle in 1985.

My first computer was a Commodore 128. I loved that thing.
I bought one of these, but my parents wouldn't let me use it.


Now that takes me back to the good ol Commodore 64 days..

I remember buying C64 that did more than my old IBM did.

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