webster definition of bullseye


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
Once again the man who is "supposed" to have the most integrity and honesty had to lie to cover himself of wanting Trump shot.

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[ boolz-ahy ]
Phonetic (Standard)IPA


, Plural bull's-eyes.
  1. the circular spot, usually black or outlined in black, at the center of a target marked with concentric circles and used in target practice.
  2. a shot that hits this.
  3. the center or central area of a military target, as of a town or factory, in a bombing raid.
  4. a missile that strikes the central area of a target.
  5. the coordinates or instance of aiming and firing a missile that results in its hitting the center of a target.
  6. Informal.
    1. any statement or act that is precisely to the point or achieves a desired result directly.
    2. something that is decisive or crucial; crux.
  7. a small circular opening or window.
  8. a thick disk or lenslike piece of glass inserted in a roof, ship's deck, etc., to admit light.
  9. Optics. a lens of short focal length.
  10. a lantern equipped with a lens of this sort.
  11. Nautical. an oval or circular wooden block having a groove around it and a hole in the center, through which to reeve a rope.
  12. Meteorology. (formerly) the eye of a storm.
  13. a large, round piece of peppermint-flavored hard cand
Yea, we know... Biden set things up to assassinate Trump along with Obama, Pelosi, and Hillary Clinton all a dirty rotten team effort. They are all going to burn in eternal hell. They make up the "House of Ahab"

1. Biden called for a bullseye (gun) to be put on Trump 5 days before Trump's attempted assassination occurred.

2. Biden claimed Trump was a 'dictator," 'Putin's puppy' the day before assassination attempt.
Biden is the one sitting in the dictator's seat

while falsely claiming Trump is a dictator -Trump has NO dictator powers whatsoever. They call someone else what they really are just to pull the wool over their eyes, so people can't see for looking.

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