We'd Better Put An End To This Fast

There was a time when the federal police only had jurisdiction over federal crimes like bank robbery until liberals enacted laws that favored certain segments of society with so-called hate crime legislation. Now a simple assault can become a federal crime and the old cliche "don't make a federal case out of it" has become a reality. It's ironic that the FBI couldn't find two Russian terrorists in Boston but they have the time and resources to prosecute a Christian lady for refusing to perform a marriage ceremony for two sodomites.
No federalization of state and local police.
You're making a mountain out of a molehill.
The Constitution can be considered "federalization" as well as the FBI.

Obama seems to be only interested in having the federal government involved in police training and ethical practices so local police don't think it's OK to shoot a driver FOUR times because he was reaching for his ID when stopped on a road for a broken tail light.
The Mods - Why isn't this thread in the Really, Really Ludicrous Conspiracy Theories forum?

Obuthole is doing all this to create anarchy. Then he can implement martial law and stay in office. And dimwits will praise him. Bunch twits.

Probably a really bad idea and to tie the cops hands would mean more dead police.

And ALOT more dead blacks...........100% certainty. This shit will led to far more depolicing......fucking progressives........can never connect the dots.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Obama was a well known member of the gay bathhouse scene in Chicago, with a well-known proclivity to enjoy the company of older white men. So really, his marriage to Michelle is a sham, and his children are probably not even his.

Michelle has a bigger penis than he does and he's feeling a little insecure about that. It explains EVERYTHING.
No federalization of state and local police.
You're making a mountain out of a molehill.
The Constitution can be considered "federalization" as well as the FBI.

Obama seems to be only interested in having the federal government involved in police training and ethical practices so local police don't think it's OK to shoot a driver FOUR times because he was reaching for his ID when stopped on a road for a broken tail light.
Why does everyone think incidents like these result from lack of training? We have the most well trained cops in the world, but they have to deal with an unevolved race of people. Give any Scandinavian country a 13% negro constitution and the same shit will happen there.
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We have the most well trained cops in the world, but they have to deal with an unevolved race of people.
You think it's OK for a cop to shoot a driver FOUR times because he was reaching for his ID when stopped on a road for a broken tail light?
You are the one who has not evolved.

My example has nothing to do with race; it's about untrained police stupidity ... or inability for a local police department to properly screen psychos before hiring them and releasing them onto the public after "training".
We have the most well trained cops in the world, but they have to deal with an unevolved race of people.
You think it's OK for a cop to shoot a driver FOUR times because he was reaching for his ID when stopped on a road for a broken tail light?
You are the one who has not evolved.

My example has nothing to do with race; it's about untrained police stupidity ... or inability for a local police department to properly screen psychos before hiring them and releasing them onto the public after "training".
He wasn't following instructions.

As usual.
We have the most well trained cops in the world, but they have to deal with an unevolved race of people.
You think it's OK for a cop to shoot a driver FOUR times because he was reaching for his ID when stopped on a road for a broken tail light?
You are the one who has not evolved.

My example has nothing to do with race; it's about untrained police stupidity ... or inability for a local police department to properly screen psychos before hiring them and releasing them onto the public after "training".
He wasn't following instructions.

As usual.
Instructions are to keep firing until you are certain the target has been neutralized. So, the cop wasn't following instructions. The target was still breathing.
No federalization of state and local police.

Call your congressman.

Obama Pushes More Federal Oversight of Cops After Dallas Attack on Cops - Breitbart
Fed oversight would stop how many cops being shot?

You think obama gives a damn about white cops? What he is about is to get more power...that will make it easier for him to fundamentally change Ameica....most of the clueless had no idea that when he said "I will fundamentally change America" he was making a threat...to destroy White Ameica...hence the open borders policy, hence the policy of letting in millions of muslims...yes I said millions.

Well....the democrats said they wanted change....the sort of change was never specified....and the morons seemed not to care ....they just wanted change. Can anyone be dumber than that....this nation of fools deserves obama. Lord have mercy!
We have the most well trained cops in the world, but they have to deal with an unevolved race of people.
You think it's OK for a cop to shoot a driver FOUR times because he was reaching for his ID when stopped on a road for a broken tail light?
You are the one who has not evolved.

My example has nothing to do with race; it's about untrained police stupidity ... or inability for a local police department to properly screen psychos before hiring them and releasing them onto the public after "training".
He wasn't following instructions.

As usual.
Instructions are to keep firing until you are certain the target has been neutralized. So, the cop wasn't following instructions. The target was still breathing.
About 13 times when dealing with ghetto bunnies. This should be an instructional video viewed by all officers in training.

We have the most well trained cops in the world, but they have to deal with an unevolved race of people.
You think it's OK for a cop to shoot a driver FOUR times because he was reaching for his ID when stopped on a road for a broken tail light?
You are the one who has not evolved.

My example has nothing to do with race; it's about untrained police stupidity ... or inability for a local police department to properly screen psychos before hiring them and releasing them onto the public after "training".
He wasn't following instructions.

As usual.
Instructions are to keep firing until you are certain the target has been neutralized. So, the cop wasn't following instructions. The target was still breathing.
About 13 times when dealing with ghetto bunnies. This should be an instructional video viewed by all officers in training.

The responding officers had been informed the man in the wheel chair had a gun and had shot himself.

The first officer to fire a shot said the victim would not respond to his orders, kept fidgeting about his waist with his hands and the officer said he saw a handle of a gun. The other officers who shot the victim were apparantly just responding to the first shot...being coinfused and not really knowing what had happened.

It appears the officers were not trained well and fired too hastily...but when a suspect has a weapon there is a fine line ...good judgement is called for and there is not much time to judge when a suspect has a weapon.

The victim was found to have gunshot residue on his hands. None of the officers were charged.
We have the most well trained cops in the world, but they have to deal with an unevolved race of people.
You think it's OK for a cop to shoot a driver FOUR times because he was reaching for his ID when stopped on a road for a broken tail light?
You are the one who has not evolved.

My example has nothing to do with race; it's about untrained police stupidity ... or inability for a local police department to properly screen psychos before hiring them and releasing them onto the public after "training".
He wasn't following instructions.

As usual.
Instructions are to keep firing until you are certain the target has been neutralized. So, the cop wasn't following instructions. The target was still breathing.
About 13 times when dealing with ghetto bunnies. This should be an instructional video viewed by all officers in training.

The responding officers had been informed the man in the wheel chair had a gun and had shot himself.

The first officer to fire a shot said the victim would not respond to his orders, kept fidgeting about his waist with his hands and the officer said he saw a handle of a gun. The other officers who shot the victim were apparantly just responding to the first shot...being coinfused and not really knowing what had happened.

It appears the officers were not trained well and fired too hastily...but when a suspect has a weapon there is a fine line ...good judgement is called for and there is not much time to judge when a suspect has a weapon.

The victim was found to have gunshot residue on his hands. None of the officers were charged.

I think it was the perfect way to handle ghetto bunnies like this. I think this video should be distributed to every police academy for instructional purposes. 12-15 shots just to be on the safe side; every police shooting should be done exactly like this.
Obama was a well known member of the gay bathhouse scene in Chicago, with a well-known proclivity to enjoy the company of older white men. So really, his marriage to Michelle is a sham, and his children are probably not even his.
Do youbhave any actual PROOF of this wild assertion?

Thought not.
Obama was a well known member of the gay bathhouse scene in Chicago, with a well-known proclivity to enjoy the company of older white men. So really, his marriage to Michelle is a sham, and his children are probably not even his.
Do youbhave any actual PROOF of this wild assertion?

Thought not.

This is old news but quite accurate.....................blob:https%3A//www.youtube.com/b1ea3957-b9ed-49cc-9f24-c738ac9babbf

Claim: Obama hid ‘gay life’ to become president!

Obama & Emanuel - Members Of Same Chicago Gay Bath House

Obama & Emanuel - Members Of Same Chicago Gay Bath House
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