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we put up a good fight; but, it is over

Another great fighter for our Progressive Dreams has been taken down by the right wing
racist Republicans!

Anthony Weiner to Enter Treatment Center and Seek Leave From House

I know, I know, say it isn't so Papa Joe; but it is....

We tried our best to lower moral standards once again. However, Americans are just not ready for our level of understanding of moral behaviour

Workers of the World Unite and raise a fist in honor of Rep Weiner

We will keep fighting on and on.
One day the Left will lower standards enough that any Leftist behaviour will no longer have to be "excused away"

At taxpayer expense no doubt.
House Democratic Leaders Call on Weiner to Resign After He Seeks Treatment

Democratic leaders in the House are calling for Rep. Anthony Weiner to step down
Saturday after he admitted he exchanged online messages with a Delaware teenager and requested a short leave of absence from Congress while he seeks professional treatment."

"Congressman Weiner departed this morning to seek professional treatment to focus on becoming a better husband and healthier person," Weiner spokeswoman Risa Heller said in a statement. "In light of that, he will request a short leave of absence from the House of Representatives so that he can get evaluated and map out a course of treatment to make himself well."
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um you realize how large the porn world is right? dont be so Naive. I know of a certain website where sending and posting naughty pictures is quite the norm. Their attendance Dwarfs this little website.

Women do find this attractive. Who that fuck are you kidding? I know plenty of real women who enjoy the male body.

There is a reason why there is a rise in Teens sending naughty photos of themselves. You live in a sheltered world.

Any Real man would if given the chance. Men like sex and men like having sex with more than one person over their life time. If a man tells you he doesnt at least look at other women because he loves his wife/gf, i'll show you liar.

You are a fool

i have no doubt that you're an expert on porn sites, sending pix to teenagers and masturbating.

real men and women, not so much.

thanks for sharing, tell chris hanson hello when you see him. :lol:

You are truly naive. grown men and women send and share pictures. There is a whole culture on it. Hey whatever floats your pathetic boat.

I understand you are saying this to have some type of moral high ground. There is none To be had. We as a culture like looking at the human body naked or with very little clothing.

What to you think swimsuit models are? A grown women showing/using her body to sell a product.
Calvin Klein ads or Ambercrombie ads show very reveling men and women and people enjoy looking at it.
Fuck Victoria Secret makes a living off showing womens bodies and parts to sell things.

Yeah Grow men and women dont do this, and yet we have a whole fucking industry revolving around the subject.

you are one dumb motherfucker.

i may be a dumb motherfucker, but i'm not the one offering to give enemas to strangers on the internet.

have a nice day, and remember to wash your hands. :thup:
obviously, you've mistaken this for one of your usual websites.

no thanks, but i'm sure you can find a *real* man to indulge you.

No doubt, at the rate the Left is defending Rep Weiner, they will make a "Roman orgy" seem like a "walk in the park"


pray tell, what did he do that was so terribly wrong?

This should be good and hypocritical

too funny

thanks for showing my point to be correct
You are truly naive. grown men and women send and share pictures. There is a whole culture on it. Hey whatever floats your pathetic boat.

I understand you are saying this to have some type of moral high ground. There is none To be had. We as a culture like looking at the human body naked or with very little clothing.

What to you think swimsuit models are? A grown women showing/using her body to sell a product.
Calvin Klein ads or Ambercrombie ads show very reveling men and women and people enjoy looking at it.
Fuck Victoria Secret makes a living off showing womens bodies and parts to sell things.

Yeah Grow men and women dont do this, and yet we have a whole fucking industry revolving around the subject.

you are one dumb motherfucker.

i may be a dumb motherfucker, but i'm not the one offering to give enemas to strangers on the internet.

have a nice day, and remember to wash your hands. :thup:

i wasnt offering, i was suggesting you get one.
I wouldnt touch you with Pale riders dick.

I can see your mind is in the fucking gutter, right along side that fucking pervert wiener. Problem is most people aren't in that immoral fucking gutter with ya boy. You're showing your hand, and it's wrapped around wiener's cock you fucking piece of shit pervert.

Wonder how many little girls you've sent a pic of your hard on to since you think that's all fine and dandy... you sick fuck.
You are truly naive. grown men and women send and share pictures. There is a whole culture on it. Hey whatever floats your pathetic boat.

I understand you are saying this to have some type of moral high ground. There is none To be had. We as a culture like looking at the human body naked or with very little clothing.

What to you think swimsuit models are? A grown women showing/using her body to sell a product.
Calvin Klein ads or Ambercrombie ads show very reveling men and women and people enjoy looking at it.
Fuck Victoria Secret makes a living off showing womens bodies and parts to sell things.

Yeah Grow men and women dont do this, and yet we have a whole fucking industry revolving around the subject.

you are one dumb motherfucker.

i may be a dumb motherfucker, but i'm not the one offering to give enemas to strangers on the internet.

have a nice day, and remember to wash your hands. :thup:

i wasnt offering, i was suggesting you get one.
I wouldnt touch you with Pale riders dick.



do you spend a lot of time thinking about touching pale's dick?
If you've ever had phone sex, sent a pic of yourself without clothing, or had virtual sex via webcam, you are qualified to speak on this issue.

If not? Then all you've got is your puritanical morals, which you try to impose on others.

Incidentally, wanna know where the most perverts are? Usually in the societies where there is extreme pressure to appear "proper" in public. The Victorians are who really got porn off to a good start.
If you've ever had phone sex, sent a pic of yourself without clothing, or had virtual sex via webcam, you are qualified to speak on this issue.

If not? Then all you've got is your puritanical morals, which you try to impose on others.

Incidentally, wanna know where the most perverts are? Usually in the societies where there is extreme pressure to appear "proper" in public. The Victorians are who really got porn off to a good start.

so by your "logic", i can't comment on a murder unless i've murdered someone.

If you've ever had phone sex, sent a pic of yourself without clothing, or had virtual sex via webcam, you are qualified to speak on this issue.

If not? Then all you've got is your puritanical morals, which you try to impose on others.

Incidentally, wanna know where the most perverts are? Usually in the societies where there is extreme pressure to appear "proper" in public. The Victorians are who really got porn off to a good start.

I see... so what do you have if not "puritanical morals?" "Send pics of your NAKED HARD ON TO LITTLE GIRLS morals?" Are those your's?
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If you've ever had phone sex, sent a pic of yourself without clothing, or had virtual sex via webcam, you are qualified to speak on this issue.

If not? Then all you've got is your puritanical morals, which you try to impose on others.

Incidentally, wanna know where the most perverts are? Usually in the societies where there is extreme pressure to appear "proper" in public. The Victorians are who really got porn off to a good start.

so by your "logic", i can't comment on a murder unless i've murdered someone.


care to comment on murder? :lol:
If you've ever had phone sex, sent a pic of yourself without clothing, or had virtual sex via webcam, you are qualified to speak on this issue.

If not? Then all you've got is your puritanical morals, which you try to impose on others.

Incidentally, wanna know where the most perverts are? Usually in the societies where there is extreme pressure to appear "proper" in public. The Victorians are who really got porn off to a good start.

You really are a dumbfuck...

In order to comment on something you must have participated in that?

Maybe that explains your comments on pedophiles....:eek:

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