
If you've ever had phone sex, sent a pic of yourself without clothing, or had virtual sex via webcam, you are qualified to speak on this issue.

If not? Then all you've got is your puritanical morals, which you try to impose on others.

Incidentally, wanna know where the most perverts are? Usually in the societies where there is extreme pressure to appear "proper" in public. The Victorians are who really got porn off to a good start.

so by your "logic", i can't comment on a murder unless i've murdered someone.


care to comment on murder? :lol:

If you've ever had phone sex, sent a pic of yourself without clothing, or had virtual sex via webcam, you are qualified to speak on this issue.

If not? Then all you've got is your puritanical morals, which you try to impose on others.

Incidentally, wanna know where the most perverts are? Usually in the societies where there is extreme pressure to appear "proper" in public. The Victorians are who really got porn off to a good start.

Very good Comrade!- generalizations

We must not forget the "Moral equivalence " approach, as well.
After all, who is to say what is moral and what is not?

Indeed, if Weiner can send these pictures to any girl, why not your daughter or wife.
Just like Bill Clinton. If it was ok for Lewinsky to blow him then Bill and the rest of the Left would have no problem if their daughter was used the same way by a person in power.

Yes, at this rate we should lower standards enough that Weiner can come
back to his postion after "treatment".
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If you've ever had phone sex, sent a pic of yourself without clothing, or had virtual sex via webcam, you are qualified to speak on this issue.

If not? Then all you've got is your puritanical morals, which you try to impose on others.

Incidentally, wanna know where the most perverts are? Usually in the societies where there is extreme pressure to appear "proper" in public. The Victorians are who really got porn off to a good start.

You really are a dumbfuck...

In order to comment on something you must have participated in that?

Maybe that explains your comments on pedophiles....:eek:

ABS...just outed himself, didn't he?
If you've ever had phone sex, sent a pic of yourself without clothing, or had virtual sex via webcam, you are qualified to speak on this issue.

If not? Then all you've got is your puritanical morals, which you try to impose on others.

Incidentally, wanna know where the most perverts are? Usually in the societies where there is extreme pressure to appear "proper" in public. The Victorians are who really got porn off to a good start.

Very good Comrade!- generalizations

We must not forget the "Moral equivalence " approach, as well.
After all, who is to say what is moral and what is not?

Indeed, if Weiner can send these pictures to any girl, why not your daughter or wife.
Just like Bill Clinton. If it was ok for Lewinsky to blow him then Bill and the rest of the Left would have no problem if their daughter was used the same way by a person in power.

Yes, at this rate we should lower standards enough that Weiner can come
back to his postion after "treatment".
And with Weiner's arrogant attitude...? He'll go through the motions an proclaim himself clean...plod on and try his damnest NOT to get caught next time.
If you've ever had phone sex, sent a pic of yourself without clothing, or had virtual sex via webcam, you are qualified to speak on this issue.

If not? Then all you've got is your puritanical morals, which you try to impose on others.

Incidentally, wanna know where the most perverts are? Usually in the societies where there is extreme pressure to appear "proper" in public. The Victorians are who really got porn off to a good start.

Very good Comrade!- generalizations

We must not forget the "Moral equivalence " approach, as well.
After all, who is to say what is moral and what is not?

Indeed, if Weiner can send these pictures to any girl, why not your daughter or wife.
Just like Bill Clinton. If it was ok for Lewinsky to blow him then Bill and the rest of the Left would have no problem if their daughter was used the same way by a person in power.

Yes, at this rate we should lower standards enough that Weiner can come
back to his postion after "treatment".

According to some, Weiner did nothing wrong to need 'treatment'. But your observations are brilliant. It is so easy to despise the critic and excuse the criticized. Until we become a target or victim, then things tend to look much different.
If you've ever had phone sex, sent a pic of yourself without clothing, or had virtual sex via webcam, you are qualified to speak on this issue.

If not? Then all you've got is your puritanical morals, which you try to impose on others.

Incidentally, wanna know where the most perverts are? Usually in the societies where there is extreme pressure to appear "proper" in public. The Victorians are who really got porn off to a good start.

What type of logic is that??

You may as well assert a judge cant sentence an individual for murder because the judge has never murdered, or that a man has no right to have an opinion on abortion because hes never carried or aborted a child..
If you've ever had phone sex, sent a pic of yourself without clothing, or had virtual sex via webcam, you are qualified to speak on this issue.

If not? Then all you've got is your puritanical morals, which you try to impose on others.

Incidentally, wanna know where the most perverts are? Usually in the societies where there is extreme pressure to appear "proper" in public. The Victorians are who really got porn off to a good start.

so by your "logic", i can't comment on a murder unless i've murdered someone.


care to comment on murder? :lol:

Sending e-mails and pics to of age girls is much different than killing someone.

And yeah......I'm saying that if you have done it, you don't think it's a big deal, if you haven't done it, you're all up in arms about the moral fabric of this country.

Interestingly enough, the moral majority is neither, nor is it good for this country.
so by your "logic", i can't comment on a murder unless i've murdered someone.


care to comment on murder? :lol:

Sending e-mails and pics to of age girls is much different than killing someone.

And yeah......I'm saying that if you have done it, you don't think it's a big deal, if you haven't done it, you're all up in arms about the moral fabric of this country.

Interestingly enough, the moral majority is neither, nor is it good for this country.

Nevermind that society FROWNS on it and especially for those that we elect and hold to a Higher Standard...NO? Just keep making excuses...
If you've ever had phone sex, sent a pic of yourself without clothing, or had virtual sex via webcam, you are qualified to speak on this issue.

If not? Then all you've got is your puritanical morals, which you try to impose on others.

Incidentally, wanna know where the most perverts are? Usually in the societies where there is extreme pressure to appear "proper" in public. The Victorians are who really got porn off to a good start.

What type of logic is that??

You may as well assert a judge cant sentence an individual for murder because the judge has never murdered, or that a man has no right to have an opinion on abortion because hes never carried or aborted a child..
True dat.
so by your "logic", i can't comment on a murder unless i've murdered someone.


care to comment on murder? :lol:

Sending e-mails and pics to of age girls is much different than killing someone.

And yeah......I'm saying that if you have done it, you don't think it's a big deal, if you haven't done it, you're all up in arms about the moral fabric of this country.

Interestingly enough, the moral majority is neither, nor is it good for this country.

One (that we know of) was underage.... The police are investigting...

You pedophiles are sick fuckers...
care to comment on murder? :lol:

Sending e-mails and pics to of age girls is much different than killing someone.

And yeah......I'm saying that if you have done it, you don't think it's a big deal, if you haven't done it, you're all up in arms about the moral fabric of this country.

Interestingly enough, the moral majority is neither, nor is it good for this country.
One (that we know of) was underage.... The police are investigting...

You pedophiles are sick fuckers...
Indeed. And deserve to be castrated.
so by your "logic", i can't comment on a murder unless i've murdered someone.


care to comment on murder? :lol:

Sending e-mails and pics to of age girls is much different than killing someone.

And yeah......I'm saying that if you have done it, you don't think it's a big deal, if you haven't done it, you're all up in arms about the moral fabric of this country.

Interestingly enough, the moral majority is neither, nor is it good for this country.

Legal adults can do what they want... If two adults want to send pics of their junk back and fourth sobeit...

Also, 17 is actually "legal" in most states, however its not ethical, nor moral - not for a guy in his 40's.
a study of left wing tactic:

getta bucket o' glue
gonna stick it to you
with my magic gluestick
you don't get to pick
i'm agonna get
what it is that i want
i'm agonna get
with my saul alinski wit
i'm agonna get you
if you do disagree
with the leftist lockstep
of that which i rep
gonna nudge you in step
with my attitude
with which i'm imbued
that gets verra rude
that gets verra lude
to gal or to dude
you just can't win
with my jive and spin
with my jive and spin
with my jive and spin
again and again
again and again
again and again
and again
and again
shall i begin again
i shall begin again:
(repeat, 2nd crew)

If you've ever had phone sex, sent a pic of yourself without clothing, or had virtual sex via webcam, you are qualified to speak on this issue.

If not? Then all you've got is your puritanical morals, which you try to impose on others.

Incidentally, wanna know where the most perverts are? Usually in the societies where there is extreme pressure to appear "proper" in public. The Victorians are who really got porn off to a good start.

Very good Comrade!- generalizations

We must not forget the "Moral equivalence " approach, as well.
After all, who is to say what is moral and what is not?

Indeed, if Weiner can send these pictures to any girl, why not your daughter or wife.
Just like Bill Clinton. If it was ok for Lewinsky to blow him then Bill and the rest of the Left would have no problem if their daughter was used the same way by a person in power.

Yes, at this rate we should lower standards enough that Weiner can come
back to his postion after "treatment".

According to some, Weiner did nothing wrong to need 'treatment'. But your observations are brilliant. It is so easy to despise the critic and excuse the criticized. Until we become a target or victim, then things tend to look much different.

Yes we see liberal "moral equivalence " applied to many things today
For example Big Sis and terrorists - why target? Who can really say what makes a terrorist?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5IRdiMwYnY&feature=player_embedded"]YouTube - ‪Napolitano: Concentrating Terrorists Screening Efforts on Muslim Men Under 35 is Not Good Logic‬‏[/ame]

Yes it works so well the TSA is getting "bad guys" like this and wasting resources

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8f4P_OLnkk"]YouTube - ‪Special Needs Son Harassed by TSA at Detroit Metropolitan Airport‬‏[/ame]

Never trust the Left on National Security
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