

Pelosi, Wasserman Schultz, Israel tell Weiner he should resign

June 11th, 2011
01:44 PM ET

House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi and DCCC chair Steve Israel have told Rep. Anthony Weiner he should resign.

Pelosi released the following statement Saturday:

“Congressman Weiner has the love of his family, the confidence of his constituents, and the recognition that he needs help. I urge Congressman Weiner to seek that help without the pressures of being a Member of Congress.”

Wasserman Schultz released the following statement:

"It is with great disappointment that I call on Representative Anthony Weiner to resign. The behavior he has exhibited is indefensible and Representative Weiner's continued service in Congress is untenable. This sordid affair has become an unacceptable distraction for Representative Weiner, his family, his constituents and the House – and for the good of all, he should step aside and address those things that should be most important – his and his family's well-being."
Israel issued this statement:

etc etc here

Pelosi, Wasserman Schultz, Israel tell Weiner he should resign – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Pelosi, Wasserman Schultz, Israel tell Weiner he should resign

June 11th, 2011
01:44 PM ET

House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi and DCCC chair Steve Israel have told Rep. Anthony Weiner he should resign.

Pelosi released the following statement Saturday:

“Congressman Weiner has the love of his family, the confidence of his constituents, and the recognition that he needs help. I urge Congressman Weiner to seek that help without the pressures of being a Member of Congress.”

Wasserman Schultz released the following statement:

"It is with great disappointment that I call on Representative Anthony Weiner to resign. The behavior he has exhibited is indefensible and Representative Weiner's continued service in Congress is untenable. This sordid affair has become an unacceptable distraction for Representative Weiner, his family, his constituents and the House – and for the good of all, he should step aside and address those things that should be most important – his and his family's well-being."
Israel issued this statement:

etc etc here

Pelosi, Wasserman Schultz, Israel tell Weiner he should resign – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

This is pretty funny. Weiner and his wife have a combined income of over $300K, which is higher than the $250K level that Obama says makes people part of The Evul Rich.

but they live in the liberal mecca of the NYC Oblast...they should be fine...and, they can always eat cake:eusa_whistle:


"OBLAST"....Your subtlety of the Commie (Russian) term for territory or province is wasted on the ignorant masses.
man things move fast :lol:.....last night it was-

Pelosi declines to call for Weiner's resignation

– Fri Jun 10, 7:07 pm ET

Pelosi declines to call for Weiner's resignation - Yahoo! News

Yes indeed

Times have changed

As a side note. I peferred my title :eusa_angel:

Pelosi declines to call for Weiner's pull-out
WASHINGTON – Amid increasing calls for Rep. Anthony Weiner to resign, House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi says the decision should be up to the congressman and his New York constituents.
The former speaker said in San Francisco that she believes the decision should be made by "the individual member" and the people in his district.

Weiner told a newspaper Thursday he would not resign. At least nine House members and three senators said he should quit.
Two former Democratic Party chairmen also said he should resign.
Now that Pelosi and the DNC leader are against him, the MSM and the rest of the Left is free to attack him now- No doubt- he is done!

I'm sure we will be hearing more stories like this from the MSM soon


The dirty trick that launched Anthony Weiner's career
A career that could end with a dumb online picture scandal was launched with race-baiting
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This is all I have to say:

In a recent poll of registered voters in Weiner's district, 56 percent said he should stay in office while 33 percent said he should leave.
As I predicted, the people of Brooklyn don't give a shit.

And as far as the baseless accusations and implications of indecent contact with a 17-year-old goes, the girl has stated that nothing indecent occurred, and police have already verified that that is the case.

So, enough with the slander already. As a former resident of the Congressman's district, I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that unless there was an actual crime committed here, Wiener's constituents will not vote him out of office.

Since there has been no crime committed so far, the people who are calling for Weiner's resignation can go suck it. The man does an excellent job representing his district in Congress and is not going anywhere.

And the people of Brooklyn also think he is doing a terrible job. What does them wanting to keep someone who is doing a bad job tell you about their judgement?
So to re cap..

what we have here folks is a smarmy nasty tempered big mouthed little demonRat who screwed up and posted his tweenie on twitter, he knew he fucked up so he immediately took it down and by his own admission lied and said he had been hacked. now that implies that someone broke a federal law and hacked a US congressman's twitter account. Yes, he even booked TV appearances on FOX news to spout that garbage.which to me is worse than sending his pecker around in the first place. He's a low life and the demonRats will defend him to the death.. that's just so plasmaball innit?
Weiner's interactions with the (17-year old) Delaware girl "were neither explicit nor indecent," Weiner spokeswoman Risa Heller said Friday night.

Now why don't we believe this???

Because the local police already investigated the incident and found that to be the case?

We'll see. Admitted liars usually have a lot to hide. In any case, his days are numbered. Maybe we should place bets on when he'll announce his resignation. I'm thinking Monday.
that he did something wrong? Yes, yes it is. There is nothing there as of yet.
you are speculating he is already guilty because he is a liberal.

1) he may have friended her and that was it, And there is no evidence of misconduct. Since he has been found out he figures its best to just erase everything, so people dont get the wrong idea ( to late)
2) There was misconduct and therefore he should leave office.

These are the two options.

To say either is the correct result is foolish. To sit there and hope its the 2nd because he is a dem is pathetic.

Again dont forget just recently a republican was caught having an affair as well. A real Affair where child was born from it.

So far here all you have are boring pictures and maybe some wrong doing.

Needless to say the mans career shouldnt be canceled because of boring pictures. Not when you have people like Next who cheated three times. Once while his ex wife had cancer. Yet people still support him. Vitter who cheated and left his wife for a lover in Brazil, and people still supported him. Clinton who cheated by getting his dick suck and yet people still support him.
All this and we as americans are supposed to be offended by a fucking picture of his dick inside his undies? Do you losers go into marshall's or any other clothing store, go over to the mens section. Look at the pictures on the underwear packages and scream this much bloody murder? Seriously who the fuck are you people think you are kidding? We have a naked fucking cowboy who dances in the middle of Time square in his UNDERWEAR ad nobody bitches.
Some Senator sends a pictures to a women and you people loose you fucking minds over it. like you have fucking rabies.

BTW Age of consent is 17,
New York - Age of Consent

Not that he did anything ( that we know of yet) But even IF he sent a dirty message New York considers her Legal.

Like i have been saying Enjoy this, Eat it up because time is your enemy. Someone with an R will fuck up and there you will be making excuses for the fucking loser. Hell i should go find the Arnold thread and see what i can dig up.

All this over, what equals a Calvin Klein Ad.

I swear America has to be the most fucked up nation period.

Here is what YOU stated:

to say he talks to underage girls before facts are in

Since his spokesperson has admitted it, you really were 100% off with your comment.

But thanks for the long-winded reply to cover the fact that you were just, well, 100% off.

Exclusive: Police Investigate Weiner's Messages to Teenage Girl in Delaware - FoxNews.com
Weiner's interactions with the Delaware girl "were neither explicit nor indecent," Weiner spokeswoman Risa Heller said Friday night.


that he did something wrong? Yes, yes it is. There is nothing there as of yet.
you are speculating he is already guilty because he is a liberal.

1) he may have friended her and that was it, And there is no evidence of misconduct. Since he has been found out he figures its best to just erase everything, so people dont get the wrong idea ( to late)
2) There was misconduct and therefore he should leave office.

Do you have a newer story showing new evidence that he did indeed send dirty texts/messages to the 17 year old?

Until you have evidence this is nothing more than someone liking Weiner and being a friend on Fb with him, and Weiner covering his bases and removing her.

So as of this post i wasnt 100% off. Nothing happened.

You said people had no knowledge that there was an investigation. Nobody claimed anything nefarious.

Exclusive: Police Investigate Weiner's Messages to Teenage Girl in Delaware - FoxNews.com


that he did something wrong? Yes, yes it is. There is nothing there as of yet.
you are speculating he is already guilty because he is a liberal.

1) he may have friended her and that was it, And there is no evidence of misconduct. Since he has been found out he figures its best to just erase everything, so people dont get the wrong idea ( to late)
2) There was misconduct and therefore he should leave office.

Do you have a newer story showing new evidence that he did indeed send dirty texts/messages to the 17 year old?

Until you have evidence this is nothing more than someone liking Weiner and being a friend on Fb with him, and Weiner covering his bases and removing her.

So as of this post i wasnt 100% off. Nothing happened.

You said people had no knowledge that there was an investigation. Nobody claimed anything nefarious.

i never said that you piece of shit.Really? he is already being called a predator you dumbshit, thats nefarious enough you fucking failure at life.




we put up a good fight; but, it is over

Another great fighter for our Progressive Dreams has been taken down by the right wing
racist Republicans!

Anthony Weiner to Enter Treatment Center and Seek Leave From House

I know, I know, say it isn't so Papa Joe; but it is....

We tried our best to lower moral standards once again. However, Americans are just not ready for our level of understanding of moral behaviour

Workers of the World Unite and raise a fist in honor of Rep Weiner

We will keep fighting on and on.
One day the Left will lower standards enough that any Leftist behaviour will no longer have to be "excused away"
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that he did something wrong? Yes, yes it is. There is nothing there as of yet.
you are speculating he is already guilty because he is a liberal.

1) he may have friended her and that was it, And there is no evidence of misconduct. Since he has been found out he figures its best to just erase everything, so people dont get the wrong idea ( to late)
2) There was misconduct and therefore he should leave office.

These are the two options.

To say either is the correct result is foolish. To sit there and hope its the 2nd because he is a dem is pathetic.

Again dont forget just recently a republican was caught having an affiar as well. A real Affair where child was born from it.

So far here all you have are boring pictures and maybe some wrong doing.

Needless to say the mans career shouldnt be canceled because of boring pictures. Not when you have people like Next who cheated three times. Once while his ex wife had cancer. Yet people still support him. Vitter who cheated and left his wife for a lover in Brazil, and people still supported him. Clinton who cheated by getting his dick suck and yet people still support him.
All this and we as americans are supposed to be offended by a fucking picture of his dick inside his undies? Do you losers go into marshall's or any other clothing store, go over to the mens section. Look at the pictures on the underwear packages and scream this much bloody murder? Seriously who the fuck are you people think you are kidding? We have a naked fucking cowboy who dances in the middle of Time square in his UNDERWEAR ad nobody bitches.
Some Senator sends a pictures to a women and you people loose you fucking minds over it. like you have fucking rabies.

BTW Age of consent is 17,
New York - Age of Consent

Not that he did anything ( that we know of yet) But even IF he sent a dirty message New York considers her Legal.

Like i have been saying Enjoy this, Eat it up because time is your enemy. Someone with an R will fuck up and there you will be making excuses for the fucking loser. Hell i should go find the Arnold thread and see what i can dig up.

All this over, what equals a Calvin Klein Ad.

I swear America has to be the most fucked up nation period.

I hate to burst your bubble, but the age of consent in New York is irrelevant if if they sexted.

So being a "legal" adult in the eyes of the law is meaningless?
Of course thats to say he actually sent dirty messages to her. I havent been really following this story so i dont know if proof has come out. Not that i care, The whole issue is quite stupid.

I hate to burst your bubbles people, but a lot, a lot of people send dirty pictures to other people. Take out the fact he is a public figure and this wouldnt even make the 11 oclock news.

again where is the outrage for all the other things i mentioned?

If this was a scantly clad woman would there have been any outrage from the right at all?

No, idiot. What matters is that the girl lives in Delaware, which means that the age of consent laws there are applicable, not the ones in New York.
This is all I have to say:

As I predicted, the people of Brooklyn don't give a shit.

And as far as the baseless accusations and implications of indecent contact with a 17-year-old goes, the girl has stated that nothing indecent occurred, and police have already verified that that is the case.

So, enough with the slander already. As a former resident of the Congressman's district, I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that unless there was an actual crime committed here, Wiener's constituents will not vote him out of office.

Since there has been no crime committed so far, the people who are calling for Weiner's resignation can go suck it. The man does an excellent job representing his district in Congress and is not going anywhere.

And the people of Brooklyn also think he is doing a terrible job. What does them wanting to keep someone who is doing a bad job tell you about their judgement?

link to the disapproval?

It was the same poll that found that 56% of his constituents don't think he should resign, go look it up for yourself since you did not demand that that link be posted.
He's only delaying the inevitable.

At this point, the Dems smell blood and are going to force him out.

I read a blurb earlier today that Weiner can't afford to resign. There is also a snarky buzz developing that he really isn't a proper Democrat, as he doesn't have an ivy league law degree. I think we'll see more of this in order for the Dems to excuse him as an aberration.

He graduated from third tier State University of New York at Plattsburgh in 1985 with a bachelor's degree in political science and went to work that same year for then-congressman, Charles Schumer. So Weiner, for all his blowhard blustering, is rather suspect in academic accomplishment, lacking the requisite Ivy League law degree possessed by so many Democratic politicos and his president. Nor does he have family money-his father is a Brooklyn lawyer but apparently middle-class rather than wealthy.

Ms. Weiner draws an attractive salary as Hillary Clinton's assistant but can Weiner count on sharing any of that? Considering how he has publicly humiliated his wife, he can't be feeling too secure in that assumption. So Little Anthony, unaccomplished career politician, needs to keep his day job as the Post puts it.

Blog: Why Weiner can't quit

Like most Americans, Rep. Anthony Weiner can't afford to quit his job - NYPOST.com
that he did something wrong? Yes, yes it is. There is nothing there as of yet.
you are speculating he is already guilty because he is a liberal.

1) he may have friended her and that was it, And there is no evidence of misconduct. Since he has been found out he figures its best to just erase everything, so people dont get the wrong idea ( to late)
2) There was misconduct and therefore he should leave office.

These are the two options.

To say either is the correct result is foolish. To sit there and hope its the 2nd because he is a dem is pathetic.

Again dont forget just recently a republican was caught having an affiar as well. A real Affair where child was born from it.

So far here all you have are boring pictures and maybe some wrong doing.

Needless to say the mans career shouldnt be canceled because of boring pictures. Not when you have people like Next who cheated three times. Once while his ex wife had cancer. Yet people still support him. Vitter who cheated and left his wife for a lover in Brazil, and people still supported him. Clinton who cheated by getting his dick suck and yet people still support him.
All this and we as americans are supposed to be offended by a fucking picture of his dick inside his undies? Do you losers go into marshall's or any other clothing store, go over to the mens section. Look at the pictures on the underwear packages and scream this much bloody murder? Seriously who the fuck are you people think you are kidding? We have a naked fucking cowboy who dances in the middle of Time square in his UNDERWEAR ad nobody bitches.
Some Senator sends a pictures to a women and you people loose you fucking minds over it. like you have fucking rabies.

BTW Age of consent is 17,
New York - Age of Consent

Not that he did anything ( that we know of yet) But even IF he sent a dirty message New York considers her Legal.

Like i have been saying Enjoy this, Eat it up because time is your enemy. Someone with an R will fuck up and there you will be making excuses for the fucking loser. Hell i should go find the Arnold thread and see what i can dig up.

All this over, what equals a Calvin Klein Ad.

I swear America has to be the most fucked up nation period.

I hate to burst your bubble, but the age of consent in New York is irrelevant if if they sexted.

So being a "legal" adult in the eyes of the law is meaningless?
Of course thats to say he actually sent dirty messages to her. I havent been really following this story so i dont know if proof has come out. Not that i care, The whole issue is quite stupid.

I hate to burst your bubbles people, but a lot, a lot of people send dirty pictures to other people. Take out the fact he is a public figure and this wouldnt even make the 11 oclock news.

again where is the outrage for all the other things i mentioned?

If this was a scantly clad woman would there have been any outrage from the right at all?

Alot of people send dirty pictures over the net?? No real man I know does, of course, they are men not perverts. Weiner missed his calling he should have become a PORN star. And---- for you men out there that somehow think that women find this attractive, you had better think again, it's only pond scum that behaves like this and it is totally repulsive to any real women that I know.
So being a "legal" adult in the eyes of the law is meaningless?
Of course thats to say he actually sent dirty messages to her. I havent been really following this story so i dont know if proof has come out. Not that i care, The whole issue is quite stupid.

I hate to burst your bubbles people, but a lot, a lot of people send dirty pictures to other people. Take out the fact he is a public figure and this wouldnt even make the 11 oclock news.

again where is the outrage for all the other things i mentioned?

If this was a scantly clad woman would there have been any outrage from the right at all?

Alot of people send dirty pictures over the net?? No real man I know does, of course, they are men not perverts. Weiner missed his calling he should have become a PORN star. And---- for you men out there that somehow think that women find this attractive, you had better think again, it's only pond scum that behaves like this and it is totally repulsive to any real women that I know.

um you realize how large the porn world is right? dont be so Naive. I know of a certain website where sending and posting naughty pictures is quite the norm. Their attendance Dwarfs this little website.

Women do find this attractive. Who that fuck are you kidding? I know plenty of real women who enjoy the male body.

There is a reason why there is a rise in Teens sending naughty photos of themselves. You live in a sheltered world.

Any Real man would if given the chance. Men like sex and men like having sex with more than one person over their life time. If a man tells you he doesnt at least look at other women because he loves his wife/gf, i'll show you liar.

You are a fool

i have no doubt that you're an expert on porn sites, sending pix to teenagers and masturbating.

real men and women, not so much.

thanks for sharing, tell chris hanson hello when you see him. :lol:
Alot of people send dirty pictures over the net?? No real man I know does, of course, they are men not perverts. Weiner missed his calling he should have become a PORN star. And---- for you men out there that somehow think that women find this attractive, you had better think again, it's only pond scum that behaves like this and it is totally repulsive to any real women that I know.

um you realize how large the porn world is right? dont be so Naive. I know of a certain website where sending and posting naughty pictures is quite the norm. Their attendance Dwarfs this little website.

Women do find this attractive. Who that fuck are you kidding? I know plenty of real women who enjoy the male body.

There is a reason why there is a rise in Teens sending naughty photos of themselves. You live in a sheltered world.

Any Real man would if given the chance. Men like sex and men like having sex with more than one person over their life time. If a man tells you he doesnt at least look at other women because he loves his wife/gf, i'll show you liar.

You are a fool

i have no doubt that you're an expert on porn sites, sending pix to teenagers and masturbating.

real men and women, not so much.

thanks for sharing, tell chris hanson hello when you see him. :lol:

The word decent comes to my mind. Decent men and women don't live in the world of porn.

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