
And now AN ACTRESS and Constitutional Law/House Ethics Rules Expert speaks out to let us know that "Everyone Lies About Sex":

A liberal actress and comedian is strongly defending embattled Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.), saying "everyone lies about sex" and expressing hope he becomes the mayor of New York City.

During an appearance on HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher," Janeane Garofalo said, "Anthony Weiner deserves to be supported and hopefully he will be mayor of New York one day. I'm serious. He is a Democrat [who] actually fights for the things liberals and progressive and rational people care about.

"I don't know why he's being thrown under the bus. He hasn't done any -- he hasn't broke any laws," she said....

Actress defends Weiner, says 'everyone lies about sex' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Why is it that Leftwing Women give a pass to Leftwing Sexual Predator/Exploiters?
And now AN ACTRESS and Constitutional Law/House Ethics Rules Expert speaks out to let us know that "Everyone Lies About Sex":

A liberal actress and comedian is strongly defending embattled Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.), saying "everyone lies about sex" and expressing hope he becomes the mayor of New York City.

During an appearance on HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher," Janeane Garofalo said, "Anthony Weiner deserves to be supported and hopefully he will be mayor of New York one day. I'm serious. He is a Democrat [who] actually fights for the things liberals and progressive and rational people care about.

"I don't know why he's being thrown under the bus. He hasn't done any -- he hasn't broke any laws," she said....

Actress defends Weiner, says 'everyone lies about sex' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Why is it that Leftwing Women give a pass to Leftwing Sexual Predator/Exploiters?

makes sense, for the Left

If the radical Left did not lower standards then very few of them could be in office

As for the " everyone lies about sex", she must be drawing this conclusion from her own experience.

No doubt, many who have dared to have sex with her will lie and deny it
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Well loons, care to step in front the communications with a 17 year old bus?

Sad thing

the radical Left will try to justify to themselves that they
have no problem with an admitted liar who sends pictures of his "privates" over the internet, speaking to their underage daughter

Very sad, how low the Left will lower standards to keep themselves in power

And Pelosi has basically telegraphed that the Ethics Investigation will be Kabuki Theater designed to keep Weiner in office:

Amid increasing calls for Rep. Anthony Weiner to resign, House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi says the decision should be up to the congressman and his New York constituents.

The former speaker said in San Francisco that she believes the decision should be made by "the individual member" and the people in his district....

Pelosi declines to call for Weiner's resignation - Yahoo! News
Well loons, care to step in front the communications with a 17 year old bus?

Sad thing

the radical Left will try to justify to themselves that they
have no problem with an admitted liar who sends pictures of his "privates" over the internet, speaking to their underage daughter

Very sad, how low the Left will lower standards to keep themselves in power

And Pelosi has basically telegraphed that the Ethics Investigation will be Kabuki Theater designed to keep Weiner in office:

Amid increasing calls for Rep. Anthony Weiner to resign, House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi says the decision should be up to the congressman and his New York constituents.

The former speaker said in San Francisco that she believes the decision should be made by "the individual member" and the people in his district....

Pelosi declines to call for Weiner's resignation - Yahoo! News

Back in 2006 Pelosi was concerned about "children" and Foley.
She even had the FBI involved

But now?

One would hope the change in heart is not because the one is now
a radical Leftist...

No that can't be it...
Sad thing

the radical Left will try to justify to themselves that they
have no problem with an admitted liar who sends pictures of his "privates" over the internet, speaking to their underage daughter

Very sad, how low the Left will lower standards to keep themselves in power

And Pelosi has basically telegraphed that the Ethics Investigation will be Kabuki Theater designed to keep Weiner in office:

Amid increasing calls for Rep. Anthony Weiner to resign, House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi says the decision should be up to the congressman and his New York constituents.

The former speaker said in San Francisco that she believes the decision should be made by "the individual member" and the people in his district....

Pelosi declines to call for Weiner's resignation - Yahoo! News

Back in 2006 Pelosi was concerned about "children" and Foley.
She even had the FBI involved

But now?

One would hope the change in heart is not because the one is now
a radical Leftist...

It's not. It's because said Radical Leftist's house seat is in a district with rising GOP support.
Weiner's interactions with the (17-year old) Delaware girl "were neither explicit nor indecent," Weiner spokeswoman Risa Heller said Friday night.

Now why don't we believe this???

Because the local police already investigated the incident and found that to be the case?

I am glad there was nothing salacious to report.

We don't know if it say it was just 1-2 texts either....so apparently no harm no foul.

HOWEVER; as a dad, if my 17 year old told me she was exchanging texts with 45 year old guy, my ears would go up, I would have to wonder what was on his mind.......just sayin'.
And now AN ACTRESS and Constitutional Law/House Ethics Rules Expert speaks out to let us know that "Everyone Lies About Sex":

A liberal actress and comedian is strongly defending embattled Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.), saying "everyone lies about sex" and expressing hope he becomes the mayor of New York City.

During an appearance on HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher," Janeane Garofalo said, "Anthony Weiner deserves to be supported and hopefully he will be mayor of New York one day. I'm serious. He is a Democrat [who] actually fights for the things liberals and progressive and rational people care about.

"I don't know why he's being thrown under the bus. He hasn't done any -- he hasn't broke any laws," she said....

Actress defends Weiner, says 'everyone lies about sex' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Why is it that Leftwing Women give a pass to Leftwing Sexual Predator/Exploiters?

Gruffalo is a bitter hag. When she was young, funny and cute, she had a bright future. Then she got into drugs and far left insanity and it's been downhill ever since. Being a guest on a washed up comedian's talk show on cable is about as high as it gets for her now. She's stupid.
I'm beginning to suspect that the Underage Angle is the real reason why Weiner engaged in his campaign of lies:

Although Andrew Breitbart had some evidence of Congressman Weiner’s interactions with underaged girls, the involvement of young girls in this story was first revealed by the web site Mediaite, which published a piece about two underaged girls who idolized Congressman Weiner — one of whom claimed to have incriminating private Twitter messages from the Congressman.

Yet when Mediate’s liberal reporter Tommy Christopher confronted the girls, that girl instantly took back her accusations against the Congressman. I lied! she said — and both girls pointed the finger of blame at a supposedly nefarious team of Republicans . . . a new spin on the story that must have seemed like a godsend to Weiner’s PR team.

My B.S. detector went into overdrive. The statements issued by the girls and their parents sounded like classic political spin — Weiner was praised as a hero who had done nothing wrong, while the girls were portrayed as helpless victims of nasty Republican operatives.

I'm beginning to suspect that the Underage Angle is the real reason why Weiner engaged in his campaign of lies:

Although Andrew Breitbart had some evidence of Congressman Weiner’s interactions with underaged girls, the involvement of young girls in this story was first revealed by the web site Mediaite, which published a piece about two underaged girls who idolized Congressman Weiner — one of whom claimed to have incriminating private Twitter messages from the Congressman.

Yet when Mediate’s liberal reporter Tommy Christopher confronted the girls, that girl instantly took back her accusations against the Congressman. I lied! she said — and both girls pointed the finger of blame at a supposedly nefarious team of Republicans . . . a new spin on the story that must have seemed like a godsend to Weiner’s PR team.

My B.S. detector went into overdrive. The statements issued by the girls and their parents sounded like classic political spin — Weiner was praised as a hero who had done nothing wrong, while the girls were portrayed as helpless victims of nasty Republican operatives.


Hmm, seems like something is in the chicken house and it ain't no fox,more like a snake. :eusa_whistle:
And Pelosi has basically telegraphed that the Ethics Investigation will be Kabuki Theater designed to keep Weiner in office:

Amid increasing calls for Rep. Anthony Weiner to resign, House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi says the decision should be up to the congressman and his New York constituents.

The former speaker said in San Francisco that she believes the decision should be made by "the individual member" and the people in his district....

Pelosi declines to call for Weiner's resignation - Yahoo! News

Back in 2006 Pelosi was concerned about "children" and Foley.
She even had the FBI involved

But now?

One would hope the change in heart is not because the one is now
a radical Leftist...

It's not. It's because said Radical Leftist's house seat is in a district with rising GOP support.

Sure enough

Also, the other reason you see the Left and the MSM fight so hard to protect these guys because they know that the Left is filled with nuts.

Imagine for a moment, if the Left is held to any "normal" standard then a good amount of them would fail.

So the last thing the Left and the MSM want is anyone on the Left being held to any moral normal standards for fear this would become the norm and the Democrats would be even more doomed.

This also explains, in part, the constant attempts by the Left and the MSM to lower our standards of acceptable behaviour.
Lower it enough and pretty soon, one will not have to defend anything the Left does
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No money.....hmm.

I'm sure with Weiner's connections,
he could get a job with TSA

Work he would enjoy, I'm sure

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Well I've read the entire merged thread thing now and just about every angle has been discussed I think.

The only question remaining, is that IF Weiner's Facebook account was hacked. . . .

and because of that. . . .

a naughty picture was then posted on Twitter. . . .

it logically follows that the naughty picture would have been on Facebook would it not? There is no organizational tie between Facebook and Twitter.

It seems unlikely that Weiner would have taken a risk so foolish, but then how many really foolish things have politicians on both sides of the aisle done over the years? It isn't as if they are any smarter than the average American and every day you find somebody who risked reputation, marriage, career etc. doing stupid stuff like that.

So I don't know. The circumstantial evidence Boedicca laid out there makes it all look pretty bad. And it is rare that a LOTof media picks up on a story like this unless there is some pretty good evidence to support it. I'm not seeing the story carried by a LOT of media right now.

But Boedicca's source says Weiner was following the person who got the photo on Twitter.

And this in The Hill today:

Dave Arnold, a spokesman for Weiner, indicated in a statement to The Hill that the New York Democrat’s Facebook and Twitter feed had “obviously” been hacked.

He also signaled that the congressman had not decided whether to report what happened to authorities. A hacker convicted of illegally accessing an email account of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin received a yearlong prison sentence.

“This is intended to be a distraction, and we’re not going to let it become one. Anthony’s accounts were obviously hacked,” Arnold said. “He doesn’t know the person named by the hacker, and we will be consulting on what steps to take next.”
Mysterious tweet with lewd photo: Weiner says he was hacked - The Hill's Twitter Room
So we're getting conflicting stories. And again since Facebook and Twitter are not connected in any way, why is he saying his Facebook account was hacked unless the picture was there?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Yes there is not enough information out yet to make any clear conclusion
It is however, good for now for some fun.

As for the media not picking up more on it, yet, this means nothing.
Again, the MSM and the Left holds themselves to lower standards

Look at the Edward story and how long the MSM sat on it, especially when there was chance he could be a VP choice.

It actually took a "tabloid" to break and pursue the story
Even the whole Clinton story was held back until an internet blog was the first to release it.
I have no doubt, if this was someone from the Right then it would be all over the news.

Nor do I believe if true that it was done out of stupidity.
Mistake, yes! When one messages on twitter, it can be public or private; easy to make a mistake.
Oddly enough, she was one of his links out of 91; so he could private chat with her.

But until and if more information comes out
The right will have fun with it and the left and the MSM will just...


lewinski saw this pic on her puter and she said - HUMM MUST BE BILL TRYING TO CONTACT ME AGAIN !
And tellingly, he's the Elder Statesman now.

Well it looks like Weiner is on his way to take over for Kennedy if he ever goes to the Senate....

Did you see:
Weiner was following very few people -- only 91.

Guess who was among the lucky ones?
Isn't that strange?
You know why that's interesting? 1, it's not true, as some have reported, that Weiner had "no connection" to her. She was following him and he was following her -- a virtual hug.
2, in order to Direct Message someone -- those are the private dirty-time messages -- you both need to follow each other.
And they were following each other.
Isn't that convenient?
Why, it's almost as if Anthony Weiner was having a sexy chat with this Comely Coed and meant to Direct Message (private message) her a dirty picture and accidentally sent it over his public channel...
As is sometimes necessary, sadly, with the MSM and the Left, one has to turn to foreign press to get any real coverage - the Daily Mail.

Indeed, no one in the MSM is going to be asking "where's the beef" in his story


when lewinski saw this pic on her puter - she said - " MUST BE BILL TRYING TO CONTACT ME AGAIN !
I told them yesterday, I have extra straws....

It will only get worst come election time, especially if the economy continues the way it is


obama is better than putting mc cain in there - mc cain wanted the same thing komrade obama is doing - only we would not have had the tea party to fight for us - shows how low the republican party has slid into communism

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