
David Vitter hired prostitutes which is illegal.

Why aren't the Republicans calling for him to resign?
David Vitter hired prostitutes which is illegal.

Why aren't the Republicans calling for him to resign?

Why aren't you?

Are you aware that Weiner actually lied to The One himself? Why do you think Pelosi was so quick to call for an investigation? Why is the party brass turning on him publicly?

You will get your marching orders soon, and will end up pretending that you thought he should resign the entire time.
David Vitter hired prostitutes which is illegal.

Why aren't the Republicans calling for him to resign?

Why aren't you?

Are you aware that Weiner actually lied to The One himself? Why do you think Pelosi was so quick to call for an investigation? Why is the party brass turning on him publicly?

You will get your marching orders soon, and will end up pretending that you thought he should resign the entire time.

He lied to the One? Oh no! He's gonna be so heartbroken...

So you speculated and decided to just take it upon yourself to say he talks to underage girls before facts are in

Sources close the student said the girl followed Weiner on Twitter after seeing him speak during a school trip to Washington on April 1. Weiner, after signing on to follow the girl's Twitter feed, direct-messaged the girl on April 13, the sources said, though it is not clear what other communication the two may have had between or after those dates. Weiner no longer follows the girl on Twitter.

Read more: Exclusive: Police Investigate Weiner's Messages to Teenage Girl in Delaware - FoxNews.com

Sure sounds made up, huh? :cuckoo:

that he did something wrong? Yes, yes it is. There is nothing there as of yet.
you are speculating he is already guilty because he is a liberal.

1) he may have friended her and that was it, And there is no evidence of misconduct. Since he has been found out he figures its best to just erase everything, so people dont get the wrong idea ( to late)
2) There was misconduct and therefore he should leave office.

These are the two options.

To say either is the correct result is foolish. To sit there and hope its the 2nd because he is a dem is pathetic.

Again dont forget just recently a republican was caught having an affiar as well. A real Affair where child was born from it.

So far here all you have are boring pictures and maybe some wrong doing.

Needless to say the mans career shouldnt be canceled because of boring pictures. Not when you have people like Next who cheated three times. Once while his ex wife had cancer. Yet people still support him. Vitter who cheated and left his wife for a lover in Brazil, and people still supported him. Clinton who cheated by getting his dick suck and yet people still support him.
All this and we as americans are supposed to be offended by a fucking picture of his dick inside his undies? Do you losers go into marshall's or any other clothing store, go over to the mens section. Look at the pictures on the underwear packages and scream this much bloody murder? Seriously who the fuck are you people think you are kidding? We have a naked fucking cowboy who dances in the middle of Time square in his UNDERWEAR ad nobody bitches.
Some Senator sends a pictures to a women and you people loose you fucking minds over it. like you have fucking rabies.

BTW Age of consent is 17,
New York - Age of Consent

Not that he did anything ( that we know of yet) But even IF he sent a dirty message New York considers her Legal.

Like i have been saying Enjoy this, Eat it up because time is your enemy. Someone with an R will fuck up and there you will be making excuses for the fucking loser. Hell i should go find the Arnold thread and see what i can dig up.

All this over, what equals a Calvin Klein Ad.

I swear America has to be the most fucked up nation period.

Here is what YOU stated:

to say he talks to underage girls before facts are in

Since his spokesperson has admitted it, you really were 100% off with your comment.

But thanks for the long-winded reply to cover the fact that you were just, well, 100% off.
Sources close the student said the girl followed Weiner on Twitter after seeing him speak during a school trip to Washington on April 1. Weiner, after signing on to follow the girl's Twitter feed, direct-messaged the girl on April 13, the sources said, though it is not clear what other communication the two may have had between or after those dates. Weiner no longer follows the girl on Twitter.

Read more: Exclusive: Police Investigate Weiner's Messages to Teenage Girl in Delaware - FoxNews.com

Sure sounds made up, huh? :cuckoo:

that he did something wrong? Yes, yes it is. There is nothing there as of yet.
you are speculating he is already guilty because he is a liberal.

1) he may have friended her and that was it, And there is no evidence of misconduct. Since he has been found out he figures its best to just erase everything, so people dont get the wrong idea ( to late)
2) There was misconduct and therefore he should leave office.

These are the two options.

To say either is the correct result is foolish. To sit there and hope its the 2nd because he is a dem is pathetic.

Again dont forget just recently a republican was caught having an affiar as well. A real Affair where child was born from it.

So far here all you have are boring pictures and maybe some wrong doing.

Needless to say the mans career shouldnt be canceled because of boring pictures. Not when you have people like Next who cheated three times. Once while his ex wife had cancer. Yet people still support him. Vitter who cheated and left his wife for a lover in Brazil, and people still supported him. Clinton who cheated by getting his dick suck and yet people still support him.
All this and we as americans are supposed to be offended by a fucking picture of his dick inside his undies? Do you losers go into marshall's or any other clothing store, go over to the mens section. Look at the pictures on the underwear packages and scream this much bloody murder? Seriously who the fuck are you people think you are kidding? We have a naked fucking cowboy who dances in the middle of Time square in his UNDERWEAR ad nobody bitches.
Some Senator sends a pictures to a women and you people loose you fucking minds over it. like you have fucking rabies.

BTW Age of consent is 17,
New York - Age of Consent

Not that he did anything ( that we know of yet) But even IF he sent a dirty message New York considers her Legal.

Like i have been saying Enjoy this, Eat it up because time is your enemy. Someone with an R will fuck up and there you will be making excuses for the fucking loser. Hell i should go find the Arnold thread and see what i can dig up.

All this over, what equals a Calvin Klein Ad.

I swear America has to be the most fucked up nation period.

I hate to burst your bubble, but the age of consent in New York is irrelevant if if they sexted.
And Delaware is 18 years old, so I'm not sure he wouldn't be in trouble for that anyway.
Weanie Weiner should be toast.

But, there are a considerable number of LIEberrhoidal idiots that would vote for this obvious piece of shit ......... so what "should be" and what "will be" is a moot point.
Weanie Weiner should be toast.

But, there are a considerable number of LIEberrhoidal idiots who will vote for this obvious piece of shit ......... so what "should be" and what "will be" is a moot point.
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If Weiner's demise keeps up at this rate...:eusa_think:

no telling what's up for next weekend...:ack-1:

Heck, even Bill Clinton is starting to get worried...:(
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show our support for the Weiner!

Be brave and strong, do it by example,

Weiner's Office Now accepting applications for summer interns

What better way to show your support then by having your daughter work with
Congressman Weiner.


TIP: Ace of Spades
A member of the girl’s family who spoke on the condition of anonymity to protect her identity characterized the messages as “harmless” but expressed concern that Mr. Weiner had communicated privately with the teenager, a high school junior. The family was aware that there had been exchanges between Mr. Weiner and the girl but assumed that all of their conversations had taken place on a public Twitter feed.
funny how that works...

On a side note, here is a good read...

How your child is being lured into danger:
  • Internet predators are grooming your kids on a daily basis
  • Kids open up to strangers on-line because it is easy
  • Kids feel like they know the stranger on the screen because they trust what they are being told
  • Kids are reaching out to connect to anyone who will give them the attention they lack


Good thing Rep Weiner is right on top of this issue

From his congressional website....

Protecting Children On the Internet
Along with several colleagues in Congress, we introduced & passed the KIDS (Keeping the Internet Devoid of Sexual Predators) Act of 2007, a bill to require sex offenders to register their e-mail and instant message addresses with the National Sex Offender Registry. The “Kids Act’ implemented one of my six recommendations to keep a closer eye on sex offenders both near school grounds and online. I also proposed stricter GPS tracking of sex offenders, tougher enforcement of registration laws and more public disclosure of sex offender data.

Sadly, the Internet is the predator's venue of choice today
It sure is Congressman Weiner...
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Just saw Brietbart on Fox and Friends.. According to AB "sources have said that Obama and Clinton have both told Weiner to get the hell out."

A 17 year old? Really?

I'm betting he doesn't show up for work on Monday morning.
Just saw Brietbart on Fox and Friends.. According to AB "sources have said that Obama and Clinton have both told Weiner to get the hell out."

A 17 year old? Really?

I'm betting he doesn't show up for work on Monday morning.

For the child's sake and his, we hope it is not that bad

However, if it is that bad then Weiner might have to get plastic surgery to keep a low public profile

Perhaps he could try this face


Makes sense since Weiner has already adopted the
"Free Willy" song as his own now

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This is all I have to say:

In a recent poll of registered voters in Weiner's district, 56 percent said he should stay in office while 33 percent said he should leave.

As I predicted, the people of Brooklyn don't give a shit.

And as far as the baseless accusations and implications of indecent contact with a 17-year-old goes, the girl has stated that nothing indecent occurred, and police have already verified that that is the case.

So, enough with the slander already. As a former resident of the Congressman's district, I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that unless there was an actual crime committed here, Wiener's constituents will not vote him out of office.

Since there has been no crime committed so far, the people who are calling for Weiner's resignation can go suck it. The man does an excellent job representing his district in Congress and is not going anywhere.
This is all I have to say:

In a recent poll of registered voters in Weiner's district, 56 percent said he should stay in office while 33 percent said he should leave.

As I predicted, the people of Brooklyn don't give a shit.

And as far as the baseless accusations and implications of indecent contact with a 17-year-old goes, the girl has stated that nothing indecent occurred, and police have already verified that that is the case.

So, enough with the slander already. As a former resident of the Congressman's district, I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that unless there was an actual crime committed here, Wiener's constituents will not vote him out of office.

Since there has been no crime committed so far, the people who are calling for Weiner's resignation can go suck it. The man does an excellent job representing his district in Congress and is not going anywhere.
Well loons, care to step in front the communications with a 17 year old bus?

Sad thing

the radical Left will try to justify to themselves that they
have no problem with an admitted liar who sends pictures of his "privates" over the internet, speaking to their underage daughter

Very sad, how low the Left will lower standards to keep themselves in power
I see there is a public statement by the police now. I don't put too much stock in it though. How many times have we heard the phrase, he isn't a person of interest and a week later the guy is arrested?

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