
do you ever wait for the facts before comdeming someone?

Oh yeah when they are a republican you do and then you evern ignore the facts for them.

This is pretty funny coming from somebody with a posting record filled with links to Mediamatters and Wikipedia as FACTS.

what boggles the mind is you ignore that MM presents TAPE of people saying what they claimed they said.

Wiki is a decent source of knowledge and they also source their articles.

Now tell me what Brietbart does.

There is NO fact in evidence that he said something compromising to this girl yet is there?

I think we can afford to wait for the real facts.

All they did was report that the police talked to a girl and her mother, you sad little sack of sorry soot.
do you ever wait for the facts before comdeming someone?

Oh yeah when they are a republican you do and then you evern ignore the facts for them.

This is pretty funny coming from somebody with a posting record filled with links to Mediamatters and Wikipedia as FACTS.

what boggles the mind is you ignore that MM presents TAPE of people saying what they claimed they said.

Wiki is a decent source of knowledge and they also source their articles.

Now tell me what Brietbart does.

There is NO fact in evidence that he said something compromising to this girl yet is there?

I think we can afford to wait for the real facts.

Nobody claimed that hack. The only thing mentioned is that she is being questioned.

Try less knee jerk idiocy.
I just have a last opinion of this thing I’d like to share, and that is, if Weiner were a ‘nice guy’, he might just get a pass.

Take old Charley Rangel, one of the original Hail fellows well met [sic]…

Hes a schmoozer, smooth, crafty and amiable, he makes it hard , even though you may disagree with him, to dislike him, no small amount of succor when the shit hits the fan…I can name several other examples, but you get the picture.

Weiner? Hes a schmuck; arrogant, obnoxious, bombastic….look at just last weeks behavior, the way he spoke to reporters, the way he ‘comes off’… *shrugs* and so it goes….
This is pretty funny coming from somebody with a posting record filled with links to Mediamatters and Wikipedia as FACTS.

what boggles the mind is you ignore that MM presents TAPE of people saying what they claimed they said.

Wiki is a decent source of knowledge and they also source their articles.

Now tell me what Brietbart does.

There is NO fact in evidence that he said something compromising to this girl yet is there?

I think we can afford to wait for the real facts.

Nobody claimed that hack. The only thing mentioned is that she is being questioned.

Try less knee jerk idiocy.


I'm sure he was reaching out to her....politically...
I just have a last opinion of this thing I’d like to share, and that is, if Weiner were a ‘nice guy’, he might just get a pass.

Take old Charley Rangel, one of the original Hail fellows well met [sic]…

Hes a schmoozer, smooth, crafty and amiable, he makes it hard , even though you may disagree with him, to dislike him, no small amount of succor when the shit hits the fan…I can name several other examples, but you get the picture.

Weiner? Hes a schmuck; arrogant, obnoxious, bombastic….look at just last weeks behavior, the way he spoke to reporters, the way he ‘comes off’… *shrugs* and so it goes….

He's certainly been his own worst enemy.
I just have a last opinion of this thing I’d like to share, and that is, if Weiner were a ‘nice guy’, he might just get a pass.

Take old Charley Rangel, one of the original Hail fellows well met [sic]…

Hes a schmoozer, smooth, crafty and amiable, he makes it hard , even though you may disagree with him, to dislike him, no small amount of succor when the shit hits the fan…I can name several other examples, but you get the picture.

Weiner? Hes a schmuck; arrogant, obnoxious, bombastic….look at just last weeks behavior, the way he spoke to reporters, the way he ‘comes off’… *shrugs* and so it goes….

He's certainly been his own worst enemy.

Very true and the longer he stays on - the best thing for the Republicans

Of course, on this angle we should wait till all the facts are out but

Is there really any compelling reason for a middle-aged congressman to be initiating private chats with a teenager? The girl apparently claims that Weiner contacted her first

Even if nothing happened, it still shows a low level of appreciation on his part for his position and a skill set that needs to be questioned
I remember when Sarah Palin's Account was hacked. I don't know how hard it is to hack twitter. It does happen.

I can see no reason why he would do this. I am inclined to believe him. He has been in politics forever. He knows better.
But he is also a liberal politician, which means he is pretty lame when it comes to security issues. So I think it perfectly reasonable to be as lax as in his personal security as he is on national security.
So I am sure he has an easily hackable password. And someone found it.

you were doing great for the first two paragraphs, which i agree with. But then you lapsed into rightwingnut false characterizations...


you quote springsteen??? he is the jerk who sang - " we went to viet-nam to kill the yellow man !" - typical amerikan leftie ! we went to viet-nam to save the yellow man - the communist peace movement stood in our way
Yes. Yes. And Yes. ;)
That being the case...then WHERE was this level of criticism from the Reicht during their EF-ups?!??

Of course you don't "remember the Vitter tihng" selective memory is a MFer! Vitter didn't have a chance to lie, the FACTS came out BEFORE his response. The point is 1, there was NO ReichtWing criticms, no calls for him to resign. 2. In fact when he returned to Senate, he was met with a standing ovation.

So much for ReichtWing morality, but we all knew that was a joke anyway.

This is because he's a damn good Congressman. He's serving his constuency well. In this age of a bunch of do-nothing, know-nothing Corporate bought and controlled hucksters and crooks...do you blame them?

In ReichtWing World...that's how it works.

LoL indeed.


I suppose DA's should stop prosecuting child molesters because Ravi and the Loony Liberal MSM will accuse them of being perverts for presenting evidence.

Provide PROOF of the last DA that has evidence aka images that were leaked to the public, particulary via ReichtWing Hate Radio.


Here we go again......the Black Racist LIEberrhoid PSYCHO MarcATL who venerates the documented convicted felon, and established PIMP MalcomX, who used to brutally beat his white prostitutes like pinnyattas .......... has the unmitigated and unadulterated gall to pass judgment on senator Vitter who fucked a woman and paid for it (some may say a NORMAL ACT)....albeit it being an illegal act, but apologized and faced with the issue, immediately confessed it.......which incidentally the GREAT & SAINTLY MLK venerated by the Nation and having a National Holiday dedicated to him, this known WHOREMASTER par excellence with FBI files on him YARDS THICK, is basking in Eternal PC Sainthood.

If we equate a Sen Vitter to lewd LYING perverts like Weanie Weiner, I say, we put an end to this MLK farce and not only remove him from the list of National Holidays (this phoney replaced the Father of our Nation George Washington from the National Holiday list) .......... but also accord this MLK, this black WHOREMASTER par excellence (with a predilection for white prostitutes) a place in our History that he deserves : A negro WHOREMASTER who was intelligent enough to realize that negroes shouldn't feel that they are ENTITLED to anything but what their work and their character deserve.

you got to b kidding - republicans always run away = i like rep. studds (D) he had sex with a page - he refused to resign - he fought to keep his seat - when he walked into the house - he got a standing ovation ====
Weiner is a classless, clueless, snail cocked moron. But please, please, let him stay in office. He's a yoke on the neck of every democrat right through 2012 and beyond- this one has legs- his freakin' name is WEINER! It's priceless. Please, please do not let Weiner resign. We need him there!!

weiner is no yoke on the communist demokrats - he has done much damage to capitalism while in that seat - demokrats r just going thru the motions when they say he has to resign - you do not think they r serious ?????
what boggles the mind is you ignore that MM presents TAPE of people saying what they claimed they said.

Wiki is a decent source of knowledge and they also source their articles.

Now tell me what Brietbart does.

There is NO fact in evidence that he said something compromising to this girl yet is there?

I think we can afford to wait for the real facts.

All they did was report that the police talked to a girl and her mother, you sad little sack of sorry soot.
So you speculated and decided to just take it upon yourself to say he talks to underage girls before facts are in

Well, he IS talking to underage teenage girls.

The police are investigation exactly what,,,

Weiner’s spokesman, Risa Heller, emails: “According to Congressman Weiner, his communications with this person were neither explicit nor indecent.”

One question, since we know Weiner lies, is he telling the truth now or lies
The Left trusts him, right?


Odds are he was just trying to put a good face on the Democratic Party for the young lady

Last edited:

Weiner’s spokesman, Risa Heller, emails: “According to Congressman Weiner, his communications with this person were neither explicit nor indecent.”

One question, since we know Weiner lies, is he telling the truth now or lies
The Left trusts him, right?


Odds are he was just trying to put a good face on the Democratic Party for the young lady


Well, there you go.

If he didn't have any communications, then why is his spokes person commenting on the nature of Weiner's communications with a teenager?

Riddle us this, TMN.
I just have a last opinion of this thing I’d like to share, and that is, if Weiner were a ‘nice guy’, he might just get a pass.

Take old Charley Rangel, one of the original Hail fellows well met [sic]…

Hes a schmoozer, smooth, crafty and amiable, he makes it hard , even though you may disagree with him, to dislike him, no small amount of succor when the shit hits the fan…I can name several other examples, but you get the picture.

Weiner? Hes a schmuck; arrogant, obnoxious, bombastic….look at just last weeks behavior, the way he spoke to reporters, the way he ‘comes off’… *shrugs* and so it goes….

Nice guys and even arrogant losers shouldn't be contacting 17-year-old kids, y'know?

Police attention: Weiner's messages to 17-year-old girl whose name is not known since she is a minor

Loser. Pelosi's excusing him, too.

and now for a new twist...

please note I am bolding one portion here, it may just be what it appears chit chat....but...*shrugs*

Exclusive: Police Investigate Weiner's Messages to Teenage Girl in Delaware

NEW CASTLE, Del. -- Police here are investigating direct online communications between New York Rep. Anthony Weiner and a 17-year-old girl and are looking for any other young women who may be involved, though the nature of the communications wasn't immediately clear.

The police probe comes as Weiner, who is married, fends off calls from both sides of the aisle in Congress for him to quit after he admitted to lying about his inappropriate online and phone communications with a half dozen women.

Weiner's interactions with the Delaware girl "were neither explicit nor indecent," Weiner spokeswoman Risa Heller said Friday night.

Read more: Exclusive: Police Investigate Weiner's Messages to Teenage Girl in Delaware - FoxNews.com

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