
and now for a new twist...

please note I am bolding one portion here, it may just be what it appears chit chat....but...*shrugs*

Exclusive: Police Investigate Weiner's Messages to Teenage Girl in Delaware

NEW CASTLE, Del. -- Police here are investigating direct online communications between New York Rep. Anthony Weiner and a 17-year-old girl and are looking for any other young women who may be involved, though the nature of the communications wasn't immediately clear.

The police probe comes as Weiner, who is married, fends off calls from both sides of the aisle in Congress for him to quit after he admitted to lying about his inappropriate online and phone communications with a half dozen women.

Weiner's interactions with the Delaware girl "were neither explicit nor indecent," Weiner spokeswoman Risa Heller said Friday night.

Read more: Exclusive: Police Investigate Weiner's Messages to Teenage Girl in Delaware - FoxNews.com

Every 50 year old man should "friend" 17 year olds on twitter. There is nothing wrong with that.
what boggles the mind is you ignore that MM presents TAPE of people saying what they claimed they said.

Wiki is a decent source of knowledge and they also source their articles.

Now tell me what Brietbart does.

There is NO fact in evidence that he said something compromising to this girl yet is there?

I think we can afford to wait for the real facts.

All they did was report that the police talked to a girl and her mother, you sad little sack of sorry soot.
So you speculated and decided to just take it upon yourself to say he talks to underage girls before facts are in

Sources close the student said the girl followed Weiner on Twitter after seeing him speak during a school trip to Washington on April 1. Weiner, after signing on to follow the girl's Twitter feed, direct-messaged the girl on April 13, the sources said, though it is not clear what other communication the two may have had between or after those dates. Weiner no longer follows the girl on Twitter.

Read more: Exclusive: Police Investigate Weiner's Messages to Teenage Girl in Delaware - FoxNews.com

Sure sounds made up, huh? :cuckoo:
and now for a new twist...

please note I am bolding one portion here, it may just be what it appears chit chat....but...*shrugs*

Exclusive: Police Investigate Weiner's Messages to Teenage Girl in Delaware

NEW CASTLE, Del. -- Police here are investigating direct online communications between New York Rep. Anthony Weiner and a 17-year-old girl and are looking for any other young women who may be involved, though the nature of the communications wasn't immediately clear.

The police probe comes as Weiner, who is married, fends off calls from both sides of the aisle in Congress for him to quit after he admitted to lying about his inappropriate online and phone communications with a half dozen women.

Weiner's interactions with the Delaware girl "were neither explicit nor indecent," Weiner spokeswoman Risa Heller said Friday night.

Read more: Exclusive: Police Investigate Weiner's Messages to Teenage Girl in Delaware - FoxNews.com

Every 50 year old man should "friend" 17 year olds on twitter. There is nothing wrong with that.


Top Democratic women tight·lipped on Weiner

WASHINGTON – Pursed lips. Frosty glares. Polite demurrals. Icy silence. Women in politics are grappling with the distinctly unfunny choice of restraining themselves or letting rip what they really think about Rep. Anthony Weiner's X-rated online conduct and whether he belongs in Congress.

It was an apt illustration of the bind in which female lawmakers, particularly Democrats, find themselves as Weiner's tawdry saga unfolds. They represent a party trying to position itself as the best choice for women in the lead-up to the 2012 congressional and presidential elections, yet the most senior among them have not called outright for Weiner's resignation.

Top Democratic women tight·lipped on Weiner

WASHINGTON – Pursed lips. Frosty glares. Polite demurrals. Icy silence. Women in politics are grappling with the distinctly unfunny choice of restraining themselves or letting rip what they really think about Rep. Anthony Weiner's X-rated online conduct and whether he belongs in Congress.

It was an apt illustration of the bind in which female lawmakers, particularly Democrats, find themselves as Weiner's tawdry saga unfolds. They represent a party trying to position itself as the best choice for women in the lead-up to the 2012 congressional and presidential elections, yet the most senior among them have not called outright for Weiner's resignation.

Did you post this because of the "Tight-lipped on Weiner" part?

Top Democratic women tight·lipped on Weiner
WASHINGTON – Pursed lips. Frosty glares. Polite demurrals. Icy silence. Women in politics are grappling with the distinctly unfunny choice of restraining themselves or letting rip what they really think about Rep. Anthony Weiner's X-rated online conduct and whether he belongs in Congress.

It was an apt illustration of the bind in which female lawmakers, particularly Democrats, find themselves as Weiner's tawdry saga unfolds. They represent a party trying to position itself as the best choice for women in the lead-up to the 2012 congressional and presidential elections, yet the most senior among them have not called outright for Weiner's resignation.

Did you post this because of the "Tight-lipped on Weiner" part?

I cannot say with certitude if that was my intention
and now for a new twist...

please note I am bolding one portion here, it may just be what it appears chit chat....but...*shrugs*

Exclusive: Police Investigate Weiner's Messages to Teenage Girl in Delaware

NEW CASTLE, Del. -- Police here are investigating direct online communications between New York Rep. Anthony Weiner and a 17-year-old girl and are looking for any other young women who may be involved, though the nature of the communications wasn't immediately clear.

The police probe comes as Weiner, who is married, fends off calls from both sides of the aisle in Congress for him to quit after he admitted to lying about his inappropriate online and phone communications with a half dozen women.

Weiner's interactions with the Delaware girl "were neither explicit nor indecent," Weiner spokeswoman Risa Heller said Friday night.

Read more: Exclusive: Police Investigate Weiner's Messages to Teenage Girl in Delaware - FoxNews.com

Every 50 year old man should "friend" 17 year olds on twitter. There is nothing wrong with that.

Let's see here. Weiner's wife works for and is with Hillary Clinton, whose husband Bill used police to detain nubile young women in hotel rooms for his dalliances from time to time. The police questioned the 17-year-old girl, and Clinton's helper's husband, Senator Weiner who spoke with her is declared innocent by his own press secretary.

Do I get the drift that history is repeating itself again by politicians tapping police on the shoulder to do this or that to give one outcome or another?

What a bunch of morons we have running around in Washington.
"At a news conference Monday, Weiner responded to mounting reports of inappropriate online communications by admitting he had sent lewd photos and sexually suggestive messages to six women through social networking sites over a three-year period.

Those women were all adults, "to the best of my knowledge," he said, though he admitted that he couldn't know for sure. "All I know is what they publish about themselves in social media," he said.

Read more: Exclusive: Police Investigate Weiner's Messages to Teenage Girl in Delaware - FoxNews.com

To the best of his knowledge? My aren't we lawyered up?

Top Democratic women tight·lipped on Weiner
WASHINGTON – Pursed lips. Frosty glares. Polite demurrals. Icy silence. Women in politics are grappling with the distinctly unfunny choice of restraining themselves or letting rip what they really think about Rep. Anthony Weiner's X-rated online conduct and whether he belongs in Congress.

It was an apt illustration of the bind in which female lawmakers, particularly Democrats, find themselves as Weiner's tawdry saga unfolds. They represent a party trying to position itself as the best choice for women in the lead-up to the 2012 congressional and presidential elections, yet the most senior among them have not called outright for Weiner's resignation.

Did you post this because of the "Tight-lipped on Weiner" part?

I cannot say with certitude if that was my intention

Thanks for reminding me....


Pelosi declines to call for Weiner's pull-out

WASHINGTON – Amid increasing calls for Rep. Anthony Weiner to resign, House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi says the decision should be up to the congressman and his New York constituents.
The former speaker said in San Francisco that she believes the decision should be made by "the individual member" and the people in his district.

Weiner told a newspaper Thursday he would not resign. At least nine House members and three senators said he should quit.
Two former Democratic Party chairmen also said he should resign.
What's nasty about it? In fact, what's wrong about it?

None of us promoite family values, so we don't have any?? That's not nasty?? And this family values crap is over. The Republicans have made absolute fools of themselves trying to portray themselves as having such strong family values. Its been shown time and again that it is not true. Can you get that through your fat head, Brutta Donna???

Wow, I really want your ilk running this country.

Thank you. I would certainly never want your approval.
do you ever wait for the facts before comdeming someone?

Oh yeah when they are a republican you do and then you evern ignore the facts for them.


I suppose that LIEberrhoidal Obamarrhoid TruthDoesn'tMatter was never aware of the scurillous, repetitive inundation of smears by the Soros organized Smear Machines: Media Matters, Daily Kos, MoveOn.Org, Puffington Post, etc.,each with its own brand of shit thrown against Sarah Palin, her family, i.e., her daughters and especially Sarah's Downe Syndrome babe.

The level of hypocrisy by the LIEberrhoidal Obamarrhoids and their Orgamized Smear Machines are truly without precedent in the History of Mankind........and what do you have ????

This LiebTURD TruthDoesn'tMatter predictably wriggling out from the LIEberrhoid sewer doing her predictable bullshit.
hummmm network tally in- first 2 weeks nightly news; abc- 4 stories, cbs 2, nbc 5

foley? first 2 weeks a combined 55 stories.....

and there it is...
Calling Dr. Moe, Dr. Larry, Dr. gautama!

So you saw that episode. (Hee-hee-hee!)

There are quite a few LIEberrhoidal idiots on this Forum.

This Obamarrhoidal LIEbturd mental adolescent Kid(d) what with his "hee-hee-hee" is most definitely one of the more certifiable variety.
So you speculated and decided to just take it upon yourself to say he talks to underage girls before facts are in

Sources close the student said the girl followed Weiner on Twitter after seeing him speak during a school trip to Washington on April 1. Weiner, after signing on to follow the girl's Twitter feed, direct-messaged the girl on April 13, the sources said, though it is not clear what other communication the two may have had between or after those dates. Weiner no longer follows the girl on Twitter.

Read more: Exclusive: Police Investigate Weiner's Messages to Teenage Girl in Delaware - FoxNews.com

Sure sounds made up, huh? :cuckoo:

that he did something wrong? Yes, yes it is. There is nothing there as of yet.
you are speculating he is already guilty because he is a liberal.

1) he may have friended her and that was it, And there is no evidence of misconduct. Since he has been found out he figures its best to just erase everything, so people dont get the wrong idea ( to late)
2) There was misconduct and therefore he should leave office.

These are the two options.

To say either is the correct result is foolish. To sit there and hope its the 2nd because he is a dem is pathetic.

Again dont forget just recently a republican was caught having an affiar as well. A real Affair where child was born from it.

So far here all you have are boring pictures and maybe some wrong doing.

Needless to say the mans career shouldnt be canceled because of boring pictures. Not when you have people like Next who cheated three times. Once while his ex wife had cancer. Yet people still support him. Vitter who cheated and left his wife for a lover in Brazil, and people still supported him. Clinton who cheated by getting his dick suck and yet people still support him.
All this and we as americans are supposed to be offended by a fucking picture of his dick inside his undies? Do you losers go into marshall's or any other clothing store, go over to the mens section. Look at the pictures on the underwear packages and scream this much bloody murder? Seriously who the fuck are you people think you are kidding? We have a naked fucking cowboy who dances in the middle of Time square in his UNDERWEAR ad nobody bitches.
Some Senator sends a pictures to a women and you people loose you fucking minds over it. like you have fucking rabies.

BTW Age of consent is 17,
New York - Age of Consent

Not that he did anything ( that we know of yet) But even IF he sent a dirty message New York considers her Legal.

Like i have been saying Enjoy this, Eat it up because time is your enemy. Someone with an R will fuck up and there you will be making excuses for the fucking loser. Hell i should go find the Arnold thread and see what i can dig up.

All this over, what equals a Calvin Klein Ad.

I swear America has to be the most fucked up nation period.

I hate to burst your bubble, but the age of consent in New York is irrelevant if if they sexted.

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