
Weiner's New Campaign Song if he runs for Mayor of the city

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rx4QL0yi6nQ]YouTube - ‪ZZ Top - Tube Snake Boogie‬‏[/ame]
His campaign for Mayor is toast. He's a laughing stock.

Stephen Colbert also got in on the action: "I see only two options here: Either Anthony Weiner has too many photos of his junk to keep track of, or 'Certitiude' is his nickname for his penis."
Um, no, the only thing you've struck is your noggin on your head board from the sound of it. I'm just stating facts. Thought you neocon whackjobs were big on facts, no?

Sure you're family owns a couple of businesses....:eusa_whistle:

I'm not a Dem, hell I'm not even American....How's that for 'not being too bright' for ya?

Why do I want an official investigation? You and your fruitloop friends are the ones who thinks this is an issue. I think this is/was a non-issue from the get-go. And you call me stupid...? :lol::lol::lol:

Yea, you're stupid. LOL I don't know you so how the fuck or why do I even care what third world country you're from??

Hey, you're the one who likes getting down and dirty SluttyMudSlinger - I was just coming down to your level..

Third world?? RATFLMAO!!!!! We are one of the few nations that DIDN'T have a recession...have top notch economic growth, low unemployment, and a currency that is currently (unfortunately for our exports) kicking the US dollar's arse. Yeah, some third-world shithole is where I come from...RATFLMAO!!! Ha!!

Is there any chance of exchanging our President for yours?
That's why this Fracas won't die anytime soon. He did everything wrong.
Seems like if he was innocent, his staff would have helped him develop a better response. Coverups always unravel this way.
And they would counsel him not to keep changing his responses. The changing story is a dead giveaway that he is being less than truthful.

as the pressure builds on our fine Rep from NY, we must do all we can to help him.

Rumor in the collective is that Papa Obama might have to make a new Czar position for him....

"Czar Weiner" sounds good for him

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADGVbjBHrD8&feature=related"]YouTube - ‪New Sausage Stuffer‬‏[/ame]
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Yea, you're stupid. LOL I don't know you so how the fuck or why do I even care what third world country you're from??

Hey, you're the one who likes getting down and dirty SluttyMudSlinger - I was just coming down to your level..

Third world?? RATFLMAO!!!!! We are one of the few nations that DIDN'T have a recession...have top notch economic growth, low unemployment, and a currency that is currently (unfortunately for our exports) kicking the US dollar's arse. Yeah, some third-world shithole is where I come from...RATFLMAO!!! Ha!!

Imagine that, a liberal blaming EVERYONE else for his own personal behavior but himself.. JUST LIKE WEINER!!! DR. GRUMPY WEINER!!! lmao You and Anthony have a lot in common..:) Calm down before you burst a vein in your forehead!!:lol::lol:

One has to be riled up to calm down....:cool:

What am I blaming you for? I thought being at your level was OK for you, just thought I'd make life easy for you.

Speaking of blaming people, aren't there a gazillion threads on here blaming Obama for everything from bad coffee to global warming?
Its all part of the DC thinking. All of us are just stupid voters. Who knew we could actually tell the story is different?
And they would counsel him not to keep changing his responses. The changing story is a dead giveaway that he is being less than truthful.

Well.. I've heard it said that..

"The best way to sound like you know what you're talking about is to know what you're talking about."

The Weiner Dude.. doesn't seem to know what he's talking about...

good news, the confusion over this whole thing can be contributed to Weiner "twitting" this to his young co-eds?

Case closed; move along now you right wing racists who want to kill seniors

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wePMYM4av6Q]YouTube - ‪Mickey Mouse Clubhouse HOT DOG Song‬‏[/ame]
And they would counsel him not to keep changing his responses. The changing story is a dead giveaway that he is being less than truthful.

Well.. I've heard it said that..

"The best way to sound like you know what you're talking about is to know what you're talking about."

The Weiner Dude.. doesn't seem to know what he's talking about...

Correction: He Couldn't Say With Certitude....
Don't have a twitter account or any pics of my package (that I know of, cough)

This was his Congressional account right? Seems like something illegal happened then. Call in the FBI.

None of this is making me want to be in Congress. As a dad, I agree with the coed's mom. Using a position of power to hurt a citizen should be a crime too.

A "congressional" twitter account?

I wasn't aware those existed.

Do they have those because it's a matter of national security that they be able to "tweet" each other during a crisis?
His account was RepWeiner, and he used it to communicate with his constituents.

Please refer to post #826 for what he should have done if he just wanted to meet Hawt Chicks.

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