
Don't have a twitter account or any pics of my package (that I know of, cough)

This was his Congressional account right? Seems like something illegal happened then. Call in the FBI.

None of this is making me want to be in Congress. As a dad, I agree with the coed's mom. Using a position of power to hurt a citizen should be a crime too.

A "congressional" twitter account?

I wasn't aware those existed.

Do they have those because it's a matter of national security that they be able to "tweet" each other during a crisis?

I have no idea. I don't tweet. I guess they say things like, hey did you read this 600 page bill? How hot is that new page over in Weiner's office? Stuff like that.
One just couldn't with certitude make up this stuff.

Weiner's staff called the cops on a reporter.

The hacking, now that would be a waste of taxpayer's money to report - but a reporter asking questions? Call The Cops!!!!!!!

Kramer tried to get an interview with the six-term New York Democrat and as a result had the cops called on her.

Kramer walked in to Weiner’s office, announced herself as being from CBS 2 in New York City and said she’d like to see the congressman. Those few words created quite the stir. Doors slammed and people pretended she wasn’t there.

Finally, brave press secretary David Arnold arrived. The following is the exchange Kramer had with him:

Kramer: “All I want is for him to say something to his constituents, the people who have to vote for him.”

Arnold: “I don’t think you can say he hasn’t said anything to his constituents. He spoke for nine hours yesterday.

Kramer: “But not to anyone in New York. You know, this is the sort of in-the-bunker in the capitol, not to anyone in New York.”

After Kramer left Weiner’s office, his staff called the Capitol Police

Police officers asked for identification. One cop told Kramer that if she went into Weiner’s office and didn’t leave if she was asked, she could be arrested.

“If you go to an office and are asked to leave, you can be placed under arrest,” Officer Michael Miller said.

Kramer responded, “But I wasn’t refusing to leave.”....

NY Congressman Anthony Weiner Says He's Done Talking About Twitter Photo, Time To Get Back To Work « CBS New York
he needs to just admit it before an investigation pegs him.

I'll say it again, he didn't learn the golden rule- the damage of the cover up almost always turns out worse than the crime...but hes such an arrogant , self righteous prick ( no pun intended) he thinks he floats on water....*shrugs*
I think it's too late. At this point, there are too many sound bites of his changing story for him to come clean and rehab his reputation.

He may still limp along as a rep from a district in NY - but he's not going to be Mayor of NYC, NY next junior Senator, or any other higher office.
One just couldn't with certitude make up this stuff.

Weiner's staff called the cops on a reporter.

The hacking, now that would be a waste of taxpayer's money to report - but a reporter asking questions? Call The Cops!!!!!!!

Kramer tried to get an interview with the six-term New York Democrat and as a result had the cops called on her.

Kramer walked in to Weiner’s office, announced herself as being from CBS 2 in New York City and said she’d like to see the congressman. Those few words created quite the stir. Doors slammed and people pretended she wasn’t there.

Finally, brave press secretary David Arnold arrived. The following is the exchange Kramer had with him:

Kramer: “All I want is for him to say something to his constituents, the people who have to vote for him.”

Arnold: “I don’t think you can say he hasn’t said anything to his constituents. He spoke for nine hours yesterday.

Kramer: “But not to anyone in New York. You know, this is the sort of in-the-bunker in the capitol, not to anyone in New York.”

After Kramer left Weiner’s office, his staff called the Capitol Police

Police officers asked for identification. One cop told Kramer that if she went into Weiner’s office and didn’t leave if she was asked, she could be arrested.

“If you go to an office and are asked to leave, you can be placed under arrest,” Officer Michael Miller said.

Kramer responded, “But I wasn’t refusing to leave.”....

NY Congressman Anthony Weiner Says He's Done Talking About Twitter Photo, Time To Get Back To Work « CBS New York

He must not be concerned about saving money for the taxpayers anymore?
An Alternate Theory Emerges:

Third Act Plot Twist? Andrew Breitbart, whose site launched Weinergate, now wants to know who mysterious anti-Weiner tweeter Dan Wolfe (@PatriotUSA76) is. From Breitbart’s twitter feed:

Is there a real ‘Dan Wolfe’ @PatriotUSA76 or has someone for months elaborately pretended to be? #Weinergate gets more confusing

Your article is based on a person who everyone has assumed to this point is real. But where is that proof!? @ezradulis

Do you know anyone who has talked to Dan Wolfe? @AmericanElephant

What’s Breitbart driving at? His colleague Stranahan gives some clues:

@PatriotUSA76 –a person that we actually know almost nothing about, by the way. For example, I don’t know for sure that their name is Dan Wolfe or even their gender.

Ace of Spades, who doesn’t think there is much mystery left to explain, says Stranahan has a theory ”about jilted ex-girlfriends seeking revenge.” Cool! That would turn it from a bad episode of The Good Wife into a good episode of The Good Wife. For now Breitbart seems to only want Wolfe to prove he is what he seems. …
Come out, come out wherever you are ‘Dan Wolfe’ @patriotUSA76! Stop hiding behind anonymity! Own up to your role & motivation.

Read more: Plot Twist in Weinergate? | The Daily Caller
It's pretty entertaining that all your thoughts are formed by other people.


Anywho....if it turns out Wolfe is a jilted ex then it would make sense that Weiner has acted the ass to the press to protect her identity. She very well could be someone he dated before he got married and that's why he is not entirely sure of the picture.

But none of that would excuse you rightwingloons slavering over this story.

IMO, who ever the receiving party was should just be left out of this. There is no reason to bring them into it.
Yep. But apparently those that "broke" the story don't care about anyone's privacy.

Color me not surprised.
what is a co-ed?

she's in college.
:confused: A co-ed is someone in college?

roflmao! Yes, if that college is open to both Sexes. Traditionally however the Term is usually used to refer to a Girl who goes to a co-sex College or university as opposed to an all girl one.

co·ed or co-ed (kd) informal
A woman who attends a coeducational college or university.
1. Of or relating to an education system in which both men and women attend the same institution or classes; coeducational: A coed university.
2. Open to both sexes: A coed dorm; a coed pool.
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