
Well, that's interesting. Apparently only women are called co-eds? It kind of makes her sound slutty.

Not sure if that is the intent?
I think it's too late. At this point, there are too many sound bites of his changing story for him to come clean and rehab his reputation.

He may still limp along as a rep from a district in NY - but he's not going to be Mayor of NYC, NY next junior Senator, or any other higher office.

You said, "limp"

just another congressman with a misplaced ego. who in their right mind want a picture of a guy in tidy wihties.

They were gray...

Well, that's interesting. Apparently only women are called co-eds? It kind of makes her sound slutty.

Not sure if that is the intent?

Not sure if it is the intent now, but you are right about it making her sound slutty. Back in the day it was taboo for a woman to go to a co-ed school. Other woman would call them co-ed's and basically meant a slut that was only in school to find a man.
His campaign for Mayor is toast. He's a laughing stock.

Well... considering how the Democrats have so screwed up our economy for some time to come, perhaps he could be put in charge of setting up rather small tent cities across New York...
The blog Cannonfire, which closed the case yesterday on the so-called "Weinergate" affair when it demonstrated conclusively how anyone could use a simple technique to publish any picture they wanted to another person's Twitter stream, now reports that yfrog.com has disabled the e-mail service that enables such exploits, thereby acknowledging the existence of a security problem and tacitly acknowledging that it has been abused. In short, it is no longer possible for a reasonable person to believe that Rep. Weiner was not framed by an outside party.

Daily Kos: The Jig Is Up: Yfrog Disables E-mail Upload Service; Anthony Weiner Stands Vindicated
Even Maddow blogger Will Femia agrees it does not:
Oops, one more consideration: None of this is meant to say anything conclusive about Congressman Weiner’s case. There’s no proof of the spoof in this. It was just to play with the idea of posting to someone else’s Twitter through their yfrog account.

tin- foil hat time for the left again,,,,
One would believe the Left demand for a real investigation would be even stronger
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