

J'adore mon cher Lumpity Lumpikins!
Horror for US Economy as Data Falls off Cliff

"It seems that almost every bit of data about the health of the US economy has disappointed expectations recently," said Riddell, in a note sent to CNBC on Wednesday. "US house prices have fallen by more than 5 percent year on year, pending home sales have collapsed and existing home sales disappointed, the trend of improving jobless claims has arrested, first quarter GDP wasn’t revised upwards by the 0.4 percent forecast, durables goods orders shrank, manufacturing surveys from Philadelphia Fed, Richmond Fed and Chicago Fed were all very disappointing."

"And that’s just in the last week and a bit," said Riddell.​
Thanks again to Superkommissar Maksim at the People's Cube for such fine work

What a FBI investigation would look like.

The blog Cannonfire, which closed the case yesterday on the so-called "Weinergate" affair when it demonstrated conclusively how anyone could use a simple technique to publish any picture they wanted to another person's Twitter stream, now reports that yfrog.com has disabled the e-mail service that enables such exploits, thereby acknowledging the existence of a security problem and tacitly acknowledging that it has been abused. In short, it is no longer possible for a reasonable person to believe that Rep. Weiner was not framed by an outside party.

Daily Kos: The Jig Is Up: Yfrog Disables E-mail Upload Service; Anthony Weiner Stands Vindicated

Cal, the shit slinger......You are obviously a LIEberrhoidal idiot in need of a frontal lobotomy to remove a diseased brain.
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His campaign for Mayor is toast. He's a laughing stock.

Well... considering how the Democrats have so screwed up our economy for some time to come, perhaps he could be put in charge of setting up rather small tent cities across New York...

poor lying lumpy. :cuckoo:

Yup.. this Democratic Party lead economy is in great shape....:lmao:

I mean really... it's just phenomenal what they've accomplished over the past 4 1/2 years..
Another Iowahawk Classic

Farewell, My Weiner

Excerpts from the new Inspector Dan Rather mystery

Secrets are funny things. The harder you try to keep them under wraps, the harder they spring up in the most embarrassing places. And in my line of business, you learn that no matter how you try thinking about baseball those secrets can jump right out of their soft cotton comfort and put you on ice permanently.

My name is Rather. And I'm a dick.


The smaller of the two goons reached inside my lapel and confiscated my heater, a Shure 11X-db that I keep holstered in case of a nasty interview situation.

"Okay Boss, he's clean," said the goon, tossing the mic to his partner.

"I'm apologize for the brusque treatment, Mr. Rather. Your microphone will be returned. But one can never be too careful these days with media detectives - even ones that are supposed to be on your side," said the man. "Glayyvin!!!"

"Let's cut with the smalltalk, pal," I sneered, interrupting his seizure. "State your name and business."

"U.S. Representative Anthony Weiner. Please, take my card."

"A picture of a pair of BVDs? Is this some sort of joke?"

"Oh, I'm dreadfully sorry... wrong card," he said, slowly, methodically, fumbling through his pockets. "Oh yes, here it is."

I gazed over the elegant engraved card embossed with the Congressional Seal, listing his official telephone numbers and official Turn-Ons and Turn-Offs. It seem to check out.

"Okay, Tony. So humor me. What brings a hot shot DC big wig like you down to the Bowery?"

"I am afraid I'm here on a matter requiring the utmost in discretion, Mr. Rather," he panted, patting his brow with a pair of pink lace panties. "GlaVOINK-snik!! Oivins, in the place with the tweets and the emails, NOICE LAY-DEE!!"

"The Internet mob, eh?" I said, sliding into my chair and removing the notepad from my fedora. "I'm all ears."

"It seems I am the subject of some sort of elaborate extortion ring," he explained, sliding a manila envelope across the desk. Inside was a 8x10 glossy of a pair of grey pair of drawers, apparently packing a snubnosed Derringer....

iowahawk: Farewell, My Weiner
Only a tornado in NYC can save Weiner now!

The only thing that could save Weiner is if this entire Fracas were proven to be a big hoax.

His subsequent behavior, however, makes that scenario highly implausible.
Well, Breitbart was the one who started all this, telling us right up front something is fishy.

Weiner hasn't done himself any favors the way he has handled this, but from the start, the stench that pours from Breitbart 10 miles away is enough to make you look askance at anything he touches....anyway - not many seem to be talking about one pretty weird thing. ONLY ONE PERSON SAW THE ORIGINAL TWEET (and screencapped it).

That one person has had an extraordinary obsession with Weiner and his tweets and predicted some three weeks ago Weiner would be involved in a sex picture scandal. He also told Brietbart he had more pictures. <zinger right there>

Now, Breitbart is getting quite worried, cause that one person, patriotusa76, aka, Dan Wolfe is looking more and more like the dude responsible.

And get this ----------> Breitbart leaked some pretty creepy emails from Dan Wolfe, Wolfe is running scared and Breitbart is calling him out.

Tweets from Breitbart:

Come out, come out wherever you are 'Dan Wolfe' @patriotUSA76! Stop hiding behind anonymity! Own up to your role & motivation.
7 hours ago via Mobile Web
Is there a real 'Dan Wolfe' @PatriotUSA76 or has someone for months elaborately pretended to be? #Weinergate gets more confusing!
6 hours ago via Mobile Web
Lookin' for some clarifying data from @patriotusa76. Call me. I'm listed. Article coming by 2pm EDT @BigGovt
4 hours ago via Mobile Web
Using your logic, anytime somebody reports the news, it's fishy.

Sorry, bub...that doesn't hold water.
From this page: Cannonfire

"Dan Wolfe tried to frame a congressman. Even Breitbart has come around to that point of view, it seems.

You know why? Because the leaked emails between Breitbart and Dan reveal that Dan threatened to reveal more photos.

I don't like Breitbart, but at least he ... is bright enough to understand the clear implication of that promise. Dan more or less admitted that he did not come across that photo by happenstance. This was but the first part of an attack that he has planned for a long time.

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