
Don't mind Ravi. She was born without a funny bone.

But those of us who do have a sense of humor, can enjoy how this story is unfolding. It's one of the more entertaining political-media Fracasii of recent memory.

Weiner is WEINNING!

oh it is funny the way it is playing out. it's either a pic of you or it isn't. how frigging hard can that be to determine?
Just a couple of comments Immie. If you take 535 Americans from all walks of life and all levels of income you're going to find some lyin' cheatin' bastards, but you're also going to find some honest decent folks. Well I think that's the way it is in Congress. True, power does corrupt, but to what extent is hard to say.

Seems to me the rest of us have to make it clear that immoral behavior will get you thrown out of office and illegal behavior will get you thrown in jail. Subject to the rule of law, and without exception. It should be the obligation of every citizen to educate themselves on how things work and keep abreast of what's going on. And the fact that some or even most people aren't doing that is no excuse to not do it yourself.

As far as partisanship is concerned, I was speaking more about what is being said in Washington and in the media as opposed to this circus. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm not seeing a whle lot of support for Wiener. Some are downplaying it, some are taking a wait and see approach before passing judgement, which is fine except this guy is not filing a complaint with the cops or asking for an investigation. Which presents an image of a coverup. He hires a lawyer, not to uncover the truth but to make sure he doesn't say something that can be construed later as evidence of guilt. He's not interested in telling the truth, he's interested in CYA. For me, that is unacceptable. He's dodging, disembling, changing the subject, if not outright lying.

If we do not insist on high moral character then how can we truly complain about what's going on?

1. Weiner has every right to hire a private attorney and private security firm to analyze his computer.
2. Weiner is not obligated to call the police, state that his computer was hacked into illegally and have the authorities investigate it.

Weiner did #1 instead of #2 because his attorney advised him that filing a false police report is a crime.
Guess who advised Weiner to hire the private security company to analyze the computer and have the results as attorney/client privileged work product that does not have to be turned over to police?

Anyone that has 30 years working these matters and all other forms of litigation both civil and criminal knows exactly how this drill works.

3. The American public that knows the drill know damn sure Weiner is fabricating this story for his political life. If he had nothing to hide then the attorney would have had the forensics department of any law enforcement organization conduct the forensics on the computer and lead the complete investigation.

No disrespect, but it doesn't take 30 years of experience to know what's going on. You are spot on in your assessment IMHO.
Just a couple of comments Immie. If you take 535 Americans from all walks of life and all levels of income you're going to find some lyin' cheatin' bastards, but you're also going to find some honest decent folks. Well I think that's the way it is in Congress. True, power does corrupt, but to what extent is hard to say.

Seems to me the rest of us have to make it clear that immoral behavior will get you thrown out of office and illegal behavior will get you thrown in jail. Subject to the rule of law, and without exception. It should be the obligation of every citizen to educate themselves on how things work and keep abreast of what's going on. And the fact that some or even most people aren't doing that is no excuse to not do it yourself.

As far as partisanship is concerned, I was speaking more about what is being said in Washington and in the media as opposed to this circus. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm not seeing a whle lot of support for Wiener. Some are downplaying it, some are taking a wait and see approach before passing judgement, which is fine except this guy is not filing a complaint with the cops or asking for an investigation. Which presents an image of a coverup. He hires a lawyer, not to uncover the truth but to make sure he doesn't say something that can be construed later as evidence of guilt. He's not interested in telling the truth, he's interested in CYA. For me, that is unacceptable. He's dodging, disembling, changing the subject, if not outright lying.

If we do not insist on high moral character then how can we truly complain about what's going on?

1. Weiner has every right to hire a private attorney and private security firm to analyze his computer.
2. Weiner is not obligated to call the police, state that his computer was hacked into illegally and have the authorities investigate it.

Weiner did #1 instead of #2 because his attorney advised him that filing a false police report is a crime.
Guess who advised Weiner to hire the private security company to analyze the computer and have the results as attorney/client privileged work product that does not have to be turned over to police?

Anyone that has 30 years working these matters and all other forms of litigation both civil and criminal knows exactly how this drill works.

3. The American public that knows the drill know damn sure Weiner is fabricating this story for his political life. If he had nothing to hide then the attorney would have had the forensics department of any law enforcement organization conduct the forensics on the computer and lead the complete investigation.

No disrespect, but it doesn't take 30 years of experience to know what's going on. You are spot on in your assessment IMHO.

Good point and I agree!!:clap2:
Just a couple of comments Immie. If you take 535 Americans from all walks of life and all levels of income you're going to find some lyin' cheatin' bastards, but you're also going to find some honest decent folks. Well I think that's the way it is in Congress. True, power does corrupt, but to what extent is hard to say.

Seems to me the rest of us have to make it clear that immoral behavior will get you thrown out of office and illegal behavior will get you thrown in jail. Subject to the rule of law, and without exception. It should be the obligation of every citizen to educate themselves on how things work and keep abreast of what's going on. And the fact that some or even most people aren't doing that is no excuse to not do it yourself.

As far as partisanship is concerned, I was speaking more about what is being said in Washington and in the media as opposed to this circus. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm not seeing a whle lot of support for Wiener. Some are downplaying it, some are taking a wait and see approach before passing judgement, which is fine except this guy is not filing a complaint with the cops or asking for an investigation. Which presents an image of a coverup. He hires a lawyer, not to uncover the truth but to make sure he doesn't say something that can be construed later as evidence of guilt. He's not interested in telling the truth, he's interested in CYA. For me, that is unacceptable. He's dodging, disembling, changing the subject, if not outright lying.

If we do not insist on high moral character then how can we truly complain about what's going on?

1. Weiner has every right to hire a private attorney and private security firm to analyze his computer.
2. Weiner is not obligated to call the police, state that his computer was hacked into illegally and have the authorities investigate it.

Weiner did #1 instead of #2 because his attorney advised him that filing a false police report is a crime.
Guess who advised Weiner to hire the private security company to analyze the computer and have the results as attorney/client privileged work product that does not have to be turned over to police?

Anyone that has 30 years working these matters and all other forms of litigation both civil and criminal knows exactly how this drill works.

3. The American public that knows the drill know damn sure Weiner is fabricating this story for his political life. If he had nothing to hide then the attorney would have had the forensics department of any law enforcement organization conduct the forensics on the computer and lead the complete investigation.

We have a winner!

Give that man a cheroot!
Just a couple of comments Immie. If you take 535 Americans from all walks of life and all levels of income you're going to find some lyin' cheatin' bastards, but you're also going to find some honest decent folks. Well I think that's the way it is in Congress. True, power does corrupt, but to what extent is hard to say.

Seems to me the rest of us have to make it clear that immoral behavior will get you thrown out of office and illegal behavior will get you thrown in jail. Subject to the rule of law, and without exception. It should be the obligation of every citizen to educate themselves on how things work and keep abreast of what's going on. And the fact that some or even most people aren't doing that is no excuse to not do it yourself.

As far as partisanship is concerned, I was speaking more about what is being said in Washington and in the media as opposed to this circus. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm not seeing a whle lot of support for Wiener. Some are downplaying it, some are taking a wait and see approach before passing judgement, which is fine except this guy is not filing a complaint with the cops or asking for an investigation. Which presents an image of a coverup. He hires a lawyer, not to uncover the truth but to make sure he doesn't say something that can be construed later as evidence of guilt. He's not interested in telling the truth, he's interested in CYA. For me, that is unacceptable. He's dodging, disembling, changing the subject, if not outright lying.

If we do not insist on high moral character then how can we truly complain about what's going on?

1. Weiner has every right to hire a private attorney and private security firm to analyze his computer.
2. Weiner is not obligated to call the police, state that his computer was hacked into illegally and have the authorities investigate it.

Weiner did #1 instead of #2 because his attorney advised him that filing a false police report is a crime.
Guess who advised Weiner to hire the private security company to analyze the computer and have the results as attorney/client privileged work product that does not have to be turned over to police?

Anyone that has 30 years working these matters and all other forms of litigation both civil and criminal knows exactly how this drill works.

3. The American public that knows the drill know damn sure Weiner is fabricating this story for his political life. If he had nothing to hide then the attorney would have had the forensics department of any law enforcement organization conduct the forensics on the computer and lead the complete investigation.

Good post, but #2 is not quite accurate.

As a public official, Weiner does have a responsibility to report a crime given that he publicly announced that a crime had occurred. Once he made the announcement, the game changed.
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Just a couple of comments Immie. If you take 535 Americans from all walks of life and all levels of income you're going to find some lyin' cheatin' bastards, but you're also going to find some honest decent folks. Well I think that's the way it is in Congress. True, power does corrupt, but to what extent is hard to say.

Seems to me the rest of us have to make it clear that immoral behavior will get you thrown out of office and illegal behavior will get you thrown in jail. Subject to the rule of law, and without exception. It should be the obligation of every citizen to educate themselves on how things work and keep abreast of what's going on. And the fact that some or even most people aren't doing that is no excuse to not do it yourself.

As far as partisanship is concerned, I was speaking more about what is being said in Washington and in the media as opposed to this circus. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm not seeing a whle lot of support for Wiener. Some are downplaying it, some are taking a wait and see approach before passing judgement, which is fine except this guy is not filing a complaint with the cops or asking for an investigation. Which presents an image of a coverup. He hires a lawyer, not to uncover the truth but to make sure he doesn't say something that can be construed later as evidence of guilt. He's not interested in telling the truth, he's interested in CYA. For me, that is unacceptable. He's dodging, disembling, changing the subject, if not outright lying.

If we do not insist on high moral character then how can we truly complain about what's going on?

1. Weiner has every right to hire a private attorney and private security firm to analyze his computer.
2. Weiner is not obligated to call the police, state that his computer was hacked into illegally and have the authorities investigate it.

Weiner did #1 instead of #2 because his attorney advised him that filing a false police report is a crime.
Guess who advised Weiner to hire the private security company to analyze the computer and have the results as attorney/client privileged work product that does not have to be turned over to police?

Anyone that has 30 years working these matters and all other forms of litigation both civil and criminal knows exactly how this drill works.

3. The American public that knows the drill know damn sure Weiner is fabricating this story for his political life. If he had nothing to hide then the attorney would have had the forensics department of any law enforcement organization conduct the forensics on the computer and lead the complete investigation.

Good post, but #2 is not quite accurate.

As a public official, Weiner does have a responsibility to report a crime given that he publicly announced that a crime had occurred. Once he made the announcement, the game changed.

I tend to agree with Boedicca on this. If Weiner was a private citizen or posting on Twitter as a private citizen, it would be different. If my account was hacked, I probably wouldn't report it to anybody but Twitter either. And nothing would be at stake but my private reputation.

But his account is the account of a U.S. Congressman posting as a U.S. Congressman and being followed because he is a U.S. Congressman. And that gives him a duty to report the offense committed not against a private citizen, but a Congressman representing the United States of America. This kind of thing that could be for political advantage cannot be permitted to go unchallenged and unpunished.
Really the truth is "Who cares?"

But because the Dums have made this kind of nonsense the basis for their attacks on the GOP it is delightful to see them hoist by their own petard.

And that's the point.

The Dems have played this game for a long time. It's quite amusing to see Karma Bitch Slap them.

Oh you mean like the time they impeached a President for a blow job?

Oh wait..that was the republicans.

Clinton lied to a grand jury, but hey, just play the Reagan Iran contra speech for the millionth time for deflection, moonbat clown......
Is it my imagination or is this thread flip flopping? :eusa_eh:

??? Flipflopping in which direction?

If I was the leftists that are staunchly defending Weiner in this, I would be pushing for him to launch a full scale investigation complete with F.B.I., C.I.A., Homeland Security, and every other resource that is available to a U.S. Congressman. They might get lucky and find out the hacker was a prominent Republican trying to take down Weiner.

And THEN you could expect the thread to flipflop really quickly. :)
Don't have a twitter account or any pics of my package (that I know of, cough)

This was his Congressional account right? Seems like something illegal happened then. Call in the FBI.

None of this is making me want to be in Congress. As a dad, I agree with the coed's mom. Using a position of power to hurt a citizen should be a crime too.
It's kinda TOO LATE.

Those YouTubes of his interviews have lives of their own now.
An Alternate Theory Emerges:

Third Act Plot Twist? Andrew Breitbart, whose site launched Weinergate, now wants to know who mysterious anti-Weiner tweeter Dan Wolfe (@PatriotUSA76) is. From Breitbart’s twitter feed:

Is there a real ‘Dan Wolfe’ @PatriotUSA76 or has someone for months elaborately pretended to be? #Weinergate gets more confusing

Your article is based on a person who everyone has assumed to this point is real. But where is that proof!? @ezradulis

Do you know anyone who has talked to Dan Wolfe? @AmericanElephant

What’s Breitbart driving at? His colleague Stranahan gives some clues:

@PatriotUSA76 –a person that we actually know almost nothing about, by the way. For example, I don’t know for sure that their name is Dan Wolfe or even their gender.

Ace of Spades, who doesn’t think there is much mystery left to explain, says Stranahan has a theory ”about jilted ex-girlfriends seeking revenge.” Cool! That would turn it from a bad episode of The Good Wife into a good episode of The Good Wife. For now Breitbart seems to only want Wolfe to prove he is what he seems. …
Come out, come out wherever you are ‘Dan Wolfe’ @patriotUSA76! Stop hiding behind anonymity! Own up to your role & motivation.

Read more: Plot Twist in Weinergate? | The Daily Caller

Wow boedicca, that article is perhaps the most logically thought-out thing I've seen out there.

Kudos for posting it. Thank you.
Happy to be of service. It truly is Enlightening.
It's pretty entertaining that all your thoughts are formed by other people.


Anywho....if it turns out Wolfe is a jilted ex then it would make sense that Weiner has acted the ass to the press to protect her identity. She very well could be someone he dated before he got married and that's why he is not entirely sure of the picture.

But none of that would excuse you rightwingloons slavering over this story.

It also makes sense on the "not wanting to involve the authorities" front, as:

1. He may still have some feelings for this person. (perhaps some guilt over the breakup?)


2. Who knows what else she would have to throw at him if he sicked the cops on her?

Of course that would be all speculation, but it makes more sense than most other scenarios.
There's one flaw in your theory: if he were concerned about that, he wouldn't have publicly announced that his account had been hacked. That's an invitation to the public to want an investigation to take place.

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