
Ha ha ha! It was sooo him! He can't even bring himself to say there's no undie pic of him out there. Wadda loooser.

I saw the pic and it was one of thee most unimpressive packages. Evah. Perhaps he isn't what - or who - he claims to be. heh

You right wing loons are skating on thin ice. If he didn't send the picture, you are guilty of defamation.


It is very amusing to watch you all acting like vultures.

8 years of CHIMP jokes amongst 1000'S of other insults with Booooooooooooooooosh and you have the unmitigated gall to come to this thread with your smarmy whines of defamation?? You're a freaking JOKE.
Another unanswered question: Why Oh Why does Weiner use his High School Picture with That Hair on his Twitter Account?
Shocker! Even Breitbart seems to be questioning the honesty of "patriotusa76"

Here is a string of recent Breitbart tweets, beginning late Wednesday night:
Come out, come out wherever you are 'Dan Wolfe' @patriotUSA76! Stop hiding behind anonymity! Own up to your role & motivation.
Is there a real 'Dan Wolfe' @PatriotUSA76 or has someone for months elaborately pretended to be? #Weinergate gets more confusing!
Lookin' for some clarifying data from @patriotusa76. Call me. I'm listed. Article coming by 2pm EDT @BigGovt
Embarrassing emails from Weiner tweeter leaked - War Room - Salon.com

Ha ha ha! It was sooo him! He can't even bring himself to say there's no undie pic of him out there. Wadda loooser.

I saw the pic and it was one of thee most unimpressive packages. Evah. Perhaps he isn't what - or who - he claims to be. heh


awe come on. Rachel is totally cute.
Was congressman Weiner responding to porn queen Ginger Lee or was he scammed when a photo of a crotch alleged to be his turned up on his Twitter account? You almost gott laugh about his his lame comment "I don't recognize the photo". The democrat is obviously aware that the coverup is worse than the crime so he dodges the issue instead of issuing a denial. Does he have a whole album of crotch shots at home and doesn't recognize a particular one? Now the weener says he doesn't want the Police involved. He plans to hire a private security agency so he can control the investigation. If it was a republican he would be gone but democrats never quit because they rely on the liberal media to protect them.
Yanno.......I kinda liked and respected Mr. Weiner when he first started out.

However.........just like I felt when Clinton got a blowjob from Monica........if you did it, admit it, deal with the fallout, and move on with your life. Besides, it's understandable that the most powerful man in the world (president) would have all sorts of offers coming under the table. Some chicks are turned on by power.

But......he lied, and that compounded the problem. When he finally DID admit it, all his credibility with me was gone. However, I did think he was a decent president, I didn't like being lied to.

David Letterman came out on stage and admitted what he'd done (boning a staffer), made a couple of jokes about it, and it was gone in a week.

If Mr. Weiner did have that photo, say it's him, tell them that a staffer pranked someone, and move on with your life.

Denial of the type he's shelling out? Nope, I don't believe a word of it.
Yanno.......I kinda liked and respected Mr. Weiner when he first started out.

However.........just like I felt when Clinton got a blowjob from Monica........if you did it, admit it, deal with the fallout, and move on with your life. Besides, it's understandable that the most powerful man in the world (president) would have all sorts of offers coming under the table. Some chicks are turned on by power.

But......he lied, and that compounded the problem. When he finally DID admit it, all his credibility with me was gone. However, I did think he was a decent president, I didn't like being lied to.

David Letterman came out on stage and admitted what he'd done (boning a staffer), made a couple of jokes about it, and it was gone in a week.

If Mr. Weiner did have that photo, say it's him, tell them that a staffer pranked someone, and move on with your life.

Denial of the type he's shelling out? Nope, I don't believe a word of it.
I'd have respected clinton if monica was at least cute.

you must love obama than. he's lying to you plenty
Hey! Weinergate is back in Politics!
An Alternate Theory Emerges:

Third Act Plot Twist? Andrew Breitbart, whose site launched Weinergate, now wants to know who mysterious anti-Weiner tweeter Dan Wolfe (@PatriotUSA76) is. From Breitbart’s twitter feed:

Is there a real ‘Dan Wolfe’ @PatriotUSA76 or has someone for months elaborately pretended to be? #Weinergate gets more confusing

Your article is based on a person who everyone has assumed to this point is real. But where is that proof!? @ezradulis

Do you know anyone who has talked to Dan Wolfe? @AmericanElephant

What’s Breitbart driving at? His colleague Stranahan gives some clues:

@PatriotUSA76 –a person that we actually know almost nothing about, by the way. For example, I don’t know for sure that their name is Dan Wolfe or even their gender.

Ace of Spades, who doesn’t think there is much mystery left to explain, says Stranahan has a theory ”about jilted ex-girlfriends seeking revenge.” Cool! That would turn it from a bad episode of The Good Wife into a good episode of The Good Wife. For now Breitbart seems to only want Wolfe to prove he is what he seems. …
Come out, come out wherever you are ‘Dan Wolfe’ @patriotUSA76! Stop hiding behind anonymity! Own up to your role & motivation.

Read more: Plot Twist in Weinergate? | The Daily Caller
Yanno.......I kinda liked and respected Mr. Weiner when he first started out.

However.........just like I felt when Clinton got a blowjob from Monica........if you did it, admit it, deal with the fallout, and move on with your life. Besides, it's understandable that the most powerful man in the world (president) would have all sorts of offers coming under the table. Some chicks are turned on by power.

But......he lied, and that compounded the problem. When he finally DID admit it, all his credibility with me was gone. However, I did think he was a decent president, I didn't like being lied to.

David Letterman came out on stage and admitted what he'd done (boning a staffer), made a couple of jokes about it, and it was gone in a week.

If Mr. Weiner did have that photo, say it's him, tell them that a staffer pranked someone, and move on with your life.

Denial of the type he's shelling out? Nope, I don't believe a word of it.
I'd have respected clinton if monica was at least cute.

you must love obama than. he's lying to you plenty
Apparently cute is not a requirement....We are looking at what Gov Ah-nold was doing for the last 13+ years......:eusa_eh:
Hey! Don't hate on Maria!
Yanno.......I kinda liked and respected Mr. Weiner when he first started out.

However.........just like I felt when Clinton got a blowjob from Monica........if you did it, admit it, deal with the fallout, and move on with your life. Besides, it's understandable that the most powerful man in the world (president) would have all sorts of offers coming under the table. Some chicks are turned on by power.

But......he lied, and that compounded the problem. When he finally DID admit it, all his credibility with me was gone. However, I did think he was a decent president, I didn't like being lied to.

David Letterman came out on stage and admitted what he'd done (boning a staffer), made a couple of jokes about it, and it was gone in a week.

If Mr. Weiner did have that photo, say it's him, tell them that a staffer pranked someone, and move on with your life.

Denial of the type he's shelling out? Nope, I don't believe a word of it.
I'd have respected clinton if monica was at least cute.

you must love obama than. he's lying to you plenty
Apparently cute is not a requirement....We are looking at what Gov Ah-nold was doing for the last 13+ years......:eusa_eh:

maria? she looked like ted kennedy with breasts
An Alternate Theory Emerges:

Third Act Plot Twist? Andrew Breitbart, whose site launched Weinergate, now wants to know who mysterious anti-Weiner tweeter Dan Wolfe (@PatriotUSA76) is. From Breitbart’s twitter feed:

Is there a real ‘Dan Wolfe’ @PatriotUSA76 or has someone for months elaborately pretended to be? #Weinergate gets more confusing

Your article is based on a person who everyone has assumed to this point is real. But where is that proof!? @ezradulis

Do you know anyone who has talked to Dan Wolfe? @AmericanElephant

What’s Breitbart driving at? His colleague Stranahan gives some clues:

@PatriotUSA76 –a person that we actually know almost nothing about, by the way. For example, I don’t know for sure that their name is Dan Wolfe or even their gender.

Ace of Spades, who doesn’t think there is much mystery left to explain, says Stranahan has a theory ”about jilted ex-girlfriends seeking revenge.” Cool! That would turn it from a bad episode of The Good Wife into a good episode of The Good Wife. For now Breitbart seems to only want Wolfe to prove he is what he seems. …
Come out, come out wherever you are ‘Dan Wolfe’ @patriotUSA76! Stop hiding behind anonymity! Own up to your role & motivation.

Read more: Plot Twist in Weinergate? | The Daily Caller
It's pretty entertaining that all your thoughts are formed by other people.


Anywho....if it turns out Wolfe is a jilted ex then it would make sense that Weiner has acted the ass to the press to protect her identity. She very well could be someone he dated before he got married and that's why he is not entirely sure of the picture.

But none of that would excuse you rightwingloons slavering over this story.
An Alternate Theory Emerges:

Third Act Plot Twist? Andrew Breitbart, whose site launched Weinergate, now wants to know who mysterious anti-Weiner tweeter Dan Wolfe (@PatriotUSA76) is. From Breitbart’s twitter feed:

Is there a real ‘Dan Wolfe’ @PatriotUSA76 or has someone for months elaborately pretended to be? #Weinergate gets more confusing

Your article is based on a person who everyone has assumed to this point is real. But where is that proof!? @ezradulis

Do you know anyone who has talked to Dan Wolfe? @AmericanElephant

What’s Breitbart driving at? His colleague Stranahan gives some clues:

@PatriotUSA76 –a person that we actually know almost nothing about, by the way. For example, I don’t know for sure that their name is Dan Wolfe or even their gender.

Ace of Spades, who doesn’t think there is much mystery left to explain, says Stranahan has a theory ”about jilted ex-girlfriends seeking revenge.” Cool! That would turn it from a bad episode of The Good Wife into a good episode of The Good Wife. For now Breitbart seems to only want Wolfe to prove he is what he seems. …
Come out, come out wherever you are ‘Dan Wolfe’ @patriotUSA76! Stop hiding behind anonymity! Own up to your role & motivation.

Read more: Plot Twist in Weinergate? | The Daily Caller
It's pretty entertaining that all your thoughts are formed by other people.


Anywho....if it turns out Wolfe is a jilted ex then it would make sense that Weiner has acted the ass to the press to protect her identity. She very well could be someone he dated before he got married and that's why he is not entirely sure of the picture.

But none of that would excuse you rightwingloons slavering over this story.

IMO, who ever the receiving party was should just be left out of this. There is no reason to bring them into it.
Don't mind Ravi. She was born without a funny bone.

But those of us who do have a sense of humor, can enjoy how this story is unfolding. It's one of the more entertaining political-media Fracasii of recent memory.

Weiner is WEINNING!
Just a couple of comments Immie. If you take 535 Americans from all walks of life and all levels of income you're going to find some lyin' cheatin' bastards, but you're also going to find some honest decent folks. Well I think that's the way it is in Congress. True, power does corrupt, but to what extent is hard to say.

Seems to me the rest of us have to make it clear that immoral behavior will get you thrown out of office and illegal behavior will get you thrown in jail. Subject to the rule of law, and without exception. It should be the obligation of every citizen to educate themselves on how things work and keep abreast of what's going on. And the fact that some or even most people aren't doing that is no excuse to not do it yourself.

As far as partisanship is concerned, I was speaking more about what is being said in Washington and in the media as opposed to this circus. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm not seeing a whle lot of support for Wiener. Some are downplaying it, some are taking a wait and see approach before passing judgement, which is fine except this guy is not filing a complaint with the cops or asking for an investigation. Which presents an image of a coverup. He hires a lawyer, not to uncover the truth but to make sure he doesn't say something that can be construed later as evidence of guilt. He's not interested in telling the truth, he's interested in CYA. For me, that is unacceptable. He's dodging, disembling, changing the subject, if not outright lying.

If we do not insist on high moral character then how can we truly complain about what's going on?

1. Weiner has every right to hire a private attorney and private security firm to analyze his computer.
2. Weiner is not obligated to call the police, state that his computer was hacked into illegally and have the authorities investigate it.

Weiner did #1 instead of #2 because his attorney advised him that filing a false police report is a crime.
Guess who advised Weiner to hire the private security company to analyze the computer and have the results as attorney/client privileged work product that does not have to be turned over to police?

Anyone that has 30 years working these matters and all other forms of litigation both civil and criminal knows exactly how this drill works.

3. The American public that knows the drill know damn sure Weiner is fabricating this story for his political life. If he had nothing to hide then the attorney would have had the forensics department of any law enforcement organization conduct the forensics on the computer and lead the complete investigation.
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