
Yea, you're stupid. LOL I don't know you so how the fuck or why do I even care what third world country you're from??

Hey, you're the one who likes getting down and dirty SluttyMudSlinger - I was just coming down to your level..

Third world?? RATFLMAO!!!!! We are one of the few nations that DIDN'T have a recession...have top notch economic growth, low unemployment, and a currency that is currently (unfortunately for our exports) kicking the US dollar's arse. Yeah, some third-world shithole is where I come from...RATFLMAO!!! Ha!!

Imagine that, a liberal blaming EVERYONE else for his own personal behavior but himself.. JUST LIKE WEINER!!! DR. GRUMPY WEINER!!! lmao You and Anthony have a lot in common..:) Calm down before you burst a vein in your forehead!!:lol::lol:

Isn't that always the way with them?

Besides, he kind of admitted it might be his tool, but thought it didn't look big enough.

I think we need to call in a penis expert and do a I.D. on it. Perhaps Interpol could help.
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Hey, you're the one who likes getting down and dirty SluttyMudSlinger - I was just coming down to your level..

Third world?? RATFLMAO!!!!! We are one of the few nations that DIDN'T have a recession...have top notch economic growth, low unemployment, and a currency that is currently (unfortunately for our exports) kicking the US dollar's arse. Yeah, some third-world shithole is where I come from...RATFLMAO!!! Ha!!

Imagine that, a liberal blaming EVERYONE else for his own personal behavior but himself.. JUST LIKE WEINER!!! DR. GRUMPY WEINER!!! lmao You and Anthony have a lot in common..:) Calm down before you burst a vein in your forehead!!:lol::lol:

Isn't that always the way with them?

Besides, he kind of admitted it might be his tool, but thought it didn't look big enough.

I think we need to call in a penis expert and do a I.D. on it. Perhaps Interpol could help.

:lol:That's the best idea I've heard yet :)
I could care less about Weiner's wiener. I do find it interesting that liberals and their media are tripping all over themselves to give him the benefit of the doubt. Liberal hypocrisy while common is still fun to watch. Kind of like watching someone with torrets.
Dear Mr. Weiner,

When I said put a sock in it...

This is NOT what I meant.



And that's why this story is important. The arrogant, above-the-law, do what we say not what we do attitude of the Progressive Left is destroying this country. Weinergate is a teensy example, but it's part and parcel with the way they handle more serious issues...such as not passing a budget.
More commentary, from the New York Post:

Ultimately, this whole bizarre incident is about character -- or, more to the point, Weiner's lack thereof.

The upside is that New Yorkers are getting a good look at a man who also lacks the sound judgment and the temperament to be their mayor -- before they make the mistake of electing him to that office.

How this will play out?

Who knows?

But when it comes to substance -- to say nothing of personal honor -- New Yorkers are finally starting to understand that there's a lot less to Anthony Weiner than meets the eye.

Anthony Weiner's Twitter troubles --EDITORIAL: - NYPOST.com

They nail the issue...it's about character. And Weiner's stinks.
I think if you're a man, your name is "Weiner" and you go into politics you are just safer having your penis removed and donated to someone like Chaz Bono. ;)

Huh-huh-huh....Weiner.....Yeah, yeah!
I'm waiting for Weiner to announce: I never had SEXT with That Woman.
The Obvious Theory is Obvious:

WeinerGate has hit, and I do use this term advisedly, the decadent phase, where people are just trying to outclever each other with outre and novel theories of the case. Even among conservatives, or those who initially doubted Rep. Weiner's bizarre story like Lee Stranahan, we're now seeing baroque theories about hackers, crackers, and thieves.

Let me suggest the obvious answer is in fact the answer.

There is no need to get clever here. There is no grand mystery. This is not like Watergate -- scratch that, it sort of is like Watergate. What you think happened here is pretty much what happened here.

A married man, formerly a player (yeah I don't get that either), looking for a little 11:30 am virtual strange while the missus was away, sent a picture of his package, which he's extremely proud of, to a coed. Don't ask me why he's so proud of that. But I just heard him on Maddow getting off on the fact that Jon Stewart talked up his junk on national television.

The guy almost wants us to know it's his penis. That's how proud he is of it.

Anyway, the coed is cute. Has flattered this man, who is a narcissist, by calling him "my boyfriend" and saying she has a "crush" and also that he is, to her, physically attractive.

Yeah I don't get that one, either. But if you look at this cat, you can tell he's not really accustomed to hearing that, so it still strikes a pleasing note inside him.

Do I need to go on any further? This is not complicated.

Weiner asserts that people hack the Twitter accounts of Congressmen in order to send partially-real partially-enhanced pictures of penises "hundreds of thousands of times every day."

Well, no, that doesn't happen hundreds of thousands of times a day. That happens... once, as it turns out.

And, actually, not even that many times.

But what does happen an awful lot is that two people get caught up in a sudden attraction and do something dumb....

The Curious Case Of Hayley Williams
Indeed. A Deviating To The Left Pervert.
Though he didn't come right out and say it, the Fox clip seemed very much like a, "I'm taking the Fifth speech".
I want all congresspersons to be honest and straightforward, in fact I demand it. Lie to me and your ass should be history. I don't give a shit who you are or what party you belong to, and what the fuck is wrong with you guys for accepting anything less? You do something stupid, own up to it and take the consequences like a man. (No offense ladies.) Why shouldn't we hold these people to a high standard of conduct, and what does it say to the next generation if we ignore it. And one more question: would you libs be as generous and forgiving if the person was a republican? Somehow I doubt it.

And before you ask, yes I would be just as pissed if he was a repub. I thought John Sanford was a lying pos, and they should go after the sob if he broke any laws.

Me a lib? Hahaha!

Didn't mean you personally.

Like I said, the better question is who believes their congressperson is honest...

I'd go so far as to say most of 'em are, on both sides of the aisle too. But I don't think that's the better question. In my view, the better question is why aren't you demanding better conduct out of elected officals?

Can you tell me what Congressman Weiner did that was illegal?

Nothing as far as I know. He's still an arrogant asshole who won't tell the truth.

What did he do that would have pissed you off if he were a Republican? Personally, I would not be pissed at him if he were a Republican either. I am not convinced he posted that picture.

I don't give a crap if he posted the picture or not. I don't even care if it's him or not. What I care about is that he's lying about it and trying to cover up something that is probably embarassing. I don't like to be lied to Immie, or at best jerked around.

What we want and what we get are two different things. We get the scum we have in congress because we are complacent and we vote in whoever is the incumbent. We don't hold them accountable for what they say or do. We simply keep on electing the crap we do because they are members of the Party that runs America.

Evidently YOU don't hold them accountable. I sure as hell do. You can bet your ass if my congressman pulls this shit I'd vote the bastard out of office.

Quite honestly, I think this is nothing more than partisan bullshit. Republicans playing "see the Democrats do it too", whining. That being said, I have not listened to his "excuses". I simply don't care enough to do so.

I don't see a lot of partisanship here. Bet I would if he was a Repub though. Care to comment on that?[


Sometimes it ain't what you did that's so bad, it's what you did to cover it up. I do not dine well on a diet of bullshit, and that's what we've been getting from this guy.

You have a much better impression of Congress than I do because I think they are all corrupt liars. I don't think they start out that way, I think the system twists them.

As for holding them accountable, one person can do nothing about it. The fact is that the voters of this nation worship the two parties that rule the nation. For some reason, most voters think it achieves a great purpose to vote for their party and thus the rest of us are condemned to suffer their stupidity.

You don't see any partisanship here? What? Have you not read any posts but mine? This whole thread is nothing but conservatives condemning the man and liberals defending him. Only those who cannot or will not read the posts can't see that. I think I am the only conservative that said "so what?" One thing you are correct about though. If he had been a Republican the libs would be doing the condemning here while the conservatives would be making excuses for him.

Here's a pretty interesting article on how his account could have been hacked.

The most interesting information:
It is important to note that 18 days prior to the incident, this person, named Dan Wolfe or @patriotusa76 on Twitter, mentioned a rumor he had heard many days before the image was sent that stated Weiner would be involved in a sex photo scandal soon:
Grace Lidia Suarez, a criminal defense lawyer, figured out how you could upload a yfrog image with nothing but an email address. A hacker wouldn’t even need Weiner’s twitter account details to make it appear the image was sent from his account.
How Anthony Weiner’s Twitter account could have been hacked | Anthony DeRosa

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