
Though he didn't come right out and say it, the Fox clip seemed very much like a, "I'm taking the Fifth speech".

"I couldn't say with certitude" is to Weiner what "No controlling legal authority" is to Gore.

Just sayin'.
Here's a pretty interesting article on how his account could have been hacked.

The most interesting information:
It is important to note that 18 days prior to the incident, this person, named Dan Wolfe or @patriotusa76 on Twitter, mentioned a rumor he had heard many days before the image was sent that stated Weiner would be involved in a sex photo scandal soon:
Grace Lidia Suarez, a criminal defense lawyer, figured out how you could upload a yfrog image with nothing but an email address. A hacker wouldn’t even need Weiner’s twitter account details to make it appear the image was sent from his account.
How Anthony Weiner’s Twitter account could have been hacked | Anthony DeRosa

The FBI can figure out what happened in a very short time.

Wolfe has said he'd like this to be investigated. Weiner has lawyered up.

Do the math.
You right wing loons are skating on thin ice. If he didn't send the picture, you are guilty of defamation.


It is very amusing to watch you all acting like vultures.
You right wing loons are skating on thin ice. If he didn't send the picture, you are guilty of defamation.


It is very amusing to watch you all acting like vultures.

As if.

What we're saying is that there should be an investigation to see if Weiner's hacking claims are true.
Thanks, but no thanks.

Making a pun is not defamation.

And I'll refer you to the quote in red in my sig. You are a Case Study for it.

Claiming someone is a pervert without any proof is defamation.

Let him sue me. I'd love to be able to be able to have his computer reviewed during a discovery process.
My husband is making me a wiener dog for lunch with chili on it. I hope I can eat it.

Claiming someone is a pervert without any proof is defamation.

Let him sue me. I'd love to be able to be able to have his computer reviewed during a discovery process.
I doubt you'll get sued. I'm just pointing out what a little toad you are. Typical rightwingloon.

Again, I refer to the quote in red in my Signature.

It must really suck for you to go through life lacking any sense of Humour whatsoever - and doubly so when one of your heroes is the brunt of it.
I have sigs turned off.

It has nothing to do with a lack of a sense of humor. It has to do with defaming someone. Weiner can take care of himself. The young woman in the story is the victim of idiots like you and 24/7 FAUX news coverage on the subject. And Breitbart.
Just a couple of comments Immie. If you take 535 Americans from all walks of life and all levels of income you're going to find some lyin' cheatin' bastards, but you're also going to find some honest decent folks. Well I think that's the way it is in Congress. True, power does corrupt, but to what extent is hard to say.

Seems to me the rest of us have to make it clear that immoral behavior will get you thrown out of office and illegal behavior will get you thrown in jail. Subject to the rule of law, and without exception. It should be the obligation of every citizen to educate themselves on how things work and keep abreast of what's going on. And the fact that some or even most people aren't doing that is no excuse to not do it yourself.

As far as partisanship is concerned, I was speaking more about what is being said in Washington and in the media as opposed to this circus. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm not seeing a whle lot of support for Wiener. Some are downplaying it, some are taking a wait and see approach before passing judgement, which is fine except this guy is not filing a complaint with the cops or asking for an investigation. Which presents an image of a coverup. He hires a lawyer, not to uncover the truth but to make sure he doesn't say something that can be construed later as evidence of guilt. He's not interested in telling the truth, he's interested in CYA. For me, that is unacceptable. He's dodging, disembling, changing the subject, if not outright lying.

If we do not insist on high moral character then how can we truly complain about what's going on?
I have sigs turned off.

It has nothing to do with a lack of a sense of humor. It has to do with defaming someone. Weiner can take care of himself. The young woman in the story is the victim of idiots like you and 24/7 FAUX news coverage on the subject. And Breitbart.

Here you go, hun, it's So You!:

"Nothing is more curious than the almost savage hostility that Humour excites in those who lack it." - George Saintsbury, A Last Vintage

If the young woman is a victim, the Obvious Reason is that Weiner made her so. He could have reported the incident immediately. Instead, his Worst Media Crisis Management in Recent Memory has turned this into a nightmare for her.

How Compassionate of Him.
Just a couple of comments Immie. If you take 535 Americans from all walks of life and all levels of income you're going to find some lyin' cheatin' bastards, but you're also going to find some honest decent folks. Well I think that's the way it is in Congress. True, power does corrupt, but to what extent is hard to say.

Seems to me the rest of us have to make it clear that immoral behavior will get you thrown out of office and illegal behavior will get you thrown in jail. Subject to the rule of law, and without exception. It should be the obligation of every citizen to educate themselves on how things work and keep abreast of what's going on. And the fact that some or even most people aren't doing that is no excuse to not do it yourself.

As far as partisanship is concerned, I was speaking more about what is being said in Washington and in the media as opposed to this circus. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm not seeing a whle lot of support for Wiener. Some are downplaying it, some are taking a wait and see approach before passing judgement, which is fine except this guy is not filing a complaint with the cops or asking for an investigation. Which presents an image of a coverup. He hires a lawyer, not to uncover the truth but to make sure he doesn't say something that can be construed later as evidence of guilt. He's not interested in telling the truth, he's interested in CYA. For me, that is unacceptable. He's dodging, disembling, changing the subject, if not outright lying.

If we do not insist on high moral character then how can we truly complain about what's going on?

The House has an ethics manual:


The first bullet point on page 13:

- Conduct themselves at all times in a manner that reflects creditably on the

Weiner's behavior during the Fracas hardly qualifies as being in compliance with this requirement.
Just a couple of comments Immie. If you take 535 Americans from all walks of life and all levels of income you're going to find some lyin' cheatin' bastards, but you're also going to find some honest decent folks. Well I think that's the way it is in Congress. True, power does corrupt, but to what extent is hard to say.

Seems to me the rest of us have to make it clear that immoral behavior will get you thrown out of office and illegal behavior will get you thrown in jail. Subject to the rule of law, and without exception. It should be the obligation of every citizen to educate themselves on how things work and keep abreast of what's going on. And the fact that some or even most people aren't doing that is no excuse to not do it yourself.

As far as partisanship is concerned, I was speaking more about what is being said in Washington and in the media as opposed to this circus. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm not seeing a whle lot of support for Wiener. Some are downplaying it, some are taking a wait and see approach before passing judgement, which is fine except this guy is not filing a complaint with the cops or asking for an investigation. Which presents an image of a coverup. He hires a lawyer, not to uncover the truth but to make sure he doesn't say something that can be construed later as evidence of guilt. He's not interested in telling the truth, he's interested in CYA. For me, that is unacceptable. He's dodging, disembling, changing the subject, if not outright lying.

If we do not insist on high moral character then how can we truly complain about what's going on?

Thanks for the comments. Now I see more where you are coming from.

In regards to congress, I think most, if not all, that enter politics do so with the expectation that they can do some good for the country. I think they even believe that they can beat the temptation that comes with the power that they wield. I do not believe many, if any, are successful at that. I think by the time they have reached the level of Congress, they have had to compromise so many times that there is no wiggle room left.

I agree those of us who are fed up with the corruption of both parties not just the other party, have to hold them to standards of decency. But, unfortunately, I don't think other voters care about standards as long as their party wins and at the moment they vastly outnumber those who do care.

In regards to the photo posted, I do not find it offensive. Heck, it is nothing more than an ad for underwear. To my knowledge, he did not send that photo to an underage woman and he did not try to seduce an underage woman.

A cover-up? First, I have not listened to the news accounts of this case. I have not heard his protestations. I really just am not all that torn up about this one issue. I think if he is covering something up, it is most likely that he is protecting the person he now knows "hacked" his account such as a son or grandson. I can't blame him for that.

The nuts and bolts of my feelings about this particular issue is that the right sees a chance to spill liberal blood and they are taking every opportunity to do so. I see "Breitbart" on a link and my radar goes off as to the reliability of the story. Until, I know for a fact that Anthony Weiner is attempting to cover up some crime that I don't even know has been committed right now, I am not going to condemn this man for being embarrassed.

Now, that being said, I reserve the right to condemn him later if it is discovered that he actually was involved in some kind of a cover-up.

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You right wing loons are skating on thin ice. If he didn't send the picture, you are guilty of defamation.


It is very amusing to watch you all acting like vultures.

I was unaware his reputation was above the current level. A requirement to have defamed him. Just saying.
Anybody wonder why democrats never resign? They don't have to. Democrats have the system rigged so that only republicans are criticized for lapses in moral values. The dirty little secret is that democrats make no claim to family or moral values so they are relatively immune to criticism. Teddy Kennedy had a dead girl in his car and Barney Frank had a male prostitution ring operating out of his apartment and yet neither democrat felt the need to resign from office. The mainstream liberal media creates the outrage factor but the mainstream media isn't the power broker it once was. Let's see how congressman Whiner's case plays out.

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