

how many of you can say you didn't convict him until you had the facts? As in, today?

Well, in all seriousness, it wasn't the charges that mattered, it was the things he said in defense of himself that led me to believe he was guilty, not some belief that he's guilty just because he's a Democrat.

Very true. If he had said no, the photo wasn't him, and his account was hacked by what he is assuming was a prankster, but he has turned the incident over to the proper authorities and expects appropriate measures to be taken, the media would have checked his story. If it was all verified, there would have been a couple of days of Weiner jokes and that would have been the end of it.

The fact that he didn't turn it over to anybody, wouldn't say whether the photo was him, etc. etc. etc. was a dead giveaway to anybody paying attention that he was lying through his teeth and was most likely guilty as sin. Clinton's sex problem was magnified when he tried to smear a private citizen to save his own bacon, and Weiner hasn't fared any better when he tried to do that.

But hey, Weiner hasn't ever promoted any family values or personal ethics, so he's okay doing this stuff, right? It's only bad if you pretend that you're good.

Well, to a Democrat the obvious isn't so apparent.
I am starting to feel sorry for the guy.

Besides being a moron liberal...he is just a regular guy caught up in a shit storm of coincidence, of his own design. That has happened to me before...and it sucks.

I'm not.

This is classic Hubris and Nemesis drama for the ages.

He brought it on himself.
You'll defend any Democratic, no matter what they did...

He could have been caught fucking your pet poodle and you'd be trying to get an autographed picture of the "event"...

Wanna bet??? You don't know me or how I react to anything. So take your crude remark and shove it. You are one of the nastiest right wingers on this site. What you're accusing me of is what YOU yourself do.

You're such a weiner, Pinata...:lol:

how many of you can say you didn't convict him until you had the facts? As in, today?

Me. I didn't.

I don't care too much about the peccadillos as much as the inane policy.

If I cared about the peccadillos...I would have to put myself in time out.

If Weiner were a conservative Republican, you could swap half the comments here with the other half,

and all the cons and libs would be properly re-aligned.

Are you claiming you don't comment when a conservative gets caught in a scandal?

One of The Women has a story on Big Government:

My name is Meagan Broussard. I am 26 years old. I served in the U.S. Army, and I am a full-time college student and a single mom.
I admired Rep. Anthony Weiner because I had seen a video of him standing up for the 9/11 responders. It was a rant, but he came across as someone very passionate, someone who cares about what he believes in. I didn’t know much more about him.

On April 20, I clicked on his Facebook page that I “liked” a video of Rep. Weiner addressing a gathering of construction workers in Washington, DC. I commented that it was “hot.” That’s the only way I came into contact with him at first.

From there, he introduced himself to me over Facebook Chat. Within an hour, we were sending messages back and forth. It became an everyday correspondence.

We chatted often, but I wasn’t always available. It was “Hello, how are you doing, where are you going,” that kind of thing. Sometimes, it was more personal. I don’t want to get deeply into all of that.

I don’t want to portray him as a horrible person because I just don’t know him.

I was contacted and asked to tell my story. I finally came forward last week because I saw on television that Rep. Weiner had hired an investigating firm to go through all of his files. I worried that there would be people looking at my pictures and messages. I was nervous, but decided that since my messages with Rep. Weiner were going to come out anyway, I wanted to tell my own story rather than have other people talking about me when they didn’t know anything.

I’m not on a crusade to “take him down.” I just acted to protect myself and my family.

I have nothing against Rep. Weiner. I think he was intrigued by me because I am different than the people he normally meets. I don’t know why he opened up to me in certain ways, but that’s the best explanation I have.

He was trying to get me to talk about myself sexually, and I said, straight up, I’m not an open book. I was real blunt. He would ask me weird things, like “Did you miss me?” I didn’t understand that–how could I miss someone I hadn’t met and didn’t know? What is there to miss about me if you don’t even know me?

He said that he was an open book, maybe way too open. And after that he said to me that I was “too fucking real,” not like other people who were all over him. He realized that I wasn’t taking the bait, and I think that intrigued him enough to send messages to me and open up to me and try to be real, too....

» My Story - Big Government
The WeinerGate Saga is Far From Over.

how many of you can say you didn't convict him until you had the facts? As in, today?

Me. I didn't.

I don't care too much about the peccadillos as much as the inane policy.

If I cared about the peccadillos...I would have to put myself in time out.

If Weiner were a conservative Republican, you could swap half the comments here with the other half,

and all the cons and libs would be properly re-aligned.

Make sure you alert me the first time that happens.
He is in violation of the House Ethics Rules:

* * *

1. A Member, officer, or employee of the House of Representatives shall conduct himself at all times in a manner which shall reflect creditably on the House of Representatives.


If Bitter Pilly thinks Weiner's behavior and evasive lies reflect CREDITABLY on the House of Representatives, then that says a great deal about her ethics.

I wonder if you would have gone to the trouble if Weiner was a Republican. I think not. What a good, hypocritical conservative you are.

If he were a Republican, he would have resigned by now.

And rightly so.

Oh, Republicans are so special. :rolleyes:
I can't wait til Wednesday. Bill O'Reilly will ask Dennis Miller what he thinks of all this lying.. :eusa_angel::eusa_angel:

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