
"I don't know if I can handle all of this Weiner.. it's soo hard.. I mean, omg- Yesssss.. finally, Weiner is coming clean.."
I wonder if you would have gone to the trouble if Weiner was a Republican. I think not. What a good, hypocritical conservative you are.

If he were a Republican, he would have resigned by now.

And rightly so.

Oh, Republicans are so special. :rolleyes:

Poor widdle Brainrotta.

She won't find any posts defending Chris Lee for sending Chesticle Pics. She wish she could, but can't.
so its all a Konspiracy?

why doesn't he call the FBI personally and tell them to get cracking?

hes not sure that is a picture of himself?

That is the part that makes me suspicious. Instead of being outraged that his Twitter account is hacked and demanding that the FBI find out who did it he hires a law firm to investigate. That makes me think that he

  1. Someone with access to his phone/computer posted the picture.
  2. Someone he knows posted the picture.
  3. He posted the picture himself and sent it to the wrong person.
The possibility that his account was hacked and he is completely innocent goes down every time I hear him comment on it.

I'm thinking son or grandson. If he doesn't log out of his Twitter account when he brings down his computer, anyone with access to that computer would have access to his account. He wouldn't think about it being one of his own kids.


Weiner doesn't have any kids or grand kids.
Is it a coincidence that a member with the name boedicca started a thread called Weinergate?

I think she knew something...before hand.
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Hey New York! Are you all dimwitted morons up there? What's with constantly electing weird little Democrat pervs? Elliot Spitzer,that Paterson weirdo,and now the Weiner Man? Tha fuck's wrong with you New York?
That is the part that makes me suspicious. Instead of being outraged that his Twitter account is hacked and demanding that the FBI find out who did it he hires a law firm to investigate. That makes me think that he

  1. Someone with access to his phone/computer posted the picture.
  2. Someone he knows posted the picture.
  3. He posted the picture himself and sent it to the wrong person.
The possibility that his account was hacked and he is completely innocent goes down every time I hear him comment on it.

I'm thinking son or grandson. If he doesn't log out of his Twitter account when he brings down his computer, anyone with access to that computer would have access to his account. He wouldn't think about it being one of his own kids.


Weiner doesn't have any kids or grand kids.

From the photo there appears to be at least one little Weiner running around.
He has every reason to resign. He broke his oath of office - and has proven himself to have no integrity.

If the people in his district reelect him, then they deserve him.

Broke what oath??? Do not take pictures of your pecker hanging out??? Never heard of it.

You'll defend any Democratic, no matter what they did...

He could have been caught fucking your pet poodle and you'd be trying to get an autographed picture of the "event"...

If he were a Republican, he would have resigned by now.

And rightly so.

Oh, Republicans are so special. :rolleyes:

Poor widdle Brainrotta.

She won't find any posts defending Chris Lee for sending Chesticle Pics. She wish she could, but can't.

I know you think you are being so very witty, but you're not. You remind me of a stand up comic that nobody laughs at because his jokes are so lame. That's you all over, Brutta Donna.
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Are you saying there is more to Weiner than meets the eye?

I'm sayin' that Breitbart has more photos.

And will continue publishing them.

Weiner can't shut him up like the MSM.
If he does that, he's as big of an asshole as Weiner. Well, he is anyway, IMO, but still.

Listen to this dumbass ^ If a reporter releases facts and pictures to support those FACTS after a sitting member of Congress not only lied, but blatantly allowed the finger of blame to lie on that reporter, why that makes him an asshole according to this liberal TWIT.
Oh, Republicans are so special. :rolleyes:

Poor widdle Brainrotta.

She won't find any posts defending Chris Lee for sending Chesticle Pics. She wish she could, but can't.

I know you think you are being so very witty, but you're not. You remind me of a stand up comic that nobody laughs at because his jokes are so lame. That's you all over!!!

Actually you're the joke.. the butt of it. :) Just sayin~
I'm sayin' that Breitbart has more photos.

And will continue publishing them.

Weiner can't shut him up like the MSM.
If he does that, he's as big of an asshole as Weiner. Well, he is anyway, IMO, but still.

Listen to this dumbass ^ If a reporter releases facts and pictures to support those FACTS after a sitting member of Congress not only lied, but blatantly allowed the finger of blame to lie on that reporter, why that makes him an asshole according to this liberal TWIT.
He already admitted to lying. There is no point in releasing the x-rated pictures Brietbart claims he has. Except to make you drool. :lol:
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