
I'm sayin' that Breitbart has more photos.

And will continue publishing them.

Weiner can't shut him up like the MSM.
If he does that, he's as big of an asshole as Weiner. Well, he is anyway, IMO, but still.

Breitbart is in the news business. This is news. If that bothers you, so be it.
:lol: Actually, he's like the conservative version of the National Enquirer.

But he is your hero, so its all good.
If he does that, he's as big of an asshole as Weiner. Well, he is anyway, IMO, but still.

Listen to this dumbass ^ If a reporter releases facts and pictures to support those FACTS after a sitting member of Congress not only lied, but blatantly allowed the finger of blame to lie on that reporter, why that makes him an asshole according to this liberal TWIT.
He already admitted to lying. There is no point in releasing the x-rated pictures Brietbart claims he has. Except to make you drool. :lol:

HEY DUMMY... Do you actually think your RETARDED psycho babble bullshit makes any sense??? The only reason you're throwing out that pure BS is because YOU leftist creeps don't want your WEINER harmed any more.. LMAO Too fuckin bad.
Hey New York! Are you all dimwitted morons up there? What's with constantly electing weird little Democrat pervs? Elliot Spitzer,that Paterson weirdo,and now the Weiner Man? Tha fuck's wrong with you New York?

It's okay. None of them promote family values. Therefore New Yorkers don't require or expect them to have any.

At least that seems to be the explanation we're getting this week.
Hey New York! Are you all dimwitted morons up there? What's with constantly electing weird little Democrat pervs? Elliot Spitzer,that Paterson weirdo,and now the Weiner Man? Tha fuck's wrong with you New York?

It's okay. None of them promote family values. Therefore New Yorkers don't require or expect them to have any.

At least that seems to be the explanation we're getting this week.

why do you care about their private lives if they do nothing illegal?

other than to feel holier than thou, i mean.
Obviously what he did was dumb. But what grounds should he be resigning on? His wife should have issue with what he did more then the rest of us. He broke no laws.

He should resign because, as a Congressman, he is held to a higher standard. If we demanded the resignation of people who act like this we would have a lot less people acting like this in office.

Just something to think about.

I understand your point. But we should demand the resignation of all members of congress, no matter their party affiliation, if they are involved in any kind of sex or nudity scandal.
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If he does that, he's as big of an asshole as Weiner. Well, he is anyway, IMO, but still.

Listen to this dumbass ^ If a reporter releases facts and pictures to support those FACTS after a sitting member of Congress not only lied, but blatantly allowed the finger of blame to lie on that reporter, why that makes him an asshole according to this liberal TWIT.
He already admitted to lying. There is no point in releasing the x-rated pictures Brietbart claims he has. Except to make you drool. :lol:

You're wrong (a situation to which you are obviously accustomed).

The reason to keep posting the pics is that they are newsworthy. Weiner thought he could play and manipulate the press. If he had a shred of decency, he would have resigned. As he hasn't, the rest of the pics will inevitably be published.

Weiner is keeping this story alive.
If he does that, he's as big of an asshole as Weiner. Well, he is anyway, IMO, but still.

Breitbart is in the news business. This is news. If that bothers you, so be it.
:lol: Actually, he's like the conservative version of the National Enquirer.

But he is your hero, so its all good.

As opposed to WEINER THE WONDER SCHLONG being your hero???? LMFAO!! Don't look now but you're making a total ASS out of yourself. Do yourself a favor honey, STFU and slink back under your rock.
If Bitter Pillian doesn't like something, we know it must be good.
Hey New York! Are you all dimwitted morons up there? What's with constantly electing weird little Democrat pervs? Elliot Spitzer,that Paterson weirdo,and now the Weiner Man? Tha fuck's wrong with you New York?

It's okay. None of them promote family values. Therefore New Yorkers don't require or expect them to have any.

At least that seems to be the explanation we're getting this week.

why do you care about their private lives if they do nothing illegal?

other than to feel holier than thou, i mean.

Yea, why does anyone care that a sitting member of Congress named WEINER shared his erect WEINER with strangers on the internet while sitting at a computer in a dark corner getting his jollies.. THEN lying about it, blaming a member of the media??? WHY DOES ANYONE CARE ABOUT THAT???!! Why does anyone care that this same MARRIED PERVERT has new NUDE pics of himself, wanking his member and sending it out over FACEBOOK?? Come on, all in a days work for a liberal.. PROUD MOMENTS FOR LEFTISTS~ Let's hear it for the liberal agenda!! Weiners and those who support them!! Hip hip HOORAY!!! WoooOOOooot!!!
Does anyone besides moi find it profoundly ironic that Clinton performed Weiner's wedding????
The Weiner Man might not survive after all. There are more young girls coming forward with perv stuff he sent them. So he may be out in the end. And i think it's worth investigating whether or not he sent any of his perv stuff from official computers. That would be a violation of Law. So definitely stay tuned.
If he does that, he's as big of an asshole as Weiner. Well, he is anyway, IMO, but still.

Listen to this dumbass ^ If a reporter releases facts and pictures to support those FACTS after a sitting member of Congress not only lied, but blatantly allowed the finger of blame to lie on that reporter, why that makes him an asshole according to this liberal TWIT.
He already admitted to lying. There is no point in releasing the x-rated pictures Brietbart claims he has. Except to make you drool. :lol:

I don't think anyone is drooling over such a tiny thing.:lmao:
Breitbart is in the news business. This is news. If that bothers you, so be it.
:lol: Actually, he's like the conservative version of the National Enquirer.

But he is your hero, so its all good.

you're insulting the national enquirer.

Poor lefties.. resorting to defending the very magazine who busted their Prez hopeful, JOHN EDWARDS!! Another pillar of the Leftist community.. Cheating on his wife with cancer, having a lovechild, all the while preaching morals to all of us out there.. Does it get any better than this??? Gotta tell ya... you libs are batting 1000 on the CHEAT-LIES-SHEEPLE front! WTG~
well, look like wieners in hot water:eek:


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